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>mfw the billion dollar wrestling company I hate insults the other billion dollar wrestling company I love
Hey /pw/ has anyone in wrestling faked cancer for sympathy before?
Roman Reigns
need a green text on this webm >NO MILLY
Boogiebros are we okay?
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we aint feelin too good
I knew it was over for boogie when he got simpcucked by his BBC friend, but I didn't realize it was this over
There’s only one billion dollar wrestling company though.
Forbes (same company Konuwa works for) valued AEW at 2 billion
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Forbes valued this at a billion? lmao ok dude
This is true. WWE is the only wrestling company which is legitimately worth more than a billy.
Is Conrad ok?
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Does he even have any legitimate fans these days? The only type of people I can think of who watches him are those who just enjoys seeing his life crumble. With the face tattoo on, how low can we go? Rhode's neck tattoo maybe?
Incredible watching this fool in 2008 and seeing this now.
Roman Reigns
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kek stay jealous faggots
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I hope Daddy Keem gave you permission to post
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Ramen Rains
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am I supposed to be jealous he's fucking a sickly tranny?
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lmaoooo holy fuck I can smell the jealousy through your post
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whether you're posting these images for a reaction or because you actually like this guy you're a faggot either way
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I've got Boogie4988 teeth!
Imagine having those pictures saved on your hard drive.
That video when he describes his wife, and a bbc "just filling her with cawk meat"
Boogsters...NOT LIKE THIS
AEW is not worth anywhere near a billion but ok
2 billy, sorry tranny :)
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lol there is a defective fat disgusting pig phenotype
theres only one billion dollar wrestling company, wwe
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lolcow obsessers are more pathetic than the lolcows
I can smell its dilation wound
The other redhead he was renting was hotter.
E drones
But enuff about ya mutha
Hey, I rented my redhead mother, too. Used your dad's urn as a dildo.
The one who takes it to the extreme yeah, like the people who keeps giving Chris money after he raped his mom, that's basically enabling a rapist.
lol this pig is a pedophile that collects womens shoes his cohost is also a pedophile a lot of kris tyson shit both are in canada if you wann kick them in the shins
The state that released him out of prison enables rapists.
I don't know your pronouns.
Have a shower and it'll go away, ya tranny
be nice to ppp hes gonna be dead by age 25 hahahaha, hawk tuah
bruh is a fat pig and gross
what type of animal is this, virgin incel 1 assume
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OK hear me out: what if it's all just a big work? He's said before that Boogie is a character of his like James has AVGN. What if this entire thing is an elaborate rib and he's just being a fucking retard in kayfabe? He just refuses to break character and makes all his recent matches into a worked shoot?

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