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>outlaw bullshit

why should i care and why shouldn't i believe that you're a huge faggot, faggot?
>outlaw bullshit
I've never really understood this phrase being derogatory.

Outlaws are cool as hell and are typically worshiped by our society. People still remember Jesse James.
You tell me
Mayu making herself the Jannetty of threedom.
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>translated via DeepL
She'll be happy to fight Mariah but, she won't do it on the tranny show.
nah, you're just a huge faggot.

nah, you're just a huge faggot.
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It's a Tokyo Sports headline but I'm sure it wont happen for some reason. Retard.
Everyone laugh at this jabroni
The Oynkord wont like this one
Pedobros its over
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Tony needs to fire the jew girl and give her barefoot gimmick to Mayu.
So Mayu is definitely dropping the title to Toni then right?
Trannies begging hard
She won’t wrestle a match in AEW
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This is like when Giulia teased a Mercedes match while her WWE contract was being printed out. You guys don't learn at all
You're crying.
You’re begging again
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>please Mayu we already forgot about Mina
Just like Giulia and Big Business, eh
Mina is coming back this week
marikwabers where we at?
First Miran taking a year off the finish middle school because of the trauma from thinking she killed risa sera and now this. Maripedos btfo
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Time to spend months doing this
No it's not. TK doesn't even want Giulia and tried to poach Mayu. She's friends with the Bucks too.
Outlaws can be cool, but not necessarily
It's a case by case basis
Lmao drainmaker thought they had her for tranny shows
Friends with the Bucks
>Iida pointing at red belt.jpg
It's absolutely NOT LIKE anyone personally affiliated with Rossy has ever teased an AEW match, only to big league and humiliate Tony, purely out of spite and revenge
Kek the cope posts from maridrones
>It's absolutely NOT LIKE anyone personally affiliated with Rossy has ever teased an AEW match, only to big league and humiliate Tony, purely out of spite and revenge
Literally has never happened
Tony shouldn’t even trust Mayus unstable ass and should have Toni swiftly win and move on to another joshi. I don’t know why AEW fans wanna deal with miss daddy issues
>she's just lying to Tokyo Sports bro
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You can't make this shit up
We don't post our own tweets here
You know it smell crazy in there
Giulia talked about a match with Mone.
And what does that have to do with the rest of the statement?
He's right though, Mayu is ten times the wrestler Giulia is
Wanted it for Stardom but AEW told her to fuck off
She's right. Mayu is amazing and 10x the wrestler Giulia is.
We got Tony bots up in here?
Nah but you are a seething crying ROssypedo bitch.
Mayu is getting the yen pouch.
we don’t sign our posts here
Pedophiles are outlaws. Does that make them cool?
There's already an active angle involving her in AEW with Mariah May. She's coming back kek
Pedogroom in the mud
Tony probably paying big money for mayu
mayu will obviously stay in stardom and wrestle either toni or mariah at wrestle dynasty in the tokyo dome
kek gottim
Will prob get a part time offer that let's her live in Japan
Based Mayu planning to big league the troon fed by teasing matches that will never happen, Cerebral Icon Baby!
fraid so
I would want to have some nice style sex with the Mayu
Same brother
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Mayu is lucky her book never got translated to english or this talk wouldn't be happening
she is VERY racist
She never said that
She might have
Nah I was there
What does she smell like?
Probably soap
Pizza farts and sweaty feet
>carnies a TV & PPV match out of TK and then signs with Marigold & WWE

kek based
Two more weeks, pEdo
She definitely said that
multiple times
WWE will never put her in a TV show, so AEW would be her last chance to wrestle in front of a decent crowd.
This the new cope?
>Woman wrestling an aew wrestler who is probably in talks to show up at an event in the near future promotes that it might happen
Like most old mark terms, it was ironic. Same with the this is awesome chant. It's meant to be ironic. Just a new wave of brain-dead marks didn't understand that it was a negative thing because they are without brains
Isnt she wrestling at the tokyo dome in a couple of months?
Fraid so
Mayubros I really think that Mayu will drop the title and will go to Rossygold.
Anyone can do that
If Tony was going to buy out any Stardom contact, it would be Mina.
Mina is already a draw and is already deep in the women's title storyline.
She's not the most skilled on the Stardom roster but she's always been the most US market friendly, even more so than Giulia.
She's well above average for an American female wrestler and can work the style with no problems. Just fits better here in general.
Exactly, "talent" isn't particularly high on what it takes for a woman to succeed here. Meanwhile, she's got the look, speaks English, and is flirtatious and fun.
I don't even think Stardom would mind much. She's a midcarder at best in Japan. Meanwhile, in AEW, I could see her being the one to take the title off Mariah. Her ceiling is higher in AEW than anywhere else (I don't see WWE pushing her like AEW would).
>agrees with a literal pedophile in youre path
Rossys a little BITCH
Fraid so
>He's still necro bumping a thread about something everyone knows is never going to happen
Why did she tell Tokyo Sports she is?
many saying this
Thanks for agreeing with me but, you don't have to sign your posts here.
Humiliation ritual she cooked up with her dad Rossy
we got mayu
love you, e drone
She probably took note of the abysmal attendance maricold is going through and stayed where the money is.

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