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Previous: >>15734580

this week: Giulia flexing on her aura

next week: Tuesday 8 PM EST
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Tell me about clown world giulia
She’s made for the big time
Ghoulia sucks
The protagonist of nxt

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One of her tag runs with Syuri. They were really funky like that, and they called themselves Alto Livello Kabaliwan (madness in Filipino language).
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Wow bro this has the whole crew laughing.
of wrestling
can’t wait for her to lose to erm roxanne
You should see their entrance. It was very cringey.
Giulia video: https://files.catbox.moe/e7cjuf.mp4
For me it'll always be Orange Giulia
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we do not use "that" word here
CM punk is sexting giulia as we speak.
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The players are celebrating https://x.com/y_seri_1113/status/1833691472530706479
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giulia's career was usurped
bond of the bigass boopers
too late, i cummed
>Phil involving himself
God fucking dammit why? Keep this fucking faggot away from her.
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Always mindlessly bashing black people, and now, look who Poi end up hanging out with.
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Giulia is the female CM Punk
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why is she still wearing that shitty gear that covers her ass?
roxanne made her change in the broom closet, she's not one of the girls yet. that's why she wasn't in any of the women's locker room segments tonight, she's not allowed in there even in kayfabe.
she's a married woman
>It's been 10 days since I came to America, and I just finished my NXT debut! I'm getting so much inspiration every day!

>I want everyone in Japan who hasn't seen #WWENXT to see it
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>But I've always wanted to bring pro wrestling to the younger generation and the general public in Japan.

>To achieve that, she said, "I can only achieve this if I cross the ocean, get bigger, and then come back to Japan." First of all, I have to get bigger. I'm already 30 years old, so I decided to take on the challenge overseas, thinking, "This is my last chance."

Reminder that Ghoulia is only using WWE in an attempt to make wrestling bigger in Japan. This won't work and is destined to fail. It also proves that she isn't committed to the grind like Asuka. She must leave all that joshi slop behind if she is to succeed.
You're having a hard time with this aren't you?
unbiased spectator here. i thought giulia was ok. nothing amazing but nothing terrible either, it was probably her first time working an american style tv match so i'll cut her some slack, however i thought chelsea made her look amazing sold all her moves like death so it was still effective. i do worry about the in ring communication especially with some of the rookies, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. her finisher is kind of mid too i thought she was gonna use the knee.

however she is insanely charismatic + hot + has insane ring presence and those are all you really need and shawns miracle booking will probably make her dimes incarnate
>shawns miracle booking will probably make her dimes incarnate
I really hope there's no bullshit with the match between Giulia and Roxanne. They just have the match straight up and that's that.
only bs i could see is possibly cora returning / getting involved leading to a triple threat at halloween havoc. i'm not sure they have both trick and giulia win the same night so i'm a little wary
Cora just started rehab. She won't be ready in time.
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>her finisher is kind of mid
Very very safe northern lights bomb.
can't be dropping people on their head in your first match on TV
>Cora cost Giulia the match
>They start beating Giu down
>Vaquer makes the save
>Tag match in St. Louis
You're welcome Shawn
WWE is such shit. You have to be a retard or a little kid to watch this garbage.
dire, just have the singles match and have a clean winner
Gotta stretch it out to Halloween Havoc bud.
No one give a fuck about tag shit, lmao
Cora just took the brace off, you fucking idiot. She won't be ready for months.
Love Giulia. Haven't said that in a while.
Giulia wins the NXT title in Chicago
Stephanie Vaquer wins the North American title in St. Louis
santino could win the NA title for all i care
just get it off dimeless kelani
we've seen Kelani's perfect chocolate nipple so she can keep it for now
Giu looked good last night
great knee much better than her first one
Do you think Giu has had sex in America yet?
i know she has had sex in america
No, ugly halfbreed mutts are diamond dozen in America
only with half of him
she ate the other half
Probably with her boyfriend who she lives with
Nani? She has a stay at home house boyfriend?
NXT should do a Holiday Special joint show with Marigold at Korakuen Hall to air on CW during Thanksgiving week or something. ECW used to do stuff like that before they went on TNN.
Yeah, me
But you're a dickless tranny.
Still not used to WWE tweeting about her
Yup, it's the terminally online schizo. Lol.
Do we have a webmchad?
They should have a Merry Shishimas telethon with Utami in a santa outfit as the host, drunk on egg nog and wrestling strangers in the street to encourage people to donate to Marigold
Why the fuck did then nerf her northern lights bomb.
what was the nerf?
Should I watch Stardom? I really like all of the joshis that end up in WWE. How do you keep up with it?
She dropped Chelsea on her back instead of her neck
Nah it kinda sucks now
Well you just answered your own question there.
Anyone who actually watched Giulias US matches for NJPW Strong should have already figured she’d alter the Northern Lights Bomb. She clearly wrestled those matches trying out the adjustments she’d be making. She wasn’t head dropping there either
she's not from haiti
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it's still a mindfuck seeing her in wwe, especially when she pops up in a backstage segment or they show her walking into the building. she's doing really good though
it's going through a rough period. better to just pretend you've been watching like the majority of twitter does
is marigold any better or is the whole joshi scene bad right now
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Favorite Giulia color scheme?
For me its the black, white, silver and red look.
Sadly she needs the right opponent to have a good match. She is average at best.
Marigold is rough and probably will be for at least two years if they last that long. I enjoy watching the growth but, they are nowhere near ready outside of the top 5-6 girls and they are just trying to help the kids along more than anything. Unless there is a mass exodus from Stardom, which is never going to happen btw, it'll take awhile for the trainees and youngers to be any good.
Stardom is still great at times.
They have a rookie booker so, things are pretty strange and almost 180 degrees opposite what Rossy booking was. Wether that's good or bad is up to you. Their production value is sky high for a joshi promotion and most of the girls are massively talented from the top all the way down to the lower mid card. Even the jobbers do pretty well. Everyone has a spot and everyone tries their best. Overall, Stardom is still Queen of the mountain by a substantial margin.

Stardom's a poorly booked, boring mess at the moment, but there's plenty of good things to watch in their back catalogue.
Simping General
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whole lotta red
So jaida was hanging out in the parking lot for over 4 hours? Does she not have a job or is she selling ass?
very beautiful Woman.
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for me? it will always be the GOAT
>female CM Punk
Is this an upgrade from Japanese Eva Marie?
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Did MIRAI do one?
let's see MIRAI's nipples
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Giulia's grandma and Italian cousin watched the whole show.
Guess you watch then since you're a massive fucking retard (didn't sign my post, m' afraid)
i hope hhh allows giulia to be allowed in the retardkino segments of shawns nxt and hasn't sent a mandate to keep her serious the whole time
fucking shit, you got him
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spying on giulia in the shower
being shocked to discover giulia is packing a full futa 10 inch uncut cock and heavy set of perfect balls
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sexy mothafucka
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mermaid barbie sexo
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9/10 feet
>Womeme wrestling is such shit. You have to be a retard or a little kid to watch this garbage.
FTFY fagg boi
holy hell, i need more bts videos from these photobooks
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if it's not red it's dead
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>desperately tries to become giulias best friend in your path
Buzzcut Giulia would be kino but I doubt she'll ever go back to it.
karmen doesn't get tv time every week even though she should, she needs any way she can get back into HBK's conscious
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I frickin love Giulia
Giulia is the Alejandro Jodorowsky of wrestling.
I wonder who’s gonna become Giulias best friend in nxt.
I am so very lonely
kek is that a good thing?
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more english practice. Arrivederce, see you
the first arrivederci
Is that her first time saying arrivederci on NXT? She should try getting it over more to sell t-shirts.
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we better get a piledriver through a table during the Roxanne match
And a shoot headbutt.
They showed those in clip before the match.
They didn't show any headbutts though.
They have an honest star on their hands with her, let’s see how they fuck it up
>let’s see how they fuck it up
by not having her win the title and dragging it out
Giulia backstage promo
Giulia JOI when?
anything can be a JOI with enough imagination
The Rizz
They have yet to introduce her Italian part. Maybe so that public wont be overwhelmed, they focused on Japanese one.
>italian part
Yeah I like that. I'm a sucker for dark hair. Her current look is also dimes though.
That’s bound to confuse tv audience.
They were feuding with Queen's Quest at the time and the joke was "bow down to the clowns", they even did the QQ pose holding the wigs after the match but they weren't allowed to call Utami a clown
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They've already got a star.
Anyone else get invited too her secret club?
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holy shit she blasted that bug's head off lol
Do you guys think Giulia would be interested in pit play..
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This image breaks the homosexual mind
pit play is not a thing
But it could be
two overrated shitters that get by on looks and a gimmick (hardcore & flippyshit)
Sounds like I hit a nerve....
i like that her finisher is the Snow Plow
oh it's a thing, bubba.
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more like /gayu/ lol
I suck dicks and this photo gets me hard.
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cute bellybuttons
Love Giulia.
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What do now that Giulia's biggest fan was outed as a pedophile?
English aristocrats might all be nonces but I hardly believe that's true about Lady Mai
I heard that Giulia is mean irl
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i saw it
What a piece of shit.
Can we cancel her for this?
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Real tough bullying the junior players. Lets see how she likes it when Based Randy shits in her bag.
meanwhile in stardom, Thekla lost her mind and wants to befriend poi
giulia shoving her futa dong in my mouth
Also Maika winning the red again.
Northern Lights BUMP
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Damn, she is more ripped then me, maybe I should do less gaming and build some mass
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Giulia brought me to orgasm
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Is her bush showing in this photo?
Did Other Giulia and Other Other Giulia go to America too?
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Every Giulia exist in her own time frame, there can be no more than one Giulia simultaneously. That picture is manipulation.
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Pedophile sent to the SHADOW REALM
Is it true Giulia's fav hentai is /ss/?
Afraid so
Need more buzzcut Giulia.
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Can we post Pink Yuna in this thread?
What the fuck?
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Yeah, she's Giulia affiliated.
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Giulia is a Tyra Mae Steele fan
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I understand anon

You're scared

And, you should be
Giulia's "master" Hideki Suzuki had no idea she was going to WWE:

"I honestly had no idea she was going to WWE. Giulia told me (in late August) that she was going to America, but I didn't hear "WWE". I thought for sure it was SUKEBAN, so I never imagined it would be WWE..."
>my gf is more likely to go to the shindie
way to support her, man
I NEED more GiuxMei
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I remember Giulia nearly killing Mei in tag matches, then they start nearly killing rookies together.
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look at her go
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is this a white chick? or one of the bug people
legit confused, looks like a basic af white girl but some uncanny bug valley shit happening
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A regular white woman.
ok, I thought I was taking yellow pills
she does not look like a zip at all
you should probably wear some glasses because she's definitely a gook
you're more of a gook than this round eyed whore
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Glorious BUMPER
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your mother
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Howdy Giu
World of Stardom champion Tamu talked to Weekly Puroresu magazine, and the conversation was about Giulia.
The bullying scandal?
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Bullying is normal, actually.
>and the conversation was about Giulia
Many such cases
When Giulia isn't on screen everyone should be talking about GIulia.
that's basically how it is
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I want her to wear this wig while I fuck her face.
Giulia said her favorite movie is Giu Fast Giu Furious
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Giulia has already made the most important friend
yeah shes gonna get fed to that friend as soon as said friend is healthy
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miss giu and kitto together
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Giulia does something today, can't wait.
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Giulia coming
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>Cornette HAS to endorse Giulia now
We just won the war...
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as a pipebomb era punk mark and also a ddmchad this is very surreal to me
gotta love the GOATS
wtf man
>someone saved the dumb screenshot I captured
Ding dong diddley based
Giulia's awkward acting
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inserting punk for no reason pretty much just killed this feud. shawn is retarded
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Shut up
Its was Roxanne injected herself into punks promo, and bringing Giulia along.
Roxanne interrupted Punk then Giulia interrupted Roxanne
It was dumb yes.
No you
We saw Punk talking about her debut earlier in the thread. He made himself a part of it for no reason whatsoever.
It was to set up the segment, and he’s not even involved beyond it, he’s reffing the other match
is punk touching her breast?
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It didnt need a setup from him. Punk just had such a brilliant idea to help out a person thats already super over. Not at all because he just wanted to involve himself with someone that gets massive numbers on her own. He did nothing but leach.
Punk Derangement Syndrome
After all Giulia is the female CM Punk.
Giulia need to say more stuff. Need to communicate more, or else she wont make any new friends.
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Giulia wants a man in his 40s. Looks like i have my chance

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