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Uh oh.
is this kayfabe?
Shut the fuck up you tranny cunt
Why is she like this?
What's "the discourse"?
What happened?
AEWtists in the mud
Kek /pw/eenies BTFO
Bet it was some /pw/ beaner sending her cuck fanfic
Probably this troglodyte >>15739242
Some liv fangirl started spamming that Rhea was banging H to get the kind of booking she’s getting.
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Is she going on a seethe because people are (rightfully) pointing out that she sucks without Dominik?
emotional maturity of a 14 year old
Kys Pajeet.
This is so funny and vindicating for me.

I remember being roasted and mocked on here months ago for standing up for Dom. People kept saying that Rhea made Dom and without her he isn't interesting. But I said they have it backwards and that it's her character that needs Dom's character.

And lo and behold look where we are now.
>80% of /pw/ agrees with you
>”h..heh I’m the only one who said this”
You’re dumb as fuck.
get this dyke bitch off raw
every single fan of this bitch is a lesbian
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Wow I can't believe the woman with tattoos all over her body is a mental case
She's a retarded self-mark lmao
Kek incels did not like this thread
She's like 5 tweets away from busting a Chyna and tweeting "you dont want to talk about the little boys hunter"
Nah she’s right.
I don't remember any kind of discussion of who from Dom and Rhea is the Michaels but everyone now seems to agree its Dom
There wasn’t any. He was arguing with the buddyfag and that’s it. Everyone knew Dom carried Rhea.
are Liv stans more psychotic than Sashit stans
The Majority of Woman are Cunts
Liv and Rhea fans are both mentally ill
they could of ignored the liv stan ,they made this into a bigger deal then it should be . imo i think rheastans are the worse
What a great babyface
Who tf are you pal at least she draws the house
Yeah, but you don't see Liv having mental breakdowns online. This isn't the 1st time Rhea has lost her cool.
They’re accusing her of sleeping with her 60 year old boss. That’s weird.
this is so kino
paul is doing everything to get rhea over ,speaking spanish,new couple with yeet, squashing everyone

dirty dom really made this bitch
Good morning sir.
>wrestlers should go on unhinged tirades every time some 80 iq indian says something weird or retarded on twitter
>Woman had sex to get ahead
Wow man what a totally unique and personal attack on someone. That never happens. No one's ever said that about a successful woman before. She should really take that to heart and lash out on social media to help people see how untrue it is
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Wtf is this bitch babbling about? Someone qrd this shit.
>liv fan spams accounts implying that Rhea sleeps with THE GAME to be booked stronger than Dom and liv.
I think Liv is smarter than she shows. We dont even know if she and Bo are still together, she called herself single once but that could very much be a work

Meanwhile Rhea "mark" Ripley has to let the world know she married a jobber from AEW. Then constantly post about how happy they are together and how they got matching bracelets. Fucking idiot
Owning retards on Twitter is a face move, yes, you’re correct
you are autistic tranny rhea fan
Maybe I’m naive but are normal actors this sensitive and easy to troll? I feel like I rarely see actors melting down from a random on Twitter but it happens daily with wrestlers
It only happens to the dumb ones like Rhea Ripley
lmao you can tell it's you because of the way you type
god your so autistic
rhea is a tranny and BORING
She usually has meltdowns when stuff like this can affect her career or daily life. Call her a fat assed big tittied bitch? Fine. Make up stories about sleeping with the boss? Ehhhhh nah.
Good morning sir!
Is she wrong?
It has literally zero effect on her career. Her acknowledging it has done more damage to her career than doing nothing at all.
Don't call Rhea a bitch
None of her meltdowns have affected her career.
Locking comments years ago because she liked some racist jokes? Didn’t affect her.
Cried because people laughed at cucky?
Still continued to flirt with Dom.
Cried over Maxxine being bullied? Did nothing to her and actually made people pretend like Maxxine is good.
Dirty Dom made Rhea. She is the Jannety to his Michaels. Before Dom made her, she was jobbing in tag team matches with Nikki ASH
What was Dom doing before JD
he's a mysterio and has the messican fanbase
>bi-monthly BPD Twitter rant
So nothing.
He literally was included in feuds with Lesnar and Rollins.
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>Causes a performer to seethe in your path
The rant is proof she fucked Paul. 100%
>messiah Seth
He did but the creative is obsessed with Rhea. I think Dominik might be stuck with her for years because Rhea isn't that superstar they were looking for and just isn't interesting by herself

Also that yeet shit they are trying to do with Rhea to replace Dom, fucking embarrassing
I mean folks where's the lie?
the fact that this comment caused a fuck ton of seething is insane

why even give this attention
rhea is pathetic. send her ass to smackdown
This is it? Was she vanity searching Rhea?
it blew up on twiter people had twitter spaces talking about this lmao
>Rhea got mad over this
And they call my guy Buddy insecure.
kek livdom owns this fraud
There’s an actually a huge liv, rhea fandom war going on. It’s hilarious
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this is the shit that killed Hana Kimura.
I honestly feel bad for Buddy marrying this whiny retard
it's a liv fan just being rude to the person she is feuding with, it's literally either a child or a man with the mentality of one. who replies to this shit?
Like nigga close your eyes Haha
Didn’t liv fans wish death upon Becky’s baby
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Its amazing how Dom and Liv have the mental fortitude NOT to respond and get worked by twitter randos
every woman is like this. thats why they sperg out about age gaps. they know they dont develop after the age of 13
This dumb bitch literally saw “dickrider” and is so preoccupied with sex that she jumped straight to accusations of sex nepotism
dom gets the most hate on the roster and he's never did this . rhea is pathetic
Dom does not have hundreds of schizos online accusing him of serious sexual misconduct lil bro
You’re comparing boos(which is what he wants) to something out of character.
Why is she so worked all the time?
She's not owning anyone though. She's indirectly vague posting and not replying to anyone. She's just bitching for the sake of bitching
so you think the people who hate him don't send him death threats ? keep coping bud some marks unironically hate him irl
Lol you’re imagining shit now. People love Dom and now it’s all for the heat at his job vs someone accusing you of sleeping with your decrepit boss to get a better spot in his business.
It's finally hit her that her fame peaked when she was with Dom. Now all the fanatics have moved on to the Liv/Dom shipping
they call him nepo baby who can't wrestle
some rhea fan wished death to dom
go look it up
I like how her death got successfully blamed on internet nobodies instead of Fuji TV for editing the show to make her look bad and Stardom/Bushiroad for forcing her to stay on a show that she told them she didn't want to to be on.
Its literally one schizo thats accusing Rhea and shes responding because shes a fucking mark

Dom would never. Neither would Liv because shes with a Rotunda. Wrestling families know not to get worked by random comments

Rhea is constantly arguing with retards on twitter because once again shes a fucking mark. Deep down she doesnt get it
The worst shit that Dom gets is “uhhh his dad is a hall of famer and he should get some muscles lol”.
1000 percent. This is bigger than wrestling.
sure he does. like 5 random schizos have tried to kill seth and he was face at the time. if you dont think dom has some insane haters you are retarded
You just know Buddys at home going “uh you good?” while she’s on the couch gritting her teeth typing away.
I like that nothing else close has happened in wrestling so she's brought up if anything even 00000000000000000000000000000000.1% close to it happens. It'd be like comparing any backstage fight to benoit.
God, Rhea must be having marriage trouble. No sane happy person would be lashing out like this on the internet. I am afraid
>we are in an epidemic of misogynistic violence and femicide
Sadly, not true
She’s always been like this cuckposter
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>erin in a hoodie
not if I get my hands on her, gonna be more like Erin for the Hood
both rhea and liv stans blame dom for the way this fued is being booked

twitter has a search function
That is not remotely the same lmaoo
YOu’ll finna know it!!
He has a type 2BF
god morning sir rhea dyke
both comments aren't serious but rhea is a mark and responds
Trumpies are a big problem in professional wrestling. That's why we are vibing with Kamala. Sexist misogynist men need to be left in the past.
One is very different Rajesh.
Liv Stans think this 4 foot little blonde should be booked like Goldberg kek fucking faggots
Biden lost, kike.
Holy shit she's long winded.

She wouldn't last in the 140 characters era, brother.
Has it been a month already?
Wrestling isn’t real, women’s wrestling doubly so
didnt liv beat nia jaxx ?
retarded dyke
RHEA is an AEW wrestler stuck in WWE
- let me know if that makes sense
what is blud on about?
Imagine if current Liv was feuding with Sasha Banks, it would be a nuclear war on Twitter
>The Rhea tranny having an absolute meltdown ITT
>hangman avatar
why is it always him
Dom is shit too. It's literally just the booking that made Dom get so much heat. Liv made this new storyline worth shit and we have already jumped the shark
Because he wore his wifes jeans to a show and is the softest faggot in wrestling
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>Wow I can't believe the woman with tattoos all over her body is a mental case
Pretty much, although i'd classify it more as being emotional fragile. Theres no reason to reply to reply to random nobody fans taking shots at you online.
Peepfag is here.
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HHH's dick doesn't work anymore since his heart attack. He can barely hold onto the microphone with one hand sometimes.
Unironically this. Rhea obviously doesn't have the mental fortitude to behave on social media, so Triple should take her password and get some Pajeet to manage it. Hell, if he could get Punk to stop posting tranny shit he can also get his stronk independant badass womyn to stop going on petty meltdown rants on twitter.
What is this dumb fuck talking about?
Wrestlers shouldn’t have twitter if they’re gonna get worked into seething shoots by fucking nobodies with 5 followers.
Not even close. Sasha fans try to cancel people 24/7
>80% of /pw/
so like 22 people? 3/4 of those having autism or schizophrenia?
Someone post them
It's her Tony wanks dogs moment. Now everyone will wonder if it's true, and the trolls will use this on her from here on out because it got to her
Man I hope so

Rhea is already complete trash and stinking up RAW harder every week, she deserves to get assraped by trolls on twitter
i do think resentment does tend to snowball, i don't think it will be about this tweet because who cares. but if she keeps being booked as an unstoppable badass bitch especially in this boom period which has a lot of eyes on her i could easily see her ending up like a 2015 roman. but i think hhh is a smarter booker than vince and will do what he can to avoid that fate
WWE programming is so boring that e-drones have to gossip like teenage girls about the real life of the WWE Superstars(tm)
>gets worked by fans over and over
KWAB, get her off social media
Rheajeet Seething
They both insecure, that Ginger Manlet ruined JD!
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Body language says they're fucking
Good morning sir!
I don’t understand what she is saying
Did you think a modern woman could become an actual good in-ring wrestler without being insanely mentally psychotic?
Did you think a modern woman could go from being cute to making herself look like a man without being irrevocably mentally ill?
She was always a ticking time bomb
They repeat this shit like fucking bots holy fuck.
How many times has it been confirmed that wrestling fans had nothing to do with Hana but these reddit-nigger trash FAGGOTS continuously spew that shit.
I hope they all die.
You know business is good when the shoot marks start coming out the woodwork and start harassing the talent.
So cheer up Rhea the checks just get biggah.
I find it genuinely hilarious that a sub full of “smart marks” can’t tell when someone is taking advantage of a tweet to work a storyline on Twitter.
pure cope from delusional trannies
Holy based
the whole storyline is that rhea is a badass so that doesnt really work
Rhea literally married a H lookalike
He looks nothing like THE GAME
Remember when she got on twitter to defend buddy from the cuck accusations? Dom always gets roastie fans talking shit about this marriage and he just ignores them.
Gag on it.
Yes he does. Some roastie on raw had sign saying “is your wife okay with this?” when he got with liv but he didn’t get it when he was with Rhea. Rhea fans are mentally ill.
Oh so it’s bad if they bring signs referencing a relationship huh.
Wrong. They're just sick of her being forced to always flee from Rhea when she was never afraid of her before. It is ridiculous how cowardly they've made her given she's the women's champion.
It’s the whole group dude. All they do is run away in 2v5s. I don’t fault the liv fags at all.
must be on the rag
>the funniest thing is
>something not at all funny
Women: can’t live with em can’t live with em am i right fellas
>touch grass
can never take anyone who says this seriously
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>shows up to work and gives you free coom content
>makes money
>never says a negative thing about the business or the fans
The modern womeme era is so much better though right zoomies?
Rhea doesn't gain anything out of replying to this shit. Only kills what little aura she has still left.
You say that and she’s still massively over unfortunately. Racism didn’t stop it. Defending her cuck bf didn’t stop it. Crying about bullying didn’t stop it.
I think if she did the Roman thing of doing only occasional appearances and not doing any social media whatsoever would make her twice as over.
Nah not with her fanbase. They need constant validation.
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>I'm not SEETHING, I'm owning you
rhea fans confirmed DYKES AND TRANNIES
so is she talking about all wrestling fans?
too much steroids they make you extremely unhinged and emotional.
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rhea fans be like
>good morning sirs
this is 100% Paul's fault, he wanted to bring in more women by pushing Rhea, this is the result.

the shit that females used to pull on tumblr in 'fandoms' now happen in wrestling, oh boy oh boy
I think people forget she's younger than she looks. She's probably in her late 20s now, but she's always been an idiot on Social Media.

Probably seething that she wasn't as over as she thought she was and Liv completely took over because she's pushed more boundaries than Rhea ever did.
You just want to see a Mexican make out with another white woman don’t you Jose.
She's a woman.

She's literally pinning people with a pose porn, her gimmick for the last two years has been a literal dominatrix, and yet here we are getting defensive over dumb internet shit likely put out there by some nobody who probably has 23 followers.

Every "kinky" girl is the same way. You so much as call them hot without paying money for the privilege and they shrivel and shriek simultaneously.

.........................or maybe she saw the Smudge comic with her and Bianca with giant futa cocks and Alexa as the ref, I dunno.
All this proves is Liv's the best girl. Works hard, doesn't complain, keeps kafabe, loves her fans and doesn't get worked into a shoot by them.
i don't think liv is ever make out with dom again
Buddybros... the source is rocksolid... how could we not have known?
Jesus fucking Christ why all these dumbasses zoomer wrestlers are so chronically online all the time to seethe about a random post in the most deluded social media platform? People would've ignored everything but she making a post brings actual attention to these posts
Still seething and Projecting Pajeet
Social Media was a mistake.
JOSE CHAD here what for? I can fuck my white gf everyday.
This is a leadership issue desu. If you're triple nose, you just pull her in and tell her to stop replying to meaningless social media retards. It's not that difficult.
His pulling her in is what started all this.
I have to agree. I don't know why H lets these fuckers get so worked online. It's really funny in a pathetic way. Then they pretend like they know better when they try to be more smarky than smarks.
Well listen, as he's hitting it, he can just grab her by the throat and tell her to shut the fuck up on social media. Problem solved.
That's hot. While Steph watches, right?
Yeah thats not a normal response shes cheating on poor bud
who do you think gives rhea the strap on lube?
So did vince poop on her head too? how many head poops are they?
The marks are in the ring
I dont think shes Vinces type.
You're right, I posted it too.
Rhea's gimmick was just "I'm a fooking badass ya poof", minus the Aussie spine, plus gothic makeup.
It has no depth and that's fine, this is wrestling, she doesn't need to be Macbeth.
There's nothing to her character besides that though.
The only thing, absolute only thing that worked about her and Dom being together on screen, was the dommy mommy meme.
Dominick's more than that, but Rhea never was as much.

Enter the posts that'll retort with cleavage and ass pics / webms of Rhea's sexy body as if that proves me wrong.
Go away heat.
Many are saying this.
Why didn’t buddy defend his wife?
Thats it? Jesus fucking christ
Dom is fucking great. Genuinely a great shit eating heel. Booking or not, his voice is annoying and his mannerisms are great. His bumping is fantastic, too. He made himself look more and more like a scumbag and he just gets it.
So he’s basically JD but more popular because of a love storyline. Gotcha.

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