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Next shows
September 18th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in AOMORI", Aomori Industrial Hall, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240918_aomori/?mc_id=1093

September 19th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in HACHINOHE ~Hachinohe native Rian's triumphant return~", Aomori Yutori, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240919_hachinohe-20240921_sendai/?mc_id=1094

Previous >>15817527
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Seira Mei thighs
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After extensive meditation on the sutras, Sakura Aya has opened her third eye and achieved enlightenment.
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we were denied greatness...
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Tam is making that face because of the stench
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this is the GOAT
what's this what's this
tam tum
seira mei thighs
mina milkers
this promotion has so many upsides
would give my wallet
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aya feet
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kitto sighting on collision
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Who is the 3rd class jannetty
All 5 still wrestling
is that little girl the starlight korean?
Zoomy before her condition
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i wish i could smell that
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Azumi Matsumoto
i'm afraid it's kairi she's jobbing too blacks and not putting hazuki over was fucked up
I like how in every photo of Dark Phenex there is you can tell she's a heel
Konami is fatter than Momo now
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Momo is glowing
My third and fourth favorite Koreans.
gentle kitto
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I thought she lost this belt to Momoka months ago?
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The twilight rub is unstoppable
At the end of the day, they are all active players in 5 different corners of the wrestling world. And they seem to still keep up with each other. Everyone wins
takumi is cute
Yeah I’m doing sex with her
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chubby is not fat tard.
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>Maika-chan didn't get the belt. Poor girl, I want to bury my face in her ass while she's drinking herself mad and comfort her.
bring back singlets
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goddamn AZM has come a long way looking like a goblin amongst women in their early 20s then. Those ladies have done well on their own too.
stop saying this shit, little azm was cute
The wig photos of Iroha and Maria in that poster are hilarious.
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When you need Assman the most, he's not there for us because society misunderstood his artistic vision.
how did you read my mind?!
The fuck is your problem
I need to sex the Moke
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this but maika is letting our her beer farts on my face as well
nah he was retarded. should be in prison
Waka is ugly and a shitter
Probably prefers sake desu
who has the best tits in Stardom?
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Anou looks like an old lady
They run Bartertown.
Maybe your right, maybe your wrong. All I know is I want her to wrangle my wiener.
Luv Tam
You're a man of taste and vision
I want to FUCK that old lady
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Need sex with Rian
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You got something you want to say to me bitch ass

I’ll suck you out and ride your carcass down the mountain
Love Moker, she keeps putting out hot pics
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Interesting concept desu. Wouldn't mind more Anou like this
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What are they doing?
Fan meeting
But what is that "my neck hurts" pose?
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lucky japs got too meet ranna
Typical Hina pose the others are following suit from what I can tell
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8 9 7 8 9
9 10 10 9 9 (this is the gooner unit, or goonit)
You have a very open sexual appetite anon
You’re not wrong
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Need to ice Maika crotch
Kino promos
Maika and Tam truly are lighting Stardom on fire.
I guess she went to the back and remembered she lost
Tam, Maika and Saya - The Big 3
going to be funny when tarpo doesn't push saya and has xena vs tam at the end of the year
That would be funny, but it clearly isn't happening
just like fatsuko was never beating maika and tam was never beating fatsuko
Tanahashi promo from Temu
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golden waka
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This is the game
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This is also the game
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This is also also the game
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>After the main act ended, Sera Risa gave Miran a surprise gift by gifting her with her old costume!

>However, Miran's unexpected reverse surprise of a handmade album unfolded!

Ranna looks aggressively lesbian
Ok but let's see Risa in Miran's current costume
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Dick hunters
hey faggot
no one asked your shitty opinion
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poor menhera C
she needs to be prescribed some hard white dikku to get herself out of the doldrums and to get her head back in the game
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Poi is currently fixing her belt with glue on IG https://www.instagram.com/natsumi_poi/live/
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Big R
Milking the money
>Amasaki: What's your name?
>Baldy: Umino. Please address this to Umino Shota.
>Amasaki: Go home, baldy.
>According to X, Hazuki-chan was so depressed at the autograph session that she couldn't speak properly. The schedule is brutal.
This is the same playbook Maika used last year after the 5Star
>Since Lady can't get approval in matches, is she trying to gain more fans by acting cunningly on social media?
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top kawaii
double champ goat
she the best
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This Skeleton owes me sex
I want to fuck and marry that old lady
The difference between heaven
And hell
Sarah May housewife
Miyu is NOT like that btw
8 9 8 7 5
Sex in the Amazon position with the Crimson Empress
ratna needs to go
Natsuko Tora always like the bad guys since childhood:

>"Let's put wrestling aside for a moment... For example, in my private life, I watch dramas and movies. When I was a child, I watched Sentai shows. At that time, I liked the bad guys. It was the same with Disney movies, but I really liked the villains who tormented the protagonist more than the protagonists themselves."

Natsuko Tora on becoming the leader of Oedo Tai in 2020:

>"When I became a heel as a wrestler, there were some parts where I couldn't switch over right away. At the time, Oedo Tai had Kagetsu-san and Hazuki, and somehow, I felt like I should just ride that wave. That's why, when I was told I would become the leader (in February 2020), there was a time when I was really worried about what I should do. Thinking about how I got to where I am now after going through that period, maybe I wasn't originally meant to be a heel."

Natsuko Tora says she only came into her own as a heel after coming back from her injury in 2022:

>"I guess I developed my current form by studying heel wrestlers from various promotions, both male and female, including Dump Matsumoto from her All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling days. But to be honest, I've been a heel since 2019, and it was really only recently that I was able to develop something solid within myself. I think that was after I returned (October 2022). During the year that I was off due to an injury to my left knee, I thought about a lot of things. How should I present myself when I return? So, I think that injury was not in vain. Before I got injured, I guess I was just kind of fumbling around. I never wanted to show that side of myself in the ring, but now when I look back at my matches from that time, I think they were boring."
Natsuko Tora on why she shaved her head:

>"The truth is, I've always wanted to shave my head. But if I shaved my head at the time when Tam Nakano and Giulia were having their hair-cutting match, it would have put a damper on this big event where women are putting their precious things on the line (laughs). So this time, I shaved my head just in time to challenge for the Red Belt. The reason I took a day off in Sapporo the day before was that I had been doing well in the preliminary matches up until that point, so I thought there was no point in fighting any more and that it would be fine to go straight for the main event."

Natsuko Tora on disbanding Oedo Tai to form H.A.T.E.:

>"To tell the truth, in Sapporo, what was more important than the Red Belt was to drop the name Oedo Tai and create a new unit called H.A.T.E. That's why I shaved my head. But when the Red Belt came into my hands, it felt strange to be fighting for it because it is such a special belt. There are many belts, like the IWGP Women's and STRONG Women's, but the red belt is the greatest and most valuable. I've been talking to Kamitani since we kicked the other members out of Queen's Quest (grins)."
Ranna doesn't have the number of schizo fans needed for this gimmick to work
yuka sazakaki needs to be part of the shirakawa trade deal
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I wish Stardom was TV14 DLV
your mom would not let you watch it
I'll watch it with yours then
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Now imagine this promo after months and months of toil as opposed to a few weeks
i cant bring myself to coom to chanyota's last sex
it makes me feel too sad
Did you forget her losses to Aja Kong and Williw or something?
i cant bring myself to coom to chanyota's last sex
it, like all of chanyota's sex films, is so mid
>Losing to Aja fucking Kong is apparently part of being on a downward spiral
Also, at least learn to spell before making a shitty point
i only watch uncensored amateur jav in which the girl has cutting scars
It sucks anyway. She looks flat now, even with implants.
Tam got injured, vacated the ref belt, and then continued losing after she returned from injury.
Also, Aja "Fucking" Kong is 60 years old.
Side note, you're an inbred mouth breathing moron.
2024 aja kong is an overpushed no selling comedy shitter
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Now this makes sense
2 fat shitters
my favorite jav senshu is monami suzu and shes as flat as they get so thats not really be a problem for me
I miss when I could pretend she looked like Hanan
Standards to become a pornstar in Japan are very very low
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i remember the fake saya kamitani from the jav being made to slurp out a bowl of piss
>Ryo Mizunami
Having a roster full of cute girls is kinda sus some of you always decide to simp the dykest girls
Brothers is easier to say you're a fag and go to nujamal to simp dudes than searching for girls who look like dudes here.
saya do be making funny faces like that
there are people who think that liking the ugliest wrestlers possible makes them better than us
im ironically attracted to players
i would marry utami but i would settle for takumi
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the future is bright
how come the younger one is signed but not the older one
not really about low standards is more about this weird fetish Japs have about their girls getting fucked by fat old ugly bastards, it's the equivalent of Americans and their weird obsession of watching girls getting fucked by blacks.
this doesn't feel like God's Eye anymore
Neither is signed
If they were in Marigold, they would have done a photobook together already

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