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Next shows
September 18th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in AOMORI", Aomori Industrial Hall, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) vs. Rian (-)
>Maika (E neXus V) vs. Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs. Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Ruaka (HATE)
>Syuri, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Xena, Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Mei Seira, Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Saya Kamitani (HATE)

September 19th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in HACHINOHE ~Hachinohe native Rian's triumphant return~", Aomori Yutori, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>Saori Anou, Yuna Mizumori, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>Saya Kamiya (HATE) vs. Hanan (STARS) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Mina Shirakawa, Xena & HANAKO (E neXus V) vs. Mei Seira, AZM & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri, Saki Kashima, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (HATE)
>Maika (E neXus V) vs. Rian (-)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Suzu Suzuki & Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)

September 21st, "STARDOM in SENDAI 2024 Sept.", Sendai PIT, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>Mei Seira, Starlight Kid & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma & Hanan (STARS)
>Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS)
>AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs. Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs. Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V )
>Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs. Momo Watanabe & Konami (HATE) vs. HANAKO (E neXus V) & Rian (-)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa & Xena (E neXus V) vs. Syuri, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Saori Anou, Yuna Mizumori & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Ruaka (HATE)
>Tam Nakano & Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS) & Thekla (HATE)

Previous >>15828513
Flowsion getting outed as a pedo is going to cause irreparable damage to the joshi industry
September 22nd, "STARDOM in KAMINOYAMA", Sanyu Engineer Sports and Culture Center, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
>Mina Shirakawa, Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V), and Rian (-) vs. Yuna Mizumori, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
>Mei Seira, Suzu Suzuki & Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Hanan & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs. Koguma (STARS) vs. Xena (E neXus V)
>Syuri, Saki Kashima, Hina & Lady C (God's Eye) vs. Momo Watanabe, Thekla, Konami & Rina (HATE)
>Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Maika & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>Artist of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano, Natsupoi & Saori Anou (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Ruaka (HATE)

September 23rd, "STARDOM in NIIGATA", Niigata City Industrial Promotion Center, 1:00PM JST (VOD)
>Saya Iida (STARS) vs. Rian (-)
>Saori Anou, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora, Saya Kamitani & Rina (HATE)
>Koguma (STARS) vs. HANAKO (E neXus V) vs. Ruaka (HATE)
>Hina & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Mayu Iwatani, Hazuki, Hanan & Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs. Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena & Waka Tsukiyama (E neXus V)
>Tam Nakano, Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Suzu Suzuki, Starlight Kid & AZM (NEO GENESIS)
>Syuri, Saki Kashima & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Momo Watanabe, Thekla & Konami (HATE)
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amasaki miyu
The consequences will never be the same again
umm Azusa Inaba ummm she teams with Rina let me uh tell you about Rina..
I prefer not to speak OP
Azusa is very beautiful
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This is the exact timeframe when the Maika hate begun.
Before this, no one hated black Maika.
She just stole this show, beat Utami, beat the orc, and the hate just happened.
i will emerge as the new joshiiwc leader and will make marking out for the teen wrestlers cool again
I thought it was a dope pic, nothing more
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Don't let the hilarious Marigold numbers and discourse make you forget that Sukeban has booked Arisa Nakajima in a show despite her being retired
kek Sukeban has announced Arisa Nakajima vs Sareee and Arisa just told them to fuck off
Shut the fuck up schizo
Tam Nakano on what she thought about Giulia's WWE debut:

>"I hope she does her best. I thought she was amazing, and I hope she can show the greatness of Japanese women's professional wrestling in the United States. It's inspiring.

>But! I can't help but notice her face... I mean, even though I don't want to see it, there are so many images of her that I think, 'Shut up!' So I muted every mention of the word Giulia. Well, I do feel a bit frustrated though..."
Who's he again?
>I muted every mention of the word Giulia.
She's just like me
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ZAMN! by Nature.
Haters by Choice.
Felonious by Statute.
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Tam Nakano says she gained followers on X after Giulia went to WWE:

>"It seems that WWE fans who saw Giulia and Tam's hair-cutting match (March 3, 2021, at Nippon Budokan) started following Tam's X, and I gained about 1,000 followers! So, I hope she continues to be active and helps increase my number of followers."
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[A heart-throbbing wrestling president]
Taro Okada
Poopesh there is no quantity of machine translated Person on Shit spam that will make you a real reporter
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>The new rules for the NB belts were made only and only for tam to win the belts with kurara.
The twilight chief works on another level of politicking only HH destroying a whole fed for his ego and HHH fucking the daughter's boss to get his own fed are ahead of her.
bring back /momo/
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From zoomie to rinna to Azusa
The "fuck grannies" gimmick is eternal
Who THE FUCK is rinna
SLK kept it alive im afraid
Tam Nakano said that she and Giulia had made a promise to each other after Giulia's last match in STARDOM:

>"Giulia promised to become number one in the world in the United States, and I promised to make STARDOM the number one promotion in the world. Up until now, Tam has turned her frustration towards Giulia into strength and has been able to achieve her dreams. So, with a strong will, I will fulfill this promise."
bros there in the changi g room
Isn't arisa the one who was begging bookings to feed her children or paying for their school or some shit like that?
>But! I can't help but notice her face
Yes tam, we know she's Italian, don't make her suffer reminding her.
I think you're thinking of Hirota
Arisa worked like twice a month by choice, the last thing she ever wanted was more bookings
HATE needs a new member who’s addicted to social media and a total narcissist
there is still time for sakura hirota to join the av industry
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NEED ram toes in my mouth instantly
donde esta le nouvelle Seira Mei no thighs
Peps is scheduled for his outing next week
Tam Nakano on Giulia saying that she will be Tam's opponent in her retirement match:

>"If I retire, who is going to retire Giulia? So, when I retire, we'll both fight with unlimited time until we both fall apart. I hope we can do it at the Tokyo Dome or somewhere like that... I'll do my best to be able to do it in a place like that."
Tam Nakano always looks unattractive, there is no scarier horror movie than her face, and Saori Anou stop using unlicensed barbers and Natsupoi is the most attractive among the CA but unfortunately, she is not very bright. Provide her with a book and observe what happens.
Maybe we shouldn’t give her the book
Kinda sad how joshis end up after their prime and not saving money.
AV, begging for bookings, working minimum wage jobs and some of them still riding their past glories.
Hoping our players are not wasting all of their money on luxury brands shit and still got something for retirement.
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>when I retire, we'll both fight with unlimited time until we both fall apart
Nice way of saying when I retire I'm going to fuck Giulia so hard she's not going to be able to walk for a week.
The female retirement fund is a penis
give waka the book
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She has to be the most beautiful woman in all wrestling.
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>Tam still going on about the one feud she had that played to more people than creepy uncles
I really hope Tam moves on from Giulia asap. She's like a 6 out of 10 who fucked a 9 out of 10 once and still goes on about it whereas the 9 out of 10 forgot about it years ago
Mei is literally the cutest.
most of the players are going to still be wrestling in their 50's and 60's. They're going to the old fatsos going over rising stars and people are going to be annoyed with them. The ones who get married and have kids can have normal lives. That's why Arisa could afford to work just a couple of times a month.
if im still watching tam nakano wrestle in 15 years i will be pleased with life
A weapon to surpass metal gear
Tam will still be doing her Kawaii of the Cosmos gimmick
48 year old Starlight Kid
Himeka got married :(
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i.e. ayuhi_star
Yeah, okay, I really want to fuck Rian now
a full summer of working stardom and her father shooting stand were required for rian to buy new pants and a shirt
Shes still pure
I know it in my heart
Fingering Rian underneath the bleachers
Lil nigga and big nigger
It's okay it doesn't count if you're only doing it for money
You can’t have people constantly falling in love with you five seconds ago and remain pure
need to have sex with Mei five seconds ago
mei saint michael doesnt work here
five second sex with Mei
I wonder if Kidani installed an IP cam in there to make sure there are no shenanigans going on?
I wouldn’t last that long
You need a couple seconds to finish up though
Stopping mid nut is a horrible feeling
They run Bartertown.
Now that we are talking about retirement and Joshis.
What does kagetsu for living?
Japan is one of the least friendly tranny countries, it must be hard finding something outside those shady places in the red district and night life.
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What a coincidence, I have one of those.
Tamu can hope on my retirement fund anytime she wants.
Klassy Kitto
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Please no.
Big is justice, big is cute and the most important big is pure forever
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Lady C will raise capybaras in retirement.
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Hachinohe native Rian's triumphant return
Love Siida the Skeeter
Sorry buddy. She's already signed a contract to love off of my 401K(ock).
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Fucking slut
So demure. So mindful.
Rina has a butthole
rian learned hustling from her dad
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Nice sweater puppies, Kitto!
Rian father is the breakout star of 2024. Way bigger than Jacob Fatu
the narration makes it better
Not gonna lie. I'd take a chance of trying to win that mini foosball table. And it would be a great bonus if I did it in front or Rian and she handed it to me.
Meant for >>15836362
For fucks sake bro
please use two hands while posting in /stardom/
Starlight Kid causes blood to redistribute from the brain to lower areas of the body
Don't understand kagetsu's shit.
She already looked like a man why the fuck would you throw to the trash a decent income doing what you love for attaching a non functional meat tube to your mound of Venus when you can simply use a dildo.
Plus she got more chances of landing some nice pussy being some kind of celebrity.
She identifies as a man.
I identify as Batowl
This one right here, officer
She already looked like a man, isn't that enough?
Zooks left her ass, lost her income and went complete silent, doesn't feel like a win for me.
You’re not Kagetsu though.
Of course not.
My dick works for real.
If you say so
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I love these gals like you would definitely not believe
earth tones players
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What happened to Batowl?
Was he also flowsion?
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time for taro to make a move
I was told that he was sent to Canadian prison because he was caught stealing fleshlights
he won gold in breakdance for canada on his first day out
I like this new version of QQ. Led by Funky Aunt and Queen of ATMs. Flanked by young judo and karate girl along with C-Legs.
cause they live on a planet
Bring. Back. Singlets.
Lady C's head is such a terrible waste of a body
ranna needs to GO
ranna needs to play CS:GO
but its not good anymo
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Brappi is for sex with men
omfg her pantsu are exposed
no one is trying to see yuuri who plays starlight kid flash her menstrual blood stained boxer shorts
Why get on the internet and post lies
Mask can’t hide the fact that she has a huge Korean nose
what a hoebag
I was told that starlight kid wore a worked purple thong over a shoot black thong and now I don’t know what to believe anymore man I’m going to law school
She wears the same outfit to work out in every day, and she wears the same underwear in every match. In short, she is STANKY
licking Kitto gnarly toes and crusty asshole
Maybe she just bought seven pairs of the same pants
I do that
Fat Fingers Kid
She may have dropped some weight but she will always be a sausage
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RED means happiness
yuuri who plays starlight kid went to see a power rangers musical
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>power rangers
it's called super sentai retard
I see Paris, I see France.
I see Starfat's underpants.
pretty sure they are called the power rangers i remember them from television
cute and funny player
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Tam won
Stardom won
>marigorudo out of nowhere
must have been an obasan news week
Not in japan you uncultured swine
Smack down was canceled Guilia lost
why does she show off her underwear?
Based Tam
Stardom great again
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Thought sukeban died months ago, like that other american promotion I forgot the name.
That business model was unsustainable
This is my pudding
Spark Joshi?
Yeah I guess
I wish there were another promotion willing to train very young girls to be pro wrestlers. You’re bound to get some really good ones by the time they’re 18. Worst case scenario they grow up to be high-speedo midgets like AZM and SLK. Is there any way to make this business model happen without being viewed as a pedo?
Let a place like JtO train them and then sign them when theyre older and outgrow the promotion and kick taka some money for it
Kitsune. Think that is the reason sukeban is in london. Probably a loophole around getting work visas.
most promotions train young wrestlers watch the products
There aren’t enough of them. Someone needs to be the Vince of it and do it on a global scale. I’d rather that kind of business model to be a feeder for WWE than whatever the NIL garbage they’ve got going on is.
Dude wants to watch Kids Pro Wrestling and not be viewed as pedophile, can’t make this shit up
>they’re eating the cats
>they’re eating the dogs
>how dare you call me a racist
mase hiiro is on wwe's radar
tbf it beats taking on leftover women as rookies
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why is act so horny on twitter all of a sudden
She wants to sign a contract with Stardom
She wants a baby
what race do you think she was trying to attract with that glorious ass shot?
Yeah that one!!
Kitsune, that was the name, I think Eel still has that belt?
i hope suzu had a good birthday
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Kitsune is still a thing, brother. They just don't book as many Japanese wrestlers any more after how badly their last show did.

Yuna Manase has the belt now.
Can you believe Unagi is older than this woman? lmao
Last LA show they got 6 joshi wrestlers booked. The one before that they only got Miyako Matsumoto. But I dunno if they can keep producing shows with at least 5+ joshi talents flown out.
Yes, very clearly Unagi looks her age
Where is she?
Chiho confirmed for NEW BLOOD 15. Looks like she's gonna be a regular
hopefully they book some shindy players this time as well to go along with the shindy ringana
Had a semi-romantic dream with Saori, it was nice
Still not sure that video of her unmasked was actually her. That person doesn't seem to look at all like this person.
>>they’re eating the cats but I have no evidence
>>they’re eating the dogs but I have no evidence
>>how dare you call me a racist even though you have lots of evidence
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you are being worked by your own brain trying to fill in details of somebody wearing a mask
Starlight Inaba
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>Good evening! It's Kurara!!

>Tomorrow is the Aomori tournament!
>I'm looking forward to it because it's my first time in Aomori

>A three-way with some mysterious members...!

>...Anyway, I will do my best !!

>I don't have any photos to post today, so I'll post a photo of me without makeup, looking very tired but still cute
STARDOM is offering refund for the 5STAR finals
>We will be processing refunds for customers who were unable to attend the match on August 31st due to the suspension of public transportation caused by Typhoon No. 10.

>I apologize for taking so long. There was no obligation to refund this time, either legally or according to the regulations. However, due to the suspension of Shinkansen services a few days ago and calls from government ministries and agencies, I made the decision to repost. Please carefully check the wording of the post and the website before proceeding.

What a great boss
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Looks like an Inaba/Rian hybrid
You assholes bullied her into changing her workout outfit
going to do it again and next time she will be naked
>She wants a baby.
He doesn't know.
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All of that was heavily implied but thanks
I don’t like her anymore.
She must read this thread
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waka is a real life chibi
I took the pic
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[breaking] (into Stardom's dojo)
I think about her a lot
Shut up.
We're lucky that Tossy took this ugly botching shitter away from us
it's true, Ranna is a much better weird player
>Hazuki shouldn't be a heel, but a completely different character, showing off her cleavage with her F (cup) W (woman) C (cat), becoming a sexy looking catwoman, not fighting much, just dancing and twisting her body while saying "Oh~yeah". And I want her to say that she doesn't know who she is, and pretend that she has no relation to FWC Cat at all under normal circumstances. And sometimes FWC Cat's insides could turn into Koguma, too. Well, they won't do that anyway.
I feel sorry for you.
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i find it funny that Ranna's band describes themselves as
>The self-proclaimed shortest average height Blues Rock Band
do you really
I would go to their show
thats not her
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>We're lucky that Tossy took this ugly botching shitter away from us
>Got Ranna on the roster
>Calls Kawaiimomo "ugly"
Stardrone symptoms in full effect
Who is it then and why are they doing a run through of her entrance?
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Your yellow fever and down syndrome fetish isn't our problem
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secret rian
SLK said this was filmed when she was still in Oedo Tai
its not starlight kid but yuuri who plays starlight kid
Waka's IG live
>I watched it briefly and they were talking about urinary incontinence, but when I started listening they changed to a different topic

>Apparently she was talking to fans at the autograph signing about frequent urination and that she sometimes leaks urine.
>Stop taking secret photos and posting them on social media. It's disrespectful to the people who pay to come and see me. I'll just say it all at once, but the reason I don't respond to people who call out to me outside the shop is the same as this. Money and time are limited. I prioritize and value people who are willing to spend it with me. Of course.

Ram hates the fans.
Chlamydia is an STD that can cause frequent urination. Waka should get checked out.
She talked about going to adult movie theatres in her previous IG live. She says some inappropriate stuff on these lives which is why she never keeps them up.
Ranna must be swimmin' in pussy
Ram said
>fuck you, pay me
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act yasukawa should bring her idol killerz group to stardom, we have never seen that angle before
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The Iconic Saori Anou
i had a webm where saori was dancing around with momoka's bubble wand but i cant find it anymore
I see pubes
rian dad said that he started taking rian to stardom shows in 2012
That corinne bitch is so fucking ugly. A disgrace to female stardom fans
imagine getting choked out by a 4'8 japanese girl
*korean girl
No wonder she failed so miserably at school
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Slack jawed retard
thats not nice
every man dreams of a visually pleasant east asian retard to call their own
I don’t even want to see Clara’s butthole
i just want to make it clear for any potential joshis who may read this: i am single and i am looking
You have to specify that you’re white and rich or they’ll keep scrolling
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kurara is very intelligent when she isn't stoned
Hopefully Rian will get new gear after joining EXV. The diaper needs to go.
lets just say that clara swallows her smarties without chewing them
I would like to see something new done with her hair too, the Prince Valiant look isn’t flattering
hate kid
just kidding
>random girl with the same height and hairstyle as SLK
>doing a practice run of SLK's entrance
Who is this mysterious player?
Her name is Rian
very dedicated act, even had the same nails
it was Rian clearly
Sexo anal
newfags really don't know about pre-debut rian various hair colors
many wwr stardom fans would love to see a moonlight kid character debut as starlight kid rival
Orange Rian should have been her debut
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There are no good-looking Stardom fans.
As if Kitto wouldn't have a minion she'd get to do all the menial tasks like blocking for cameras
>upped the sexo appeal after that anon complained about her workout gear
Starlight Kid in the second one
Barely any weight on there
i'll make out with an unpassing transgender joshi fan if they are not fat
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Kind of wish Sera wasn't just doing the same pose in all of these (as per usual Mei has to show people how it's done)
i dress like that
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Bless Vishnu
i remember the gen simping over her for half a day
Mayu is so fucking flat and squalid wtf were her rapists thinking...
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The Mummy (2024)
yuki-onna, don't let her get you
i could outdraw stardom in a year if you gave me this roster
go to bed rossy
>Next shows
>September 18th, "STARDOM AOMORI 2DAYS in AOMORI", Aomori Industrial Hall, 7:00PM JST (VOD)
>>Mina Shirakawa (E neXus V) vs. Rian (-)
>>Maika (E neXus V) vs. Saki Kashima (God's Eye) vs. Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS)
i will watch your game
>>Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Ruaka (HATE)
>>Syuri, Lady C & Ranna Yagami (God's Eye) vs. Xena, Waka Tsukiyama & HANAKO (E neXus V)
>>Mei Seira, Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki & Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS) vs. Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (STARS)
>>Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Saya Kamitani (HATE)
i will watch your game
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Maika anti is in full meltdown mode on Marigold thread...
didn't ask don't care
Tomorrow the return of the VOD
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Keep it over there
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What out!!
theres a goblin in your back!!
It's fine, the VOD should be up before Thursday's show
Unagi might act like a literal child but she still looks her age. Act both looks and acts her age which is way hotter imo.
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Aya is very beautiful
>Mayu is so fucking flat and squalid wtf were her rapists thinking...
They raped her as a fun prank.
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i wish i was that chair

Is this the chick banging maika in $3000 hotels
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Manami rules
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Fuck up
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This is Kurara's husbando.
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Pissi Wakatini
Remember when maika was spotted in noahs audience a couple weeks ago? Turns out the girl she was sitting next to was the same one from the dinner. Maika laying pipe on her
And she sometimes attends Dragon Gate shows with Himeka, that doesn't mean they're fucking
Need this woman to drain me of my seminal fluids.
Would be pretty cool if they were
Waka is the Cytheria of Stardom.
Next >>15845442

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