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Next shows
September 8th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Sep.", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240908_korakuen/?mc_id=1081

September 13th, "NEW BLOOD 14", Chunichi Hall, Aichi, 7:00PM JST
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240913_chunichi/?mc_id=1080

Previous >>15682031
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Tam Nakano almost crashed the company last time she was champ, after a hugely successful show when she won it. Will she crash the momentum yet again?
Rina is now the leader of HATE

Fat Mike

Transitional Champion

Anything else I forgot?
Momo vs DASH
Apparently, the whole roster is getting the week off next week. No media appearance or anything.
who the hell is maika fucking backstage to get this push.

Definitely not kidani so it's probably taro okada and maybe ExV is his personal cumdump
your girl won and you are here seething baka
Maika loses to Tam. Redo the match at the end of the year. Not very exciting but it is what I see happening
Waifufags have severe depression and only come here to lash out at people having fun
Good tournament
Shinjuku was a better show, Finals were way too long
Maika loses to Tam

Saya challenges Tam at DQ after taking full control of H.A.T.E

Maika challenges Mayu for the IWGP at Historic X-Over or the 1.3 show
The learned nothing from the shorter tournament and the drag league lasts over a month
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And another DDM GP winner I see!
>Saya challenges Tam at DQ after taking full control of H.A.T.E
Saya isn't a leader. Time to face the fact that Fatsuko is here to stay
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English speaking fans seething

Japanese fans happy

Mr. OKADA, you've done it again.
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Tomoka Inaba has risen to the top of the midget list
Brother she got V.0'd. She was just the transitional champion so that Maika can win the 5Star and to get the belt back on Tam
I love his booking of white belt anou and red belt natsuko.
Excited for what he's gonna cook with tam and poi
Japanese fans are customers

English fans are passionate supporters looking out for the best interest of the promotion moving forward.
Big Mike drawing the crowd.
Almost like the game is still rigged
Nah that was Tam
With a fucking Typhoon going on as well
I remember when maika was a jobber eating pins from momo kohgo and saya
She's an unflushable turd. Already this year people have wanted and fantasy booked Thekla, Momo, Konami and now Saya to take over. It won't happen
less than main event momo
Just need Jobmo and Turkla to lose the tag belts without a defense now to complete the joke of this 'new' faction
That Momo Kohgo loss is still hilarious. Hat Retard booked himself into a corner where Maika had to lose to Kohgo or she would've won the block over Tam in 2022
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What a superstar
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I've always thought dash was very qt desu
Saya going from potential top babyface in the company to a corny heel 5STAR final loser who’s a member of the stable of dorks that killed her group just because they wanted to do a swerve just about sums up the current state of STARDOM. Regardless, I’m happy for Maika!
We still getting Saya redemption just the heel version. Just wait please I promise
At least she caught the wave????
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this. let taro cook
does Tam know pork isn't kosher
That is clearly still happening. She's beating Maika or most likely Tam for the Red Belt
>Saya Kamitani: "I said it in the ring too, but I'll drag her down to the depths of hell, even if it means spending my whole life in wrestling. There's no truth to the idea that justice will prevail, because everyone's different. I'll continue to wreak havoc on STARDOM."
shout out Sparkchamp Kid for managing to get a good match out of heel soya when nobody else could
Should have just pushed the Zoomy button
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I liked the final desu
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Did you thank the CEO for carrying Momoetty to her best singles match in years?
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I thought the joshi cuckmatchers were bad for overrating everything but the sasha marks went above and beyond
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Mone is truly the GOAT
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18 votes it’s gonna drop
I should really stop browsing #STARDOM after a big show, it's melting my brain.
The contracts between the Japanese fans (the ones who actually support the company financially) and the seething free-loaders is amazing
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>leads the stardom locker room in their path
This thread should stop with the twitter obsession
lol already dropped to 8.9
>[7.0] "Good match but it didn't really stray into great territory for me. I liked the small touches like Momo losing because she relied on the bat."
it's cute that people still try and see reasoning in momo jobbing like there will ever be a payoff instead of seeing she is losing because that is her spot and she is there to get others over by making them look good
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Nah we won't
>Starlight Kid, done right
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Mystery solved
Maika has beaten both Poi and Mayu, so she has directions to go if she loses to Tam.
based carnies cashing in on the buzz around international superstar watanabe momo
For the first time since April last year, Stardom drew over 10k fans in a month
Maika is now more pushed that Utami in her prime. Not bad for somebody that was groomed into the business as an Utami cosplayer
Maika has now main-evented four 2000+ houses, on of those being a 3000+ one.
She's legit one of the most successful wrestlers in Stardom history.
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Only because Harada was right and you need to pump those numbers up
But they did this without overworking anyone
Not the same when you split the roster across shows though
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Tam beating Maika is gonna be so damn sweet
Dumbass Harada did it for 7 months straight and wondered why people died near end
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the difference between heaven
and hell
a fat guy vs a bogged guy
Tam is gonna beat Maika now so Maika can still have some wall she can climb
*The difference between the eighth and ninth circles of hell
Please respect the two most successful wrestlers in the history Stardom
tora vs tam?
That's a bad sign considering fat mike has been jobbing to the wall for years
Besides Tam vs Maika, both Hanan and Hazuki have challenged Poi for the white belt. I also assume we're getting Momo and Thekla vs a Neo Genesis team, probably Suzu and Mei because they beat the champs in the 5Star.
Forgot about Xena challenging Xena. I guess different team will challenge then
Fuck, I mean Xena challenging Mei
Momo should refuse to come back
Momo can rebound from the midcard, just like Maika did
Momo has been in the midcard for as long as Maika total career almost. Maika was never shat on like her
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Based gear
HATE was a genuine threat for less than a month
Pork Red
Natsuko is fucked but the group will be fine.
The thing about HATE is Saya/Momo/Rina is a genuinely great 3 to build around and the crowd really likes them
Hate was only a genuine threat in the eyes of seething retards throwing their toys out of the pram because they couldn't predict the booking. Everybody else knew it was just Oshitty Tai with Seikigun cosplay gear. Seriously, Frump Matsumoto as your top champion. Get the fuck outta here
The Tora reign helped Maika, Saya and Tam all get more over, while only lasting a month and she didn't main event any shows as champion.
It served its purpose
Momo is less over with every year and every job and it has been many years and many jobs since she was over
Momo still gets great reactions and always sells merch. The fact that she's been a jobber for years and still over is a testament to how good she is
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Fat Shit
if Natsuko didn't exist, Momo would have had this filler reign
How much seethe will the Momofags have had if her Red belt win ended up being a V0?
It's cool that you say that as if she were responsible for the house being full KEK
Momo winning back in May or whenever would have made far more sense for the Maika push as well. Could have had Maika earn her way to the 5star victory instead of dropping the Red belt then immediately going undefeated like it didn't matter
>Could have had Maika earn her way to the 5star victory instead of dropping the Red belt then immediately going undefeated like it didn't matter
This is simply NJPW booking. The big dogs don't get phased by losses like that.
Probably not as much as Fatsuko winning it before it her
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>wasn't even on the show last night
>thread can't stop talking about her
we truly love Momo here
If only Maika had more charisma
She just beat the hottest wrestler in the company and the fans cheered for her anyway
When did Maika beat Kitto?
>undefeated 5 Star Maika results in nothing 3 weeks later
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You mean the Kitto that was pouting because Saya was more over than her?
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buzz lightyear gear lol
Don't let the good vibes of fatsuko losing obscure the fact that the match was a big fucking stinky shit
The prettiest I've found Anna
I liked Anou running from the announce table to help Tam against the interference
>Someday people in the future are gonna look back on Momo Watanabe, her great high end matches, her always good character work, and scratch their heads wondering why she was stuck as a career midcarder
Nobody is going to scratch their heads. The reason she's a career midcarder is her face.
Didn't know I've been in the future for half a decade already
jack perry is a lucky guy
I look at Momo Watanabe and scratch my balls
I've been told that there is something called the freezer where Red Belt champions go after they lose their belt
fatsuko tora won the red belt and no she wasn't cute when she was only fat instead of obese she still looked like a pig
she makes my bird very pecker
Her motivation levels. You won't see Momo taking away AZMs chances at America like Tam did. Or doing whatever SLK does on twitter when she tries to improve her position in the company.
Rossy took it to Maricold so Tarpo Swervo can't use it
Her belly
Tora won the Red Belt so that Tam can get the belt back and Maika can win the 5Star, she was a means to an end
fatsuko tora won the red belt
why would you have wanted that?
a shitty, embarrassing reign like this would have made Momo look like complete shit
Natsuko hasn't main evented a single show as champion. I don't just mean a PPV, I mean any show.
damn, now I can't post "red belt Natsuko lol" anymore
she should have never won it in the first place anyway so Tardo is still an idiot
Mercedes slurpers, Momo slurpers, AEW slurpers, New Japan slurpers all got the chance to overrate the shit out of that match, so that doesn't surprise me at all
Anyway, real kino starts tomorrow
Let's just forget that Natsuko ever won the belt. It shouldn't have happened. An experienced booker would have never had it happen. We just have to move on now and hope Tarokun can learn from his mistakes
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Aya Sakura poking my bumhole
There really is nothing wrong with a transitional champion every now and again to spice things up
>Moné can't take time out of her busy schedule to go fight the world. So as it stands, the world must continue to fight Moné. #STARDOM's Momo Watanabe could not get it done in Washington, D.C. Who's next in line? #njCAPITAL
Who will be the next sacrificial jobber?
Maika vs Saya could have been a good, long term feud
>Who will be the next sacrificial jobber?
Not Maika, Saya or Tam
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Kek what a loser
They will 100% face each other for the Red belt at Grand Queendom or Dream Queendom in the future
IWGP > TBS/Strong > CMLL > Red Belt

Definitive based on results
maybe on planet instead of breast milk we feed babies lead paint
I never said I wanted it
Mayu beat Mercedes
Mercedes beat Willow
Willow beat Tam
yeah but then okada be like
>Natsuko Tora 28.07.2024 - today (34 days)
>Saori Anou (2) 15.07.2024 - 27.07.2024 (12 days)
>God's Eye (Konami & Syuri) 29.06.2024 - 23.07.2024 (24 days)
>Mika Iwata 22.06.2024 - 15.07.2024 (23 days)
It would also imply Natsuko spiced things up. Having undercard tags then shitting up the ring in your only defense
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all of those shitty swerves to build up HATE meant nothing. Tardo books for the moment.
Why you crying bitchmade
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The Player.
Genius of the book
Tardo wasted all that time on HATE. There could have been literally anything else going on and it would have been better.
All good and served a purpose
There has been no purpose to HATE
The purpose is Saya
he's just a slurper, don't bother trying to explain anything
The cycle of "this booking clearly wont happen top whining twitter tranny" followed by "it actually makes total sense" once it in fact does happen
the purpose of HATE is for goth saya to make my phenis hard
Saya is already a loser and her feud with Maika is over
Nothing that happened today was surprising, unless you're retarded.
Me in 2020 when Maika beat Saya for the red belt
future belt*
Tam winning was actually good. Maika beating Saya was not.
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>Saya Kamitani: "I really don't like the sight of her standing there at the end, smiling and proclaiming victory. I said it in the ring too, but I'll put my whole pro-wrestling career on the line to drag her down to the depths of hell."
11 8 8
>Buccee's shirt

Joshi's all the same.
the long term story should have been
>OT beats QQ, Saya is by herself
>Saya cozies up to Maika as a cope
>Saya wins the 5STAR, setting up what people think is just a friendly title match between the two
>Saya then uses OT to beat Maika, she takes over OT and turns it into HATE
>you now have a top heel champion in Saya and Maika chasing the title
or you could just have schizo booking full of swerves and stories that go nowhere
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>Maika: "I already beat you, retard."
Could also have
>Iyo Sky shows up during the Momo/Saya match, shows Momo the error of her ways
>Momo returns to lead QQ, wins the red belt, Saya gets jealous and turns on her
>Momo has a 20 year reign as the red belt champion and only retires to raise our kids.
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How would the Ace win the 5star undefeated in this scenario?
i have tam fatigue
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>tam anti saying she wasn't going to win the big red but she did.
imagine not believing in tam.
well everyone knows Maika went undefeated at the 2024 5STAR. What this book presupposes is... maybe she didn't?
momo should lose weight and turn face if she wants to get the accolades, but I think she's happier eating and getting pinned(and paid) constantly
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>She became the 19th World of Stardom Champion.

>Follow along with Tamroad Chapter 2.

>I will definitely make you happy.
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This is kozuen world we just live in it.
Taro put the NB tag titles in sakurara and the future in kurara and let the dimes go straight to the moon.
>Momo turning heel will finally get her that big push!
>Kitto turning heel will finally get her that big push!
>Saya turning heel will finally get her that big push!
>>Momo turning heel will finally get her that big push!
Rossy booking
>>Kitto turning heel will finally get her that big push!
Rossy booking
>>Saya turning heel will finally get her that big push!
Okada booking
what are we seething about today starsissies
how many times does Saya need to be mindbroken in one year
Given all if her accolades it's impossible to deny that Tam is actually the ace
Tam is the older ace
Maika is the younger ace
The booking really feels like it's centered around rewarding the people who decided to stay:

Natsuko gets a short run with the red belt, something she'd never have gotten under Rossy.
Tam gets another shot at the red belt.
Maika gets the 5 Star.
Poi gets the white belt.
The zoomers get free reign over the aesthetics and overall vibe of their new faction.
Saya is allowed to be the cunty bitch she always wanted to be.
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Stardom is finally saved
Not really. The jobbers still job and they stayed
they should have Rian join CA and cause Tam to lose the title and join Hate a month later
retard logic. Obviously the ones who stayed will win titles, because they are still there. Who else is going to win them? Conversely it also means people who stayed will job, once again, because they stayed, who else will do it
Imagine how insufferable a Tamfag Maikafag is going to be going forward
Okada spent months doing Xena and Sorei main events and then he flipped a switch and is now booking big bollocks matches
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>the people who stayed in the promotion are doing things in the promotion they stayed in
The winner is the rhythm method.
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>fail to draw as transitional champion
>strip midkek of the belt and give it to Natsuko
>attendance SKYROCKETS
>take the belt away from her after a month and crown the two previous proven months-long antidraws instead
I'm done with tardo's stardump
We've found d him, Natsuko's one fan
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Just watched first match of semifinals.
Its a hatman wins episode, isn't it?
Did Maika really win the 5 star after having such an abysmal red belt run that it made Rossy leave the company? This shit is comedy.
rossy main evented the first night of his big tournament with mai sakurai vs nanae btw
yes and you could copy paste this paragraph with "maika" replaced with "tam really beat natsuko" and it'd still apply
This nigga didn’t graduate
Tam beating Natsuko was the right decision. But again, Natsuko should have never won in the first place.
Tam beat her with a bum knee then beats her again when healthy. Amazing storytelling.
There are people today who would have been mad that Iron Sheik only got a 28 day wwf title run if they were around for it
Let's treat Kurara like Don Muraco
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has anyone from this promotion been naked on recorded film or video????????????
he shouldn't have won it, either
I wouldn't watch WWE if i was there.
Taro Okada is like Hansi Flick, both are mad geniuses
several players have been fucked out on camera by their boyfriends, but those are private videos so please understand
not true Joshi aren't like that.
still mayu
they don't have boyfriends except that slut Miyu
RAPE the Phenex
Then only thing that didn't happen is Natsuko keeping the title warm.
Maika just decisively beat her in 11 tidy minutes
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RED means flawless victory
red belt scamu lol
again ahahahaha
she's a heel so she deserves it

Bozilla a fan of xena and her boyfriends moves
Taro Okada booking masterclass mess. First take the title off Maika. He could have won the 5stargp as champ. Now you have Tam vs Maika that Tam will win and Saya will win in Decemebr vs Tam with no real backstory. IS A FUCKING MESS.
>Saya will win in Decemebr vs Tam with no real backstory
Twitter trannies are shoot retarded
A twitter tranny rated it 8.5/10 and gave Saya/Maika 2.5/10 kek
Why is she doing it in slow motion though?
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Because she's a shitter like 90% of that roster
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>Xena invented slamming someone on the ring apron
Her boyfriend did
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I love karate
Wwe bound players
>Decides to do the move a week after a clip of xena doing it goes viral instead of at any other point in her career
Yeah, Tam was responsible for BR fucking up everything and pissing off the wrestlers, not to mention all the injuries
Its an illusion, because Misa is too fast.
i just watched suzu suzuki vs hanan and WOOOOOF suzu looks like a fat fuck
Hate this dopey face she makes. Dumb cunt whore no tits hag bitch
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i'll miss tora red belt. but damn if tam didn't put a shit ton of people over this 5 star. we'll see what happens. overall the 5 star was far better this year. but last years final was way better
Bushiroad took her push away and she became an alcoholic. That's actually what happened.
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Maika has probably fucked half of Stardom's main roster, maybe even Mayu herself.
Don't care about the tarpo slop I just wanted to see big match momo do another job outside slumpdom but there is no rip anywhere
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Now that Mayu vs Maika is done, what's the next big first time match up?
cuck cope most of them aren't dykes these days
Why Tam vs Tam is blank?
Maika vs SLK
Anou vs Kamitani
thanks bro, turns out I'm just retarded because it is also on another watchwrestling site I already looked at
Hope mike is not getting the rock treatment by the fans for getting the mega push
The crowd still cheeres her no problem
>cuck cope most of them aren't dykes these days
Delusional hands typed this
Why did Mike escape the freezer when so many before her couldn't?
Japanese respect their senior citizens
she ate everything in it
For real, not Tams fault Giulia screwed Giulia and thats probably going be one of the reasons she could fail in NXT.
Someone should've told Utami that it was that simple
>>Saya turning heel will finally get her that big push!
Don't try to bullshit us brother.
That's literally what's happening right now taro's booking for her is predictable as fuck.

Tam is probably getting some defenses against midcarders like momo and zooks and indie shitters like risa and Mika keeping the belt warm.

Then there's two options:
>Saya fucks mike title match and tam retains
>Saya beats tam
>Saya vs mike for the red belt

>Mike wins the red belt
>Saya wins the white belt(optional)
>Saya vs mike for both belts.

In both scenarios saya is pushed and working main event angles
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Shes hot
She sells a ton for Stardom and other companies
Crowds love her
She looks like a champ
She is genuinely strong
She is young
She has charisma
She is loyal
All the roster respects her
Favorited among women fans
dont forget she's also obese
why didnt you add that to your little list?
>Elbow held together by athletic tape and if she removes it her arm will break into two pieces
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Keep seething...
RED is here to stay
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love kitto
heil kitto
Another 5star in the bin. Momo5star2025 let's fucking go
>She is young
eh 29 isn't that young in joshi
>She is loyal
Only true thing on there
most of us are older than maika
>turns into Utami
>gets a bigger push
Utami and Giulia left, Mayu is leaving
Why would Mayu leave? She makes good money here and gets to perform in front of hot crowds. And she can wrestle anyone from other promotions because Stardom isn't isolationist.
>Does multiple interviews saying she re-signed to Stardom and doesn't want to leave.
>Had a chance to leave after the movie and re-signed a contract to Stardom instead.
>Says she repaid her debt to Rossy and Stardom is her legacy.

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kids had their fun now it's real joshi wrestlers turn
she didn't re-sign after the movie, she was still under contract until march next year
Tae vs the visual Maika intrigues me
Cool that they have a kid fighting her grandma
That is the teams my man
So she lied when she said she decided to stay and re-sign? Damn I can't believe you know more about Mayu's contract status than Mayu herself. Are you a joshi twitter influencer with a podcast?
Bushiroad hated Giulia and Maika was already chosen before Utami left
Rossy is going to sign movie Mayu and try to pass her off as Mayu Iwatani.
but they have a story, but that doesn't mean anything to the retarded Taro kek
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Love the Ace fr fr
Only things we know is that the lawyers prevented some wrestlers to leave but we don't know which ones, and Mayu had a longer contract than others because of the movie (Syuri was probably in the same situation).
Did Turkla kill any idols yet?
kohgo momo was in the movie too what about her
on the new japan show the commentary guy was saying that sasha banks is the biggest idol that hate has faced so far
It's always telling when people's main reason why Mayu is going to Marigold is because of her relationship with Rossy. Nothing about the wrestlers there are better, it's more entertaining, you could make more money, etc. I'm sure Mayu will give up her big salary and being able to do whatever she wants to have dream matches against Kouki and Chiaki.
>he believes sonny
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ExV on top
Why can she only do whatever she wants in Stardom? Would she not have that privilege in Marigold?
nobody in stardom even remembers this old hag
Neither did I but I found this pic in front of me
Late career wrestlers always love leaving their high paying positions in the top companies for indies. Why all the US feds aren't full of old guys cashing a big paycheck.
Mayu dreams of working a 1 hour show then 2 hour merch stand
>Mayu leaving
Giulia said there were people who told them they were going to leave and then last minute decided to stay. She said they were traitors.
All of these matches will be better than the Tam match today.
I want my paycheck to be entirely merch sales cuts instead of guaranteed high pay and then get merch sales on top of that.
Sounds like Rossy is the bitch in the situation. He would only leave if it meant destroying Stardom on the way out. Otherwise he would have sat there getting paid to book shampoo matches. He got what he deserves.
Are we doing this again? The guy who teased a split in October last year knows nothing?
The deadline to re-sign was in February (except for the 5 who were already allowed to leave). The roster was set in February and nobody was going to leave in May after Grand Queendom or later this year.
After he disbanded QQ and renamed OT, Okada said he was 3 months behind the schedule so we can expect another deadline in January-February so they can reform the units before Grand Queendom, especially if some leaders like Mayu, Syuri or Mina leave.
NEW >>15688167
Imagine if Rossy and Sonny stayed. We would be 2 weeks behind on the 5star house shows being posted to stardom-world even though the final aired.
Giulia only left because she was already leaving for WWE so she had nothing to lose so her opinion on the matter should be disregarded because it is a completely different situation to other players
>get merch sales on top of that.
If their merch deal is like the one NJPW wrestlers get they aren't seeing much money from it. Finn Balor bitched about that on podcast once.
go to bed sonny
the 5star would still be going on with rossy batshit scheduling of one match a show
I'm sure nothing has changed in 10 years
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>In the first UWF, Maeda was told by Inoki that he would come later, so he transferred first, but no matter how long he waited, Inoki never came...
two weeks until maika becomes a two time red belt champion

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