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'fraid so
ya hate to see it
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Kek that one thread has him throwing his shit at the walls of his pigsty
sloptits finna oink himself into a shoot coronary
I love to see it, makes me feel good about my life
Why is Deano wearing a hoop earring? Is he a closested faggot?
>Why is Deano wearing a hoop earring?
Because he's a badass.
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I like when you put “afraid so” in the OP. It saves you the effort of samefagging kek
His favorite show was canceled by FOX and renamed by the USA network to a pig pun.
you oughtta know
What thread?
I hate when I get ribera steak stuck in my molars
must be a day ending in y

ojama won btw
Any of them, really. Just pick a thread at random and bitchtits is probably seething in it.
That one about WWE using AI fans brought out a spectacular melty
Rovert samefagging thread
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Someone said the *-drone word and it caused another autism tantrum I'm afraid
pedotits tantrum post
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hey, woah, why you angry at me? the 4chan was online, the thread was active. I didn't know you wanted to be alone in here.
>moxley is he wasn’t cringe
What's his problem?
he was R'd

afraid so
is this jake paul?
sad times
Ojama must die
When did Sashit stop wearing her wig?
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Kek it do be like that
Why does he chew gum like that?
he still at it lol
What the fuck is DEAN doing here
No he's deeply closetted.
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yep bitchtits is on fucking SUICIDE WATCH
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this is indeed an accurate assessment
There's an actual Vince Cope thread about his appetite for BBC
So that is definitely one of them.
Mind blown although this suits Claudio more
bitchtits is a pedo
fraid so
Many are saying this
i heard the same thing
they all wish they were stone cold how fucking pathetic
That’s why he gets banned so often and is gonna get raided by the police
hearing this more and more
Reminder that Bitchtits is actually a gimmick used by a Jew from discord who purposefully derails & pushes console wars to make the board unusable along with about 5 other no life’s. Every time I mention it I get banned or the thread immediately pruned because the fag janny hates his job
haha get fucked cunt
>openly admits it
You made up an autistic wrestling fan persona to hide being an ugly kike. I win by default lol
fray so
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kek true
Was pigtranny a bot all along?
bitchtits either got murked or fented
Apparently he's a Nazi now

Source: some house negro on Twitter
My friend in college with a severe coke habit used to that mouth thing all the time. Did Moxley trade in vices?
Don't let PEDOwheels talking to himself in his 30th thread today distract you from the fact that GROOMERwheels admitted to being forced to eat his dad's cum. Also don't forget that Smackdown is getting more money than every AEW show combined LMFAOOO
KWABtits is shoot oinkin'
He's ripping of lines from a movie in which Russel Crowe played neo-nazi.
He's the laughing stock of /pw/
Lmao where's the lie
why now, is it the 200 milly deal?
holy just
this nigga geekin like dawson's creekin damn they put this nigga on tv and zoomed in on this nigga too? damn
>Trevor talking to himself and Ojama again
This has been his life for the past 20 years, by the way.
Ojama was born in 1989 so that means he was 15 when he met Rovert. Rovert has some explaining to do
have sex
porktits seethin'
you know else was melting? kevin nash's ass in 1992
Off-topic thread.
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I'm not liking how Vinnie Vegas is getting pushed out of the lore.
Reminder he got BTFO here and cried to the mods to delete it
This should be appended to all future ratings threads as a matter of historical accuracy
Good fucking god bitchtits is pathetic

I’m glad he got murked approx 12 hours ago for posting his child rape fantasies again
Pigtits is KWABOTY (user category)
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But enough about you.
i thought kevin sullivan died
wow everyone on /pw/ hates bitchtits

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