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Damn this nigga got AIDS
Is it true
fucking twinks on a boat has its consequences
So he's completely off roids now.
>We have Jeff Goldblum at home
grim reality
My fren, I offer this advise in complete sincerity, delete this thread immediately. Our history and tradition with that man is something that is beyond your years. I’m asking you not to disrespect that over a nut he didn’t give to you.
Definitely on TRT at his age and years of gear abuse but I guess that can technically be "off roids"
Didn’t he just make a movie? He looks like a totally different person
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Pretty typical medical rap sheet for any gay man in his 50's desu. We call them disgusting disease carrying subhumans for a reason!
batista is a future hall of famer and a legit great actor.
whats my animal spirit? it needs a -ie or a -y at the end like wolfie but that one is taken
his tattoos look like shit now
What the hell has happened to this business? Where are all the real men? What happened to the attitude?
Why does he pose like a cadaver
veganism. he was on gear in WWE and as Drax, now that he's shown that he actually has range and can do more and play the meathead, he doesn't have to be on gear so he looks like your average vegan.
Since when is Ru Paul wrestling related?
Stop calling it gear you fucking mark
From Nyla Rose?
>people itt doesnt know how HIV/AIDS actually work
Kek, it takes a decade to reach the point of chronic lose weight, I know a guy who is HIV+ for years now but on ART and he is fat af
>using bodybuilding slang
>get called a wrestling slang
you need to get outside more anon.
batista's a faggot now
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>He walks alone
Isn't that bee a Masonic symbol?
how do we know he wasnt always one like Rock Hudson
It's not just his physique that's weird, it's his completely robotic stance. This guy was a pro wrestler?
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what did he mean by this
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looks like frank langella now
my friend...
oh its true
>actually has range

That's the funny part, he doesn't. He's just deluded himself into thinking he does, and Hollywood has been playing along. This is one big humiliation ritual.
He's 55. There's no reason to be juiced to the gills at 55 unless you're an insecure Roganoid bitch
are those pearl necklaces or what
Both Hogan and Rock went off steroids for a while and never looked as emaciated as Batista. Nobody that goes off roids should get this small. Hell, Hogan is like 20 years older now and looks better.
It's smart to do this. Carrying a bunch of weight and mass into your elder years is not great for your heart and typically it's really hard to maintain it.

There's a reason sumo wrestlers slim down massively upon retirement. It's just healthier and there's no reason to be a huge jacked old man, what's the point?
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That's not emaciated you overdramatic fag
He was also fat and bloated in his last movie and is now at a normal weight for his age.
Yeah shit is crazy, diabetes and HPV are now considered worse than HIV
When is he gonna get nipples piercings?
Dwayne looked like Batista off-roids and he was like 20 year younger then than Batista now
Muscle weight is fine
yeah didnt this shit kill Michael Clarke Duncan? he was like a 6’7” giganigga and his heart just gave up one day
I've never watched a movie featuring Batista (i barely watch movies, i think i might have watched like 2 in the past 12 yes twelve years).

>his best movie (that showcases him the best, his best acting performance)?
>the best movie with him in it (no matter how insignificant his role and/or bad his performance)?
How did he change his ethnicity?
>>the best movie with him in it (no matter how insignificant his role and/or bad his performance)?
Bladerunner 2049
I went vegan for 6 years and gained 50 pounds.
>first question
in general he doesnt have much acting talent, but he was okay in that James Bond movie as a hitman
>second question
BladeRunner 2049 but he is in it for like 5
based poliwhirl pepe
>has range
He just plays himself in everything. Sometimes he's loud Batista, sometimes he's quiet Batista. He does not have range.
God damn, this photo really highlights what an ugly bastard he is.
>his best movie (that showcases him the best, his best acting performance)
idk probably dune
>>the best movie with him in it (no matter how insignificant his role and/or bad his performance)?
either dune or blade runner
He literally just plays himself in everything. He has no range at all. He's not worthless, though, he can sell his lines well enough. But it's weird how much praise he gets by some who consider him a good actor. He's serviceable, not good.
>his best movie (that showcases him the best, his best acting performance)?
Bladerunner 2049. He's playing quiet Batista in that movie, so I guess it's better, because quiet and somber means deep and meaningful in film nerd corners.
yo batista why you wearing yo momma's jewelry
>>his best movie (that showcases him the best, his best acting performance)?
My Spy is actually good with him. It's a family movie, but he's good in it.
>>the best movie with him in it (no matter how insignificant his role and/or bad his performance)?
Guardians of the Galaxy
Fun fact about Hollywood: There's a roadblock to success in Hollywood. If you're not in their gay ass Illuminati club, you won't get anywhere near A-list celebrity status. In order to get to that level, you have to participate in an initiation rite of sorts, wherein a group of very powerful Jews in the industry, wearing robes, strap you down to a table, and proceed to sodomize you, repeatedly.
It not only shows your level of dedication, it's also supposed to awaken some part of you through occult humiliation ritual shit.
Once you've done that, you will begin to star in some very high profile films soon after.
Angelina Jolie was caught on secret recording talking in depth about it.
He is a woke left liberal lunatic so it's very likely he got monkey pox from sucking off guys at the local glory hole
flip genes kicked in hard
post the recording
Still better than Dwayne.
It's called sex magick and has been around for longer than Hollyweird. People fuck their wives in the ass to keep them in line, it's not very different
Where's the unedited version schizo

BASEDtista would be a kick ass new Skeletor

Maybe that's why he's losing the weight?

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