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>tfw the promoter finds out about your bootleg merch operation and cancels your booking
Oh no!

Care to be more specific in your allegations?
sales went up after his announcement so he wanted more money, promoter said no
Hi Dan,

No Floridy?
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This is a complete lie, Danhausen never renegs on an agreement
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imagine paying money to see fuckin danhausen lmao holy grimola
>everyone purchased tickets to see Danhausen.
holy shit this dude is so guilty
Kek get fuckedhausen
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TK won. Thankfully smarks aren't willing to complain about "wasted talent" in AEW. When were the last times this guy was even on TV?
Despite certain people trying to make people forget he exists, danhausen is still a huge merchandise seller
you'd have to have talent for it to be considered wasted
You didn't hear this from me but Danhausen is having a melty on Facebook right now
im sure hes not struggling for cash given that his wife is a professional escort with a website and everything
Post screens brother, I don’t have facebook
Jokes on you because you'd have to be one of his top patreon supporters to have access to this
This I shoot hate FB but I hate Faghausen even more
Come on, how is he supposed to pay for his wife's daughter?

All bitches.
Most wrestlers friend one another on Facebook. I have 14 mutuals with danhausen. I'm not going to add him now because I guarantee he's in this thread defending himself
>malding over the 20 people on /pw/
Fucker is guilty
Danhausen is a fun undercard guy when he gets to actually do his gimmick, which he has never done on TV
What is his actual gimmick? Genuinely asking
The one based thing tony has ever done was leave this shitter out in the cold

He's such a whiny cuck
Workedhaused, Seethinghausen, Maldinghausen, KWABhausen!
Bad Munsters tribute act
Danhausen has every right to be annoyed since he got over The Gunns who tony was failing, he helped FTR stay over and he helped RJ City launch his show to huge numbers. Yet danhausen gets no money for any of that and is punished for getting injured
Can't wait till his contract is over and he signs with WWE. Tony took the hottest thing in the indies and killed all of his heat.
Go back crying on Twitter, Danhausen.
>ynr Danhausen showing up at G1 begging to get booked and he got completely ignored
He is like the undercard geek trickster character. Like Hyper Misao or that Dragon Gate creep guy. He has a jar of teeth that he empties into people's mouths. He's like a cartoon villain from Hanna Barbara that should almost always lose but does some whacky shit that pops the crowd to warm them up and can win a bit by cheating so he can push up the card and be decimated by a big heel to get them over later.
Danhausen is being punishef by Tony because he refused to publicly speak against CM Punk.
Except FTR, Brody King, Darby Allin are all friends with punk and doing just fine

It's because Memehausen is an injury prone geek

Lots of misinformation in this thread, don't believe any of it
This retard through his career away for CM Punk (lol why tho) and now he has to take a shit ton low paying indie bookings working 4 days a week for shit pay.

Hope it was worth it
Sure thinghausen
Danhausen needs to figure out how and why he fucked up the only good contract he ever signed so bad in a company run by the most brainless money mark ever born.
None of those guys are doing that good besides Darby, and he's not even that great of a friend of Punk's outside of taking pictures.
Now he works gcw shows lmaoooo
Why didn’t he just ignore it?
Guilty conscience
Danhausen is now spamming the promoter on one of his burner accounts kek.

You can tell it's him from the post style and him being passive aggressive defending Danhausen + Punk and nothing else
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kek it actually is him
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Lol no one has ever bought a ticket just to see Danhausen lmao
Normally i'd call you a schizo but given Danhausen legit comes here to defend himself and spend 24/7 on twitter I think it probably is him
This why I like this place it makes shitty wrestlers seethe. Also hi to any loser wrestlers browsing right now, you know who you are.
so basically an emaciated disco inferno with facepaint
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Hey Danhausen, how's it like destroying your career for a pedophile who gave you a comic book but won't give you a job in the big leagues?
No wonder this place loves Nazis so much, you just spread disinformation for fun
We actually appreciate carny shit here. We appreciate the old school mentality of screwing money marks and good on you for soaking the biggest one the business will ever see. For fuck sake Dan, just buy a damn ad. For fuck sake Dan, just buy a damn ad.
He definitely fucked up with Tony. What a complete shitter empty headed dumb fuck. His wife is a walled ugly prostitute shaking her saggy asshole for shekels in Vegas on the pole and his one kid is retarded. His new kid? Didn't make it, died from the COVID vaccine stillborn
Was it worth getting a 20k dollar torn shitty 100 year old comic you fucking retard faghausen
Hi Danhausen! Why are worried about posts on a Tibetan basket weaving forum?
Would you not defend yourself if your whole brand was based on public image and you had idiots making up lies?
Where’s the lie? You sold me a very shitty t-shirt at a toy store in New Jersey you stupid faggot. I want my $25 back
Post a picture of the shirt bucko.
>admits he was selling shitty bootleg shit
You're seethinghausen
You're friends with a kike who fucks kids.
No proof? Thought so.
Prove you're not selling bootleg shit, Scamhausen.
how have you not learned that larping as your own defense force online just makes you look like an even bigger faggot?
KWABhausen I wish I had a twitter account still to let this faggot know his burner is rumbled
sure would be a shame if /pw/ gave danhausen the ol' nash/bryan treatment
Fun thread. Based Danhausen. Terminally online schizophrenic marks should take their meds.
You are powerless. Danhausen is veey famous in the horror and pro wrestling worlds.
Nah, not at all. More like how WWE used Shannon Moore against team Lesnar back in the day, but as a character with more utility.
Damn I wish we still had the IP tracker
Kek Danhausen doesn't have a fraction of the talent of Shannon Moore.
Danhausen makes high 6 figures every year
FTR and Punk aren’t friends anymore and Corny dropped them too
You mean his whore wife fucks 6 high niggers every day.
you don't include the 2 digits for change anon
Corny LOVES Danhausen. He does comedy the correct way.
>gets payed thousands of dollars by Tony to do nothing
>sells bootleg shit to earn a couple of bucks
Donovan Danhausen got brutally raped by a bulbasaur outside a Chicago comic book store in the sweltering hot summer of 2024
Hope he finds a new home in an ovenhausen
In his anus?
so danhausen any truth to the rumor that you wouldn't join jericho's stable because it's a dig at punk and other retards like him?
"Stupid idea from bad creative."
Who cares, his gimmick is for faggots.
This doesn't even make sense, I don't think danhausen has ever said publicly that he cares about pokemon. You should have used Spiderman or Batman
This guy just comes off as so arrogant. Like, yeah Tiny is a retard but Danhausen is a one trick pony. Know your role you cringe retard
I look at him kind of like orange cassidy, two guys coming off the indies who got over with meme gimmicks, very family/kid/network/merch friendly characters, but one has been at or near the top of the card fairly consistently while the other one hides under the ring to point at people and then cries on twitter and pw. really makes you think...
A shitpost so based it knocked the Kayfabe out of Danhausen lmao
kek what a workedhausen
Well except Danhausens gimmick can and has evolved and has expanded past pro wrestling becoming a pop culture phenomenon (He was a guest on Conan).

Danhausen is also highly skilled in the ring and could put in work rate matches aa well.
Get a job. Take your meds.
Danhausen is dogshit in the ring. He was dreadful before he stumbled across this meme gimmick

Now he doesn't even look like he hits the gym. He weighs about 160lb
JONAH went over us but I feel pretty good about this Danhausen feud, /pw/bros
There's a youtube playlist with 138 fans that have been on the Conan Needs a Fan segment of the podcast. Danhausen was one of them out of gimmick.
Danhausens dwarfs the others views
>lighthearted ironic spooky gimmick that's only recognizable to a small cross section of Gen X and elder Millennials
>gimmick consists of wanting money, a blimp, and collecting teeth or some shit
>90% of promos are him making autistic "ehh" noises
Svengoolie: The Wrestler
outside of the first time he came here to defend himself with hyper specific knowledge in the first bootleg thread (which died after his post kwab) I didn't believe he came back - it was larpers. Just now I see that second tweet and that is so distinctively the style of the both DH and the (once thought) larpers that it's definitely him, so now I don't know what to think
Corny is a Svengoolie mark though.
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He's fucking Maki Itoh so he wins in the end.
The entire GCW locker room is. That isn't a very big accomplishment, Rajdeep.
Delete this now.
>Name this "outside guy"
Why are these trannies so obsessed with witch hunting strangers?
I saw him a few times on roh, before tony bought it.
Who is this? I always assumed it was spelled Sven Ghoulie and it was a Swedish Spectre gimmick
Dude, pw is the last place to come looking for any type of discussion. Its stupid rape memes, tribalism and just yelling at each other. You should understand this by now.
He asked for proof of said bootleg merch first. Maybe he wants to know which batch is bad.
I forgot this guy existed
>trusting bryan idol
He literally stole a kiss from Makoto
Danhausen had like 200,000 (not exaggerating) posts he'd liked.on twitter before they made likes private.

He's incredibly terminally online and insecure, it wouldn't surprise me if he randomly comes back here to see if anybody is shit talking him again
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Danhausen? Ain't that the fella who shoves spare pencil lead up his dickhole and screams at folks just trying to go about their days from the window of the apartment his family owns above an old latino barbershop?
It's a herculean task quite frankly. Think of all the absolute shitter 'comedy' guys Tony's put on TV and even pushed regularly as title contenders and even he's long since drawn the line on this whiny faggot. You must have to be some kind of insufferable to work with.
OC did his gimmick as a "fuck you" to wrestling because he was tired of breaking his back as part of the Colony. Dude is legitimately one of the smoothest workers out there. He's also a really cool guy and no one has a bad thing to say about him personally.

Danhausen on the other hand cannot wrestle. Seethes online to literal whos, and broke my friend's nose. He unironically has too much of an ego for his level of talent. His gimmick is whatever, but as soon as the bell rings he loses fans. Dude should just run a YouTube channel and stay out of the ring.
How old do you have to be to find shit like this funny anyway? Not surprising from the mom's basement crowd.
Hate to do this to you chief but hope you're aware comments like this are slander (a crime for your simpletons)
Some guys are athletes, some guys are nerds that get in shape. You can't teach a nerd to be a jock, and he isn't enough of a thespian to get over having a 0/10 body and no natural physical gifts of dexterity or balance. Frankly he should become better friends with Brian Cage, go full Bane From Batman.
You're a dead man, Faghausen! A dead man!
Say what you will about his wrestling, at the very least hes entertaining. Orangr cassidy is just cringe
He's being punished for being a Phil dickrider probably. Or Tony's not a huge fan to begin with and has an excuse now.

If he went to WWE, all these hoggies would kiss him 'til the makeup came off. Of course, he's not going to WWE because Phil will buy his friends pizza and comic books and then pretend he doesn't know them when the big boys are in the room.
they aren't his friends. phil builds an army of sycophants by targeting the weakest, most insecure faggots in the locker room and stroking their egos until they're no longer useful to him. he's one of the best examples of how far talking, with little else up your sleeve, can get you. dude should have gone into politics. punk vs cody 2028.
You leave Phil out of this you disgusting slob.
Phil Crooks more like it
When is his AEW contract is up? He's pretty much guaranteed to go to WWE the very next day.
Punk is a sick fuck. Explains why despite being a talentless shithead he always gets random well-paying jobs.
Those pathetic pussy texts to AJ she revealed tells me all I need to know about his soft ass.
You were a guest for the podcast no one watches, you disingenuous faggot
Wow what a Workedhausen Faghausen
In 20 years, Danhausen is going to be on "remember this fucking goof wrestler" lists
In 20 years, you'll find Danhausen on a listicle of wrestlers who have sodomized their children. That's why he doesn't care that his wife gets fucked and degraded for a living: he's only in this to molest her daughter. Take one look at the guy and tell me his face doesn't scream "kid fucker." Bring back physiognomy!
print this post and read it to your mother
This one has threes times the views:

Hi, not Daunhausen btw. Just as shitty, but never been on tv.

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