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Swerve it probably getting at least 5 million
Gracias Kdawg
Tony Khan has singlehandedly ruined the wrestling economy. He completely priced out anyone that isn't WWE
Kek what a raging autistic overpaying nerd BITCH.
This. Indies are going to suffer even more because now nobodies with a year or less are going to expect $200 or more
many people are saying this
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Vince had Tony pegged years ago.
How would Konnan know this when TK doesn't even speak to him lmao
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Tony Khan has never and will never ever be this mad
We don't use fact's or logic here
Vince still had some based calls in the dementia years. He could sniff out shitters until the very end
Konnan still absolutely seething that Tone jumped to CMLL when the AAA guys turned out to be a fucking hassle.
And yet most of the talent is now back in wwe
Indy guy here . AEW dark already gave shitters huge heads with the paydays they were getting . Guys were making 1300 sometimes a taping for dark and even now with ROH they get more.

Then they come back to the indies and act like they worked Mania. Often times not wanting to work with certain people and put over anyone.
Because Triple Gay is a smark manlet lover.
For some people, but the hotdog and handshake economy seems rather stable. Taylor Swift doesn't really make it so bars can't afford "local bands".
hahaha 1300 a shot? does that include trans? Holy fuck Tony is a retard
How come Konnan didn’t get overpaid to keep his partnership?
why isnt he overpaying to keep the lucha bros then? kek
Maybe WWE should pay the same then. Aren't they making record profits? It would be like a drop in the ocean for them.
Every big company does this. I mean every company not just wrestling.
I know a guy that was paid 2500 for the latest ring of honor tapings. He wrestled like once.

It doesn’t include transportation. But even WWE back they would only pay you $500. He’s way overpaying for absolute shitters . It’s even worse if Dave puts over someone because Tony immediately calls the talent and books them.
Rich kid can't stand when his toys are taken away
>Like person who works for you
>Pay extra to keep them
Pretty sure that's normal in businesses that werent operating under a monopoly for 20 years

Never forget that guys like Bryan Danielson and Kevin Steen took pay cuts when they initially signed with WWE lmao
Taylor Swift isn't Brandon Cutler, 2 Dimes or whichever local jobber that Tony is paying 6x the normal rate to so they drop their bookings and come work for him u til he decides he wants a new toy jobber
>supposedly a wrestler
>cries because wrestlers are getting paid more money
if brandon cutler sucks then why would you care if he isnt booked on your local indie? your own logic is retarded
You've moved the goalposts so far they're not even on the sample planet as where they started.
If you pay Brandon Cutler 7x his worth then you have to pay everyone else 7x their worth too. So then other companies go out of business trying to match this bizarre standard. And when these guys get fired they can't maintain their standards of living.
Tony Khan had a multi day twatter meltdown, aired the CM punk footage and sent edge out to give one of the cringiest promos of all time during one of his tantrums
Didn't Vince cry when DEAN left?
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>makes wwe pay their wrestlers more
>makes aew pay their wrestlers more
kek gotta love the codester
He literally made a public press conference to announce an investigation into people saying mean things to him on twitter and claimed all of it was by bots.
Who did you know getting $1300??? My friends all got $500 for a dark match, $100 for extra work.

You're spot on about the inflated ego. It's sad really. I know people would raise their rates to $200 because they were in dark for a 3min squash.
I was so on board for AEW in the first few years but Tony has completely destroyed any hope of AEW being the revolution it was supposed to be. The promotion is relatively a fucking low tier disaster at this point and with slim chances it’ll recapture any of the magic it had at one point. It’s like WCW 2.0 if they transitioned into Dixie’s TNA instead of dying because Daddy Khan money keeps this freak show project alive.
>does that include trans?
No, you have to buy your own trannies.
No shit. Tony doesn't want to run a wrestling company, he just wants to pay be friends with all the big, strong wrestlers.
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I feel we got sold on AEW being built into a legitimate bigtime wrestling promotion and we got hoodwinked. It’s an aimless indie with rich boy budget.
Swerve is a guy AEW legitimately can't afford to lose. He's their identity right now. If he went to WWE, it's over. So they have to overpay him, he's actually worth the absurd price tag to them. Same with Mox. If he left, it's a death blow, so I would not be surprised if he was given an absurd deal too.
Tony Khan has priced those indie promotions you pretend to love so much out of the market
He's raised the price of guys so much it's either WWE or AEW. There's no place in the market for anyone but those two now.
It’s just pwg with an unlimited money cheat but booked by a fan on a message board and not super dragon
> it’s over for AEW if they lose swerve
No. Just no. They would be fine and swerve would end up on smackdown jobbing to la knight
Kek he even out priced WWE, they cant afford any of these big names
>swerve would end up on smackdown jobbing to la knight
probably the right spot for him tbqh
zoom zoom zoom
>cm punk footage
Why Bret Why!?
>sent edge out to give one of the cringiest promos of all time
cost less than an add in the NYT crying about Ted Turner
this never happened, it wasn't a press conference specifically for any of that.

To sum up, Tony Khan has never and will never ever be as mad as Vincent, Big Black Cock Slave, McMahon
Lesnar loves money why the hell doesn't he sign up? Tony would be willing to pay him double what Vince paid
good morning sir
Everything Konnan says should be disregarded because he has such an obvious axe to grind with AEW. Way more than Cornette or anyone else.

They dropped AAA and went with CMLL and kind of fucked him over. But he deserved it because AAA fucking sucks and Konnan has no idea how to run it.
Why Is He Typing Like This
>he lost faith in AEW because AEW pays ifs wrestlers well
Okay, e-drone.
Let me dumb it down:
Wrestlers who aren't that good but got the chance to work ROH/AEW will now ask people to pay them more without having the skill to back it up so when Indie shitter 1 sees Indie shitter 2 get paid more I.S. 1 will want the same pay. Option B is no one gets paid so everyone loses.
>If you pay Brandon Cutler 7x his worth then you have to pay everyone else 7x their worth too.

Or you offer the same and if some people don't take it you get the next guys in line or wrestling school graduate #7777777
you actually must be mistaken because reddit smarks told me that it's a good thing for all wrestlers that aew exists and they wouldn't lie
It's not a black or white situation. Everything is up for negotiation and the promoter can act like Rick on Pawn Stars if they want.
Indies eternal kwab. Eat shit. You're either with us or against us in this war.
>the second largest wrestling company is run by an autistic man catering to another autistic man
And hear me out
The indies doesn’t book the indie shitter who wants to be paid more after his squash match on rampage and he eventually lower his price or quit
>NOOOOOO you can't pay people competitively in order to keep them from signing with WWE, that's hecking unfair to the multibillion dollar corporation!!!!!
lol this is what you get for having penny pinching Jews run a company instead of a billionaire mark
>other companies go out of business trying to match this bizarre standard.
are you admitting that WWE can't afford to pay wrestlers on par with what AEW does? concerning, hopefully none of your big stars in WWE decide they can make more from signing with AEW, maybe WWE can offer them more hecking WrestleMania moments instead?
Retard he said that ISN'T WWE. WWE can more than afford it, it's literally every other company that can't. How about you read before you sperg out you console warring fucking moron
then why is it WWE and their shills kicking up a stink about it? lol
>it's every other company that can't
they couldn't before AEW came along either, you think mlw or NWA or Roh could pay people even half what WWE was paying people in 2018?
Seems like a good problem to have. High pay for a historically underpaid job. Thank you Tony and your infinite money. Fraid so
>He overpays everyone
this is like the new billion dollar tv deal. its not true. tony no doubt overpays but its not as high as people think
He said anyone who ISN'T the WWE, you fucking stupid customer support employee.
Konnan has nobody to blame for it but himself, the fucker actually told Lee to sign with WWE instead of the promotion he's actually partnered with.
Lesnar wouldn't work with these indie tards. He respects the business.
>Lesnar respects wrestling

fucking lmao. He respects Danielson.
then why is it only WWE and it's shills kvetching about it?
>he is my friend so I will completely destroy my pay rates and any structure the company should have to pay him way above his value and then I will have to pay everyone a similar increase and make my company run at an even more considerable loss
It's very funny that the cope about the new TV deal generating profit has completely died because Tony himself acknowledged that they won't profit from it in a media call, so now the cope is that it's good to make the company lose more money
So you can't read?
Show me where I ever mentioned WWE. Get your brain examined.
Yes, that's what he would be doing in WWE. But he and Ospreay are THE GUYS in AEW. I hate to use this comparison because it implies that these AEW guys are even in the same universe star power-wise, but it'd be like if Stone Cold and The Rock left for Nitro. They were the core identity of the WWF, without them, it's just over.
>The YB$

All of them have years left on their deals. The peak of their roster is pretty safe.
Lesnar hates clown shit more than he loves money. Same thing with Goldberg apparently, didn't like what TK was pitching and walked. AEW claimed it didn't happen but Goldberg has said it did.
>literally treats his employees like toys and throws tantrums when they get taken away in your path
Dave gets a cut
Yeah, with joy.
All you have to do is have some one trick pony gimmick that gets over with the retards on twitter, then you trick Tony into some insane contract by pretending that the fed wants to sign you.
Man there must be 100s of examples of this happening right? Indie guys must be getting paid so much by Tony that they just stay home on a weekend instead right? That's what must be happening. There's a big list out there of guys who are doing exactly this, but just don't ask for proof of it or anything and just forget that Dark isn't even a thing anymore so Tony doesn't even have use for dozens of indie guys a week OK? It IS happening!

Why is it always drones crying and pretending to give a shit about anything that isn't their slop. You disingenuous fuckers won't even watch TNA but you expect us to believe you support indie wrestling? Get the fuck outta here
you are mad as fuck and barely coherent
No proofy?
my favorite threads are the ones where unemployed e-drones roleplay as indie promoters so they can do a performance about how evil AEW ruined them
>No. Just no. They would be fine and swerve would end up on smackdown jobbing to la knight
That is his ceiling realistically, a lower midcarder
The problem is that Tony is now giving talent who deserve to be paid in hotdogs and handshakes life changing money
dont need proof for some dirtsheet slop, you are still mad as fuck and barely coherent (i thought i made myself clear the first time)
Punketty and Jade Cargill(lol) are bleeding Pauletty...KWAB
e-drones yesterday were unironically blaming the deaths of indy promotions in the UK & Australia during the pandemic on AEW. They're insane.
WWE is just mad because it can't just out spend the competition like usual. This is why the idea of some grassroots promotion growing to the size of WWE is unfeasible, because the moment they become a threat the WWE would just offer all their top talent contracts to leave. Can't do that with AEW.
>Swerve's ceiling is a lower midcarder

He's unironically proven himself to have a higher ceiling than any of those pushing 40s shitters making up WWE's uppercard except WALTER, Kevin & Sami
>you can't give your employees more money because... BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T, OK????
E-drones are such bootlicking faggots lmao
WWE just gave Orton 5+ million dollars a year and he can't even draw a few thousand people in his home town for NXT so they had to cancel the show
page, breakker, femi, williams
None of those guys are WWE's uppercard you mushhead. 3/4 aren't even on RAW & Smackdown

you were talking about ceilings
>any of those pushing 40s shitters making up WWE's uppercard

Lachlan was right.

But if we're doing this: Swerve has a higher ceiling than 2 meme prospects and much higher than fucking Ethan Page lmao. And definitely higher than Bron's ceiling, figuratively AND literally.
>Lachlan was right.
'fraid so
I agree with you on this
>reddit spacing
>talking to himself
Sup ojama Lachlan’s not gonna fuck your Mexican ass bro
Has the same number of points
Sorry you cannot read. Guessing you weren't one of the 18%

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