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so how's your sex life?
jesus christ mercedes
that mone segment is actually fucking insane
It's awesome.
I'm a power bottom.
AEW is embarrassing
Mercedes and the Bucks are such an Anti-Draw that Claudio is getting a bump.
LOL are the big bangers smartening up? They turned that shit off quick
>only trolls do that
added to the warning at the top
legitimately worked
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>Hangman was so badass he set a fucking house on fire!!!!
>10k people tuned out
Thats not like a regular drop that just happens every week. Thats a FUCK THIS SHIT drop for Mone
ShelGOAT be carrying this shitter fed for free, where are your thanks?
>the numbers are only up at the start or when people think is over
shelGOD drop off is crazy this week AND a 5 hundy quarter. not good
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>fletcher is a jobber, people knew the outcome so they didn't want to watch a 5 star match
>tranny tanked the ratings
>mox and jericho are draws
>epic 6 man tag with THE BEST WRESTLER TO EVER LIVE giga drew
>swerve and hangman held them
nothing surprising here
175k noped the fuck out in that first 15 minutes.
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>the horsha mega plummet
>Tony literally setting his dad's money on fire loses viewers
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Top minds of Reddit blame the Georgia school shooting, Trump, Hannity, the election and the US Open for the poor ratings this week
Tough competition!
Okada do be a HUGE FUCKING ANTI-DRAW tho
Blame Shida not Moné
They have totally botched Okada and Mone
Okada and shida tanking american tv segments
every week without fail, 200k people turn away the first 15 minutes but that opening number boosts the whole show
200K people realized AEW was on and changed the channel
good to know leftist redditors watch Hannity
>mercedes, young bucks and jungle Jack share a quarter
>viewers dip below 6 hundy
Kek Tony sure knows how to pick his top stars.
Seriously though you could let a chimp throw darts at a board to book dynamite and it would get better ratings than Tony
would they have lost to nxt without it?
Garcia cementing himself as ratings Cancer. Manure is not worth the money.
I can't believe that HHH organized a school shooting so that people wouldn't watch AEW. What a conniving bastard
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>is the new timothy thatcher in youre path
Mercedes isn't a draw with boomers, who cares
>watch an hour of big bang theory and be thoroughly entertained by Sheldon being awkward and Leanord making an awkward quip
>immediately turn off the TV in disgust after less than 15 minutes of AEW
This must be an achievement. People who watch big bang will watch literally anything apart from AEW
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>I'd expect mediocre ratings at best thru January
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bow down to the
bow down to the king
>the tranny discord's big house burning angle they were spamming last night lost viewers
I'm dying laughing. Why does everything they like fail?
At this point I am convinced that AEW is a lost cause and there's absolutely nothing they can do to get even close to the numbers they did in 2021 and 2022
Tony should keep booking these 50/50 Kyle Fletcher matches every single week.
we love you goat!
>Mercedes, the Bucks and Jack Perry get an entire quarter
>lose 50k viewers
lmao what a bunch of anti-draws
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let's see how many low iq retards are incapable of finding the highest rated segment (ignoring the first one). there are already multiple itt
>there's absolutely nothing they can do to get even close to the numbers they did in 2021 and 2022
no shit, cable is dying
is swerve the biggest failure in AEW history? even a house burning angle was an anti-draw cause he was involved
>look at cagematch
>Okada/Fletch was 19 minutes
I don't get it. Its Kyle Fletcher, why does he have a locked in 20 minute match on your top show to lose every week?
its very clearly mercedes
Are you telling me the New Rock And Austin (tm) segment between Hangman and Swerve actually LOST viewers from the previous segment? Grim.
>there's absolutely nothing they can do to get even close to the numbers they did in 2021 and 2022
but enough about WWE
CM Punk won
Tony's favorite jobber twink at the moment
It was 1) a good match and 2) they're telling a story to get him away from Callis. They played up Kyle not going for pins and showboating, then he got beaten with a cheap shop.
>Womeme causes the show to flirt with the 5’s
Who woulda thought? Tony is dipping his toes into the 500k range now. It’s going to become a reality soon enough .
because wrestling is... le performance art!
It’s like on TEW where you have a guy whose a great technical wrestler but with zero star quality/zero potential for a push so you whore him out in technical masterclass matches in the opener every week to exploit crowd mechanics and the rating system
Unfortunately for Tony, Kyle Fletcher isn’t a great technical wrestler and this isn’t TEW, it’s real life
it's a wrestling company. do you expect tony to book PPV quality matches from top to bottom on every show? the goal was for okada to have a great match and go over. who would you book instead of kyle for this job? there are correct options to pick from here, but they all have equal or less credibility than him.
>+78k viewers
Kek What A Draw
Kek horsedes killing the ratings
>would have lost to NXT if not for the big bang bump
many such cases!
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its for the h*ckin' sickerinos, you wouldnt get it pleb
It can be a good Okada showcase without 20 minutes. Thats just hard to pull on TV if its not an actual important match. Common sense should tell you this
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Maybe teaming Okada with the Bucks after poaching him for millions of dollars, wasn't the best idea Tony
I can’t see them dropping to a 500k average just because the Big Bang theory lead in is always too strong and there is a dedicated fanbase of at least 500k slop addicted Redditors who will still watch
I mean if they haven’t already tuned out after 4 years of Tony’s shit booking why would they finally tune out now?
You might get the odd dip into the 500s when there’s a genuine massive news story competing against them or like a huge sports game or something
Bucks kill the rating again, they can’t keep getting away with this
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I'll never run out of uses for this pic
This week definitely.
>Blame Willow
>Blame Britt
>Blame Shida

Nah. Sasha fucking sucks, dude
A Nyla Rose match that wasn't the lowest quarter of the show? Consider me shocked
>the goal was for okada to have a great match and go over. who would you book instead of kyle for this job?
Why does every “great match” have to be a 20 minute cooperative gymnastic routine with zero selling which devalues every move and every other match on the card?
I’ve seen plenty of great wrestling matches that aren’t in this style
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>putting sasha in the same timeslot as the young bucks
>Nah. Sasha fucking sucks, dude
who's better?
>Tony is dipping his toes into the 500k range now
Dynamite is gonna average 500k and be dipping its toes in to 400k by this time next year.
>the epic heckin Hangerino burnerino segment lost viewers even with the overrun
you watched it though, and you're talking about. This is your life
The only thing that can save AEW is Tony giving up the book.
>Okada loses 200k viewers
Kek Tony massacred my boy
So when is Sheldon getting his big AEW signing? They've gotta put in the contract he must open every show. Maybe just air BBT and have AEW in a small screen on the bottom left.
Do you think they...?
No collision ratings?
AEW isn't WWE. they put more emphasis on wrestling, so again, the goal was to have a great match. a short "showcase" match for someone like okada is pointless, especially since he's already done those after signing.
who gives af about collision
>22% viewership drop in first quarter
>the goal was for okada to have a great match and go over.
Then Okada should have turned against the Young Cucks and pinned them both in a 5 minute handicap match. Having Okada wrestle a jobber for 19 boring minutes does nothing to get anyone over. Now he just looks like an even bigger geek for taking so long to pin a jobber.
>10k people tuned out

they were inside that house
We didn't watch it. The only reason we know anything in your gay little fed happens is because you retarded trannies constantly spam /pw/ with a hunddred threads about aew shit every day trying to get it over when all it does is make everyone hate you and aew more
No one wants to talk about aew here and all the hatred and mockery that go towards it is reactive to posters like you
The New Japan and TNA posters can stick to one thread to discuss their shows, why can't you faggots?
>19 boring minutes
i'm sorry you don't like wrestling lil bro. stick to bracelet and flower necklace drama?
>you watched it though
You think I actually watched that gay shit? Fuck no all I did was save the pic when some AEWtist posted it rofl
Great match doesn't mean it has to be 20 minutes. You seem to be misunderstanding the point. Good wrestlers can have good matches in shorter time. Not checklist wrestling bullshit
the live crowd bit on all the near falls, which would indicate he's not seen as a jobber,the match wasn't boring, and everything you wrote is just bitter edrone headcanon
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hes just seething at the rating
Honest question, do you think the 200k viewers who were still watching AEW up until earlier this year and stopped just switched to Triller?
>We didn't watch it
> stick to one thread
you came in an AEW thread to cry this much, actually
lets talk about Mones star power
Yes. That lines up with the averages around all of cable tv declines.
name a few great matches that went less than 15-20 minutes. and stick to guys who work a slower paced, main event style like okada if you want to keep the comparison straight.
>that go towards it is reactive
Pretty much everyone
Okay then. I'll take your word for it.
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>AEW thread
Oh you can't hide, lil bro
E-God board
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>AEW isn't WWE. they put more emphasis on wrestling
Yes, and putting more emphasis on wrestling is a horrible mistake. Dynamite just did 660k because of it.
>the goal was to have a great match
Well then AEW failed to meet that goal because Okada wrestling a heatless match against a jobber for 19 minutes makes for a terrible match. Just look at the plummet. Even AEW enjoyers weren't having that shit.
>a short "showcase" match
Short matches where Okada beats the shit out of AEW's top stars is what you need if you want to get him over at all. Right now he's just barely stronger than a jobber. How the fuck can people get behind him when he's so weak?
The normie person that tuned in didn't know Hangman was gonna do that nice try though Bitchtits
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>"Setting a house on fire lost viewers?! We demand a recount!"
I wonder if aewtists ever get tired of failing at life?
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BASED SHELDON pulling Lil Tony out of the mud
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>Cucks and Renault Rupee tanking the viewership in their quarter

So it happened AGAIN
>putting more emphasis on wrestling is a horrible mistake.
Nah, and when they don't you say they're failing for copying WWE. You're not arguing in good faith you're just a boring incel that has no purpose other than shitting in the public pool just like the SJW faggots that wrecked every fandom of the previous generation. kys
>AEW is embarrassing
no wonder there are so many backstage fights and backstabbing - company morale must be in the shitter
>stick to bracelet and flower necklace drama?
Yeah, that's what most pro wrestling fans are doing. Because pro wrestling is about stories and characters. AEW is what happens when a person is stupid enough to think pro wrestling is about the wrestling and its rapid decline is all that needs to be said about how well that works.
>Yes, and putting more emphasis on wrestling is a horrible mistake.
this is your brain on e-slop. AEW is not for you people.
>Even AEW enjoyers weren't having that shit.
the match is rated very well amongst AEW enjoyers.
>Okada beats the shit out of AEW's top stars
and you want this on free TV? those are matches for PPV. TV is where top stars beat lower level guys to build toward their next big match. this is literally booking 101 lil bro.
pro wrestling fans don't watch WWE, i'm afraid.
On a 2 hour show with "DA GREATEST ROSTER EVAR", dedicating 20+ minutes to Kyle Fletcher is certainly a choice
>the live crowd bit on all the near falls, which would indicate he's not seen as a jobber,the match wasn't boring
Well the audience at home didn't like Okada vs Fletcher very much and those are the people you need to focus on, not the smarks in the crowd. The ratings say Fletcher is a jobber and the ratings say the match was boring. That's reality. Deal with it.
638K without the Sheldon quarter, btw.
the reality is your fat friendless ass will be watching Rampage tomorrow
hes the new toy
you now remember the action spaghetti push
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Bad week for Tony and the Cult. And it's only gonna get worse. Why does Tony keep blowing money on overruns? Instead, take a few of these commercials out and compensate the network. I mean you blew up a house and fucking 10,000+ viewers turned away.
Holy shit, a 174,000 drop off into Q2, good for a 21.5% drop. That has to be a record for Q1-Q2.

Also, check out that sub-600K qtr. I think that’s happened only one or twice before. Get used to that as the new normal in about 3 months.
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Top kek! That is funny :)
So what's the real rating without the ShelGOD bump?
It's pretty sad and pathetic
Feel bad making fun of AEWfags but we warned them to stay off our board
>She has the awful match on your biggest show
>Her good match was at a NJPW PPV instead
>tanked the ratings
Have you ever seen an obese couple waiting in an hour+ line to have dinner at a steakhouse? Doesn't happen, right? Because the kind of people willing to wait an hour in line to have dinner are more or less diametrically opposed from the kinds of people who sit and shove food down their throat while barely tasting or chewing it.

Likewise, the fans hooked by 15 minute promo segments are largely different from the fans overjoyed by 19 minute long jobber showcases. There was not enough catering to the middle. Garcia/MJF's segment was good but it dragged and lingered - could have easily cut off 4+ minutes. Okada/Fletcher could have cut off 8+ minutes if it's going to be a cheap finish anyway.

That creates 12+ minutes to have another match, entrances and all, to showcase another fan favorite or looming threat like Hologram, GYV or Acclaimed. There are ways to make these things without lurching back and forth to such a great degree.
It's a good job that Tony has already secured a new media rights deals with WBD, or this continued streak of piss poor ratings would be worrying
lmao, so will they be struggling to hit 600k by next year?
>Nah, and when they don't you say they're failing for copying WWE.
When they don't? AEW has never placed enough emphasis on characters and storylines. But emphasis alone isn't enough, the characters and storylines need to be good. They managed to have a decent story for a little while with MJF and Adam Cole becoming friends but that reached its peak at All In 2023 and fell apart soon afterwards because nobody had any idea where to take that storyline next. That's what happens when you don't have writers.
>You're not arguing in good faith.
Nah, I always argue in good faith. All you do is get mad and throw your shit at the walls
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>STILL number 1 for the night
"Dynamite ranked #5 in P18-49 for the day on cable. It was outranked by Hannity on Fox News (0.31), the U.S. Open on ESPN (0.26), The Challenge on MTV (0.21), and Gutfeld on Fox News (0.21)." according to wrestlenomics.com/tv-ratings/2024/aew-dynamite-sep-4-on-tbs-660000-viewers-0-19-p18-49-rating-tv-ratings-attendance-analysis/
the retards cant even claim they are number 1 in the demo anymore
Tony has ruined Okada so much that Nyla is a bigger draw
Punk segment always doing biggest quarter on RAW, meanwhile Bucks and Perry are consistently making fans tune out during the show
Was the school shooter an ethnic?
they bit on the near falls?? all ten of the fans in attendance?? wowee he must be a huge star then!!
Took less than 6 months for TK to kill Okada/ Mone.

Elite are still generating go-away heat on the ratings, while never being over with crowd. The Tag division continues rotting away while the Bucks hold the belts.

MJF is probably gonna put over Garcia Saturday and come out worse.

Jericho is still getting TV time.

Jack Perry is getting this dedicated push when they have Takeshita, Jay White, Miro, and Hobbs on their roster.

And all of these people easily make over a million+ a year on guaranteed contracts.
it’s easier said than done but things would be so much better if they didn’t make so many odd choices. Okada feels like a normal guy when he should’ve been presented like their Ohtani. Giant free agent signing with a big press conference or something. Instead he’s 50/50 with fletcher for some reason?

And really heel Jack Perry wrestling for the world title? His heel run before the suspension actually fit, but this new character just doesn’t suit him at all. He’s not badass or intimidating at all. And the Raven poses are so cringe.
this has to be in the talking points, right? To insist that all the haters are watching 100% of all AEW programming, and that's the only way people could possibly acquire the knowledge needed to make fun of it

Such retarded nonsense that only a 3rd world ESL paid/bribed shill would propagate. Over half of Dynamite viewers don't watch Rampage/Collision, but you think all the haters are DVR'ing it? 0 chance you believe that. Just going with the script in front of you because you have no original thoughts.
Why do they have their two biggest PPVs a year within like two weeks of eachother

How does that make sense

Imagine doing WM and then doing Royal Rumble two weeks after like the blow off has already happened there's a refractory period needed

Daniel Garcia isn't a draw yet he gets pushed in major angles over and over again
Kyle Fletcher is a nobody without a character yet continues to go 50/50 with AEW's top stars for some reason
Nyla Rose hasn't done anything interesting in nearly two years yet is inexplicably getting a world title shot
The Elite vs. AEW storyline is in contention for worst wrestling angle of the year
The cutbacks in production make the entire show feel lifeless

Gee, I wonder why interest in AEW is at an all-time low. By the way, where the fuck did Ricochet go?
I am an AEW fan, but barely now due to years of bad booking and decision making. You mentioned the cutbacks in production and that's a big one for me. I’ve seen some AEW fans criticise those who don’t like the show's dismal look, asking why crowd size and darkened arenas impact enjoyment of a wrestling show. Well the reason is simple. AEW wasn't just meant to be an alternative to WWE. It was also meant to be an alternative to the smaller companies we’d watched struggle for years, such as ROH and TNA. It was meant to bring some of that same sensibility and present it in a confident and glitzy package not seen since peak WCW in the 1990s. So when you tune in now and see tiny crowds, with lights turned down to mask the attendance, naturally it’s a bring down. It looks like one of those smaller struggling companies we’d see in years gone by, even if its position isn’t nearly as precarious. After AEW hit those brief yet major heights in 2021-22, it’s a real shame to see.
>mercedes, bucks, and jungle boy all in one segment
Is Tony finally containing the cancer?
Take the initial bump of Sheldon away and what you got?
>Complains new character doesn't fit him
>Completely misconstrues said character
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I don’t know why AEW is so insistent on trying to make Jungle Boy a major player in that company. Maybe I’m naive, but I refuse to believe that his push is out of pettiness over the CM Punk stuff, the people in charge over there know better than that (I hope)

It genuinely feels like he’s being pushed because of who he’s friends with at this point. He can definitely contribute to the company, but I’m done with people trying to gaslight me into thinking Jungle Bot is this main event star, because he’s not. Even Stevie Wonder can see that
>the match is rated very well amongst AEW enjoyers.
Kek. Okada vs Fletcher was the second lowest rated segment of the night. The chart literally shows people changing the channel on it.
>and you want this on free TV?
>TV is where top stars beat lower level guys to build toward their next big match. this is literally booking 101 lil bro.
No, TV is where you're supposed to pop a rating so your show can generate ad revenue and you don't get canceled. You're supposed to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Dull 19 minute long matches where a bore like Okada wrestles a jobber like Fletcher is literal ratings poison.
Turning Mercedes into a promo girl isn't her best use. And its time to acknowledge that her "personal writer" they hired fucking sucks. Its a writer from bad late Vince WWE times, what the fuck did anyone think was going to happen
Getting close to NXT numbers again. Imagine barely being able to beat a developmental show with mostly unknown and new talent, vs established talent that quite a few fans know already on a flagship show on the go home episode of a major PPV for your company.

I don't want AEW to fail because carnies and jobbers do need jobs, but people need to realize that management doesn't know what they're doing. But hey, TK wanted all his stock with the elite and chose Jack Perry over CM Punk.
>bro don't you understand you HAVE TO cater to the lowest common denominator!
>AEWtists are literally making up headcanon that people watch Rampage
Holy fucking grim. I haven't seen an episode of Rampage since 2022 when it become clear it was the C show my nigga
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>Turning Mercedes into a promo girl isn't her best use.
than i watch raw and watch liv laugh horribly on the mic
even he doesnt watch rampage desu
>The Tag division continues rotting away while the Bucks hold the belts.
I never see them wrestle anybody but FTR (Faggot Tranny Retards)

Tony only has less than a dozen Bucks appearances left before he has to start paying them double. Who fucking makes these contracts? Tony is NOT a business man.
You're right on this, they have Okada all wrong. He should be the guy choking until the 4 count, attacking after the bell, looking like the biggest asshole on the entire roster.

They should have it coordinated with production, someone makes an anti-Okada sign, he doesn't just have the sign taken away - he has the fan EJECTED from the building, "either he goes or I'm not wrestling !" You want heat? That's it right there.

Jack Perry, I don't even know how you fix that one. He needs to put on about 20lbs of muscle to be taken seriously, so he should have a shirt on 95% of the time, same with Ricky Starks. The dorks in the crowd are willing to pretend, the at-home audience is rolling their eyes.
Fucking hell botcha is a massive anti-draw
>it's another jobless slob shares his garbage armchair booking ideas episode on /pw/
AEW is catering to people who are LOWER than the lowest common denominator. That's why they're profoundly unpopular and fading fast.
>Tony only has less than a dozen Bucks appearances left before he has to start paying them double.
jack perry should never have been allowed back in kayfabe and you can keep him as this wildcard unsigned guy who fucks with the show. don't put him in the fucking elite it makes no sense
Well duh. Garcia right off the bat means everyone is going to find something else to watch. And no actual wrestling fan wants to see an Okada match with ad breaks. Back when AEW was good it started with an ad-free match every single week and that's when they could actually bill themselves as a promotion for wrestling fans. Now it's just budget WWE.
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''dont blame sasha it was jungle boys fault;;
it was a giga plummet, 289k with 0.10 demo
The other quarters average to 638k
>#1 show
>profoundly unpopular
ha ha ha
>Its a writer from bad late Vince WWE times, what the fuck did anyone think was going to happen
she only got hired because she's horsé's friend and tony has been hiring friends and family of his shitters since day 1
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>He should be the guy choking until the 4 count, attacking after the bell, looking like the biggest asshole on the entire roster.
Okada should've come in as an arrogant asshole who thinks he's better than everyone, started beating the fuck out of AEW's upper card in quick matches from day one, and it builds to a PPV where he goes for the world title and just barely loses. Afterwards he starts mercilessly bullying midcarders and jobbers as a cope for his bruised ego while avoiding the upper card like a chicken because his confidence is shook. There, I just spent 30 seconds writing a better arc for Okada than anyone at AEW did.
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>it's another jobless slob shares his garbage armchair booking ideas episode on /pw/
As opposed to a nepobaby slob who strangles the life out of AEW on a weekly basis with his actual booking kek
Yes because it already happened when they didn't have Big Sheldor as the lead-in.
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>660k when its competition does millions of viewers
>ratings down from last week
>profoundly unpopular
AEW looks FUN!
>wrestling starts
>almost 200k people and like 100k demo say fuck this shit and change the channel
top kek
AEW lost the no 1 spot this week to the school shootings however
Tony is lucky that most E-Gods are not on Twitter cause we'd probably work him into suicide
school shooter was trans, so technically AEW was still #1.
Big Bang Theory does not pull .28 in the demo, you retards will never actually understand ratings as long as you live
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I hope TK gives Sheldon a nice, fat envelope every week for drawing the house. And a modestly sized envelope for Leonard, Raj, Howard, Penny, and Amy. I'd save the biggest, most generous envelope for Bernadette so I can have access to her big, fat tiddies.
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there isn't a single mainstream star on that show or on their roster, frankly. What a waste of what, 5 years? Totally fringe product for weirdos at this point.
>there isn't a single mainstream star on that show or on their roster
Mercedes was in Star Wars, retard
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AEW has been around for five years and it's just been five years of nothing.
Only things you can really remember is their fuck ups like when the exploding ring didn't go off or that cm punk kept getting into fights backstage.
Compared to WCW and even TNA it's so lifeless and inconsequential. Obese smarks really do have the most boring tastes possible
>sasha had a cameo on a show nobody watches for a cringe brand associated with homosexuality and women, this makes her famous

Do you see how you sound?
Why do smarks hate Jericho so much every time I see one of these he’s a draw
all that money, all that time, wasted. To please fringe weirdos.

Darby could have been a star, MJF could have been a star, Wardlow could have been a star, etc.

Backstage politics (ie the young bucks clique) ruined the company. It's sad.
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The house couldn't have possibly popped anything because it was at the very end and everyone who saw it was watching already
you are telling me 100k in the demo is intentionally turning on AEW and then changing the channel 15 mins in?
>omg hangman might burn down this house!
>that’s enough from me dog I have to see some Jeopardy reruns
she's not the only failure
>jay white
>ruby soho
>any njpw and wwe wrestler
>MJF could have been a star
just lol
out of all the people in the company him and hangman page are the only ones who've actually been protected and booked well. Too bad they're such middling talents who can't turn heads at the airport or go on a local talk show without embarrassing themselves and the company
So you admit she was in Star Wars?
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Pic related is what minute to minutes actually look like. Viewership fluctuates wildly during an episode and yes, a show that averages like .15 in the demo https://ustvdb.com/networks/tbs/shows/big-bang-theory/ is not pulling .28 quarters, it's a top of the hour bump during primetime.
damien priest and multiple current wwe talent got their roles cut at least sasha was on mainstream tv
every wrestler is technically on mainstream tv weekly
>The Punk era was losing 200K in the first 4 minutes
>no its good 100k people only watch the first 15 mins of our show
>normal thing is normal
I don't read these things often, does this mean Sock Goddess Marina brought in 50k viewers?
how come that doesn't happen to raw
Was this week's Raw rating up or down YOY, anon?
why was (((melzer))) having a conniption fit over the day they didn't have bbt lead them in? why doesn't WWE lose that many viewers the first 15 mins in?
I don't see why he wasn't made a face. But if they wanted him to be heel, that would've been better, yeah.
With the arson segment and depending on how the PPV goes (especially the steel cage match), Dynamite could see a skyrocket. If not, AEW is fucked.
But the TUNE-INS bro
no idea since im not autistic , feel free to tell us
Smart to put Daniel Garcia on the first segment kekekekeek
if you're posting in a pro wrestling neilsen ratings thread and not autistic, what are you?
>They were watching the NBA
>They were watching college football
>They were watching the news
>They were watching tennis
He's still doing this lmao, why does he keep trying to portray the AEW fanbase as normal people when everyone knows AEW's main demographic is annoying redditors
was this week's raw rating above or below a milly, anon?
>so how's your sex life?
My sex life is better than AEW's ratings right now
Someone edit PEDOwheels rolling down the gigaplummet
AEW's ratings are something that actually exist though
man, all hang ma'am adam page needs to learn is candy and slime, amazing that he learned how to cast both fire and ice on the same night
How is it that Dynamite ratings are always bad, yet there's always a reason
a normal person who loves laughing at aew's failures
I love laughing at AEW fans because they're assholes and deserve to be taken down several notches
tony will never learn his lesson
They dont understand that. They dont realize if they just shut the fuck up and stop provoking people then aew would never get shit
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>what are you
they're convinced that they're not the instigators and that it's only e-drones doing it
i see it on their own twitters all the time "UHH I ONLY EVER SEE EDRONES SAY ANYTHING NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND WE JUST MIND OUR OWN AND NEVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT WWE" and that's following people saying something about a wwe gimmick/match and comparing it to the "more mature" aew spots eg bracelet vs house arson
grim boiler plate booking

holy fucking shit. that dip
Must have been. You would be hearing a lot more about it if it was a white guy they could blame.
they have now coped with
>Kendrick Lamar Juneteeth online concert
>cold snap in Texas
>Canadians spending more time outdoors
>College football
>2020 elections
>election debates
>WWE’s wrestling school
>taped Olympics
>cord cutting
>Cinco de Mayo
>women’s college softball
>cable news
>different channel
>different timeslot
>Biden campaign resignation address
>Valentines Day
>no Big Bang Theory lead-in
and now a fucking school shooting lmao
It was kind of sad seeing how miserable Okada looked during that match.
He was white and even named after a gun. Conservative Christian Republican dad got a tip from the FBI his son was nuts and making threats and responded by buying him the gun he used in the shooting as a Christmas gift.
I wonder why there not more coverage of it. That sounds like a liberals wet dream.
This is based, sorry nobody gave u props, a lot of angry AEW fans in the house 2nite
>So you admit she was in Star Wars?
Adventures of Boba Fatt was cancelled
theres no real draws in wwe
That was a blessed day. MJF went on Twitter day of the show not knowing Black Panther was the lead in and bragged to naysayers to watch his "minute by minute" ratings since he was opening the show.
>502k later
...that filthy Jew deleted the Tweet! Coward.
>How is it that Dynamite ratings are always bad, yet there's always a reason
"no milly?" posting broke them
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I'd be honored if you didn't call everyone that
>that crater for o'carder

kek. dude sold his fucking soul and is completely irrelevant now. just desserts
Good thing school shootings are rare, they shouldn't have to worry about this again.
So The Big Bamg Theory is the ONLY reason AEW is beating NXT in ratings. I really wish WB would pit some other show in that time slot and watch the ratings plummet
They did before. Black Panther was the lead-in for Swineamite one week and it did 500k.
top kek
in theory NXT should start kicking AEW's ass once its on CW. USA and TBS/TNT are in like 70-75 million houses. CW is available in 98% of households in the US
there were only 3 in 2023
NXT also has more ad breaks per show as well
The one time NXT had 9 ad breaks instead of its usual 10 it beat Dynamite in both the overall ratings and the 18-49 demo
Sex is for the weak and stupid
-180k in 15 minutes KEK
We don't post our deepest desires and then sign our posts here.
You're going to give Ojama an an your ism
What's the lead in for NXT on CW. I hope it's "Arrow" reruns because Willa Holland is beyond fuckable. She's a WWEchad too!
These ratings are fucking sad
I know the ratings are in a slide, but this thread won't be
>Sex is for the weak and stupid
And that's why Earth is Planet Retard
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>What's the lead in for NXT on CW.
>Sasha + the young cucks and Jungle Bitch

I'm surprised it isn't even lower desu.
>Bro, it's fine. Only 3 schools got shot up in 2023.

America is fucking hilarious.
Frankly, Dynamite should be growing its demo because it has less cable competition than it did five years ago. The demo is measured independently from viewership since it represents the percentage of cable viewers watching a show in that age range.
His brain isn't developed enough for that to be a factor.
I find so absolutely hilarious that they made Sasha/ Mercedes the highest paid female in the history of wrestling, only for her to be the most consistent anti draw in all of AEW.
if youre meaning he casted ice on the segments rating then this deserves a kek, but i didnt watch aew and wouldnt put it above tony to book him into an actual ice wizard so im not sure
how many kids got stabbed in bongland?
this. it was the perfect storm of losing ratings. like tony was experimenting to see how big a plummet he could do in one quarter for his own enjoyment
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Holy shit imagine how bad things would be without the Sheldon rub

It was not in any way a good match. The underwater forearm exchange segment was genuinely embarrassing. And telling a story involving characters that people could not humanly give a shit about is not a good thing.
>weirdly low
Says the man who hasn’t been paying attention.
Great points. I am an AEW fan, but barely now due to years of bad booking and decision making. You mentioned the cutbacks in production and that's a big one for me. I’ve seen some AEW fans criticize those who don’t like the show's dismal look, asking why crowd size and darkened arenas impact enjoyment of a wrestling show. Well the reason is simple. AEW wasn't just meant to be an alternative to WWE. It was also meant to be an alternative to the smaller companies we’d watched struggle for years, such as ROH and TNA. It was meant to bring some of that same sensibility and present it in a confident and glitzy package not seen since peak WCW in the 1990s. So when you tune in now and see tiny crowds, with lights turned down to mask the attendance, naturally it’s a bring down. It looks like one of those smaller struggling companies we’d see in years gone by, even if its position isn’t nearly as precarious. After AEW hit those brief yet major heights in 2021-22, it’s a real shame to see. The “alternative” argument always drove me nuts. When I asked for an alternative, I wasn’t looking for another dimly lit, cheap looking indie. The market has been flooded with those for years. The one guy who had a chance to match WWE production levels completely failed and has now left us with this dark, lifeless, void of atmosphere environment that is just hard to watch. A horribly booked show that has the same vibe as late 2010s ROH/TNA is not what any of us asked for.
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>Dynamite starts
>200K nope out
Last I heard trannymite was supposed to be the best wrestling show ever?
what ever happened to pockets? i know he tanked the rating every week but tony seemed to love him
NO SIXER’s are coming up soon.
Seriously, how much of this is due to the trouble at WB? I asked this a while back but there was a time that AEW was all over TBS and TNT marketing. Has that stopped or something? this is a huge drop from YTY. A 26% loss in total viewers from a year ago and 41% in the demo isn’t an outlier. I don’t follow AEW nearly as close as I should due to my own feelings about the product, but has it really turned off that many fans?
Their problem has always been that their stories are too bland. It isn't must see TV. They need writers. Always needed them. I'm sorry lads, but wrestlers themselves can't tell good stories consistently, that's why they wrestle. Two years ago, they had the opportunity to build Hangman as their face of the company alas John Cena of 2005-2009. Didn't happen. MJF has become boring because he never had a real rival in the company to run with. You need long term duos to build great wrestling personalities. John Cena always had Orton. Stone Cold had the Rock. Angle had Lesner. Promo work is generally very, very weak. Everyone has pretty much same-ish gimmicks. There is no consistency in the stories. They don't last long term. Heels are just trying to be cool heels. Faces are all these I'm so hard all I want to do is wrestle strong style. There is no diversity. Pro wrestling on TV will never work like on the indie scene with just pure wrestling. It needs drama. There is no Drama in AEW. Swerve run as World champ was disgustingly bland. Before him Samoa Joe's run was sad. Before him, the MJF's run lacked a real rival. They did some good work with Adam Cole, but they rushed it too soon. Think back on how much better the Jericho and Kevin Owens run was in comparison to the MJF/Cole. Its just a sad state of affairs.
He is still being booked in some weird stable with Kyle O'Riley and which ever of the Briscoe brothers that is still alive. Orange is fine, but his novelty quickly wears off, she should have transitioned away to a different character a while ago.
As the owner himself puts it "I book for the sickos", the product is pretty nonsensical if you don't have 10 years of Indie wrestling knowledge that is pretty much a prerequisite to understand what the fuck is going on, effectively gating away any normie who might stumble on the show while flipping channels. I don't think Tony even bothers promoting his show nowadays, this last Dynamite was literally ONLY promoted on his own Twitter account. The "fans" literally tells you to not watch the show, they antagonize anyone who might have the mildest of criticism imaginable. Honestly the company would be a million times betters if Tony hired a competent booker and a bunch of writers, they don't even have to be good, this is wrestling after all, just a college kid who would write a coherent story for the wrestlers to follow.
Unironically based.
all good points but the main problem is tony himself. he has no vision. dynamite is just random stuff just for the hell of it! a womans hardcore match sure why not! an old broken down wwe/wcw/ecw legend appearance that leads to nothing sure why not! unknown elderly asians treated as superstars?!? i mean this stuff might be interesting to watch if it had a point but it never does
>Angels games are tough to watch because they don't have enough offense. I really wish the owner would invest in more bats instead of focusing so heavily on pitching and defense
>You know what, fuck you, maybe Angels baseball isn't for you. Go be a fan of the Dodgers instead, we don't want you
>the product is pretty nonsensical if you don't have 10 years of Indie wrestling knowledge that is pretty much a prerequisite to understand what the fuck is going on
correct! and that is what i just mentioned as well. and even then you wont know whats going on because it still doesnt make any sense. take a guy like vikingo coming in and doing his 50 rehearsed gymnastic moves on a guy as fast as he can. its not even wrestling anymore
I see this generation's Rock-Stone Cold feud continues to be a massive ratings draw kek
Cable is dying but weirdly WWE's demo numbers have remained steady while AEW's have massively plummeted
>even named after a gun
Oh so it's a work then.
>I wonder why there not more coverage of it. That sounds like a liberals wet dream.
He looks like he's a tranny.
No shit? Hmm. Okay, maybe there's some crossover there (sports), unlike the Big Bang Theory where 200k nope out in the first 5 mins.

Anybody watch "HEELS"? I got thru S1, but couldn't finish the S2 premiere. They made a women the men's champion. Kinda like how AEW made a man the women's champion.
>PiP ads x2
>ad break
>ad break
>PiP ads
>ad break
>PiP ads x2
The state of Amerishart TV
Kek AEWtrannies are so pathetic
>let's check in on how retarded that thread from yesterday got
>edrones have just been bitching to themselves back and forth for 12 hours
meet up and fuck already
If you look at what was once one of the most successful and influential indie promotions of all time, Ring of Honor, you'll also notice that in their prime they had a very competent booker. Shows weren't just wrestling, they had angles and feuds too, mid card comedy feuds to main event blood feuds. People were faces or heels and changing their alignment took some real effort. Yes, their lower card was six man spot fests to get the crowd excited but their main events and crowd drawing feuds were pretty standard pro wrestling shit that would work on TV, if someone tried to do it.

The thing is both TK and his indie shitters lack an essential understanding of the mechanics of wrestling storytelling. The heels all want to be badasses instead of stooging, the faces want to be edgy instead of good, and everyone's too embarrassed about their craft for sincerity.
You forgot 4th of July weekend, big episode of South Park, Trump shooting being the same week, DVR's not working, TNT not scheduling all their programming on tv guides correctly, people going to the lake, power outage somewhere, etc.
Hate how this dude draws feet
Still don't get how Tony thinks he deserves a raise for this. If WBD just renewed the deal for the same amount, that's fine but if they overpay for this shit, then they are fucking retards and it's not wonder they are almost bankrupt
>Wheeler Yuta is a draw
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>300 posts
its over
i guess this is the next best thread
lel I'll add those to the list
>the only other country ameritards know is bongland
No wonder Amerifats left the thread
why would I bother learning about 3rd world slave states? you are on an American website, speaking American to talk about an American tv show. the rest of the world literally is not relevant

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