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I listened to this whole interview last night drunk
kek I forgot that cody leaving and stone cold returning were reported back to back

what a time
>we're not in this for the war
your boss is and so are your fans
Kenny genuinely seems like he just wanted to make a wrestling company.
>so are your fans
Nah, most of the people who followed Kenny from NJPW just want to see good matches. We're the workrate smarks of AOE.

The Bucks represent the spotfest indie shitter sect.
Cody was the "I must war with WWE because they didn't believe in me" guy.
kenny wasn't, the bucks absolutely were/are
>he's a stupid fucking nigger lover and I hope they hang him next to his wife and daughter
honestly I think the cleaner went a little too far here
>coins the terms edrone and dimwits
Nah, this fucker was in it. And it wasn't until his near death scare that he started lamenting on bullshit on his twitch stream like the Roman glazing and what not. Dipshit was an evp. He could've mentioned this all those years ago but didn't
Bullshit. Cody talked back in 2019 about having to tone down his jingoism because kenny and the bucks both were getting pissed off about it
you sound ridiculous
yeah it was kenny omega, cody and the bucks who started this console war shit. wwe fans didn't know or care about foreign wrestling until 2017 when these guys sicced their tranny fans on them in an attempt to be get their names out there
None of them have given a single shit about the company after brawl out, let alone the “war” which was always Cody’s schtick. All three of them went full money mode and all three at varying degrees wanted to jump ship to WWE but Adam Page was the lone holdout and it had to be unanimous in order for them to leave
>Though my professional relationship with Cody was great, he's not a guy that I go and get a Diet Pepsi with on my off time.
>Takes a shot at Cody over Saudi Arabia
So it’s obvious that Kenny only hung around Cody as a favor to the bucks, and then once AEW starts Kenny starts getting into constant arguments with Cody’s wife over the direction of the women’s division, to the point where Kenny loses his position as women’s division booker due to it. Man it must’ve been painfully awkward between them at that point
>If he's on a plane to Saudi Arabia and that makes him happy, that's great
How is that a shot? Pretty sure this interview literally happened right before a Saudi show
Why is Kenny such an e-drone but refuses to go to WWE? Seems like it was a dream of his since he was a kid
You are the dumbest fucker alive
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i thought cody was still friends with them unlike cm punk, codybros..........all those aew shots at cm punk, codybros.............
Turn your monitor on
I think Kennys a little sad that he's stuck where he is.
This interview is over 2 years old anon
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Why did you alter not only what he said but how he said it?
sup Korey
because I didn't remember exactly what he said obviously ya retard

But there was clearly no insult or shot taken there and you only think there was because you're looking for one.
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why not just get a bike instead of doing that?
Because then I won't have an excuse to suck dick
As soon as the cucks got a taste of the money mark gravy train there was no way they were ever leaving. If you didn’t immediately realize those leaks to meltzer were a leverage play I don’t know what to tell you.
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And you are a grade a retard
Because before his colon got kwabbed, he didn't give a shit.
dude i’ll help you get your license back, just stop
Kenny is in it for the cunny.
You need to deal with your homosexuality in a healthier manner
>>Takes a shot at Cody over Saudi Arabia
it wasn't a shot when that was the rumor going around. And who knows if he was actually on the flight with Vince and co.
he's had 3/4 major surgeries in 3 years he's probably sick of wrestling
He's had two surgeries, one for a hernia (a minor surgery that is done in a single day, you go home the day you have the surgery), and then one for diverticulitis though we don't know how serious that one was, if they needed to remove a large part of his intestines or whatever because nobody's said anything.

He's basically had one major surgery ever so I'm not sure why you'd make that up
I dont think you realize how much Kenny hates WWE, literally everything about it from the style they wrestle to the soulless presentation and production
You are the dumbest fucker alive
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>yeah it was kenny omega, cody and the bucks who started this console war shit. wwe fans didn't know or care about foreign wrestling until 2017 when these guys sicced their tranny fans on them in an attempt to be get their names out there
Pure headcanon from insecure E-drones rattled by AEW's mere existence. Nobody's out to get you dronie. Nobody's going to take your slop away. Just chill out and stop panicking.
Kenny doesn't hate E-drones, he simply feels empathy for the tragedy of their existence
E-drones see conspiracies and coded secret insults to them everywhere because they are very insecure paranoiacs
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The amount of PTSD they still have from 2019 is honestly sad
hey man i'm back from the gym, you didn't ruminate on anything huh. still posting the exact same things over and over
idk who that is sorry. is this some new character
alright man. keep projecting on others because you hate yourself
OK Lil Lundy I'll do that
the amount of ptsd (punk traumatic stress disorder) from 2023 is honestly sad
slopdown got cancelled, niggertits
even yo boy star ratings man disagrees kek
Kenny’s not going to have sex with you Ojama no matter how much you whine about the e-drone boogeyman
You ask E-drones themselves why they still hate AEW in 2024 and they will openly tell you they feel resentful over early AEW and have never gotten over it. Ask AEW fans about Punk and they will just tell you they're glad he's gone and that it's all over.
i see a lol (lying online)
desperation moves aren't just a thing in kof since i see you using them
You don't need to be so hostile all the time lil bro. I'm happy for you having your fun little WWE show. It's great for everyone.
It started as a fun thing in their own BTE kayfabe and certain fans took it seriously and supported them for it so some people leaned into it and fanned the flames, while Cody always told people to calm down. Cody was about making something fun while creating buzz, he was the real leader of making the whole thing a movement, but he always reminded people it wasn't that serious but some fans made it their whole lives, including Tony. BTE was a comedic farce but somehow the waves they started there became real to some smarks. Ultimately, AEW wouldn't exist without it, Cody was even the one to spearhead getting 'minority' groups into it, which make up a good part of their fanbase, but the intention was never for it to be a nonstop flamewar and spaz fest between incels.
i just wanna see kenny back in a ring
i dont care if its for aew or tna or wwe
i'll leave the hostilities to you as usual aniki-chan
>He said during 2017 he was on some heavy prescriptions for pain meds from the best doctor in Japan which caused memory issues and his muscles to atrophy due to the compounds in the drugs.
No wonder his colon was messed up. Same thing happened to Matthew Perry
Over the years I slowly came to the realization that I wasn't so much a fan of AEW as I was a fan of Kenny Omega.
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What explains the current retardation, then?
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>mub dee doo bix nood, ay mane das not rite dawg muhfugga keepin the blak man down
Nobody threatens to take my slop away and gets away with it. E-SISTERS ASSEMBLE!
You will never be a casual fan. You have no hobbies, you have no friends, you have no sex. You are a sad smark loser twisted by internet boards and behind the scenes rumors into a crude mockery of a human being. You seethe over fake fights

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back wrestling companies mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your wrestling heroes laugh at your ghoulish appearance and sad lifestyle behind closed doors.

Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out genetic dead end loser beta males with incredible efficiency. Even wrestling nerds who "have social lives" look uncanny and unnatural to a woman. Your shit posture and embarrassing vernacular full of wrestling nerd terms you apply to other situations are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl home with you, she'll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a glimpse of your computer set-up.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you under a headstone that will be ignored and unvisited, until it's overgrown with weeds and nobody knows a "person" is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your memory is your plastic gaming keyboard.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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