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yum https://x.com/Alejandro9ix/status/1832587491724992695
Her ass finisher is based, anyone who wants her to change it is retarded
whats up with all the black women posts here recently? a glowie psyop perhaps?
The superior women
Not enough pancake asses for ya?
>Are you a black woman
Every time I see Jaida Parker, I think of my cum shot out directly from my BWC onto her ass and face, and then her saying 'black lives DON'T matter.'

So Based, you just know she dates and fucks only White men.
Her boyfriend is black
Sorry, Jaquarius, but your porn-induced fantasy of negroes being loved isn't true. She (along with every attractive non-White female) is built exclusively for White men, and she knows it.

Do you know what you can do about it, though? You can cope, you can definitely seethe, and if absolutely necessary, dilate.
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ok how you know
Her boyfriend is black
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>whats up with all the black women posts here recently? a glowie psyop perhaps?
Discord raid. I can't find the screenshot, maybe someone else can post it.
Don’t know how to tell you this bud, but she was dating a nigger football player from LSU.
She ass mogs Gigi
Keyword: "was"
We all make mistakes, 'bud.' You overcome those mistakes, she made one, and she corrected it. Nowadays and for the rest of eternity, it's White men ONLY for her.

"Jaida Parker got NEXT!" - Jaida Parker when talking about licking, sucking, and bouncing her fat brown ass on BWC.
All white men are good for in being bred by black men. Being built for BBC isn't a meme, it's your heritage.
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two can play at that game retard
That’s a Cambodian
Lol, that's a hilarious cope and a larp, especially coming from a kike tranny such as yourself.

Or, perhaps, you're the ultimate subhuman (who is bound for hell auto-freaking-matically when you finally do the world a favor and drop dead): A black jewish tranny who happens to be overweight.
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Cocksleeves were the foundation of your identity.

This is largley prior to being groomed, you were given a formal identity as a bestowment.

History is purposefully obfuscated to conceal this fact.

Being made for bbc isnt a meme, its heritage, well acknoeledged in private.
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these two are literally the same
whereas this >>15766647 and picrel look nothing alike
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>two can play at that game retard
>t. yet another incel falling for 5 pounds of make up

lol and you STILL will never get an east asian gf because they all know that mutt incels only like them because they like the 'submissive pet' stereotype as it's the only way they'll ever feel like an actual "man".
cope and seethe, black women are fucking hideous
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you get no pussy
Nah I don't.
i am 100% white so posting chudjacks and saying this shit doesnt apply in the slightest
But enough about me
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>i am 100% white so posting chudjacks and saying this shit doesnt apply in the slightest
>i am 100% white
i always love when americans assume everybody they talk to is a fellow amerimutt. unfortunately im a white eurochad. but thanks for giving me more images to my mutt folder. will use it against you at some point
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>i always love when americans assume everybody they talk to is a fellow amerimutt. unfortunately im a white eurochad. but thanks for giving me more images to my mutt folder. will use it against you at some point
/pw/ and /asp/ before it have long been Kween boards you absolute gay low test new faggot.
Another top quality thread.
her ass*
What else is new on pee double-U
Full on cope. They look just like the three ugly gooks in the caricature
>pictures you can smell
cocoa butter and frustration
Made to produce a top black athlete with her football playing boyfriend
she cute
I need more webms of this match
Cody Rhodes reign as champion has effected wrestling board culture.
cody board, bitch
>Eminem lyrics tattoo
She's been bleached. Ain't no black chick tattooing that shit on them. Without being whitey lovers. I still like her tho. But she's slightly dropped.
the white girl meme is dead bro, everyone's moved on and nobody wants them anymore except pajeets
People don't want to admit it. But there's black cucks on 4chan. That get off to white dudes saying they'll bang their women. Who do you think posts the ebony threads on /gif/?
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>came here to look at the fat ass bitch
>you weirdos start posting your fantasies about being bred by men of a different race
>Making Gigi's ass look small.
Sexy Woman
Did she get a nose job?
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> it's your heritage
nope its literally yours buck
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