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la gordita...
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Sorry but no amount of ass/thighs/tits can make up for a face like that
I'll have her if you guys wont
Those are the worst ass shots ever. Was your goal to make her look even less appealing?
does it look like edit that shit?
How does she still have acne? She's 40
why would you even typed that out kek what a faggot
Ugly White bitch. Being a pawg is her only saving grace.
chelsea green is also gross
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>anons ITT calling her gross
More PAWGLEY for me!
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She's fat, this bitch is fat
She's white. Sorry Cletus.
>those heaving tits full of milk
I need to give her a baby.
just how low are your test levels?
Imagine a Bayley titty fuck, imagine her big tits flopping up and down during sex. Most importantly - Imagine the sounds.
If a girl has Bayley levels of tits and ass, combined with a toned belly

I'm just not gonna even care about the face
I know she's always had curves but she's definitely bulking up on purpose, right? Like, she KNOWS her fans are a bunch of ass-obsessed lunatics, she just happens to have great genetics that lets all the food go to her tits and ass.
Tragic face. But amazing ass. Rare for a white girl.
>was ok with nia calling her BBL bayley

why are third worlders aroused by smelly dark cottage cheese kek
You’re literally brown
mmm my precious torta
She's going to get the title back by sitting on Nia Jax
Those curves work me into a shoot, bros.
Who is this nigga? And why is he always hugging Bagley
I want Bayley to nurse me with her fat tits
Sorry she's not a cardboard cutout like Giulia.
>white girl
her shoot last name is Martinez
>Thinks yt people can't have Spanish names
This chick is white. Sorry your women are butt ugly.
So, yes, white. What is your point?
She's Hispanic you retards.
A Latina.
Hence the naturally occuring phat ass.
Also, look at her face. Very Hispanic phenotype.
Bayley isn't a white woman, she just plays one on TV.
someone needs to stop exhaling two packs a day directly into her face
Bayley's favorite football player
You just used a lot of words to say “white.”
They've definitely fucked. He could do much, much better tho.
>He could do much, much better tho
like you not watchin fake fighting
Gimme leche yummy abuela
Hey Bayley
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>Low T faggots calling her ugly
I would give her 5 children.
Guarantee ya its either joshipedos or underage making a big booboo about her face

Actual men know whats up
You say that like it's a bad thing.
wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating chalupas
Aryan goddess
Shes brown and her family name is Martinez, what is this meme calling her white
>white people can't be tanned
you've never been to the south or cali.
I'm guessing PAAG or PAMG don't sound as good?
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She's got white skin, can't speak Spanish, she's a MAGAtard, and her dad's name is Thomas.
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good Lord...
This is true. My dad who's from Georgia has that leather skin
>whites call Hispanics honorary whites for hating black people
>Said Hispanics are doing exactly what the whites commended them on
No refunds. Bayley is white.
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ya gotta love the Pamster
Why are people (though I suspect it's actually just 1 massively insecure tard) so gotten to by the fact that she is Latina ?
Where do you think she got that ass from exactly?
>Where do you think she got that ass from exactly?
Eating American slop. She was born in the US.
Is this the next stop of ((their)) plan?

Latinos are white people, they were born on the same continent. They just ate more
First part is true. If the second part was true then America wouldn´t have a negroe problem.
Imagine the smell of that black thong
Ewww she likes Trump? Grody! I'll not jack off to her anymore.
ah OK this is just one of those /pol/ brainworms retard memes.
She's Hispanic and no amount of denying reality to suit your schizo echo chamber narrative changes that.
Acquire meds, therapy and get off the Internet boomer. It ruined your brain. mark.
cody rhodes is hispanic
Isn't Cody supposed to be black? Or is that one a no sell?
Futebol? Dude looks like he's a dancer or something
No they aren't. Theyre rape babies and partially Spanish and partially native American.
you said it the first time >>15739606
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Nerds on /pw/ see this and say they wouldn't fuck her because her face is a little too puffy for their liking
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Based Bayley
im not even sayin anything
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Would gladly suck the farts out of her ass
It's not Xochtilazumaxolotl or Flys like Eagle.
When the commentators were like zomg Bayley is back I was super confused because I didn't realize she was gone.
Wasn't she caught reading Chud books? I think it was Jordan Peterson
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Bayley is easily the most SEXO woman in wrestling

Yeah her face is a bit busted, dont give a fuck
kek what a fat drunk
ass pads
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luv phat Pammy
Some fat chicks are cute. Bayley is not. People will say a fat chick has a pretty face. Nobody ever says that about Bayley
I don't give a fuck you homo I'm tryna clap that phat booty and jiggle them fat titties in my face
You have no standards, got it
you watch half naked men fake fight
I usually skip Tiffy matches
if Bayley walked up to you and jiggled them titties in your face and told you to clap them cheeks, you would do it.
And if you sincerely would not, then you are a homosexual. Just the facts.
I dunno, to be fair, I think Bayley *is* cute, she still has that same Bayley smile she had back in NXT. Whether she's pretty is another matter.
I repeat...
So you're a homo.
good to know.
Weird thing to admit openly
you watch half naked oily men fake fight
I wanna bongo those tits,
smack those tits,
squeeze those tits,
and suck those tits
based. having high standards is a good thing, don't let the obese virgins who'd consider themselves lucky to have a fat chick give them an over the pants handjob gaslight you into believing otherwise.
Does Sting have a penis?
god damn those tits are atleast triple D
you watch oily men fake fight

Pad Ass Latinx Girl
Nope. Sorry Cletus.
You must be white
>MAGA Bayley
My new pfp
She's most likely 70-80% euro with the rest a mishmash of native/nig/mena
You think Bayley is good because you slurped up Vince's booking
>Pamela Martinez
>not Latina
your education system failed you
>barely any ass pics ITT
>she's a MAGAtard,
It's a shame that they mentioned her big latina ass and didn't do anything to showcase it
She reads Chud books and her dad is a Republicuck
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>botched plastic
i'll shoot take anything that isnt plastic surgery
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the "horsewoman" have nothing to do against the new generation of NXT talent. Specially my black kweens Kelani Jordan, Jaida Parker and Sol Ruca
>born in the US
>can't speak Spanish
>isn't in touch with her latin culture
>listens to rock
>family is conservative
>besides that Puerto Rican guy all the guy's she's been with are white
She's white you dumbasses.
Good god I would plap her into oblivion.
sasha can easily fit in with the nxt girls
>listens to rock
This is not a "white person" exclusive thing at all
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Bayley was the first chick I gooned too when I started watching WWE again. And that's a shoot, brother.
i knew naomi had a big butt but i have never seen people cream over it till bayley was a thing
why does naomi wear the chocolate leggings
>chocolate leggings
What year did you get back into WWE?
Well shit, now I want her. Fuck off.
2019 when they went to FOX.
Can this phat ass bitch just wear shorts. Just ONCE
>>listens to rock
to be fair a lot of california beaners love emo rock shit.
sounds like every latina ever
yeah Morrisey/The Smiths are inexplicably mega over with East LA Latinos for some reason.
Bayley listens to Paramore. I wouldn't call that "rock".
her skin looks like shit, lotta hard living and drinking
kek she was seething when she couldn't get them for her wrestlemania entrance
Holy Yummola, if you don't agree you're a faggot
She gets me so fucking hard bros, I wanna lick her armpit
what happened to BayleyChad? he used to make these all the time.
His mom is Cuban
She dated priest?
having to photoshop and edit that mug must have taken hours, probably decided to do something else
personally i would have sex with pam
>Bayley thread with 100+ replies
Based Bayley is mega over
He killed himself about 9 months ago. It sucked because he made some great Bayley fakes other than the eventual bbc shit.

>Was in a wank meet up group with him in Discord.
>He killed himself
Tis' the fate of all Bayley fags.
he did?
Yeah sadly. Not to get into to many details but he had a lot of demons.
what liking bayley does to someone
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>barely any pictures
>everyone is talking about how ugly she is
The things I would do to this woman
>everyone is talking about how ugly she is
yet they watch half naked men
She's probably 80% European. Wouldn't look out of place in Italy or Spain.
I have plenty of bread, pass that butter over!
Irish and Mexican
Nia was ribbing Bayley>>15739826
George sKittles
I'm on your side. I want to bury my face between her asscheeks, huff hard then pass out
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
biden lost
biden literally won chud lmao
Very schizo thread. Just like the /asp/ days
God tier body
because she is over 200lbs now
>latinos are the new white
fuck off gen z
Go die, past white. Viva La Nuevo Blanco.
this thread has the 'cords fingerprints all over it
He's black in the same way Dusty was a black if yoo wheel
Her milks are underrated.
They're big and natural.
Other chicks get bad implants and guys go "whoah nice tits" while ignoring babe-ley.
I would literally do anything to get my hands on that black panty
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That's a very unfair photo. How about you use a non-candid one where she was a little younger, had her makeup professionally done, and photographed by a pro with proper lighting
>Busted face
>10/10 body
I want to fuck Bayley's butt and suck on her tits
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>Sniffs her hand afterwards but makes it look like she's wiping her face
Based Charlotte
>comes back to the thread
>janny immediately deleted by bwc tribute vid of Bayley I posted last night
I was imagining the taste
imagine how tight the friendship would be between Bayley and Maika if they worked together, drinking and eating junk, Maika would use her ass for a pillow
She has an alcohol problem. That's why she's so puffy. Iyo exposed it.
it's la gorda

nothing small about her
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Grab em by the pussy
>skankism is dead
not quite what i expected in a secret bayley coom thread
>captcha is sahad
close enough man
Imagine the smell...
gas yourself zoom zoom
all things considered, that AEW jobber that dropped her because of jealousy was just a tiny bit too early
he could have tapped it a bit more when she was hot, but better too early than too late in those cases i guess
the wall claims all
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I miss the old Bayley
the asspad poster never recovered from this
Nope, some indie shitter who isnin aew now Aron Solow or sometjing
I never knew Bayley has this alluring power over me. She's working me into a shoot.
holy fucking latex finna work me into a shootola
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her ass is insane. it defies the laws of physics
ding dong hello
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Hispanic is not at all white anon, and you know it. Not that it's bad, though. As far as non-whites go, hispanics are alright. They're certainly way better than Arabs, niggers, and jews.
Remember, the bigger the ass, the worse the smell. That's a shoot.
A pairing that I would've never thought up, but is now running through my imagination. Also, Maika with Bayley's body would be God tier
This is just evidence of HHH's weak leadership. Vince McMahon would never have allowed her to get this fat
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Built for breeding
Average Indian anon
Imagine the cashola if she started and onlyfans
Imagine being proud of something you have no control over or contributed to.
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I bet she's a lot of fun in bed
At least she got tits and ass compared to those jap wrestlers.
>black kweens Kelani Jordan, Jaida Parker and Sol Ruca
Sol isn't even black?
i bet she isn't
okay gaylord
She can lay flat on her stomach for all I care.
I would pay her good money to make porn…with me
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La yumma
Spanish people aren't considered white in America even though Spaniards are far paler and fairer than Italians, a "white" nationality
>Listens to rock
Mexico and Brazil are huge metal lovers tho
>Can't speak Spanish
That's every latina in Cali
>Sleeps with white guys
>Born in the US
Being born in the US doesn't make you automatically white.
When Bayley's brother went missing a few years ago she gave his ethnicity as Caucasian
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Also Hispanic
tired of seeing this in the ‘log, let’s get it one post closer to the bump limit
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He's a swarthy white guy
Just start using the hide thread feature, this place gets real shit without it
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i shoot love this beaner like you wouldn't believe
Not low enough to want my children born with her face
>the single latina wine aunt that flirts with White guys half her age
>watches half naked men fake wrestle
Holy fucking based
oddly specific
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Ass pads
kek what dead meme
I prefer a chubby girl over some flat ass, flat chest 5'0 jap chick
she's built like Diamond Kitty iykyk
she gives me kelsi monroe vibes
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You're not white, Paco
Maybe in Planet Retard
Give the details, man. Guy's already dead, might as well give him a name
kek what a true meme
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