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I'd nut all over her tits
Yes, I admit it.
I don't find her attractive at all
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yes but i am into goblins
Yes I love trans women
yes I admit it

I’m trans btw
Why is this place obsessed with calling women trannies?
Angry virgins
I don’t think Tiff is a tranny, I think he’s a literal man
oh yes man
its queers obsessed with convincing the world all females are queers so they can pass easier. its a thing on the entire site and all the boards. faggots thinking if everyone is a queer all queers pass. than you get the unfunny subhuman retards that read it and their sub 85 IQ makes them think its the most hilarious funny shit ever and once they stopped shitting themselves with laughter over it they start spamming it everywhere and shitting themselves with laughter every time they post it. so a bunch of queers post it and a bunch of subhuman sub85IQ retards spam it cuz le funny female is a d00d doh ho ho ho and you end up with a site where its spammed constantly. you can post a natural born female fully nude and spread and they STILL go thats a man. its a problem when you let sub85 IQ retards and queers on the web.
Nah. Not into trannies
this is a pure fag board brother -HH
>im a fag
that’s all you had to say
Of course
What race is that?
Have you seen his nudes? Straton is 100% trans, he has a male bone structure you can see in the leak.
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I've seen her nude pics
becky lynch is ugly this is much better
>sashitnig just seethed about Becky
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what about this one
>making fun of ugly women by calling them trannies is now somehow a ploy to prop up trannies
Damn Shotzi looks really good here
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post face faggot if you are so pretty post chin
I never denied it

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