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Wrestling Champion. Father. Veteran.
What war did he serve in?
And not raped.
How many kids does Big Kev had?
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You're still going to try after that colossal 9/2 failure?
These threads are just sad now. I will never Lyricschad a Nash song ever again (and half of /asp/ the album vol 1 and 2 are mine).
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Nash posting is dead.
Raped bitch
It was revived yesterday. Minor setbacks can’t stop the train fag.
I have contributed more to Nashposting with a single Lyricschad than you ever have you spamming faggot

Put some respect on /asp/ the album newfag. You don't know shit.
It's dead, as dead as the feeling in Nash's destroyed ass.
Kevin Nash was Raped in the Summer of 92
You haven't lyricschad'd a song in like 5 years bro
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He said go get those drinks in boy
You pay your dues or we'll be annoyed
Cut on through this alley
And be quick, Kev

They jumped him quick
They pinned him down
Deshaun, Big Bubs and then Lequan
They raped his ass in the summer of 92, yeah

In 92, yeah
In 92, yeah
In 92, yeah
In ninety two ooh ooh ooh oohyeah
>best friend: dead
>son: dead
>meme legacy: dead
Poor Kevin

>wolfie's purpose in life:dead
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Poor kev
Imagine bragging about replacing some words in a song with rape and 92 5 years ago.

Grim fucking life man.
Lol, the rape posters are turning on each other

And it couldn't have been done without us ; )
I guess the news didn't reach Peru yet
Something you've never done in your life, worked.
As someone who has contributed to 92posting more than anybody else for a shoot, I don't have anything to say
Ironic that the thing that killed 92posting are the spam around it.
Not so fast
REAL killed Nash posting and then faked his suicide afterwards. Turns out the Council discovered that REAL was the Bryanposter this entire time. He was put in charge of 9/2 this year and sabotaged it on purpose.

The Council wants his head and REAL is currently in hiding.
The new retards were unfunny and uncreative. Thats why the original 92 posters abandoned it. Honestly they are as bad as nuwolfie. I wish the whole lot of them would fuck off.
92 spam is back on just because you posted this. Just know that you caused what happens next.
I don't think we all abandoned it, just kinda dropped in an occasional spam thread and effortposted and became disheartened when it gets buried beneath the posts replying to the obligatory botted get
nah u
How the hell did George Lundy become part of The Council?
The Detroit insertion
He didn't, the Lundy thing was propagated by REAL to throw the scent off himself. Lundy is actually the Iyo spammer who REAL has a beef with. REAL has gotten a lot of people blamed for things they had nothing to do with. Hennimore for instance wasn't even responsible for the Iyo stuff, it was all REAL. Shankism wasn't responsible for the Nash spam, it was all REAL.

The Council had no clue this shit was going on because REAL had been a member for awhile.
Lyricking was revealed to be horsefucker Jim Kekett. How do we know the metal lyricschad isn't hiding dark secrets like that? He probably sodomizes kittens
That fag did nothing. What killed the 92posts was the low quality spam and the fact that the only good heel of this meme left.
Indeed. Also, they didn't even bothered to get some 92,992,1992get while posting it.
You have no clue what you're talking about. I was inside the main Nash posting circle. You have no clue what was actually going on.
any proofs of this?
This REAL guy sounds like a real hoot.
There would be no way for me to prove anything without revealing who I am. You just have to take my word for it but if you don't that's fine. Now that this shit is over I'm just spilling some of the tea because I've seen a lot of theories about what was going on and none of them have been correct.
very interesting indeed, spill some more anon
He's still at large on the board. Speculation is that he has bots set up to continue posting Nash threads. The Council cord has completely washed their hands of Nash posting so anything you've seen since 9/2 is either coming from REAL, his bots or random organic posters who had nothing to do with the one's spamming the majority of it.
They can't come back after no showing on 9/2. Last year was a failure too. They paid money to put some pokemon shit on a billboard
What do you want to know? The only other major thing I've seen people speculate on that was wrong was that the /pw/fc discord that Nu-Wolfie and others were posting had nothing to do with the Nash spam. All the Nash posting was going on inside a separate server but because Nu-Wolfie was convinced it was /pw/fc the Council would drop hints and red herrings in /pw/fc knowing that Nu-Wolfie would see them.

99% of the /pw/fc users were completely innocent and had no clue what was actually going on. It was easy to frame them because they would organically make Nash references from time to time which was the perfect bait for someone like Nu-Wolfie.
You tell me.
I am just a Anon Anonymous who used 92posting for AFK (You) farms while getting a 92get. Didn't even know there was a "inside Nash esoteric circlejerk." Hey maybe you're THAT guy. Anyway, who gives a single damn?
Prozach don't double cross me.
so why would wolfie try to pin the blame on shankmeister for almost 5 years?
I wonder what his connection with Lundy is. Why does he hate him?
i've been 92posting since the real wolfie was posting on /asp/. most people here don't even realise it was eddie guerrero that wolfie first seethed over before bryan. it's been confirmed multiple times the nu92posters & bryanposters are the same people. the 92 is canonically dead now.
Because Shank used to Nash post quite often. I'd imagine at some point during /asp/ he was somewhat responsible for some of it but as far as Nash spam on /pw/ goes, to my knowledge, he has nothing to do with it. I've had multiple conversations with Shank over DM's after meeting him in /pw/fc and he seems far too focused on being a coomer to have the kind of time required to spam the board in the way it was.

Why Nu-Wolfie was obsessed with him, I don't know. I've asked Shank before and he told me that it was because Nu-Wolfie had seen him make a Nash joke on Twitter and Nu-Wolfie became obsessed ever since.

My speculation is that they know each other IRL but I've never asked. I just know that Lundy is the person the Iyo posters think is Hennimore.
Holy fuck you fags are sad. Arguing about some shitty rape meme, discords, "the council". Litterally go outside.
Factually incorrect. Whoever the Bryan poster is, he isn't in the circle of Nash posters. I know that for a fact. He isn't Lundy but he is a separate entity.
The entire Nash/Eddie/Bryan spam war that has been happening for the past five years essentially boils down to a battle between two really dedicated autists. That for some reason have a feud going that I speculate has existed long before they brought it to the board.
I used to think this board was 90% worked, but now I'm convinced that half the people here are legitimately retarded and I shouldn't make fun of them
lol I just made all that up
Bryan posters are me, bitchtits, and Fair Anon.
Could very well be the case, I just know it's not Lundy. Who are "you" though? I always speculated it was Trip.

There were those of us in the Nash posting circle that didn't take it seriously at all and thought all the Bryan stuff was hilarious. Most of us were tard wrangling the more dedicated ones for a laugh.
Never became a name fag. We DIDNT do the birdie stuff though. We always assumed that was some of the wackos that took all this to seriously. >>15732554
Were you guys the one doing the Peruvian meme? Popped the fuck out of me lol
who was doing the tristen stuff? lol that was mint
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Yep thats us.

Not us.
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Just reading over this thread, you people are so fucking autistic and unfunny. You're talking about yourselves like you're somebody
>yeah, WE did that
>uh, i did the Lyricschads, it was me!
Like you're little small terrorist cels or something but you entirely miss the point of memes.
A good meme is naturally occurring -- there is no coordination, no discords, nobody is making a concerted effort to spam it.

Nobody ever fucking spammed Baneposting twice an hour for 18 hours. Every few hours, somebody would Banepost because it was amusing. And it naturally faded out, as all memes do and should.
But not you autistic unfunny retards -- you completely miss the point altogether and turn something that was originally amusing into an annoyance.

If you want the Nash meme to become relevant again, you need to let it become organic again.
People will still Nashpost if you faggots LEAVE IT ALONE for a while, and it'll actually be inspired and funny when it happens.
Idiots and 4chan amateurs.
Hahaha. Looks like a tiny bit of the truth has finally come out. All I will say is that I am not who you think I am, and my connection with Lundy is something you'll never understand. You will never get to the bottom of this or see what this is all about.
Failed get bitch
the fact that you even think I was attempting to script shows me you're one of the brainrotted spammers I'm talking about.

There is nothing impressive about scripted gets -- it's like winning first in the retard Olympics.
Not to mention when you retards missed >>92 whenever /pw/ first launched, kek.
You're taking all of this way too seriously. 99% of the stuff in this thread is made up you retard lol
You're welcome REAL, knew this would draw them out.
Gonna spam some Nash threads right now just because you typed all this lol

Shouldn't have messed cunt
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You can keep spamming it forever, who gives a fuck.
Anybody who's been on 4chan for 10 years knows how to filter shit they don't like in as many seconds

I'm just trying to tell you how to MAKE IT FUNNY again.
If you really want it to last, that's the only way.
Okay, I tried to give you a fair warning. What happens next is in your head. You think your puny filters can stop us?

Now the real fun begins.
This post from the retards that hyped up 9/2
Prozach and Old Man Sou are the main Lyra posters.

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