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This board is just disingenuous shitposting. I can tell none of you fags on either side of the AEW vs WWE war have any convictions. You don't actually care about one company being better or doing better than the other, you just want to shitpost. And you can tell the people doing these shitposts aren't even finding it funny or are putting any effort into it. They're just going through the motions because that's what they think they need to do. This board is limbo.
your tears hydrate me
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Just because I don't have any convictions doesn't mean AEW isn't genuinely fucked
Nash was raped that’s all I care about
>This board is limbo.
We're dead and this is hell.
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i defend aew as if my life depended on it on this board every day but in reality i havent watched an aew show since 2021 and i watch raw and smackdown every week
There is a little part of me that wants to see Tony humbled just like I want to see Trump humbled or Bill Gates humbled or any other rich retard that doesn't deserve the position in life they got. Other than that though, it's all just shitposting fun
Owlchads have the most conviction
No, I would specifically like Triple H to fail
Let me tell you something brother, I just want Vince Russo back, he understood what makes wrassling entertaining.
I'm just here for the joshi posting, honestly.
Sanest /pw/ poster
except for a few threads on a few boards, all of this website is disingenuous shitposting
Yeah, this place is disingenuous and toxic.

Still, I can't figure out how to leave for some reason.
I'm an honest poster
>this place is disingenuous and toxic
cringe ass zoomer faggot please go
You seem butthurt by the truth you little retard.
Go get raped and rope yourself.
Okay how you know?
Learn to use filters.

For example, I filter
>every joshi Image MD5 ive ever seen
>the subject line of all the joshipedo generals
>key phrases like "nash," "aewtists", or "edrone"
>every bait image used for console war's MD5
>every waifufag image's MD5 gets filtered
>every time I see a shitty post that is made daily, I will filter the Image MD5 to never see it again
You might make me look at your unpleasant shitpost once

but I ain't looking at it twice.
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>oh no, god forbid I see some hecking joshis, they might turn me straight!
Based, funny how Joshipedos get triggered hard when someone mentions
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I don't care about the women you post and have nothing against them.

It's you that I find annoying: the joshipedo, the kind of posters you are, the rampant waifuposting which is the most brainless, lowest-tier kind of posting on 4chan. I don't like waifufags on ANY board. I hate coomers on /v/ too because they're unable to think past coom and gacha.
Also, thanks for adding an image to my filter list.
At this point why bother coming here ?
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>Also, thanks for adding an image to my filter list.
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I was here at the start. I was here before the start, in /wwe/ on /sp/. This is my board as much as it's anyone elses, and I've always hated waifufags and always posted the same way.

If you're not customizing your 4chan experience when you can, that's your own fault. This board is genuinely unusable without it and I ain't letting the schizos win.
Sure, you can do this in a thread when you're engaging with me directly but if you spam the catalog just to try and get past one guy's filters, you're just going to get banned for spamming like a retard.

Just like if you keep posting that ITT, you'll probably catch a ban for avatarfagging. Dummy.
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Joshi Board! Faggot Bitch!
Gayew Kwabimight
Imagine getting this triggered over someone just having fun with you.
Ah, the old "I'll accuse this guy of seething to prove I'm not seething" maneuver, eh? Classic but ineffective.

Reality is, you niggers don't bother me at all. You bothered me BEFORE I filtered you but now I never see your fucking posts in the catalog and only ever see them if I directly engage with you fags like I'm doing ITT (pretty much never)
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Okay bro. Chill a bit. We're all here to have fun. Glad you found a way to engage so you can have fun as well.
If it were just shitposting everyone would be making fun of aew for lying about the result of a match >>15823054
But pigvert is trying is desperately sliding it off the board instead
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I'm only on one person's side
I had a pretty good last couple of months. Yesterday my shit got fucked up and I want to kill myself again. So the first thing I do is boot up 4chan.org/pw/ I'm just happy to be here.
that's so disingenuous and toxic I'm gonna go have a cri now ;_;
I hope shit gets better for you soon, anon.
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And I share the same sentiment fren
Let me guess, you're a console warrior or a joshipedo
That's what cracks me up about the anti-joshi people... the joshi threads are pretty much the only decent threads on this board.
Sanest and most based /pw/ user. I hope one day to meet a joshi poster in real life so that I may send them back to their maker.
kek. Joshi poster here. I'm 6'2", 205 lbs, work out regularly.
Seriously, good luck with that.
Can you dodge bullets?
Beating your meat to joshi bugs ain't a workout bud
Tell me how that stops a bullet you fucking faggot.
Nope, but lifting weights and regular cardio are.
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Seething nigeru spotted
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>tfw already had this webm filtered so I had to manually open it to see this nigger's reply
And yet you opened it anyway, despite the fact that you knew it was probably something you didn't want to see, and then decided to tell us all about how you did so...
Yeah, I'm specifically making fun of you in this thread instead of avoiding your posts like I normally do. Aren't you having fun?
a lot of good that filter did you
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I think it's so adorable that you think you're winning here, lil bro.
I mean, look at you, bypassing your own filter just so you can offer these pitiful attempts to "make fun of me" instead of just ignoring and moving on.
Rent free.
No, I'm not winning. I've already won. I engage you on my own terms and deny you engagement on yours. I'm specifically fucking with you which is the only reason I'm looking at your trash but it's getting a little boring so it's probably time to cut off your attention faucet.

Anyway, now you can return to the void. Farewell, joshipedo -- I genuinely hope you pull out of this social nosedive and don't end up 41%ing yourself or going full tranny (and then 41%ing yourself) like most joshipedos.
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I mean, all he has to do here is just let his filter do its damn job.
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"my goodness" you got worked!'
>I'm totally 6'2" and jacked that's why I spend all day saving and posting pictures of a random japanese female wrestler
no one's buying this gimmick, brother
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AEW is bad because they have their fingers in every single independent company and every company that have a partnership with, bringing down the quality of all of them
WWE is bad because they've reduced house shows, thus reducing the amount of matches that people outside of the major city rotation can watch live
Both are killing wrestling in different ways
Literally takes five seconds to find a photo of someone either on google or on the 4chan archive.
Where do you folks even get your headcanons.
Screenshot your catalogue. That's gotta be like 99% of the threads in it.
I haven't watched wrestling since 2020 desu
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Ya guys need to ding-dong diddly lighten up. It's easy to still have fun on this board, but ya ladies take it too seriously
>You might make me look at your unpleasant shitpost once

>but I ain't looking at it twice.

>unless I decide to play peekaboo and turn my filter off teehee
Plenty of threads still in the catalog
and here's my filtered threads

What, you really think I'm missing out here?
btw, they're not all hard filtered. If it's just a shitty one-off I'll just shift click to hide instead of actually filtering it.
kek forgot to post them
Gotta say, I like your filter and wish more people like you would use them.
Keeps you out of the fun threads.
See, you've got the right idea. I agree completely. I don't give a shit what you guys do as long as you're not throwing it up in my face to try and force me to participate.
Joshipedos always meltdown when people question if their threads belong here. I mean they obviously don't belong here.
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I come here for the No Milly posting, Nash posting, Dolph Posting, Joshi boards, Poi Posting, and whatever small happening pops up.
its got everything I want
You’re not supposed to say this part out loud.
Now if you excuse me, I’m off to make fun of AEWs ratings and flippy shit roster. Lmao, joshifag mods banned me for a heckin racism.
Id have no problem if it was only a joshi general, or atleast one general per promotion. But they make one for every literal who moonfaced cunt, and then they make spam threads and [FAGGOT NEWS] threads. But when I make a thread making fun of one of them, the janny deletes it in minutes and gets be banned site wide. I will never let them live in peace.
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I would rather this be a listless shitposting shanty town than a faggot ass "muh pwo wessling is le heckin serious business" circle jerk hug box.
He's happy to be here, with you, right here on /pw/. Sending you LOVE my /pw/ BROTHER.
and while I think filters are gay, the fact the Joshipedo is seething because a guy chooses not to look at his threads makes him gayer.
Well hope you dont kys anon
but same I come here to laugh
cause you cant really laugh anywhere else these days
everything has become so sanitized and boring as fuck
Anyone know how we joshi fans can go about getting are own board?
I just want Tony Khan to feel just a fraction of the pain I have felt in my life by not being handed every fucking thing on a silver platter. Tony is a fucking spoiled brat who treats people like they were action figures in his personal collection that nobody else gets to play with without his permission. He thinks he's noble but, he's just a fucking basement dwelling internet asshole like so many others except, he gets to live out his worst thoughts because he has unlimited funds. He's a sheik's son. Raping and pillaging a beloved and cherished industry because he feels like it. Fuck him and anyone that supports him.
You are a mentally ill psychopath and the world is better off with you broke and alone
Thanks for weighing in Tony
Vince McMahon was born the son of a famous millionaire (there really weren't any billionaires back then) and inherited the largest wrestling territory in the US.
And then he ruthlessly put every other territory out of business or forced them to sell until he utterly cannibalized the "beloved and cherished industry" you're talking about.

There are NO heroes in the business of wrestling promotion. The only guys who are marginally admirable are the wrestlers themselves. The promoters have always been greedy chiselers and amoral scumbags.
No shit. That's why this board use to be on /wooo/ half the time back in the day. This place blows except when actual edgy shit happens like when Daffney couldn't take Billy Gunn turning heel
I'm pretty sure most of the deranged posts that ruin the board come from shoot mentally ill schizos and Indians.
I was frankly just having fun with you. As you were with me - the George Costanza image expressed that beautifully. Neither of us is actually seething here and we both know it.
Threads are better when they're engaged with by people who want to engage with them. While I think, on a technical basis, joshi threads *do* belong here (they are wrestlers and the more skilled ones have some great matches), the fact of the matter is that there is a big segment of regulars who don't want to see them and have that right.
I think there should be two boards. One for American wrestling and one for Japanese puroresu. It's the one thing we can all agree on. Until then, I'm posting here. And I'm glad you've got your filter. Still, things will be better when you don't need one at all.
It’s another Hogwheels crying thread. No milly? No 502k? No renewy? Leave the board if it upsets you so much we came here to discuss wrestling and GAYEW doesn’t have any
>no 502K?

Correct, Dynamite hasn't gotten that rating outside an outlier
This really got Hogwheels seething in less than 5 minutes.
This board before aew was created was actually the best board on this god forsaken website,nowadays its /v/ tier console wars unfunny faggotry
you gonna cry Hogwheels?
this board didn't exist before AEW was created, nitwit
lose weight bitchtits
Anons who said aew would be good probably killed themselves by now
AEW is the best wrestling promotion in the world, keep coping tho.
theres no actual shitposting in this board all tat went away when this board was created
>he replies to Hogwheels
>he admits to crying
slopdown got cancelled pedotits lol and you still have no life lmao
no wonder
everyone on this graphic with the exception of bruv and karder are talentless fucking hacks

at least the other two have a percentage of saving grace
Name some talented wrestlers going today lol
aew was a thing way before this board was thing newfag

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