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>Tony using his position as an NFL team owner to book a wrestling match during the kickoff
Hologram & Sammy Guevara vs. The Beast Mortos & Matt Taven in a 2/3 falls match. Today at 11:30.
why wouldn't he do something more important like darby vs mox here
>why is he not burning that match on Youtube and instead booking lucha showcases in Florida
ok but why sammy and matt taven of all people. if you want to pop people with a lucha spotfest why not put rush or komander in there instead
nigga Sammy is a multi-time champ in AAA and Taven is a CMLL Legend, be less new
so? they both fucking suck dude. nobody likes sammy
>why are they using guys who know how to base for luchadores

You're fucking retarded.

hey tony, you should book a better match instead of arguing with me on /pw/
>gets BTFO
>y-y-you're TK

kek ya tapped out
sure tony, you won buddy. but you really should book some better matches, you have a great roster you shouldn't be showing sammy to the biggest audience who will ever see your show
Anon just accept this L with any grace you still can. This is outright pigheaded behaviour.
no buddy you won the argument for sure. i know you base your entire life around supporting aew to the death on /pw/ so don't let me get in your way
Given up on the "y-y-you're TK" cope already, huh?
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>using the Faguars to get AEW over
TK is the dumbest bitch on Earth. And when the Earth is destroyed, I'll still be here, hatin'
huh? hey man maybe you should go to a doctor and get a prescription for some antipsychotics. i know you spend 12 hours a day on /pw/ and trust me, we all really notice you here but maybe you should find some other things to do as well? do you have any other hobbies?
Jaguars fans are going to fucking hate this
Ask your handler to interpret that for ya.
so no? is /pw/ your whole life? that kinda stinks man i'm sorry. do you want some movie recommendations or something?
You're not replying to TK anymore?

>movie recommendations

Oh this'll be HILARIOUS.
well give me some movies you like and i'll recommend based off that.
Nope I wanna hear your recommendations without any influence. My favourite movie's Timecop remember?
well if you like timecop the obvious branching out point is other JCVD movies like bloodsport or kickboxer. huge fan of bloodsport personally
this is pretty based t b h
>taking a shitpost on face value

No wonder you're stupid enough to believe your boogeyman is here replying to you.
so you really just post on /pw/ all day with no other hobbies and no motivation to seek out something else to do?
>You're Tony Khan
>you have no hobbies

Which are ya gonna stick with?
deflection is admission. you have deep rooted issues anon. i really do wish the best for you but you are so deep in your own denial that i'm not sure you will ever be truly happy. you will probably respond to this post like "kek i'm happy watching you seethe piggie" but we all know the truth
>he says while deflecting from my question

Oh but I'm Tony Khan remember? I can just buy greater happiness than you'll ever have in your life. And only using my pocketchange,
i was calling you tony because you defend aew no matter what and will do it endlessly. it was a joke. i'm sorry if you're autistic and it went over your head
>it was a joke

nah you are. You squealed it out because you were seething over getting BTFO.

>pointing out facts is "defending"
are you really gonna sit here all day and post the same stuff over and over again? why do you do that? be sincere with me for once in your life. whats going on man?
You're deflecting lol

>be sincere with me for once in your life.

I don't even know (or care) who you are lmao
i'm someone who wants you to live a better life than you are currently leading. i see your posts and it fills me with a deep sadness knowing that you spend 18 hours a day posting the exact same threads and necrobumping your own threads and replying to everyone in the exact same way. it just makes me really feel bad for you
I'm not even awake for 18 hours a day.

>it fills me with a deep sadness

I don't care what an utter pussy who gets mindbroken over his questions being answered thinks, much less one who attempts to walk back his schizo meltdowns afterwards. Have some fuckin' balls you wuss.
you don't need to put up a macho front, it comes off as extremely insecure. and yes 18 hours was an exaggeration but you are here a majority of the day and its pretty obvious
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>the absolute state of this thread rn
There's only 1 way you'd know that, dumbass.

>mocking your being pathetic is putting up a macho front

I guess people are putting up macho fronts to you all the time huh?
I'm sorry. I didn't know answering someone's inane questions would result in their complete meltdown. He REALLY didn't like being called retarded kek
The real sad part of this is that Black Taurus is doing this garbage shit for Tony. I really hope he's being paid way more than he was in aaa and tna... I somehow doubt it.
if thats what you want to think man. you obviously are extremely self conscious about something. i'm not gonna accuse you of being rovert or whatever the other schizos do. i'm viewing you as a human being and i really think you need to log off for a bit

your posts just reek of desperation, abusive parents maybe?
>you obviously are extremely self conscious

You're projecting.

>abusive parents maybe

You're REALLY projecting.

And go take a shower.
anon you don't need to play a character anymore, its ok
Doing what, exactly? Wrestling guys that worked in Mexico?

>doubting TK pays more than TNA & AAA


There is truly nothing more pathetic than someone who gets clapped back on and immediately reverts to smarmy concern trolling. Don't you have any fucking self-respect?
i'm not trolling man. i just see you posting here spamming the same threads every day and it has me seriously worried for you. you are clearly deeply insecure and now you're lashing out on me with rage instead of just being smugly aloof like you were earlier so i'm obviously touching a bit of a nerve.
No I just find your ilk genuinely contemptible.

>lashing out on me with rage

The phrasing is out AT mushbrain. I don't give a shit about your projections. You're the one having a meltdown because you didn't like the answers to your inane questions.
i've been completely calm like a still lake this whole time. haven't called you any names or lashed out on you with any emotion. you're resorting to petty insults and demoralization tactics because you don't want to look inside yourself and see that i'm correct about everything
>I'm so calm he's my overly long simile

You were crying about wrestler you don't like getting booked like 3 replies in.

>resorting to petty insults and demoralization

This >>15825520 (You)? I insult you because I hold you in zero esteem.
no matter how upset i make you, i'm going to make it my goal for you to live a better life. i will follow you into all your threads and keep this going as long as i can. if i can't use reason i'll have to wear you down. you clearly need help and i'm the only one willing to offer it to you
imagine saying this without a hint of irony

>how upset I make you

The same amount of times as I've held you in esteem. Your feelings are hurt because you're a sissy. Get over it, bitch. OK?
once again with the petty insults. thats a coping mechanism. you can keep insulting me if you want but i know you are just doing it because the person you really want to insult is yourself and you're mad at me for pointing it out
>Tony get a chance to do something cool for publicity
>He books 4 jobbers to do some pointless shit instead of something usable
>Meanwhile he forces CMLL to feature the worst lower card angle in aew as their main event segment on their biggest show of the year and then lies on TV about the result
WWE threw Mankind vs. Rock for the Title at half time heat. AEW throws this “main event”. Makes sense.
>thats a coping mechanism
>you are just doing it because

Not even smart enough to pseud. Your obsession is just a confession.
>doing what exactly
...wrestling? Are you retarded or something?
And yes, I don't think Khan gives the same high paying contracts to everyone, hence I'm HOPING he gets paid more. Do you know how to read english?
ive made a ruling: you guys are both faggots
Stop sperging out, lilbro. Autistic spamming doesn't make this shit suddenly good.
more petty insults but its ok. i know your game. i'm going to the gym now but i'll continue talking to you when i get home
>Spergs out
>The anon making sane replies btfos you every time and does it politely and gives you a new chance to switch out of being a retard every single reply
>Noooooo I love aew too much noooooo I have too much autism
Dude, touch grass lmao. Do you have a life outside of having mental breakdowns on 4chan?
should have been hologram v mortos
not even trying to hate on sami or taven its just that you know this match is going to be short
>Are you retarded or something

You're the one that answered my question with the very next word I posted, dumbass.


>Autistic spamming

That's you.


baka. I'm not interested in you whatsoever.

>i know your game

Clearly not, as I've made it clear what I think of you and you still can't figure it out. P.S. don't return
You're not fooling anyone.
Dude I've tried to do this with this dude and many others over the years. They can't be helped. I don't know how someone becomes as deranged as them but it's not possible to pull them back out.
Delusions of grandeur are literal schizo behaviours.
>There is truly nothing more pathetic than someone who gets clapped back on and
spends every waking second on /pw/ spamming every thread in deranged defense of a company he doesn't work for, losing every argument and automatically trying to get the last word anyway across the entire board
>drones are having a meltdown over a silly promotion match
>pointing out the very obvious reasons why something happened is "deranged"

Incredible self-report.
>I am retarded
oh ok.
Love it when they get BTFO and just completely give up.
>That's you
That was my second post on the entire thread.
You know that you're proving that you automatically lurk here spamming all day right?
You are proving every post about you to be true. Not that anyone needs proof.
And that's my other post. Fooled who about what? I'm only talking to you. Can you try to practice some self awareness?
Your reply here doesn't even make any sense. You're broken.
And your post spammed mass replies.

>Fooled who about what?

You tell me.

>automatically lurk here

Might need another crack at that sentence, pal.

Filtering you is a feature, not a bug.
>spammed mass replies
Learn English. I replied once to one person and several of their posts. That person was you. You, who is the only person actually spamming posts.
I can't tell you what your delusion was, lardass.
And you autistically autocorrects to automatically. But the sentence works the same way regardless. Maybe you need to sort out your reading comprehension along with your deranged sense of superiority. It's always the weird idiots who think they are the smartest guys alive. Dude you're a moron, get a life.
You need more spaces between your posts
>I replied once to one person and several of their posts.

Yeah that's what spamming is newfag.

>bungles a sentence
>your reading comprehension


>It's always the weird idiots who think they are the smartest guys alive.

Sure is. Enjoy seething lol
>tranny calling others newfag while sperging all over the place
concession accepted
>Yeah that's what spamming is newfag
No it's not you fucking idiot lmao.
Spamming is posting the same thing multiple times, which is what you spend every day of your life doing. You'd think you'd know that since it's your entire life.
>Reading is typing, they are the same thing
Learn English
>Enjoy seething lol
You do? But that's a contradiction. You're clearly not ok.
>so desperate for a "gotcha" he's taking a flip remark seriously

Anytime you wanna stop projecting your state is fine by everyone
CMLL already did this last year with a Broncos game, so once again, Tony shows his lack of originality
man that aewtist spammer really has 0 self awareness huh

The kind of person who perceives insults as something other than a commentary on them.
Is this fag really replying to no one to seethe? HOLY KEKOLA
0 self-awareness
Why are you describing yourself?
And then samefagging because you're so gotten to?
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Melty City
you can tell he's gotten to because he's taking that other anon's insults and desperately trying to no u it
Wikipedia says he only won 1 title in CMLL. But if you doing a Mexican thing which will make everyone laugh then out in 4 or 6 Mexicans to do more flippys.
I already do hate it because the Jaguars are going to lose in hilarious fashion to the fucking Browns today and this is the icing on the cake
They're not holding the wrestling match in the Jags stadium before kickoff. Right?
Nah. Flex Field is the indoor training facility for the Jaguars though
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Seriously? Why does Shadid feed his son's autism. Did he really wait 40 years to start being a father. Making up for lost time? Crisis of conscience? How many are dead that connect to Shadid, I wonder.
Shad feels bad because him keeping his spot as a cultural elite involved turning one of his daughters into an FtM.
I'm at the game and everyone is booing and asking why this is happening and saying they'll never come back to a jaguars game KWAB
No you aren't because I'm at the game and hardly anyone is in their seats
Yeah they started leaving after I posted
Is there a link to this? What are we doing here?
He's just keeping his son away from the sports teams because Tony was actively fucking shit up no matter how many responsibilities he had taken away from him and his twitter narcissism was driving away the fans.
Somehow it appeals to the worst types of wrestling autists so Shad lucked out.

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