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All Elite Wrestling presents All Out at the Now Arena in the Chicago, Illinois

>Unsanctioned Lights Out Steel Cage Match: Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page
>AEW World Championship: Bryan Danielson (c) vs. The Scapegoat Jack Perry
>AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. PAC
>AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Hikaru Shida
>AEW World Tag-Team Championship: The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Blackpool Combat Club
>Chicago Street Fight For The CMLL World Women's Championship: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander
>AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita
>Singles Match: MJF vs. Daniel Garcia
can't believe they legit lost the diamond ring
Poor MJF has to try and get Ratings Cancer Garcia Over
did they start the PPV by saying the wrong day? I swear he said "it's sunday"
Sex with Mina
Pretty pathetic pop for MJF considering it's Chicago
>mjf opening the show
is he phoning it in this time?

holy shit is this what aew fans do to increase thread count? kek
he said it's saturday you know what that means
Max looking extra jewish tonight
>daddy magic made it to PPV commentary twice
Holy based.
>that image
This gonna be like the Naito/Ibushi last neck standing match?
mjf looks like shit holy kek
stop making threads so early you fucking NIGGER, it splits the conversation
>Garcia fucking murders him

headband/dew rag DG overpowered!
>pay for front row seats
>they drop a banner on you
>Daniel Garcia has had a better aew career than Andrade, Malakai black, buddy murphy, PAC, Brody king, Takeshita
Honestly pretty funny.
>Build up Tiger Driver for months
>MJF is literally on the next show and wrestling 2 weeks later
nah you do
I dunno about that brown gear, Max
People didnt like it so they pivoted What's the problem
so Garcia has to win this right? he'll end up like Pillman Jr. if he doesnt
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>Daddy Magic has more emotion in his voice about this match than Taz on anything with Hook
Did Daniel Garcia re-sign?
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it's an homage
>After 2+ months of complaining
Do we really need 4 commentators?
kino match
Obviously. I don't think TK would do the same good sign he did for Andrade ever again.
How can a steel cage match be unsanctioned when the company is providing the cage?
Dirtsheets are still split on that. Some say he did, others saying he still hasn't.
I used to hate 3-4 man tables, but AEW has shown me where they can work. And this is a pretty great combo. I'd swap out tony for Taz tho.
this match is already pretty fucking great.
picking up my chickfila feast and will be watching!
That might have been the best way execution of that spot I've seen. Usually the guy in the ring gets stuck and slowly falls out.
DG is underappreci8d
They just put it there. Not their problem
The biggest carry job of MJF's career.
More material opportunities for Nige
Did Daddy Magic get injured or does he just enjoy commentary more?
I see why it's called GayEW now
Is Daddy Magic the modern day Jerry Lawler on commentary?
Garcia dressed like Gedo
I've been wondering the same thing
He burned bridges being a clown. Should have always been a tenacious rookie.
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2 young GOATs, we'll be watching DG vs MJF in 2046 on Elon's brain chip subscription service.
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>Daddy Magic
Would be cool if he left for a months or 2 but I don't really care. It was strong enough to win the match
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He died
A mixer of both.
He's not injured but Angelo is out for a while and he's not really going to get a run as a singles guy
>hey we'll pay you to not bump
that's what happened.
>wrestling has to be... LE SERIOUS
Bro all the greatest draws of all time were goofy. If you think Hulking Up was serious then you need to go breathe some fresh air.
dude is based
DG is good in the ring but has the personality of a half dead rock.
Yeah but Daddy Magic is giga based so it makes sense
Now post this week's Dynamite ratings.
>that's an evil face, I can see what that painter fella was getting at
What did Tony mean by this?
Which was the best version of Garcia?
boys kissing boys
And I don't mean Dwayne, I mean a fucking rock. He's so boring he's somehow killing rocks.
Still thinking about the Mariah booking baka
this nigga bought to rip his lower jaw off!
Ew did his snot go into MJF's mouth?
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>muh cagematch rating
MJF does the top rope piledriver too often. Its
>a) incredibly dangerous
>2) too strong for a kickout
my stream keeps cutting and I don't want to support youtube
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Nah his promos lately have been fire. He just needs to come with that intensity all the time. If he learns anything from his father Daddy Magic Matt Menard, it should be that. And if he's learned anything from his other father, Cool Hand Angelo Parker, it's that you should always finish in a jewess' ass or mouth, never the puss.
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fuckin sicko match lads
>Early August
Non existent
Danny's back's lookin a bit spotty...
mjf shitted his pants lmfao
Whatever this is honestly.
Is that a piece of shit laying on the mat?
>Angelo got Ruby to hatch his child
Should've been me
I'm on the DG train now
>that spit on his face

>jewgle "watch wrestling free stream"
>go through links til you find one the FBI hasn't found yet
That was fucking gross
4.5* so far
Pretty shit quality
I don't think anyone who uses this board should breed, and that's a shoot brother.
I need my bird child
who came up with this "garcia turns into some gigantic 9 foot tall brock lesnar when he bleeds" when he has literally no muscle on his body
this pape fucking rules already
worth my monet
>both shoulders down
>foot on top of mjf
>ref not counting
uh....aew sisters?
what is that?
A sub six foot skinny paki
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I grew up watching snowy black and white picture with bunny ears, 720p don't bother me.
the call backs to their previous feuds is kinda cool
MJF working his ass off to making Ratings Cancer Garcia look good.
little bro thinks he's dave lmao
>DG and MJF both studied under The Learning Tree
there gonna make it, HOOK too
We were pretty lucky in hindsight.
>Watching squiggly lines and hearing PPV commentary
It must have been how people who listen to radio felt like
pretty good wrestling match
is that actually a bunch of poop in the ring lmao? they're intentionally not bringing cameras around it
This, Danny needs to be more like ZSJ
Big Bill would booty blast both of these teams
MJF is a great wrestler. Garcia is better.
Ah fuck we're never leaving Chicago
Arena Empty Wrestling this ice cold fed is on death row
Weekly Smackdowns do better.
Snot bros we are living the life!
>Garcia is better
lol, lmao even
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wait this is at the NOW Arena? That's not even the third largest arena in Chicagoland. It's also nowhere near Chicago, that's like 40 mins into the burbs

The pinnacle of forced pushes and popularity. My god these are not the guys who should be having this much tv time.
>Big Bill
He doesn't look very Bill to me
Smackdown got cancelled
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>literally getting the snot beat out of him

Pretty kino match
>Garcia is better.
Only a complete retard would say that
That was a brutal looking piledriver holy shit
is it a poopies?
Garcia has a higher in ring ceiling
Hook is by FAR the worst, he's not even got the in ring stuff and he thinks "silent badass" is a good wrestling character for a twink.
The pile driver was the perfect place to end this match
fucking a
>kicked out of that piledriver
that shouldve ended the match
Every body liquid went flying
Nice piledriver kid
Stop trolling
That piledriver looked really unsafe
Chris Jericho will be looked back on as the Terry Funk of this era in terms of wising up newbies.
DG is a better technical wrestler than MJF, yes.
wrap it up boys I need to pee
Props to MJF making DG look like a millions bucks
The match should end with a catoonishly huge winding windmill punch of foom
Fuck off queer, it's wrestling
MJF sat in the poop
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horrible finish
DG crying, sad ending
that was garbage
stupid finish
FUCK I didnt look on my screen for 2 seconds and MJF won.
What happened?
He hit the rope break right
MJF carried Garcia hard in that match.
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MJF can't win without a low blow or a Dynamite Diamond shot. This match was the perfect length, will be rewatching in the future. This PPV's already shaping up to be an all-timer. Damn it feels good to be ELITE.
That was the absolute worst way to end that
>DG is a better technical wrestler than MJF
Stop trolling
le cheats and winslol man
low blow.
Disappointed Daddy Magic
Amazing match.
Finish fell on it’s face though
Bro is that actually shit wtf?
S Tier match
Run it back
right in the yambag ova here!!
nah it was the perfect finish
they worked perfectly together, we're gonna be seeing rematches of these two for a long time
What the FUCK is this finish?
The match was great but what the fuck is this?
TK told Max to pivot to the Indian demos
If you need a stream, I got you.

who's the janny that has to clean that mess up?
Tripfag goes into the filter
I thought that was blood on him, but turns out it's just MJF's spray tan
>no dick dance
Yeah i'm thinking this new Garcia is BASED
Why is there a bunch of turds all over the ring?
Ok we're back to being based
based DG
someone ples screencap the guy with the sicko banner when you see him
>that crawl
I miss the Jake the Snake crawling pin
It’s their back tape.
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Shane McMahon is in a trailer outside waiting. It's ON.
>30 minutes into an AEW PPV and we already have one man kissing another man
Based SICKO Garcia
DG redeems himself
Garcia shook Max's hair plugs out, that's ten grand down the shitter.
>they're feuding over who gets to kiss the other's forehead more
DG's music is shit
>They've locked Hangman and Swerve in their rooms
Seriously though, did one of them actually shit themselves?
>Take a pile driver off the top rope
>They lift your head to out on the neck brace
That could’ve been the FINISH
Not some post match segment.
I would've put 3 kisses on by 30 minutes
Your favourite spot, faggot!
They don't call it GayEW for nothing
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Time for YB$ kino
>I miss the Jake the Snake
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tag team division needs hard reboot
They're not beating MJF back to back.
>washed Claudio
this match is gonna suck
Guys, how do we feel about our EVPs?
DG was in the mud. Cant beat MJF yet.
Opening with Ratings Cancer Garcia and now Wheelie Uterus... clearly they both have secrets on Tony to get pushed
>bitchtits watching the PPV
you're AEW's biggest fan lol
love 'em
>Wheelie Uterus
first of THREE title matches tonight where literally every participant has a belt lol.
These faggots have belts?
Get rid of trios or just make them the jobber belts
There was a very clear stain right near MJF's asshole early on that spread to not being noticeable after his brown tights got darker allover from sweat
I got the MJF/Garcia result right. Let's see the rest.
>blackpool combat club
>neither are from Blackpool
we love our EVPs don't we folks
>wheeler and Daniel Garcia have gotten more chances than Malakai black
Who the fuck is bitchtits?
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Rod and Todd Flanders
Neither was Regal
Why are they still called Blackpool Combat Club when Regal hasn't been with the company for years?
matt is getting chubby
>they don't have belts
pipe down while the boys are talking pro wrestling ya curtain-jerkin' jabronis
wait he still isn't signed????
>he locked his twitter
the fuck
>it was based on where I learned to wrestle

that makes sense

because retards
>Hate watching
>Waiting to see men kiss
Really exposing yourself on this one more than anything
God I hate these contract politics.
Shoulda signed kid
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Who /vt/ here?
'Luv me EVPS
'Luv me Okarder
'Luv me ScapeGOAT

'ate Chicagoans (not racis jus don't like em)
...or else.
>you would be at home stroking your dogs
fucking Nige don't miss
Methstream dead
Regal isn't from Blackpool either
I don't even get what you're arguing to argue back, if this is bait you failed, if it's an argument I guess I disagree and if it's a joke you must have autism.
What did Nigel mean by this?
i get that the bucks were going for the beatles but they really look like china men
i’d fuck matt and maybe nick too
nigel saying bcc and then bbc and then bcc
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>the BBC
no Nige that's the other company
He's from close enough

t. norfener
Why is Yuta on this show I paid for?
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now type that without crying
we don't sign our filenames here
>lots of good tag teams coming together that could revitalise the division
>stuck with shitters like acclaimed hogging the tv time
Because he and Garcia have secrets on Tony
>not even an hour into the show and they’re already talking about cocks
because he's the modern Stone Cold
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that without crying
Does Yuta look weirdly yellow?
DG wtf r u doin blud
he's asian
Crowd seem to not give a fuck. Tag Team division really nose dived, hasn't it?
maybe he's got the jaundice
>Black Boot Combat Club
crowd has been dead all night
maybe holding a PPV in a 9k capacity arena isn't the best idea
People will complain about him but he's 20 years younger than half of WWEs main eventers
Because Rod and Todd Flanders have killed the tag division
Did he say one man dicking crew?
>broke the barricade
this thread is dead
whats going on tonight?
>paying for GayEW
Thriller party
god please save the tag division
i will never get over how much castagnoli looks like my high school german teacher
The Outrunners will run wild soon
Sorry you're poor
>it's another tag match where all tag rules are thrown out halfway through
Outrunners need to bury these young cucks
Maybe it was him
It's in Chicago, how do you fuck that up?
Shame. AEW early years had a top tier tag team
They just had a PPV two weeks ago, they need to move this to Max soon if they want to keep this up next year.
your high school offered a german course?
Sorry you're retarded
They're the youngest guys in the business today
Yeah, Claudio knows German after all
Bucks are just not fun to watch, shitters to the end.
Yuta needs to put on some muscle
Depending on where you live in the US, yes.
maybe if he shrunk a foot
i live in a very (proudly) german state
It has. Hopefully Shane has better ideas.
This is boring
He's going to give him and some random Underground guy the belts
agreed it's uncanny
>clap clap
Super uppercut
complete no-sell of superplex
As he should. He should also give the women a tag belt. They have the depth now they just need somebody to make it work.
>The new Stone Cold
>takes the pin

really really good dynamite match that was on a ppv for some reason
Easy win for the EVPs
MOTY time boys
I need a mumble off
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>why's the crowd dead, it's Chicago?
Calling this Chicago is a stretch
Sausage links?
Traffic wise you can still call it Chicagoland
Now that's what I call music
Based Pac
The crowd woke up big time
This should've been a Wembley match
Tell Google "I would like to watch wrestling" and make sure you say please, and then follow the yellow brick road
Pac is winning?

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