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why is he like this
He's literally bitch of the year
Tony could tweet about his grandmother dying and then end it with “make sure you don’t miss #AEWDynamite tonight, only on TNT”
What does the P stand for
>desperate advertisement
What did Mr. New say about Good Ol' Gooner Jim Ross?
>Tony stands up for JR while Cornette and Last sit back and watch their pal defame him
Scum, and you are too OP
It’s funny how he defends JR when JR buries his company and his employees every chance he gets
reserve all rights of what? for what??
Tony is going to change his last name to Bey and refuse to renew his car registrations
What the fuck is this retard talking about now?

>AEW broadcaster Jim Ross sparked some buzz when he called the lawsuit “frivolous.” New took the opportunity to respond to Ross and said that the lawsuit was not frivolous. He also said that Ross was part of the problem, given his work in WWE.

>“I need to make a response. J.R., Jim Ross called this lawsuit frivolous,” New said. “Well, let me tell you something, boola-boola, this is not a frivolous lawsuit. You’re part of the problem. You, Jim Ross, are part of the problem because you fed the guys in WWE, as Talent Relations, these crap contracts for a quarter of a century. You told these guys that it was the take it or leave it deal and that they needed to sign these crap contracts that were contracts of adhesion, that they should’ve never have signed or they should have lined the arbitration provisions out of so, I’m not shocked in the least that you go on Conrad Thompson’s podcast and you say that this is a frivolous lawsuit. I might lose it, but bah gawd! It’s not frivolous. I can tell you that.

>“Tony Khan’s paid J.R. a lot of money to do nothing, for about five years now, and so, if I were Jim Ross and I were living at Jacksonville Beach and making a bunch of money to not do much at all, I’d probably come out and call Stephen P. New’s lawsuit frivolous also. Everybody’s got a price.”
Jim Cornette's lawyer friend is suing AEW on behalf of Kevin Kelly and two homo jobbers. Jim Ross said on his slurpcast that the lawsuit is bullshit. The lawyer respond with this

>“I need to make a response. J.R., Jim Ross called this lawsuit frivolous,” New said. “Well, let me tell you something, boola-boola, this is not a frivolous lawsuit. You’re part of the problem. You, Jim Ross, are part of the problem because you fed the guys in WWE, as Talent Relations, these crap contracts for a quarter of a century. You told these guys that it was the take it or leave it deal and that they needed to sign these crap contracts that were contracts of adhesion, that they should’ve never have signed or they should have lined the arbitration provisions out of so, I’m not shocked in the least that you go on Conrad Thompson’s podcast and you say that this is a frivolous lawsuit. I might lose it, but bah gawd! It’s not frivolous. I can tell you that.

>“Tony Khan’s paid J.R. a lot of money to do nothing, for about five years now, and so, if I were Jim Ross and I were living at Jacksonville Beach and making a bunch of money to not do much at all, I’d probably come out and call Stephen P. New’s lawsuit frivolous also. Everybody’s got a price.”
What is boola-boola? And why is Tony R Khan shocked and appalled? It's a fucking weak.
I mean, where's the lie people
Tony only keeps JR on the payroll because he wants the tribute show.
>promoting your PPV is le bad
Sounds like an accurate and balanced response from Mr. New. JR is old and richer than most of the guys he signed as wrestlers. Many of them are broken and impoverished, many have been homeless and died deaths of despair. We don't need a dusty old mega millionaire with a BBQ gut to smear a lawsuit over WORKERS' RIGHTS as being "frivolous."
Highlight the text and press "look up," faggot.
Boola boola is the fight song that the University of Oklahoma took/stole from Yale and made it much more famous as Boomer Sooner over the years.

OU still uses it and JR comes out to it, so this lawyer is trying to make fun of OU and JR for using music that isn't theirs(?) I guess

Back then People took from the Ivy leagues coaches, songs, and even helmet logos like Michigan did from Princeton since that area played football first and you wanted your midwestern school to be compared to a school with more of a pedigree.

So it's petty and stupid basically. Cornette and anyone associated with him is a douche, big surprise.
hes frightened for his life
No. Also you are gay.
tiny’s talking about stephen p new to stir the pot and you marks are gobbling it up. #AEWAllOut TONIGHT!
Tweeting about a podcast lawyer isn't going to get anyone to but the show.
you’re right, a promoter being over the top to get people talking is…le bad!
People taking about Jim Ross being a predator and his company getting sued for slavery?
Tony is not a "promoter" in any sense of the word. He's a shill. And a very bad one seeing as they're losing more and more viewers every single week.
I don’t know what was said but JR has been bitter and terrible for years long before AEW came to be. I fully remember him shitting up NJPW commentary. The dude just has no passion for anything anymore and is too outdated.
anon the people who care about Jim Cornette's lawyer suing aew on behalf of a few literallywho nobodies are probably already watching aew
>I have been informed of the actions William Regal has taken.
>As he is a long time veteran in the wrestling industry, I have utmost respect for him.
>However, what he did while my mother was at the hospital has left me in disgust and disbelief at the lengths he and WWE would go to tamper the AEW talents'.
>This is now a personal matter between us, and I will hold nothing back.
>Tune in to #AEWDynamite, live right now on TBS
Usually Tony looks like a huge faggot when he goes on Twitter but this is a rare W for him doing that. Stephen P New is an actual shitbag lawyer, go look up the reviews for his legal practice
remember when cornette said he wanted to kill ed ferrera for doing the oklahoma gimmick
wonder how he'll take to his lawyer shitting on JR like that
>defending JR is now bad according to /pw/
truly the zoomer board
let's all be honest. Jim Ross is and always was a faggot croney stooge. he stooged for bill watts, he stooged for jim herd (and none of the boys liked him including flair) he was one of vinces most loyal bitches (all while vince humiliated him constantly and WWE staff routinely mocked him) and now tiny klown is paying his bills so jim ross will stooge for tiny.
jr is 100% an ass kissing faggot so he gets a paycheck. He said Jungle Fag is the greatest wrestler right now all cause Tony told him to say that lmao
At what point is Jim's, Least's and Stephen's crusade against AEW in breach of something?
>Tony is responsible for le global cable decline
You should sue them for hurting your feelings lmao
AEW's a shitshow and we love laughing at it. I'm only curious if there is a limit to how far they can keep taking action against them.
Pig, which makes sense because he's an e-drone
I'm not going to Twitter, what did Stephen write?
>Verification not required.
Straight from the MAGA cult playbook
kek nobody likes JR at this point even AEW fans shit on him constantly because he always buries his own product
thats a breddy gud promo
JR is a passed his prime boomer who likes to get beat up by trannies in Florida. He's been a lolcow for years.
JR is a huge part of the memories of a lot of wrestling fans. His Attitude Era work alone puts him in the upper echelon of wrestling play-by-play guys and even when he lost some of his shine, he was still arguably the best in his field. He also oversaw talent relations hiring perhaps the greatest string of wrestlers of all time during wrestling's biggest boom period.

And all of the tremendous good will he's racked up from that is being thrown away because he's a miserable fucking bitch who has, does and always will suck the cock of whoever's name is on his payslip. Even in his own autobiography he makes himself look a prick and a coward. Not once did it occur to him to tell Vince to fuck off and grow up, did he seriously not think the reason Vince kept abusing him was because he NEVER STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF? The perfect mark for a bully.

It's so funny to me that Khan has seen every criticism of AEW ever uttered except, apparently, the ten trillion comments about this mopey, grumbling bastard shitting up the product every time he trundles out.
>Both posting the same thing minutes after Tony's tweet at 4 in the morning
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Much like Stacey P. Cornette
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Nothing bad or appalling was said about Jim Ross though. Dude said JR has been paid by AEW for 5 years, so his take is biased.
Not surprising news indeed!
I'm one hundred percent convinced that JR loved being humiliated by Vince.
It's not biased he has a contract he can't shit on them.

Keep coping though ya little bitch. Stool-and-rope day a-cometh regardless.
JR sided with Punk. Tony is too nice, the man needs to be punished and humiliated.
What in the fuck is "shocking and appalling" with that statement? Khan is such a pussy it's honestly unbelievable.
squealing like a limpwristed faggot
same guy who feared for his life because punk shouted at him
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>Straight from the MAGA cult playbook
promo's good
Inoki didn’t say that
I have no idea what some random lawyer said about JR but why does Tony feel the need to describe JR as some random guy who works for AEW and not one of the most famous people in wrestling history that he barely makes use of?
This is so stupid. Talent Relations are basically scouts and HR in one role. Say what you fucking want about JR, but his run as Head of Talent Relations was objectively the most successful in history. Him and Brisco went out of their way to get underappreciated wrestlers and former athletes and compensating them well.

He had to compete with Bischoff throwing Millions of Turners money and still left pretty ahead and with the bigger stars. Ace is the one who had complaints for stiffing people or not paying them. Really weird that Corny let him speak like that about Jim.

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