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Turns out a primarily coomer audience doesn’t actually want to show up in person lol.
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That's the sensible thing to do when ticket sales don't go as well as hoped for
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Apparently they weren't selling enough tickets so they moved to a smaller venue

>ads on the turnbuckles
AEW is a mockery of wrestling.
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oink oink
Randy Orton was never a draw. Guy wrestles at 1mph too. Overrated shitter and I'm sticking to that.
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Who is he even pointing at? There aint anybody there kek
A guy hung himself in the rafters.
Heatwave did really well piggybacking off of MITB in Toronto (almost 10k tickets sold), but with this show piggybacking off of a Raw rather than a PLE and it not being a named NXT show, it was probably more difficult to sell tickets than they expected
They plastered the logo for DUDE WIPES on the stadium and ring during matches at Wrestlemania
Guess Orton is much of a draw
is st louis a big wrestling city?
only big wrestling cities i know are chicago and montreal
As beloved as Orton is no one wants to see him come out in his clothes and cut a promo
Either announce him having a match with someone like Oba or don't have him on at all
>Giulia is a big draw
It was with Harley Race 40/50 years ago.
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When will every dynamite and collision start doing the same? They get 2k viewers in 20k arenas
>Randy Orrin STILL can’t draw flies to shit
Here’s your all time great legend, bro.
I'd laugh if it's one of those WCW situations where the building holds 3k people but it looks like a 15k venue because all the seats are on one side of the building.
when I bought em it was bundled with the Raw show and you couldn't buy them separate, why are they issuing refunds just for the NXT show?
No, Darby just looks like he’ll commit suicide at any moment, he hasn’t done it yet.
AEW should do this instead of filming all the empty seats
>The Factory has a capacity of 3,000

This is AEW bad
*inhales deeply*

look at the second picture boyo. primes on the turnbuckle.
looks like a high school auditorium
To be honest AEW should be doing the same thing.
It is very funny that AEWtists celebrate so hard when WWE's wrestling school fails to measure up to AEW's flagship show.
>WWE's wrestling school
Sure are a lot of veteran wrestlers at that "wrestling school"
>randy orton
>wrestling school
that NXT show had almost 4k tickets sold 4 weeks before the show and got moved, thats more than 95% of AEW shows this year
If ECW was alive today you niggers would be frogposting about how they're in the Hammerstein Ballroom which holds 2500
It used to be a huge wrestling city. Those fans are long gone.
The absolute state of Ghoulia and nu-ROH jobber Ethan Pagetty
why doesn't aew do this when they can't sell tickets?
Only incels watch NXT, they're not leaving the house
>bought a raw/NXT combo ticket
>the factory tickets aren’t even up yet so can’t exchange for them yet
>very real chance I won’t be able to go due to Ticketmaster trickery
Thanks for nothing, Paul
Lmao, this is the worst of any of the wrestling attendance issues. The Factory is a boring ass black box theater in a strip mall in a suburb far away from downtown, where the other arena was.

This is downright embarrassing, what a laugh.
>aew is on the same level as wwe's developmental c show
Maybe these first few shows being on the road was WWE experimenting to see if NXT could support a touring schedule, suffice to say it does not seem like it can.
I doubt they seriously considered it
>only pretending
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You love to see it
Lmfao try again HBgay
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Maybe Shawn shouldn't have frontloaded the Chicago card and saved something meaningful for St. Louis.
What went wrong?
reminder: e-drones have been crying about Smackdown getting cancelled for over a year
I'm still laughing at it to be fair
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Kek Pigtits did not like this thread
Fraid so
Pedotits in the mud
Your daily reminder that PEDOwheels is still bumping this thread because he is too afraid to go into all the threads where AEW draws 600 people. Also don't forget that he admitted to eating his father's cum LMFAOOO
Awesome. Less coloreds
the bloom is off the rose
AEW take note.

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