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erm i love roxanne
Cuter than a gummy bear and m-more luh-lovely than a lotus flower!
many people are saying this
erm based
Fake erm poster
erm ok how you know?
I'm the one and only erm poster.
nah that’s me
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Yeah, but I love her more. Can't wait for her to bury that Japanese mutt and the bitch from Mexico too. Roxy should hold the belt until she breaks all the records imo. Jewlia won't draw as champion.
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erm i love roxanne
ain't no way
while you queers are debating over who ermed first, I’m over here being the poster that broke the news about her insatiable desire for culo blanco
i believe this guy >>15758048, his image is higher quality. >>15756601 im afraid you are a fake erm poster
Okay you got me, I was only pretending to be the erm poster because I too love Roxanne and wished I was her number one fan on /pw/. Sorry guys.
no worries. youre welcome to continue ermposting even if youre not the OG, especially since theres a roxie/cora hate thread up right now
You are forgiven.
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Kek it really do be like dat
Kek gotta love Roxxberg! You're next!
TFW you're about to go beast mode with your mouth on some white dude's ass.
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>jealously guards her supply of culo blanco in you’re path
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erm i love thea.
Thea and Roxy need to have a paddle on a pole match but Mr. Chase ends up giving them both correction
Pie faced vietcong!
but enough about your mom

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