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Badass Kairi Edition:

Kairi got a nasty cut over her eye. Thankfully she is okay and came out of it looking tough.
Giulia made her NXT television debut, challenging Roxanne to a title match on October 1st, NXT's first show on CW.
IYO beat Lyra in the first women's WWE Speed match.
Sareee teamed up with Mayu and had one of the best matches of the year.
Sareee will be participating in Marigold's Dream Star Grand Prix.
Meiko has begun her retirement tour, which will end in April 2025 to coincide with her 30th anniversary in professional wrestling.

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is looking sexo.
Giulia is now in NXT.
Sareee is the Marigold World Champion and the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion, carrying multiple promotions.
Meiko is running SENJO shows and will begin her retirement tour soon.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.
>Sareee vs Mai Sakurai. Marigold, September 8th.
>Sareee vs Unagi Sayaka for the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Championship, September 23rd.
>Giulia vs Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship, October 1st.



KanaChan in Japan:

Previous: >>15704932
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maybe next year
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Giulia vs Utami will happen in a WWE ring. Crazy to think about the state of wrestling right now. Thank you Paul!
>not Hardcore Hojo edition
I could see WWE letting Giulia do a special Marigold match like IYO did
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Which players are ready for the Big Time?
right now: Mayu, Maika, Utami. They all have a very transferable wrestling style.
but Utami is the only one I could see leaving Japan. Mayu has already rejected America (not that should would fare well here anyway) and Maika is getting a big push in Stardom for the foreseeable future.
They absolutely promised her and Rossy she'd be allowed to do that. For the quarterly big Ryogoku shows.
Whether or not they actually follow through of course remains to be seen. I'm skeptical personally.
kairi is tough as shit joshibros, ngl
is kairi ok? what was the official report on the injury?
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cut that needed stitches but she's fine
>posting images/videos that prove how tough and hardcore Kairi is
This is meant to be trolling?
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More importantly, which players are ready for Big Slime?
Is this actually confirmed?
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I wanna know how hardcore is she in the bedroom
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Why did they get rid of it. We could've gotten all Kabuki women basking in it at one point or another.
give it 6 months to a year
There's no chance she didnt also get concussed with how hard she hit the table edge. If she hit hard enough to get split open like that then she is defo concussed as well. WWE will never publicly disclose it tho. If she doesn't wrestle for a while don't be surprised.
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>"I had a conversation with Bull Nakano on the 'Buru Channel'‼ She completely broke through the personal space I've carefully guarded and bombarded me with questions. I answered everything honestly, from #retirement to #egg_freezing and even about a failed surgery. I'm sure women in their 40s want to hear about these unseen struggles, right!? It was just the right time to talk about it somewhere."

Wow. Meiko froze her eggs. Wonder if Kairi is doing that too until she finds the right man.
>Wonder if Kairi is doing that too until she finds the right man.
He doesn't know.

I know Batman ain’t getting it done.
Is egg freezing a big thing in Japan?
threesome with Meiko and Bull
Kairi doesn't want kids. She'd rather spend money on designer clothes.
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Giulia webms from NXT
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Marigold Summer Destiny 2025
kairi seems to botch herself at every opportunity. i used to blame the other divas but i dunno now. do you think she has a mental illness? i'm worried about her.
She’s fine mentally. She just can’t wrestle.
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Day 271 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
I wanna put children in Kairi
I want to have an affair with sareee and break poi’s heart.
GoonGOD you worked some retard into a seething shoot last night. He made a seethe thread about your gooning.
I wan Giulia to pin me down and rape me
you can't rape the willing
They look like Asuka's and Iyo's stunt doubles.
Not how it works anon
I want to have an affair with Poi and break Sareee's heart.
giulia needs a nose job and a tit job, after that shell get a massive push
Non whites with white features gives me an uncanny Valley vibe.
How are you supposed to safely catch her? These top rope wrestlers are selfish.
she's getting a massive push regardless
let's see Giulia's pussy
I don't think she owns a cat
u da man goon
Let's see Meiko's fartpipe.
Kairi's pancake butt with Asuka milk for breakfast
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>Kairi's pancake butt

slimed with syrup and cream!
>The girls visiting from Japan are all big smiles, showing teeth
>Iyo and Kairi are looking nonplussed
What did they mean by this?
Iyo is just thinking that these bitches are about to steal her appetizer
500 days hard labor in the rice paddies for this lascivious degeneracy.
She's worried that she may have to eat bugs with Konami at some point while she's in Florida.
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My pale porcelain Goddess
shes not chinese
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I wonder what kino Sareee will give us this time
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I don't think those runes on her face are Chinese tho
porcelain is chinese ceramic
When are they going to get her away from the dimeless Sky Pirates?
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>the dimeless Sky Pirates
I don't think you realise where you are son
oh my god kairi is def bogged, her cheeks are less round here
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love love love Giulia
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There was a coming soon video on TNA and all signs point that it's the former Xia Li.
Kairi 2k24 entrance

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Is anyone surprised? Welcome to the Sumie tour
>Joining TNA right as it gets slowly absorbed by the place you just got released from.
Maybe this is her way of trying to get back in?
You know as soon as Gail Kim knew there was another female Asian wrestler she picked up the phone.
the NXTNA collaboration has involved only a few wrestlers going back and forth
though I wouldn't be surprised if there was a PPV at some point
Can't fucking wait for Mokujin to get his hands on that model
Xia was in a mixed tag team match yesterday. She teamed up with Jake Hager.

>Xia teaming with a white guy
of course
He's married...
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>taking an obvious joke seriosly
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Hey Goon, do you only posts your goon progress, or are you a part of the regular conversations?
Either way, you tha man goon.
>Queen of hearts

I see what you did there
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Day 272 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
Kek based
I post about Kairi sometimes
licking up all of that sweat
Asuka's mangled fingers
Asuka is...
Probing my urethra.
she's not like that
built for slime
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don't even know what happened here
I'm surprised Xia didn't go straight to TNA, but I guess she wanted to do some indies beforehand just to try it out
Kairi just be doing things
The flying nothing
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The obese doctor is in, ladies and gentlemen
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I love her, but I'm convinced she's only half aware of what's going on around her at any given time. She's in her own world, and being dragged through ours while she does it.
so are Damage CTRL back to being heels after their confrontation with the joggers?
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love Kairi
love Tamu
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Is this after Giulia put a big knot on Tam's head after a shoot headbutt?
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That lump was bad and I would've had the same reaction if I saw that. I hope Giulia doesn't do that to Roxanne.
shoot headbutt and a piledriver through the table, brother
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Day 273 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
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Asuka might be the biggest retard on earth if she actually re-signed with WWE. Gaytch really is a cerebral assassin and gaslighting master if he convinced her that he's her friend and comrade and not a carny faggot scumfucker. Kenny Omega literally laid out the red carpet for her on twitch. She could be making Mone money, only work once a week, and spend all her time in Japan with her family.
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Animal CTRL
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The retard here is you
Think they'll do Kairi vs Iyo?
>being hhh's slave is... le good!
The state of this zoomer board
You lost
Asuka doesn't run from the grind
Slobsuka doesn't run anywhere.
Factually untrue.
She did an entire KCTV episode about running and finding the best technique.
I have a feeling they will go Iyo vs Piper. Is Kairi even cleared for her match this week? I assume is being taped on the Raw pre-show.
It's always taped before SD
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She was literally in the best shape of her life before she got hurt.

Try harder pajeet
>best shape of her life
>perma dusts her knee dancing
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For me, it was potato;

>injuries don’t happen in Wrestling

Gets literal joy out of being a moron.
Meiko is in good shape
What actually brings him joy is you replying to him and giving him (You)s
Stop doing that. Ignore him and resume posting on topic.
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Good they are putting Giu in there with an ex Stardom gaijin for a start. Chelsea won't be a wuss about letting her lay her shit in.
easy win for Giulia and a good warmup for her. Wouldn't be surprised if Roxanne ends up attacking her after the match.
>ex stardom
pre Covid pretty much any noteworthy indy name had a run there. Half the roster probably classifies
how much goodness Kairi really is bogged...what a shame, she was so cute
>Kairi vs Elektra
Good thing the match is under three minutes because my dick wouldn't be able to handle it going any longer.
Anyone on the main roster that's not a Horsewoman or nepobaby went through Stardom. Rhea, Liv, Sonya and Zoey are the only one's I can think of that didn't go through there, though they could've done one of the other joshi feds like Wave or Meiko's Sendai Girls.
too big of a match to do on speed. piper is probably going over kairi
no matter what, I hope there's a Stardom final
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I wonder how Sareee is going to feel about being the only joshi to not win the NXT title
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She's going to count all her yen and sleep soundly. She's a real one. To her the SPORT of pro wrestling is sacred. She has Inoki's fighting spirit. She doesn't care or need zog slop McWrestling.
I promise you, she does not care.
Not a mark, prs undastand.
Sareee let Inoki eat her young virgin pussy before he died.
It will have to go on X as part of the contract, so it won't be on Raw, SD or Main Event.
I just wonder if Hunter will bring he back so he can try to get her over without Vince's meddling like he's doing with Bronson Reed.
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Iyo will be too distracted to run in to save her too
Sareee would probably say no anyway. She likes doing her own thing.
Naomi is probably winning

Who made this? Stop trying to break up Kabuki.
just ignore it
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Tragically samefagged thread.
Just ignore it. Let him screech into the void
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Day 274 of gooning everyday for Asuka
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
Daisuke was with her
I want to taste Sarray's cookie.
thank God her hair has grown out some.
Looks much better again
Imagine the kino of Io and Kana and Giulia in AEW with no rules and no PG. Fuck WWE.
nobody buys that you are a genuine AEW fan.
Pisspoor false flag. Fuck off.
AEWtists are fucking retards, so it's probably a legit fan
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You've never seen Io's deathmatch with Kagetsu. You don't even know who Kagetsu is. You've never seen Kana's intergender matches. You've never seen any of Giulia's wars. You don't actually watch joshi wrestling. They would thrive and deliver true career defining matches like Willow and Statlander and Page and Swerve just did tonight.
imagine watching this and enjoying it
mental illness
also nothing like Io's match with Kagetsu. Take your meds.
ignore the troll
Jobbing to Mercedes like Shida?
Kek that's sadly true
You do realize Kana Io and Kairi would be stuck on Collision jobbing to Toni and friends...right?
Sareee won her match against Mai Sakurai

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