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Next shows
September 8th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Sep.", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS) vs Rian (-)
>Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Rina & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) vs Saya Iida (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Mayu Iwatani & Koguma & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs AZM & Suzu Suzuki & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri & Saki Kashima & Hina & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Natsuko Tora & Momo Watanabe & Konami & Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Wonder of Stardom #1 contender: Hazuki (STARS) vs Hanan (STARS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Maika & Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>High Speed Championship: Mei Seira (NEO GENESIS) vs Xena (E neXus V)

September 13th, "NEW BLOOD 14", Chunichi Hall, Aichi, 7:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240913_chunichi/?mc_id=1080

September 14th, "STARDOM NAMBA GRAND FIGHT 2024", Edion Arena Osaka 1st Stadium, 3:00PM JST (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Maika (E neXus V)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240914_osaka/?mc_id=1032

Previous >>15743931
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>I measured my thigh circumference yesterday and it was 67cm. I've gained weight.
>Do you like thick thighs...? #Evo女
are you guys watching ranna on ig
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>Maika husband source
It was confirmed on one of the drunken lockdown streams. One of the same streams where it was stated that Maika was a year younger than Giulia (which later was confirmed).
I don't pretend to understand Japanese so no
That husband? It's me
saya is ugly frfr
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this is what they're saying on Planet Gay Retard
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i need to smooch the kitto
Ready to delete!! Video leaked of a popular Stardom player having sex with a fan
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>i need to smooch the kitto
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Not sure but I think that guy might be a shyster
Having sex with pudgy girls feels objectively way better than with skinny girls. It's comfortable when they lay on top of you and the friction is greater. Sex with Kitto would be a dream.
You've never had sex
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The consequences of a Starlight Kid led unit
let's see slutzu suzuki
this is true though, tony khan just made brapi the highest paid enhancement talent in the history of the business
you can't spell neo genesis without anaru gaped sis
need JOI
I've had sex with 9 different prostitutes
yes you can
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Fresh Ranna reaction pic just dropped
jesus fucking christ midrai is hideous
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Maika is a mother as well.
I have some good news for you:
you no longer have to post about her in the Stardom threads.
Getting spoiled on a date with fat Mike
I wondered why Saya Lida was so dimeless
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why did the little girls magazine give maika big tits?
need to fuck kitto’s mouth
mask stays on during
Marika should challenge the phoney gyaru to a new blood match
Gotta say, for one innocuous interview on some silly show aimed at fanciful young women, you guys sure took it and ran a long way. Having a whole week off has it's consequences, it would appear.
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love c
bro wtf
She used to teach her students like this.
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looks like maikaspic cope to me
This is too visual to even handle. It’s Zoomie and Kitto’s world, we’re just living in it
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Love Maika new look
The most desperate player
This is my transitional pudding
Lady C could do DAP on the ring and it wouldn't be a talking point by the end of the show
They didn't
i dont know what DAP is
Neither do I
digital authentication protocol i think
Dapper Dan is a brand of pomade
If Nick Khan ran Bushiroad he’d take one look at Lady C’s salary and ask what the hell they’re doing
poor Lady C doing everything she can to stand out so she's not a jobber anymore
If she continues at this rate, her next gear will be completely transparent
this is the problem with lady c she has a good idea to get over but ruins it with village people pants
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her face and uninspiring games don't help
he'd be asking that for at least a third of the roster. Stardom is bloated.
>download accelerator plus
good god that’s some early 2000’s
That's not Maika. That's Natsuko Tora.

Fucking noob. I'll take a shit in your mother's bunghole.
Stardom could get rid of Thekla, Kohgo, Yuna, Xena, Waka, Ruaka, Lady C, Natsuko and Ami, and nobody would even care or notice they were gone. A lot of money would be saved as well.
That isn't true at all tho
i could build a promotion around this talent and outdraw stardom in two years
when the everloving fuck did midka get so goddamn sexy ?!?
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God, she used to be perfect and then she turned into Bobby Hill.
You can't book a live sex celebration between Lady C and Ami in Korakuen Hall
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the generational socks war exemplified in one picture
Every pic of these two together makes me laugh
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bathing ape could be the name of hanan showering products line
Azumi sushi column starts
I hope Suzu and SLK don't turn her fat.
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I hope Suzu and SLK do turn her fat.
starlight kid has culturally appropriated marika kobashi's appropriated culture
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Spending all Saturday watching The English Premier League and La Liga with Hazuki
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>God's Eye vs H.A.T.E. tomorrow

>Hello, Kamitani-san.
>Is it the first time we meet in the ring since I had my hair cut?

>There are many things I want to ask you, Kamitani-san.
>Let's talk about it tomorrow.
i will be watching baseball
real football is back
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>international break
did she Maika lose weight?
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>When your dad acts and dresses younger than you
rian father is a lucky man
spud c trying to book herself in an angle with stardom hottest heel lmao
I'll give her credit for at least trying
And there will be two others before the end of the year. I hate this so much.
>this is first time we’ve met since I cut my hair
I promise you we don’t give a shit, C
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I couldnt handle a fat zoomie
unless it all goes to her ass
Does she ever take pics with her mom?
wonder what she looks like
Keep Waka’s name off of that list and out of your mouth, cucklord
Lady C thought by staying she would be rewarded. Now Stardom doesn't even do coomer stuff for her to get over with.
chie nagatani should jump to marigold and be on top of the cards with mai sakurai
Lady C and Ami have to stay so that the dwarf rate isn't so high
I would care and notice that Thekla and Waka are gone
Marigold already has two tall, visual players who aren't good in the ring. So Lady C is out of luck there.
This guy is the absolute greatest
Lmao same, they should have a sitcom
She should definitely show spread butthole like Mai and Kouki
they didn't do that
They did that you son of a bitch
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Not gonna care if Xena gets shitcanned
otherwise the dead weight has been discarded already
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did anyone else see theres a JAV newcomer called mayu shirakawa
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I hope Suzu and SLK do turn her ass fatter
sorry i only watch shindy jav
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why is AZM panting so heavily?
If you were 5' and dragging that dump truck around you'd be out of breath too
lol look at her lordosis pot belly
yeah, it's beautiful and I want to kiss it
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rian learned hustling from her father
we say pantsu
nice of suzu to help out
what does rian mother look like
NEED Rian feet in my mouth
Rian's mother looks like Rian
slapping a carny and stealing his daughter
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Historic X-over match
Why can't Stardom have tag matches like Sareee/Mayu vs Chihiro/Benny. There is enough talent that is never getting a singles belt run (Hazuki, AZM, SLK, Konami etc.) but never gets to do anything until it is time to job to the champ. The Goddesses titles are worthless and disappear for months at a time
Didn’t fwc and crazy star have good tag matches that everyone was jerking off saying they were the matches of the year like the mayu tag
no fun allowed, sorry
you need to jerking off over any pedestrian shindy tag match with shoot slaps
eight tag title matches in the past 5 months thoughever
also two of those people have been tag champs in that time period
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>Why can't Stardom have tag matches like Sareee/Mayu vs Chihiro/Benny. There is enough talent that is never getting a singles belt run (Hazuki, AZM, SLK, Konami etc.) but never gets to do anything until it is time to job to the champ. The Goddesses titles are worthless and disappear for months at a time
Yes. Watch the product.
You need too stop making fun of the players in this thread
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Omg they dropped each other on their heads a lot and then did an elbow spot to see who is the strongest. Why don’t more people do that.
Rian's dad and Mr. Potato Head have the same face
If any of those tried to do the fullblown shindy spotfest style in the midcard the main event players like maika and tam would complain to the bosses about being overshadowed
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Faggots in this thread call her ugly what a bunch of retards
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>mayu shirakawa
not bad
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somehow Rian dodged the Ugly Gene
And that's a bad thing how?
I must say the size disparity between Iwatani Mayu and VENY senshu was eye opening
I dunno I think she at least got nicked by it
yeah thats the one i was talking about i saw the name and thought wtf
If things work out, she'll no longer be a jobber because my cock will put her over clean.
unironically forgot she was one of the tag team champions
she is ugly, you just have shit taste
Men are usually bigger than women
some girls are bigger than others
some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers
Whoever lied and said mayu lost that match in here lied. Saree and mayu win
veny the butchered is one ugly ass woman
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for me it is aya sakura lookalike
BOKD-292 AV Debut I May Look Like This But I Have A Penis. Bone Crusher
SLK Saturday
>BOKD-292 AV Debut I May Look Like This But I Have A Penis
ngl VENY looked kinda cute during that match
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tag booking is in stardom is schizophrenic shit, just this year
-saya and utami did nothing with them for three months before losing to crazy star
-crazy star lose them after a month that includes a less then two week period where they successfully defended twice and then lost to fwc
-fwc defend a week after winning, nothing for 5 weeks, then another defence and then lose them a week later
-syuri and konami lose them after a record low 24 days and zero defences and a heel turn that would be completely overshadowed 5 days later
-jobmo and turkla are now approaching 50 days with zero defenses, and nothing on the horizon with turkla going after the white belt
the bald uncles are not happy
why do the players like jerry? don't they know he is a little cunt
the Artist titles are even more forgotten about
If Natsuko still looked like this I wouldn't be as down on her red belt run as I am.
we are fresh off brat summer
You had your chance Rossy.
All Tarpo booking is schizophrenic
Rian's dad looks like Shinsuke Nakamura if he came from Temu.
I dont get the endless fwc transitional, it's like they don't want to establish that team as the goat team of this era when they're so much potential there
I would, sorry but Natsuko always looked like a gummi bear
jobber aura look
For me it's watching Borussia Dortmund matches while cuddling under a blanket in bed with Hazuki.
Singles champions holding the tag belts hostage as a prop or immediately winning tag belts after losing a singles title (the giulia special) is a problem
At least she's putting in the effort to try and make something happen.
>Borussia Dortmund
The Momo Watanabe of the Bundesliga
Tarpo is going to book Gods Eye vs Hate steel cage and Lady C vs Saya will be the centerpiece
I don't think he will
>Jerry mark.
This is a Tom board, toots.
I can't help it. That's where my maternal great-grandmother comes from, so I'm stuck with my fandom. My wife, Hazuki, is OK with that.
kid looks different
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the tortoise won the race
honker getting fAT
Maika and Hanako will win the tag belts at Korakuen Hall in a few weeks because the ace needs a belt and Hanako needs a reward for her excursion plus Momo and Thekla is not a good team
I thought it was Kitto and wondered why she looked so small
these the type of niggas i used to finesse on grailed
I was unironically thinking of that, and all I can say is BASED
>ywn be a japanese teenage girl that shares t-shirts with your dad
life is suffering
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the tastemakers are planning to make this the new match of the year
I'd stick my big battle bonus up midmidkek pachislots if you catch my drift, front and back
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This is the game
>shagging it up the momoka arse-hole
this is the kind of thing that they say in england
of course i would never say such a thing
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Another thousand on deck
doubt it
going to the merch table and inquiring for a taro okada autograph
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>Good morning
>Korakuen show today!

>Together, the two of you will achieve victory.
>And get closer to the belt we want.
meltear are doing the meet and greet before the show
Does Stardom have any trainees who haven't debuted yet?
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New interim Packers QB
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I think you mean Stinky Starcrotch Saturday
Being introduced either tonight or at new blood.
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>It seems that the second resale also sold out immediately
kek what a mega draw
aya is very beautiful
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>Thank you for the first Instagram Live
>Anyway, I just wanted to be grateful that I was able to get through this summer safely, but I ended up talking too much...!
>It was fun so I think I'd like to do it again.
>I'll do my best from tomorrow!
but joshi influencers told me making her heel was the worst move in the companies history
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Maika is a legit lesbian (or at least bi), there is no husband.
ranna showed her pussy on ig live
And you won't hear a peep from these people about Saya being the top merch seller
Can’t wait too spam no thousy in the marigold threads
This is the only reason why Mina hangs with her
and it's ritual for every foreigner when they come to Stardom to open their legs and have Mike go down on them, displaying her legendary skills
Making up headcanon about the players is super autistic
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Ranna cat looks like Ranna (cool)
>-jobmo and turkla are now approaching 50 days with zero defenses, and nothing on the horizon with turkla going after the white belt
>with turkla going after the white belt
Oh god there's just no way this won't be awful crying theater that out-cringes Tam at her cringiest
let taro cook
I think about player buttholes constantly
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Ranna likes cats
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Not surprised if MaiHime were close like that.
She’s so funny and awesome
I miss jumbo so much it aches
wouldn’t be worse than Malik Willis
I had been wondering how she got 115
ranna is ugly and her face annoys me
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She's not very photogenic
most of her pics she looks autistic as fuck
like the lights are on but nobody's home
seeing her wrestle or the rare photo when she doesnt have that blank look on her face, she's pretty cute
This isn’t a good hairstyle, when she wears it up she looks much cuter
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Makes sense. There various joshi wrestlers who enhanced their visuals with a different hairstyle.
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>when it's been over a week but there's finally a (LIVE) Stardom show again
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Love RED
sweaty Genie is breedable Genie
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how can one man be so bad at his job
i wish i had cute ranna gf
komomo minami returns to world wonder ring stardom tonight
unless you're a woman she's not interested
>There was a huge line of players at the ticket booth.
She has Down Syndrome
cant be that hard to get in her pants
stardom is an organization for uplifting women and women only, for one thing
those are some sizeable bingo wings
women get it rough in the fat retention stakes
Why is it so packed. I thought okada killed the territory with his booking
A solid Rossy 1,305 today
>i will watch your match
Those bald uncles are downing beers at 11:30 in the morning.
Day drinking owns
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these bitches soaking for pres tana

cheap strong zeros in every convenience store
what a way to live
Brapi vs Tana at X-Over 2 confirmed
Mayu calling everyone who thought she was leaving more retarded than ranna. Strong promo.
starlight kid won the dick sucking award for another year
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we did it toxic heads
Thekla is to Stardom what Kenny Omega was to NJPW
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Based Phenex
fucking cringe retard
cute saya working tana was a giggle
Nah you are
you mean a white dude that hates lossy and loves overcomplicated wrestling?
major upset at korakuen hall rian takes the rookie of the year award
Thekla isn't overcompensated.
How did Koguma and thekla have the best match?
the commanding presence of taro okada
turkla wins most ugliest
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Tana only entering the world wonder ring after being assured that Tamu wouldn't be there
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Without garish filters
SLK vs SLK no mask variant
rian theme got a remix
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Gyaru whore
love kitto
>spork joshi
rian first w coming up
Clap clap-clap
Spark Jo-shi
Ring sounds loud
they cranked the ring mic up to 11.
they must have one of the wrestlers working the boards again
deer in headlights will always be a problem for young ddveloping workers. their jobs require more than just showing up to wrestle and they sure as fuck haven’t figured out who they even are as a human being at this age
kitto’s feet sound like the roll of thunder on the boards of the world wonder ring
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rian stomach has been revealed to the world
They're not savages, they're having Caesars, screwdrivers, and mimosas during brunch
post it
Why did she bring the dumpster belt back and on the night the njpw guy is there
gyaru zoom getting it
living that like that life
we saw thomas fain writing some bullshit on for the twitter page on his phone
aya sakura theme reminds me of peak yunomi and nicomoq
Kurara wins but doesn’t get the pin. Does it count
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aya sakura got a pin on the future of stardom champion 5 days before her 28th birthday
This is my perfect angel
ranna player’s music has a lot of personality
ranna player does not
mina shirakawa is the queen of southside champion
Based jetsetter Venus
It’s Big League Mina, Fish and Chips Champion
mina’s keeping a close eye on her diet, she’s looking amazing
end this match
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Watch the product
Tam Mina is Dream Queendom
whos making new
there are a lot of world wonder ring stardom contracts that needs to terminated and momo kohgo is on top of the list
Momo seemed extra thin today.
Its actually Kamitani, you reading it upside down.
sexy new hair on natsuko tora
I'll make it after the match
that's an ace

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