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Whose the Jannetty?
you for being an alcoholic
you for consuming either
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>watches wrestling sober
Wine for not tasting like piss.
Wine is for cultured events and that’s not me
anything that’s not vodka neat is just homosexual
neither is the jannetty, but wine has the better reputation
i prefer beer
Beer for tasting like different flavors of the fucking ground
Wine isn't great either but its tolerable
I prefer beer, but that's mainly because wine gives me nasty hangovers. I do like the taste of both though
Winetty easily. I only like it for cooking
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Love my wine.
>doesn't get you drunk unless you drink fattening amount
>Tastes awful
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wine is not as baby face as you are implying. wine is the only booze you can get for cheap that has a decent alcohol content. that is why homeless people and bums drink wine.
>basedcels whining about beer tasting bad
Stop drinking sugary shit you fucking faggots
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I feel you. Some wine is super delicious but god damn shit fuck the next day sucks if you don't take it easy on it.
Gimme a glass of that wine and some thick black licorice vines with it
you always have to keep at least a shot or two of wine for the morning. clears it right up.
This is not a Michaels/Jannetty dichotomy. This is a WWE/AEW question. Beer is WWE. It appeals to the masses. AEW is wine. It attracts pretentious blowhards who fool themselves into thinking they know good from bad. They see more than is actually there but can get worked into thinking that a cheap liquor store brand wine is actually a quality vintage so long as they never see the bottle and are told that it's good by a silver-tongued waiter trying to make the restaurant money on his pretentious mark ass.
I'm a vodka chad
Being a wino is based and the objectively higher IQ choice.
Alcohol is for the mentally weak.
Sup Phil
Both jannetties to the real michaels
Beer is the Michaels on a hot Summer day after a long day of back breaking work

Wine is the Michaels for a date. I sometime brought a bottle of wine to my gf's place, we drank and snuggled up while watching a movie

When I'm with the boys, I really don't go for beer or wine but shots or mixed drinks

On a work night, one glass of red wine only, but that's if I'm feeling it. Otherwise, it's a tea or seltzer.
Sour fruit beers are the way.
Both for being the cheap brands.
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all beer is pisswater. grow up pal
Imagine drinking alcohol
Imagine being a virgin loser who never went to a single party and pretends to be above drinking
>not having the beer hot tag the wine
>not having the beer hot tag the whisky
Beer's a good little hand, don't hate on beer.
I'm imagining with assistance right now kek.
Winetty sucks outside of cooking.
Only failures drink alcohol.
This is gayer than drinking wine.
They both went over Nash's son
Rum and Coke is all you need
Both taste like piss
maybe on planet pension
Nothing is sadder and more pathetic than a beer alcoholic.
Wine alcoholics seem adult and classier.
Wine aunts are by far the most pathetic beings in existence.
Rather a wine aunt than some balding beer drinking doomer
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>watches wrestling
Incels are worse
Incels are gender-flipped wine aunts in every way besides fruitless sex
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*glass shatters*
Thanks for proving my point
Anon alcoholics drink bottles of whatever spirit is cheapest at the whatever store is nearest.
They won't fuck you, simp.
Only losers drink.
One is for losers, one is for losers who want to increase their estrogen levels.
Cena's love for PBR disproves this.
Cena, Taker, Dwayne, Flair, Austin, Funk, Hogan, ..etc. You are wrong you empty headed fuck.
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I'ma Wheatley man. Wheatley, sogood I drin kit dailly.
I don't really enjoy drinking anymore, the buzz doesn't feel as fun as it used to and the next day sucks. I drank yesterday and I'm not even really hungover like that, but there's just this gray cloud over my mind, everything just feels lame and boring. Having said that, I have one pint left over that I'm finna drink now. Will probably just make me tired in like an hour but oh well
pour it down the sink brother
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she knows
Fucking gross. Cut that poison out of your life.
Drink your rum straight.
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Yeah I know what you mean. I give up alcohol for a while and it's like a new world opens up to you. Then I suddenly have self-destructive binges where I'll drink heavily for a week, do drugs, and end up a crying, suicidal mess.
This last week has been a bit like that, but I haven't peaked yet. Had two bottles of bubbly and did a couple grams of speed.
Not touching anything tonight expect a valium or two to ride out the comedown and get a nice long sleep.
Do this brother.
Struck a nerve, 'cel?
I haven’t taken a sip of alcohol since 2021. Just saying that’s the only thing I found worth drinking the rare times I would
Drinking is completely overrated, hard to even realize that until you've stopped for a considerable amount of time.
I still drink here and there but most occasions I can leave it.
We don't sign our posts here.
I was more just making a joke about how Coke is more of a poison than alcohol.

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