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>WWE literally can't draw a dime
>You don't get a bunch of free shit so it's bad
Sounds like a you problem
nice necrobump bily
PigVert rapes children
*draws all the dimes*
The WWE card is for poor niggers
If you pay an annual fee and don't get a bunch of free shit it literally is bad.
>even poor people don't want it
kek it do be like that
Don't forget that PEDOwheels has the jannies delete everything that makes fun of him but will let him post thread after thread. Also yes it's because he shares pics of a 9 year old Riho with them. Also he eats his dad's cum LMFAO
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*glass shatters*
AEW card will come with a discount on bottom surgery.
Why did you stop saying Fatso (Rovert)?
So you're saying it's more valuable than the WWE one?
>Answers to PEDOwheels
>Admits he shares pics of a 9 yr old Riho with the mods
Uh oh! PEDOwheels wants me to stop calling him a PEDO. Stop eating your dad's cum and I may consider it LMFAOO

Pigs are dumb enough too.
How do credit cards work? I heard they are bad
They are only bad if you don't pay them off on time. Its really not hard to just spend what you can afford, I don't understand why a certain group of people can't realize that.
they are bad, they are designed to make people lose track of how much they spend, it's why there is such a big push to go cashless these days, keeping track of how much cash you spend is easy cause it's right there in your wallet
Anon of this post >>15840017

>>15840070 this dude is the exact type of retard I was talking about.
kek based craigmesiter, you just gotta!
It's hilarious thinking how many retarded drones got scammed by this
I don't use goycards therefore I never have to worry about paying them off, keep enslaving yourself to debt and usury you fucking mark lol
There is no such thing as a WWE Credit Card. It is either a Mastercard or Visa backed by an actual bank that has a WWE branded logo.
but then it stops being so hilarious, and more sad when you remember most drones are shoot retarded with multiple disabilities
PEDOwheels you got fired as a bagger in a position literally meant for disabled people.
>keep enslaving yourself to debt
Are you retarded or just underage?
>charge credit
>pay it off before payment is due
>avoid any compounding interests
>build credit
>earn cash back/points/rewards

Its like you don't want to be able to buy a car or house.
They're bad for sociedy but good for you if youre not retarted.
>Jews buy the WWE
>WWE suddenly starts selling credit to marks
This shit writes itself
This is horrible lmao
10 good goy points have been deposited into your account
Credit cards work in different ways depending on your IQ.
If you have a 3 digit IQ, credit cards work like this
>don't want to carry thousands of dollars worth of cash on your person
>replace it with a little plastic card
>little plastic card counts as money for businesses
>each month, the amount you have spent using the little plastic card gets deducted from your bank account balance, and you get some good goy points added to your score
However if you have a 2 digit IQ and especially a sub-80
>have no cash
>little plastic card is free money
>spend 15k a month
>aww hellz I gawts tah pays dis back?
>the economy is tough out there! how about instead of paying the 47k you owe us, you just pay us $215 a month at a 18% yearly interest rate!
>aww hellz yeah I can be affording dat! finna cop dat new 8k TV!
WWE has been shilling scam credit cards since the 90s
this is on vince
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What's a good first credit card. I guess I should start building my credit but I just ding-dong diddly don't know where to start.
upgrade path
the middle east and all shlomos, from the ukraine in the north all the way down to eritrea and ethiopia in the south, were a mistake
I went with Discover. Its babbies first CC and they approve anyone. Then after that it depends on what you want. Cash back, rewards, travel miles, etc.
You have no credit and will never own anything
>buy everything on credit
>"I own this"
fucking lmao
Ok poorfag
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I already have a wrestling credit card
Good luck qualifying for a mortgage. I'm sure all that cash in your wallet will cover a house.
You marks are working me into a shoot with your financial illiteracy.
always funny to see underh posters turning valid talking points into the most retarded gibberish
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>always funny to see underh posters turning valid talking points into the most retarded gibberish
designated bitchtits melty thread
>high APR
Good. Bankrupt these E-drone tards LMFAO
I have twenty grand but it's all in my checking account. How do I use it to make money?
There are these things called FDs apparently you can make a lot of money with them
Who's Steve Jobs?
Depends on your risk tolerance, income, dependents, portfolio, etc. Unironically- go to Reddit and have one of those nerds lay out your options in greater detail.
Get a secured credit card, you deposit a small amount of money say like 100-200 dollars that becomes your spending limit then after a year the credit card company returns your deposit and your card becomes a regular credit card with usually a higher limit.
Who would actually look at this and think they would benefit from this?
Dronies are dumb as fuck man
Fleeced out of money just to have a pussy repelling WWE credit card lmao
Upper mid carders
first the pajeets with the fake accounts and now this
Yea? Who’s your Ace?
Rovert ridin solo on his wrestling figs samefag thread
Based Trevor working Bitchtits into sizzling seething shoot for the seventeenth time today
aren't credit cards literally intended to swindle cash out of brokies? lol
On planet retard, yes.
Use credit cards like a debit card (pay off your balances ASAP) and you get rewards like cash back and travel benefits basically for free, plus it builds your credit score.
>Use credit cards like a debit card
I seriously do not understand why this is a hard concept for most people to grasp.
It requires self-restraint and low time preference
The same people that look at WWE and think it's good
This has to be a joke. Only some dumb fucking idiot like bitchtits and his gay gyppo family would get a card like this unironically.

I bet this card actually lowers your credit score because banks think you’re an idiot for getting one.
You're literally defending a useless card aimed at poor retarded niggers which probably means that you were actually stupid enough to get one.
e drones will say "record profits tranny" on their phones while they're waiting in line at the payday loan office
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jokes on OP-- everytime i flash this bad boy at the strip club in south Memphis i get swarmed by black big booty stippers

kek, i had this card back in the day. maxed it out at the Kevin Nash restaurant
Any rewards from the Nash card?
You earn a lot of miles...miles of BBCZ
I don't need handouts, maybe you do.
White iq averages are going down

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