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What happened to this company? It started hot and was supposed to compete against Stardom and then it got cold
the wwe touch took effect
>Shit booker high on his own farts
>Shit roster
>No draws
>No organic demand
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MIRAI happened.
Comfy kino joshi seethe cope dilate
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They're finished
Running too many events when most of the roster sucks. Led to many months of horrible matches. Also the entire first couple of months was about Iyo coming instead of the roster. Then she had her match and they built nothing off the ppv. Now all they have are dreams that they can poach other players from stardom.
Will be cancelled by this time next year
Rossy marketed himself as a workrate fed but the only thing he knows how to do is exploit 50yo waifufags with masturbation addictions
>What happened to this company?
It was a scam to start with
Utterly dimeless. Was killing Stardom's business as champion and is now putting the nail in the coffin for Marigold
Its not doing anything different
If hat man went back to simple stories , dubbed promos, I'd watch again
make that lazy Mexican earn his money
Rossy is blinded by her big tits
she has a hideous face, 0 charisma, and is boring as fuck
ack i meant subbed promos
Rossy found out that the Stardom roster wasn't as loyal to him as he originally believed and had to fill out most of his roster with shitters.

No fucking way is Sonny still there. KEK
Kek this. I like how he even tried to get discount Mariah May and Megan Bayne too
AEW trannies went apoplectic that they were no longer getting the Japanese exclusive Utami and Giulia toys so they went all out in publicly shitting on Rossy and any joshi that joined him. It's funny though because a lot of the terminally online joshi twitter trannies have twisted themselves into revealing how hypocritical and tribal they are. People that used to shit on Rossy with their podcasts like child rapist Sondre Bjorn are now supporting him because their favorite in a 4th rate shindie like ActWres signed with Marigold
We have all of Stardom instead lmao
Yeah bro, Hanako can't even sell out backyards in texas!
Except the rest will be going back to Stardom once Marigold is defunct within the year kek
The people they want to be stars aren't particularly good, at least not yet. The people that are the best are those like Miku who have been around for years and Sareee types who don't entirely mesh with the company. They have the experience but don't generate the buzz.
The big additions that would boost the company like Mayu or Saki joining or Hoshiki unretiring haven't materialized. NORI has been a nice surprise, and Rossy should try to keep her. Kizuna is okay. Honoka would have been better but is loyal to GAMI and Ohka.
Its still not on a bad pace for a new company but not nearly up to the original hype.

Yeah he went with Rossy day one. Should have been the first warning sign.
It would help to not run so many shows. I understand spreading brand awareness but jesus christ they run more often than gcw and neither of those companies ever have no filler cards
I hope they don't. They already spent a month on the Mai/Utami/Mirai farewell tour. Bringing them back would be stupid.
Utami's whole send off was them showing that they are cool with her and would be happy to take her back when she changes her mind.
Maika telling the leavers to come back after they flop will end up being a prophecy
Utami and Yuzuki would come back. Mai and MIRAI probably join the freelancer tour.
Seems messed up if they come back. Signals hey you can leave and try to destroy the company. And if it doesn't work then sure you can come back. If they do come back hope they get buried like Jeff Jarrett on raw.
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We don't want her
Stardom works with low rent american indies these days, they'll take them back without thinking twice
There was never bad blood on Bushiroad's side. They knew Rossy wanted to leave and start his own promotion and were fine with it. Even talked about having he two promotions work together. Even when they discovered he was trying to poach the players they didn't fire him and just told him to cut it out, but then he did it again which lead to his firing.
mayu would bring her back in and shove her in stars though
what was this competition?
They did an academic test on the stardom fanclub website. When Yuzuki left it got taken down. Yuzuki struggled to do single digit multiplication.
Academic competition. They had to answer questions that covers elementary-high school topics.

Yuzuki was unable to multiply: 7x0, 7x4, 7x5, 7x6, 7x8, 7x9, and 7x10. Did get 7x1, 7x2, 7x3, and 7x7 correct, but that wasn't enough to get the full 10 points.
Aya is perfect
amazing. she needs to return just so her conversations with natsupoi can be recorded
This. The fact they didn't do the typical 'retirement' aka 'this person is dead to us and wrestling now, please don't bother looking where they're going' shtick shows they'd be open to it
Doesn't the top joshi promotion draw like 120 people a show?
There's a video with Poi/Rian doing the similar thing and neither one of them can figure out how to multiply fractions. They both had methods that were completely wrong. Poi crushed the word problem algebra section though. Rian had no idea what was going on.
Stardom drew 9,602 for the 5star grand prix over 12 shows.
I don't know if I believe you. Fappers on here claimed the wrestle kingdom numbers on here for Stardom cause they featured one match.
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What happens to the Hatman if maricold goes out of business? Does he just take a job with WWE?
Can't even sell his kidneys. Dude is cooked.
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Nah the 5Star did pretty well all things considered
i'm surprised to hear Natsupoi crushed any section. tjpw notably did some of those contests and she was by far the dumbest. Miu and Miyu were also pretty bad, Rika was average. only reasonably smart one was Mahiro.
It's joshi wrestling. Suzi hopped onto stardom and left prominence as soon as she worked there
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>big additions that would boost the company like Mayu or Saki joining
I guess we will find out next spring if they go or not
>or Hoshiki unretiring
as much as I'd love this to happen it probably never will
last thing she ever posted was she was going in for some treatment for her neck and head
that was like 2 years ago and she's been silent since so i take it it did not work.
The Cody Rhodes arc, but for which player I don't know
WWE needs to send talent now or Maricold will be dead by the end of the year.
the company was just a ploy to get kouki to pose for his photobook
Does he even have anything to offer to the WWE? How involved is he with training the players because I feel like it isn't a lot.
Sadly the Iyo Sky event was a complete flop and it never recovered
Not much outside of telling them to not make eye contact with anyone during their test. Also he's good at pushing one person regardless of skill and ignoring the others which creates resentment.
Failed poaching efforts, built the company around Jewlia (who he KNEW was leaving) and an Iyo cameo like a complete RETARD
It's ok Mai Sakurai is the main eventer worthy of Giulia's spot. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Based if true
can i get a recap
What were you guys expecting? Marigold is about where Stardom was in 2017 or 2018 when they barely had a midcard. It'll take them a while to have an actual killer roster and more stacked shows. I actually expected them to take longer to beat TJPW.
They have 3-4 big players, a couple of reliable veterans and then all young names, green foreigners and rookies. It's literally the Stardom of 6 or 7 years ago that just had Mayu, Io and Kagetsu as elite level names. Their shows at the time weren't all homeruns either.
easy to forget with rose colored glasses some of the crap from that era. lot of crap gaijin. we're lucky Marigold just has Myla, Zayda, and Bozilla so far. they aren't great but they don't think they're more than they are.
disappointment is just from the expectations game. fans acted like he could speedrun to 2019 Stardom, and of course Rossy is a carny and is going to present it as if it will come out the gate as a top company. objectively its doing okay, just nothing that lives up to the hype.
getting on wrestle universe was probably the best call of it all and something that might have kept ice ribbon viable if done years ago.
>started hot
yeah with all those ugly nobodies, okay, bro, whatever you say... Still has nothing going for it, just like Stardom, it's just matches with no interesting stories whatsoever.
Cyberfight is pushing them way harder than they have ever attempted to push TJPW. Way more events and way more live broadcasts.
>Way more events and way more live broadcasts.
What does this have to do with CyberFight? Rossy is the one who wants to have a lot of shows Marigold isn’t owned by CyberAgent
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Nothing happened. Paid shills overhyped it and the audience didn't care to stick around after seeing through the bluff
they're exactly the same
I remember when Iyo wrestled there once and went on to say that certain wrestling promotions in Japan are boring and samey with zero characters or personality (likely referring to Marigold)
2/3 of their top champions are freelancers
Afraid so
Will you guys PLEASE stop talking sense on an anonymous Angolian shit posting forum? Jiminy Christmas.
Last report we had on her was her father telling Fuka she was doing well. But that's "well" in the normie sense, not necessarily that she could wrestle, or handle social media when she clearly could not before. Tam has also invoked her name for her own purposes. Regardless I doubt she's ever coming back. If she were up to it she'd have tried some music related thing by now.
zayda is much hotter than mariah
>over 12 shows
lol so less than a thousand each
Sareee is the only freelancer that holds a Marigold title. Only until Utami's redemption arc is complete.
Marigold is fine. It's 4 months old and it will take another 18-24 months before it shows it's growth. Miku, Showuzuki and Misa are the cream of the AWG crop and Chiaki shows great character. Gochika and Kouki have a long way to go but, at least they look great. Nao Ishikawa has been fantastic and people really support her when she's fighting. Nozaki has been as advertised. She's able to do whatever they need her to do and does it without complaint. Utami, Mirai, and especially Mai have proven themselves to be good veterans and mentors for the crop of young talent. Nanae Takashi has been incredible with her energy and has been giving a ton to everyone. She even took a couple of losses. Sareee is only one of the top 4 or 5 joshi in the world and probably top 2 in Japan. There is no shame in her carrying the top belt until Utami is ready to take it.
Thats the last thing i heard about her is That Tam said she congratulated her on winning the Red Belt.
Her dad saying she is doing well is pretty vague
but doubt well enough to come back to wrestle or even do her msuic for what ever reason she quit that
you would think thats the one thing she could still do unless what ever her injuries are, are also giving her head aches or something from the noise
she was so vague on her problems that its hard to gauge if its fixable or not
but the fact that she hasn't returned cant be a good sign
No Hana
How much do you think Joshi promotions actually draw? People arguing about attendance the differences are literally 100-200 people.
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once some of the more promising young players get experience they will start drawing more
you can already see the improvement in match quality improving throughout the card
obviously I'd have no way of knowing but I wouldn't be surprised if she's not returning because of her menhera tendencies. she was like Hana in that she could not just shrug off the shit that was thrown at her online.
She could easily be a ring announcer or something simple like that, but once she dfe she probably realized life was easier not being a public figure. Never made an actual appearance when Tam won the red belt either time, though she reportedly intended to but was stopped by lockdowns when Tam first got the white belt (which was before Arisa's short awg visit). no photos from a visit with rossy or tam or fuka or anyone.
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For me it's Bozilla
soulless shell company for the WWE
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Im waiting for Misa to get her teeth fixed so she can release her real cuteness
otherwise she's kind of Mirai'd
I agree but Misa deserves praise. She's a good wrestler.
That and unlike Mirai she actually has charisma
that company is shoot fucking evil
Yeah that’s the big story. Even Mayu can’t decide where to go.
Bro, I don’t know if this shit exist next spring.
Mayu always knows exactly what she's doing. Don't buy into the ditzy autism angle, brother.
She mentioned working AEW, she's no going anywhere
Mayu makes more than the entire Marigold roster combined. They can't afford her and she's not a retard like people pretend she is.
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Probably this. Mayu going relies on her either deciding she's at the end of her career anyway, or consciously deciding to take a pay cut for a business opportunity.
Even if she is as shoot scatterbrained as she acts for her character, that doesn't always mean being stupid when it involves money. Meanwhile there are people you'd think are smart, but turn into total retards when it comes to money. Its a skill set less based on intelligence and more on how hard you had to work to earn any of it.

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