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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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this you?
I'm pro science and facts. Also pro hoe and nobody wants hoes having kids, so also pro choice. I'm indifferent or against the others.
I'm pro anti jew
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>Pro queer
>Pro Trans
>Pro Muslim
Pro science and facts which is why I'm against the rest.
>pro queer
>pro muslim
How can they be this stupid?
We know, Ahmed.
What do they think muslim means
Special brown folx who whitey unjustly kept from raping and pillaging the entire world.
Yup makes sense that a fat white incel turbo leftist would be wearing this slip
Dog and cat eaters
Fuck I hate wrestling now
Drumpf lost and will get his ass kicked again in November.
Yup. I’m a AEW fan, btw
Libhicks are very provincial and don't understand abstractions all that well.
Why are all turbo leftists like this?
The political scene is a work, brother
No. I don't like blacks or Muslims.
i'm pro all of those except for muslim
Lack of real world experience, high estrogen levels, college brainwashing.
I’m pro choice because I’m anti most of those things. God bless abortion for keeping the black birth rate down.
I love me some bussy and getting mine railed, not a racist, love science but unironically how do I avoid this mental illnesses, assuming this ain't trolling
>Pro Hoe
What does this even mean
>I love me some bussy and getting mine railed
>how do I avoid this mental illnesses
too late
PRO HOE always pops me
Muslim countries have homosexuals and trans characters too, dummy. Iran has a ton of trans people.
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Naa I fucking hate wrestling now it's genuinely one of the shittiest things that I still keep up with. Pretty much exclusively through this board
-he asked the man in the mirror...
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nah this is
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nah this is me
The Republicans are pro all those things too you mong
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I'd hang out with ya
You’re already a tripnigger. I’m afraid it’s terminal
I'm not pro any of these things, not even wrestling
'fraid so
Nigga got quads. We shant be sleeping on this.
Nigga got quints
Afraid so.
Who are thrown off buildings if they don't comply by the very strict and unfavorable loopholes of their communities, such as being their squad's fucktoy or an exotic dancer prostituting themselves at a shisha bar.
Name one.
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