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Kairi Balboa edition

( /arrrrgirls/ took an L to the Witch Hoes on monday but not without some shenanigans from the Kookout Kweens. Kairi took a nasty face first bump off the table but never let it slow her down as she proved to have the best chin in the women's division. Despite copping an L, the Sky Pirates stood toe to toe with the Kookout Kweens in the end with Kairi a bloody mess and looking like a total baddass! Looks like things between the 2 teams are really heating up with a little "bad blood" brewing. Kairi required some stitches but other than that it's smooth sailing for the Pirate Princess. Will she miss her scheduled match on Speed and ruin a possible Sky Pirate showdown in the finals? Only time will tell as we sail on to next week!)

Previous: >>15691916

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

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Ayooo Iyooo I did it!
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Kairi getting #LIT
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I guess Kairi is getting put into WWE2K24 in the next DLC pack
Yeah I'm p sure she was confirmed to be in the last DLC. Still not sure if I'll bite and buy the game or just wait for the next game where she'll probably be in the base roster from the start
They put the new ones out around Mania now so cop it soon if you are gonna do it
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Goddess of War
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Respectfully cooming into Kairi's bloody eye.
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You guys think Kairi Balboa would take out Drago?
Is it actually good tho if you just wanna play it solo?
I couldn't tell ya bro. I have 2k23 which was pretty good but I got it and all the DLC for like 30 bucks on a PSN sale like a month before 2k24 came out
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Kairi would heem this bozo within one round
>Not Batman
This anon, gets it. Also the city of Gotham in shambles.
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do yall niggas prefer kabuki warriors or sky pirates
Kabuki Warriors gave us her current aesthetic
I like both fr
Kabuki Sky Pirates is where it's at
I'm starting to think Kairi is actually the Michaels of the SP's
exceptionally cute hairstyle, she should do this one more often
So is Kairi getting giga push too?
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IYO > flabsuka
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unlikely. if it didn't happen here then it won't happen with this recent incident, especially because kairi was the one who fucked the spot up.
>especially because kairi was the one who fucked the spot up
I forgot that humans could change their trajectory mid jump to adjust to people being pulled out of their position
kairi was supposed to jump to where isla was, because she was her opponent, which was where bianca was pulled to. why would kairi ever jump at bianca? she wasn't even in the match. i love her but kairi jumped towards the wrong spot.
remember when kairi played the recorder
She did it twice
She's a pretty tremendous recorder player
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Sky Pirates
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Would you guys buy Kairi ice cream?
>had to botch, nearly die, and off pure adrenaline still keep kayfabe to get respect
I mean, i guess I’ll take it. Hopefully i never have hear guess like Henry saying that she doesn’t respect the business ever again
meant guys
We hate Mark Henry here and do not respect his opinion. I very well might put that in the next OP
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Kairi is hot
We can only be so lucky.
she definitely played it live in the ring on raw once precovid
I'm gonna try to find it because that sounds awesome
i hope they make her a good model
nah no need to give nigeru attention
nah... Kairi is rich. She should but all of us ice cream
effortlessly cute
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Reminder that this was right after Kairi's tribute to Hana. Vince sent out a hit.
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I want to rape Kairi
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Best not externalize these thoughts anon. Plus Kairi could easily escape or whoop your ass if you tried. She is super fit, fast, strong and is not bothered by pain. The most likely result would be you crying and wetting yourself as Kairi applied the Anchor and laughed madly
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even more dimes
That is one prime example of a PILF you got there.
you reckon kairi could make it out of the dark alleyway of detroit in the hot sweltering summer of 1992 unscathed?
Some needs to call in to his show and talk about Kairi's toughness and respect for the business by ending the segment in the ring and bloodied. Even if Mark isn't around, call in so it's on record and if the rest of the hosts agree it puts him on the spot the next time the topic comes up for him.
Demonic trips confirm Kairi got 92d
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Digits confirm diabolical influence. Not here with that you creeping thing! Begone in the name of all things pure.
'fraid not
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It would appear someone needs reminding
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how is she so cool
She's a pirate. Pirates are always cool.
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She doesn't even have to try
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Kairi is BIG
It's sad Joey, and almost all of the Ramones, aren't around to see Kairi to appreciate her punk rock aura.
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I know what that look means
>Damn she looks good
kek what a lezzer
She also apparently summoned the Dragonzord too
Does that mean Tyrannosaurus goes to Iyo?
Dakota is with a guy again though

Why would someone spend their prime years lezzing with Shayna Baszler of all people, just to go back to dating men again
were they really together or just friends
There is nonsuch thing as a pretty lesbian. She is in the streets with Karen but in the sheets with Darren
Well Shayna is 110% dyke and they lived together for years, and Dakota was dating nobody else during that time

Now Dakota moved out and is dating some NXT dude. This is quite confusing to me because I still think bisexuality is a meme, you go one way and pretending to go a bit of both is just lying to yourself
Kairi - Dragonzord
Iyo - Pterodactyl
Giulia - Tyrannosaurus
Asuka - Mastodon
Mina - Saber-Tooth Tiger
We just need a Joshi that'll get Triceratops
Sareeeeeeeeeeee is the perfect triceratops
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Kek we got Shida to play Zordon
>not Shida Repulsa
>Giulia - Tyrannosaurus

Is Rossy Lord Zedd?
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some very notable wrestlers have been bisexual. kenny omega, vince k mcmahon, k nash after a certain incident. shayna herself is, she's not a lesbian. why not dakota too.
>some NXT dude
its zesty ahh eddy KEK she knows how to pick em
me in the back
bisexual women are just straight women who also have eyes and realize women are hot
Well, Lord Zedd did try to groom a teenage girl himself twice so....
Dakota thinkin bout them pancakes and syrrrp
Need this in higher quality. There aren't enough high quality images of Kairi's pits
Lads... I love Kairi so much
No Kenny is Zedd, specifically Bundy Zedd
The Bucks are Squatt and Baboo
>thread isn't even a day old
>already drew 90+ replies
Who else should get the Tyrannosaurus? Titty Shirakawa? Asuka?
Kairi would be the ideal sex slave
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Her entrance was posted
Meiko for Triceratops
So much for Kairi not being able to be a stand alone general

Its the purple/green outfit
I think I know why Kairi has had some of her worst injuries in WWE. She keeps opening her umbrella indoors, brings bad luck.
>Kairi - Dragonzord
>Brandi - Mastodon
>Asuka - Pterodactyl
>Iyo - Triceratops
>Giulia - Saber-Tooth Tiger
>Mina - Tyrannosaurus!
>Kenny as Bundy Zedd with Shida Repulsa
Okay but what's her rating?
>Cody's wife is the black ranger
I see what you did there
>Shirakawa is the red ranger
I feel like it should be Giulia
Kairi is....
mother material
Same, mina has never been a primary player. She would make a great yellow or pink ranger though
So who is gonna do the Kabuki Rangers edit?
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fellas what do we think of her 2k24 in-game model? i think it looks really good
Not bad
Will she wear an eye patch
I like it
I think they did her well. Her entrance could use a little more of the Kairi shenanigans we know and love tho
yeah, i know it will never happen but it would be cool if wrestlers did their own entrance mocaps. she looks really stiff, very un-kairi-like kek
face weirdly fat
you can just say the same about bi dudes your comment is retarded and gay
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Rated /arrrrr/ Superstarrrrr!
What's in the chest?
Does this mean Kairi also gets Tigerzord?
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[Tremendous News] Kairi Sane (35) has confirmed that, unlike Maki Itoh (29), she is in fact real
What did she mean by this?
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Dildos, lots of Bad Dragon ones specifically
Dunno why anyone would, Tigerzord is a massive downgrade in every way
That Maki Itoh is an Iyo wannabe
Is our Princess kinky like that?
I like it, agree with >>15745002 she looks a bit chubby, but glad they didn’t choose a gimmick that had lots of face paint
Looks great. Little wide around the middle but, the face is mostly right.
Kairi is a trip.
someone put her in a bikini with Iyo and Xia Li
>she likes pain
>makes baby noises when hurt
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I wrote a song for Kairi... I thought she deserved it
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Kairibros are very talented!
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A total tripper! She's an absolute space-case.
I wonder if Kairi replicates this at home? Because if she did and Batman's soldier doesn't stand at attention, ready to unload it's ammo into Kairi's moist, pink shooting range, he needs some severe medical help.
Kairi needs to have kids ASAP before her uterus dries up
pretty cool
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Sweet! KairiGODs have a theme song
kek what a crazy player
gotta love pirate rock
kairi doesnt know what a dildo is
You really think so?
technically we have no definite proof kairi knows what sex is
She does, she pretends to be pure
Would a fellow Kairibro lie to you, anon?
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Hopefully Coach Kairi leads ECU to victory today
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look at her and tell me she understands the concept of penetration. i dont buy into your lies anon
Kairi is a woman, all women understand trading ass
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All too well, I'm afraid.
But she penetrates our hearts every day
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pls gib qt pirate gf
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I need to get ESPN+ just to watch this game to see how they're doing.
Jesus FUCK that loud thud.
She shoot penalty kicked her as hard as possible in the back.
them joshis be stiff
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>Kairi's cute, underrated boobas heaving.
Excuse me for a moment as I make a hasty, impromptu exit.
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Kairi boobas are criminally underrated.
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I need for Kairi to squat on my cock like that.
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We got the W
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This is your lawyer. How does your court case go?
Can't wait to play dress up with her in the caw suite
Kairi was so cute before she answered the call
Nice! They share the league lead with five other teams and go out if conference to play Appalachian State next week. A team they shouldn't treat lightly.
I'd trust her with my case more than I would with Stephen P. New.
if they don't let Kairi appear on RAW with an eyepatch this week they're cowards
I'm so curious if they'll make something out of it. That stare off at the end was kino and Kairi looked so baddass
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YOu'll finna know it!
end up with 10 more years for busting a nut in the courtroom
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i wish that was me
don't we all
I believe in Kairi Sane
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say her name and she appears
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>Poster Count: 1
kys schizo
/Kabuki/ is going nowhere
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Thanks anon for hunting these down
Rare Kairis, thanks for sharing
Good on Bianca for trying to help her there
The crowd popped hard for this when it happened
Lewd Hojo
She wants dick so bad in these pics
Yo ho ho and I'm gonna finna cum holy fucking lewdola
Why is she so perfect?
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Hunter should do something with Kairi and ECU. Maybe something with the NIL program.
Would be cool
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Kairi + Asuka =
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is there anything announced for Monday?
I think Iyo has a match. So hopefully Kairi will be there seconding her and wearing an eye patch.
Very alluring.
>when he starts coping about ratings
kairi when she sees BWC
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Hopefully Kairi is back on Raw rocking an eye patch. Otherwise glorious Iyo will be the sole survivor of Damage CTRL.
Kairi is lewd but goes to Church to absolve herself of sin

Before going right back to it.
If being lewd is her only sin, but repents, and she's helpful and caring towards her fellow man God will be there for her.
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kairi prays before and after every act of lewdness
Based and Checked
Kairi prays before she participates in freaky sex clubs, BDSM parties, and orgies
Does she bring Iyo, Giulia, and Asuka with her?
'fraid so
It's Monday Night Kairi!
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i just remembered survivor series 2019. kairi looked so good with the red raw cap
That's not a bad thing though?
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Kairi says she's at Raw

based badass player
God damn you're right. She should wear caps more often
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definitely one of her best looks
Incredibly tough player
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the truest Love
What a warrior. I'm glad it didn't swell up like a balloon like her forehead did that time. I'm thinking now she may have sliced herself without really conking her head on the desk. Either her own fingernail or a piece of her gear. Jesus.
solo looks like he's so done with tonga loa's nonsense, he's fed up. that's my tribal chief. he should let kairi join the bloodline.
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I don't want to have sex with Kairi, I want to fuck her. Bet she's a delicious little freak
asuka doesn't even know kairi's shoot last name
that sounds like bs
Did Kairi dye the back part of her hair blue? It looked like it just now
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Highly visual pic.
can't wait for mhpw to do thingies with her model
The CTE is catching up with her
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The best tag team of all time.
luv big hair Kairi
They're in the rarefied air with the Road Warriors, Midnight Express and the Dudley Boys.
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Raw cap Kairi kino was a great time to be a Kairi fan
Kairi pits?
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>We salute you, Canadian Kairichad.
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Decades from now whwn the history of the Women's Tag Titles is being run down, literally the only thing of worth mentioning, and the backbone of the division will be The Kabuki Warriors.
The division would be unviable and dead if not for them.
And the worst thing is that Trips will piss all over them and have Jade and Bianca beat their tag team record.
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>what is one criteria kairi sane looks for in her other half
me: picrel
No one is beating their cumulative days held as Champions. Bet on it.
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no eyepatch D:
but she still looked great yesterday
What a fucking chad!
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it was just a lil rib brother. senpai ribbin on the kohai.
What she was actually doing was kayfabing because she didn't wanna give away Kari's actual real shoot last name to the marks. Smart.
You underestimate Triple H's determination to push Bianca and Jade. He made them come out first several times despite being the champs.
some covid era kairi kino
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Cheese signs of life? its been in the news that dogs are getting kidnapped and eaten
do they not have wikipedia in japan
Another MASSIVELY successful Kairi thread. The seas part for we alone!
they do. the guy who is in charge of agriculture in japan was caught editing wiki entries on gundams while doing meetings
Gentlemen, I implore you to Imagine consensual missionary coitus with the maiden known as Kairi
5 seconds
Cheese will be fine. She's a VID and probably has her own security detail.
mark henry would have liked to have broken her face for this dance
isn't cheese a boy?
KEK nice catch
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Hot pirate!
Very cool!
Pirates 4 life
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wish that was my hand
Who has the corner cam clip if Kairi in leather pants? Please post it.
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Nope - I too misgendered Cheese at first. I hope my feelings for her don't change now I know she is a girl.
cheese got her own general. what a draw
Kairi answered the call
Congrats on her transition!
Thank you. You are a gentle(wo)man and a scholar.
Shut up, tranny. Back to your boring aew threads
Thanks for yet another INCREDIBLE edition of /arrrr/
reply number 300.
now awaiting a new edition
I'll get it ready
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If Kairi acknowledged me in some way it would be the highlight of my life.
Post about her on Twitter and she'll likely see it. She's liked a bunch of my posts in the past back when I had one.
I would be pretty excited too
I'm gonna give this a shot
What a king
Yeah she is a Like whore
This is world altering

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