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boomers payed $59.99 for this card
good card
>Orton Vs Christian
Holy based
I'll never forget the first time I downloaded and watched CP back in the day. Still CP on my computer!
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my parents let me buy this ppv but not mitb the next month
Wade barret vs ezequiel jackson?
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for real man
2011 WWE was fucking kino
How pissed were you? And how did you convince them to let you get some random ppv?
Better than All In or Summerslam
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I legally purchased or attended every single WWE PPV between 1999 and when the Network launched.
Cena, Ortan, Rey, Big Show, Christian, that's already more star power than all of these faggots today put together, sure you had faggots like cm punk and Dolph Ziggler who nobody gave a shit about on here but this is a card with actual wrestlers on it instead of the wannabes today who don't even qualify in being called wrestler
brown fingers typed this
even December to Dismember? wtf is wrong with you?
i just got back into wrestling when savage died in may that year. i was still in middle school, never was able to buy a ppv (despite me really wanting ons 2006), so i convinced them to get me it every other month. so i got this one, then summerslam, then hell in a cell, etc. anyways this ppv was my first one and i was sorta just taken up in allure of watching a ppv live that i didn't care it was bad until mitb came along and the deal stood. i was kinda pissed at the time because i had to see cena/truth instead of cena/punk but now it's running joke between me and my dad that i missed out on what people say is the best wwe match ever
kek. imagine what the WWE network era ppv sales would be.grim
Just this year I've paid for:
>WWE via Binge subscription ($22 AUD p/month) (All Television & PPVs)
>Marigold Summer Destiny ($30 AUD) (bought for IYO)
>AEW Forbidden Door ($20 AUD) (Mina Shirakawa vs Toni Storm drew my dimes) (regretted)

The card was actually pretty good even if the PPV itself ended up being disappointing
Felt bad for Lashley since Vince forced him into that situation. Also the card was like 2 matches lol, everything on there wasn't advertised except the EC and Hardys vs MNM

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