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D'Oh! Edition

The Empress of Tomorrow is currently on the injured reserve list, but she's staying busy with her motherly and wifely duties as a homemaker. She's also building a multi-story personal arcade with her vast wealth and making fun of her comrades Charlotte and Becky on social media.

Latest KanaChanTV:

Official profile:


Championships and accomplishments:
NXT Women's Championship (1 time)
WWE Women's Championship (3 times)
WWE SmackDown Women's Championship (1 time)
WWE Women's Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Kairi Sane (2), Charlotte Flair (1), and Alexa Bliss (1)
Women's Money in the Bank (2020)
Women's Royal Rumble (2018)
Third Women's Triple Crown Champion
Second Women's Grand Slam Champion
Mixed Match Challenge (Season 1) – with The Miz
NXT Year-End Award (3 times)
Female Competitor of the Year (2016, 2017)
Overall Competitor of the Year (2017)
WWE Year-End Award (1 time)
Women's Tag Team of the Year (2019) – with Kairi Sane
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Asuka loves The Simpsons. It is her favorite American TV show.
Wtf? How did she get Homer to visit her?!?!?
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They're friends and neighbors.
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I wonder who her favorite, non-Homer, character is on The Simpsons?
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I don't think she'd like a killjoy cuck like Lisa. No one likes Marge. Maybe Bart from the early seasons when he was the main character? I bet she likes Mr. Burns.
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Asuka makes all of these herself btw. She's extremely talented and leagues above all the other women and men in terms of self-marketing and social media.
Are your serious?
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NEW VIDEO! A BLESSED DAY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXyPiu13UT0
>Asuka general created
>Asuka uploads new KanaChanTV episode
She really does love us.
if this is gonna be a thing then what's the point of /kabuki/ anymore?
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There isn't any point to kabuki anymore. It's just one stubborn autistic asshole OP. You know how those people are with change. They don't take it very well.
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>The design of my hobby building, which I commissioned from architect Kenichi Kishi, has finally been completed, and we are about to begin the construction process.

>Since there are many locations that require difficult construction work using reinforced concrete, there are only a limited number of construction companies that can handle the work, so we decided to hire Asa Kenchiku Construction Co., Ltd., a general contractor located in Takatsuki City.

>The groundbreaking ceremony before construction started was my first experience, and it was difficult because I had to go through the process while I was staying in Japan for a short time because I live in the United States.

>I'm glad that the timing of Daian Day, the time of my stay, and the possible schedule of the shrine coincided well, I'm glad

>I'm about to reach my goal of 300 arcade video game boards that I'm collecting. In addition to New Astro City, New Net City, VEWLIX, and other large-scale cabinets, we have expanded to include racing games, Gunshu, and rhythm games such as Mario Kart, Pop'n Music, Rhythm Heaven, Ocean Hunter, Virtua Cop 3, and WACCA. Ta.

>It looks like there will be a luxurious lineup of private arcades as well.
Asuka's shitposting really does make her the best follow on X.
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for important five-minute talks three times a day

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