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>In John Ourand's latest Puck newsletter, he opened the email with some details on the WBD/AEW negotiations. It's paywalled, but the key detaila are excerpted below:

>"Insiders are telling me that a formal announcement could come as soon as next week, barring any last-minute challenges. It looks like it will be a four-year deal (three years guaranteed, plus an option), and the $170 million per year number floating around wrestling message boards is apparently in the ballpark."

>"According to the parameters of the agreements, AEW matches will air on TNT, TBS, and TruTV twice a week—further evidencing Zaz’s strategy of making the latter two networks more valuable and sports-oriented in the cable bundle as the potency of TNT declines sans professional basketball rights."

>"Meanwhile, this deal marks a clear success for AEW, which launched five years ago with a threshold WBD deal. AEW is also pitching another package, primarily to broadcast channels. There’s no timetable for when AEW will start to push that deal."
Fuck AEW.
Proof https://x.com/BrandonThurston/status/1835869339024531500
>Significant raise that easily makes AEW profitable, but less than a billion overall and less than five years.
I'm positive this is the real deal because it'll be the worst of both worlds for the discourse and gives the grifters like Bischoff an easy place to move the goalposts to.
AEW won.
Many people are saying this.
>The report at one point refers to AEW as "second-tier wrestling",
they'll back out of the deal once they realize AEW is a dying company. i'll send pictures of the empty arenas directly to their offices in the mail if i have to.
if TK got 170m/year, drones like the ones that have been malding on here all summer about the deal are going to fucking riot
I don’t think you understand. They don’t care about a deal. They just like fucking with aewtists, and you guys take the bait every single time
I thought that it was a billy though?
interesting cope
So let me get this straight. Smackdown on USA is getting more money for 1 show than everything combined for AEW? It just keeps getting worse for Rovert
>The announcement of the deal "could come as soon as next week, barring any last-minute changes."

What kind of deals have last minute changes if they are done
sounds like the 2 billy evaluation was actually right on the money after all
Based. Fuck AEW.
>No Max
>No Billy
>No Ring of Honor
>Relegated to potentially TruTV
AEWfags will still call this a win though
I would imagine something as complicated as a large media rights deal could have a million tiny changes, but then again I'm not a fucking dimwit.
>4 year deal with opt out at year 3
Holy shit WBD knows AEW will flop so they have an out clause. Keeps getting worse for Hogwheels
>deal is done
>but there could be a million tiny changes
You are a fucking retard
New copes already starting. Sad.
Damn Raw isn't even over yet and all the piggies are squealin about AEW. Has Raw been that boring?
no streaming?
You know Raw's deal with Netflix is filled with constant out clauses for Netflix, right?
3 years is pretty deep ngl. That would be 2027 if this thing starts next year . WBD are just hoping to get some of their back on the PPVs and not on advertising . This can’t be good for the consumer as Tony is going to price gouge the shit out them.
It's clear your understanding of contract negotiations comes from when you said "yes" to the minimum wage offer you got at McDonald's but this is a little different than that.
You realize Netflix has this exact thing with WWE for 50% of their deal instead of what would be 25% here right?
No billy PEDOwheels? LMFAOOOOO. Guess the billion dollar deals are only for WWE ROFLL
I don’t think you realize this reporting contradicts Dave’s

>You know
>You realize
he doesn't, sadly
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So you're saying there IS a deal after all bitchtits? Because for years you've been saying WBD wouldn't be renewing AEW
I know you are fat and retarded and have McDonald’s on the mind, but a deal isn’t done if there are still negotiations you stupid fucking faggot.
You do realize that the Netflix deal is for 10 years with an option for 20 right you retarded faggot?
LMAO disappointing deal like we've always been saying, even smackdown gets more
Can't believe how mad dronies get over the second tier wrestling. I love laughing at WWE!
Dear oh dear...
The second deal they signed in January 2020 was exactly the same, 3+1
Nope. It's a 5 year deal with an option to extend to 10 and another to extend to 20.

Which, by the way, if they pick up those options, hope the deal has escalators or they're gonna be getting paid that 2024 money for a long fuckin' time.
>Answers to PEDOwheels
PEDOwheels NXT gets worse ratings than AEW (for now) and got a new TV deal. Of course AEW would get a deal. But you said it was for a billy LMFAOOOOOOOO no billy? KWABB
I feel bad for them honestly. How many heart attacks and suicides from these low IQ fatsos is about to happen.
>"The streamer can exit the deal in five years"
So you're saying Netflix has an opt out clause with WWE for MORE than 50% of the deal? Kek the option to opt out at 5 years from a potential 20 year deal means the ball is entirely in Netflix's court and WWE has zero leverage lmfao
>How many heart attacks
Just one, Paul.
Yes, a deal can be agreed on in principle and still require lawyers to iron out every small detail. I get that's a lot for your tiny little brain to process but you're just going to have to find a way to deal with it.
Yeah, WWE gave Netflix absolute control of the term and all of their international rights to get that paycheck. Basically all of their leverage for a big fucking check.
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850m for 5 years plus Tony keeps ppv revenue and merch sales plus gets to shop another show to fox. It feels GOOD to be fully vindicated. Thank you Tony.
PEDOwheels is replying to himself because he said they would get a billy. They are currently getting $70 million now. So only a $100 milly increase for more shows LMFAOOO
LMFAO that is an utterly disappointing and dogshit deal. I love laughing at AEW so fucking hard,
more profitable than any wrestling promotion at this point in their history if this is true btw
>It's ONLY a 2.4x increase from their current deal and 680 million dollars.
Explain how, if this is in fact the deal, it's a bad deal. Without mentioning WWE or Rovert.
That is STILL NOT an announced deal though. Can you just post the press release, this is the longest "it's happening" cope ive ever seen.
Anyone who claims to know numbers is full of shit. Theres a very small circle of people who would actually know that and none of them are going to be talking to dirtsheets about it.
kek what a second-tier wrestling fed
>$170 milly
No wonder PEDOwheels got fired as a bagger LMFAOO first you need to explain why no billy LMFAOO
hey yo where's that retard that was squealing about how AEW was going to get the NXT CW deal
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why on earth do you think anyone would feel compelled to "explain" whatever schizophrenic delusion you're currently being tormented by
So a guy that has never reported on wrestling before, got told by insiders (Meltzer and SRS) that AEW is getting a big deal, and because he has never reported on wrestling beofre, he doesn't understand what shit sources those "insiders" actually are.

So another nothingburger, thanks OP.
>Doesn't want to answer why him spamming a billy for a year didn't come true
No problem PEDOwheels. Enjoy your dad's cum LMFAOO
Puck would actually be much more likely to have contacts at WBD than any of the dirtsheets would. Not sure why I'm bothering to tell you this as you clearly can't read.
Full article without paywall
>still shows video ads
kill yourself
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>Insiders are telling me that a formal announcement could come as soon as next week

They've been saying this for almost a year.

Why are they putting a pro-wrestling show on TruTV? Isn't that a True Crime channel?
It's a gif
NXT is getting $34 million a year to produce 2 hours a week of television. Currently AEW produces 5 hours a week between Dynamite, Collison. Possibly more shows incoming. Man that's a really bad deal for Tony he got fleeced
grim. they would have been better off on twitch fr
No it is not, that isnt how business works.

Assuming they do get $170 million a year for 4 years, and they don't up their spending, they may be able to break even by year 9. See the new deal doesn't just erase 5 years of losing money.

In fact going in to year 6, they STILL will have lost more money than any wrestling company in history through 6 years.
Sal from their biggest draw impractical jokers is a wrestling mark and has major pull over there
Terrible deal. AEW is such a lolcow company.
LITERALLY WHO? Shut the fuck up, PigWheels.
why is there ads at all bitch?
They're turning it into TNT Sports.
And why would WBD be telling anybody about a deal they have not yet signed? WBD didn't even disclose their offer to the NBA until they had to file a lawsuit over NBA choosing Amazon.
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>biggest draw

I'll be honest, I didn't even know they had other types of reality show content on there, I thought it was about murders and high speed chases.


Yeah I just looked it up now, they're going to transition to more sports, like MotoGP and NASCAR, so putting AEW in there makes more sense.
>$170 million per year
that won't even cover payroll. another 4 years of AEW losing money guaranteed!
Maybe no one bothered to read it
>the $170 million per year number floating around wrestling message boards is apparently in the ballpark.
Basically he's just guessing.
Fuck Poop Dick Wrestling and their disappointing TV deal
That’s actually a really good point. How much is Tony’s payroll?
many seething edrones are saying this
>Tony’s payroll
you mean Tony's dad's payroll
More speculation. Not going off of anything until the official press release is made. I will say though. Not looking good dronies. Not looking good
Puck is the same outlet that reported Tony Khan was unhappy with WBD's offer in May. I know edrones have the memory of retarded goldfish, so just a reminder you all trusted this source a few months ago
it always is
source: the shattered mind of a diaper wearing aewtist
oh wow it's the same report that aewtists have been posting for the past two years
Tony paying off Ourand now, tranny?
And yet you see these threads every fucking day really makes you think about the kind of person that posts here
Two years ago it was a billy and now it’s half that. E-gods won. I’m sorry, it’s over.
So it’s not even double their current deal? Ouch
No billy?
two years ago aew had One Bil Phil.
Weren’t the trannies saying puck was an unreliable source after they reported something unflattering about the negotiations a few months back?
>pretending impratical jokers isn't trutv's biggest draw by a mile
weird cope
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>Insiders are telling me
>could come as soon as next week
>in the ballpark of 170 milly per year
KEK. Vagueness like this and an unrealistic number like 170 milly per year is how you know this is just another false rumor. I haven't even read the rest of this thread but let me guess, it goes something like this: trannies are prematurely celebrating before inevitably being BTFO yet again.
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>still not high enough to turn a profit
Khanbros, I don't feel so good...
>An email behind a paywall says.
In principle usually does not mean there's any details left, you stupid motherfucking faggot. It's usually reserved for formalities like signing the deal on Friday instead of Monday, for tax reasons; or pending a physical.

There are no "in principle" deals that still require a page full of terms and conditions to address, you garbage retard. Stop talking if you don't know what you're talking about
dronies having a bitch fit over this kek
I just emailed David zaslav and told him that CM punk doesn't work there anymore so we'll see who is right and who is wrong.
Why are you so angry?
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>The report at one point refers to AEW as "second-tier wrestling"
No they aren't, no one cares lol
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>AEW TV Deal
If they get kicked off WBD but sign with another network, the cope will be
>But I thought drones said AEW would never get another TV deal?

If they stay on WBD but for less money, the cope will be
>But I thought drones said WBD would dump AEW, what happened?

If Dynamite stays on WBD but Rampage/Collision get cancelled or move to another channel
>But I thought drones said moving channels didn't mean being cancelled

There's always an excuse, there's always a nebulous group of "drones" to point to rather than face reality. And the reality is that every day AEW holds out, the lower in dollars their deal gets, the more likely it is to have option years, escalators, opt-outs and other gimmicks.

The first number you see announced when AEW signs a new deal will be the fakest shit you've ever heard in your life. After a day or two it will become clear they got fleeced, and that Tony Khan fucked up by not just agreeing to terms in March/April
TNT actually cancelled dynamite a few years ago
What happened to the reported final take it or leave it deal from earlier in the year?
I know there's a huge amount of coping involved in AEW fandom, but if these numbers are legit (and it's a big if, as all other reports have been total bullshit) then Tony got fleeced. Either he's signing his dad up for another 5 years of losses, or he's going to have to start making cuts. I wouldn't be making any big purchases right now, if I was one of AEW's legions of overpaid midcard shitters.
Pigs coping

kek based election memeing
Someone post the screenshot of NutDrainer saying they would a billion dollar deal
Looking forward to more years of your years. Smackdown got cancelled btw
>he thinks Zaslav lets poors email him
170M just for WBD TV is better than 200M a year for everything retard
NXT got a better deal
keep copin' copin' copin' copin' WHAT

>they would a

kek piggies already melting
>TV deal is the only source of income

e-drones are the goddamn stupidest motherfuckers on the planet. Thanks Lachlan.
No they didnt you fucking retard
Rovert is so mad that Tony Kwab is getting fleeced his only reply is calling out a typo. Grim
That's not a typo.
You're right. A typo is you saying AEW would get a billy when it's actually a milly
lmao they're havin' a melty
That wouldn’t be a typo either.
2 more weeks
kek they're so fucking stupid. No wonder Lachlan cancelled them and then cancelled them faster.
>Zaz’s strategy
Just two more weeks we promise this time.
>more years of your years
You want to know how I know you were incredibly upset when you typed this?
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>four more years
Tony won
raped daughter?
Slopdown got CANCELLED
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Yeah right
He gonna file for bankruptcy again
Bitchtits is so far gone he considers one of the worst things that could happen to someone on pair with the amount of torment he feels when someone is making fun of WWE.
Tony won
Bitchoff lost
Simple as
>Looking forward to more years of your years
Lay off the own brand supermarket vodka, Wheels
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No MAX deal then?
How do we spin this one SCjerk Bros...
'fraid not. They didn't want second tier wrestling on their streaming service.
Ah, so THIS is why Porkwheels is desperately spamming unhinged threads about WWE. Sounds like Tony took whatever scraps that WBD was willing to throw him.
Can we get a suicide hotline sticky pl0x ? Edrones are NOT going to have a good week. We need to save as many of them as possible. Sticky Nao
We've been hearing shit like this for over a year. Why didn't we hear about this stuff when WWE was shopping for a deal? It just got announced out of nowhere.
Why is everything leaking lmao

WWE always has the leak happen AFTER the deal is done but everything is know about AEW negotiations before it's even finished
Last time you trannies said this Puck guy was legentil activity and that nothing he said could be trusted due to his connections to nick khan
So what are you gonna do when September ends without AEW getting renewed? Claim October will be the month that it really, for real, no really, gets renewed? And what happens when it doesn't get renewed then, either?
May 28th, 2024 I'm afraid
You realise Puck isn't a person you fucking retard?
"Puck guy" refers to a guy who works for Puck

You're welcome
Sounds like this must be an undeniably great deal then if even a WWE shill is hyping it
Tony is getting 200m a year for dynamite and collision. Rampage is cancelled. Fox is getting a 2hr show for 50m a year. Tony is getting a third dynamite hour. Roh is on trutv
Just... just fuck off dude
You linked an article written by somebody completely different than OP
>Insiders are telling me that a formal announcement could come as soon as next week
Just two more weeks
Wow this is great news! Could you link me to the official announcement? Im wondering when ill be able to watch aew on max
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30 second Google search
The deal doesn't exist lil bro. These dirtsheet retards don't understand that WBD is a publicly traded company which means if they renew AEW then they have to immediately announce it. They can't renew it and then keep it under wraps until some arbitrary later date. No announcement of a deal means there is no deal. It's September 17th and AEW still hasn't been renewed.
Lol https://puck.news/podcast_episode/a-wwe-business-smackdown-with-nick-khan/
Drones are SHOOK
Correct. That's what I said. This Puck guy is some dirtsheet merchant or entertainment industry equivalent who doesn't understand that WBD is publicly traded.
so still no dealy?
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how did this retard think it would get 1bn, it barely gets more than nxt that just got like 50m max
Still no dealy.
wait so smackdowns new deal is more than its old deal?

so much for cancelled huh..
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>this Puck guy
this is true but you cant ignore the stats, the aew ratings are tumbling and you cant hide that.
The cope from drones is already amazing. Renewal day is going to see the biggest meltdowns ever.
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Kek. Okay, this Ourand guy. Sorry, I only just barely skimmed through the OP because none of this is actually important so I made an error. Wait, don't tell me you actually care about all this... Do you? That's kinda sad ngl
When is Renewal Day?
>Renewal day
When's that again? Two more weeks?
HAHAHAHA look at the anxiety from drone one and two
meltzer said any day now 4 months ago
So you don't know when Renewal Day is?
What is wrong with you tranny?
Nah I just know its coming. You sitting there all shakey knowing its any day now KEK
>Nah I just know its coming.
Only two things say this: literal cults and your mom when she's sucking my dick.
>O...On..Only two fings. Your mo..ACK
HAHAHAHA way to expose yourself
Tayleigh cucked you.
>Tayleigh cucked you.
Literally who?
Lmao why did you stop spamming her ops when she got a boyfriend you dumb faggot. Truth Muke
>170 million a year
>six shows (2 on TBS, 2 on TNT, 2 on Tru Tv)
This is going to be such a mess. At least he finally got ROH on tv like he wanted
E-Titan here, Puck is legitimately one of the most important Hollywood trades, that said, $170 Milly per year for 5 shows (Dynaslop, Rampig, Hogllision, Hogwave, Overweight) is only $34 Milly per show, so NXT numbers
>"second-tier wrestling"
>no max
>nowhere near a billy
>less than five years

Aewtists should be wishing this is fake news.
That’s not going to cover their contracts kek
Erm actually, the correct term is "Puck Boi"
tony is only spending around a 100 milly a year on roster wages
Correction: 6 shows per year according to the article, so $28 Milly per show a year, compared to Smackdown's $480 Milly per year
No. Hell no. He spent a million just on Bryan’s dumb song per show. His spending is insane .

You’re not even counting the roh shitters he uses from time to time that aren’t on contracts . People who show up for a rampage taping and collect 4 digits per show.
Do you have a source for that information?
I'm dubious that 680 million covers operating costs for 4 years. you can't convince me he spends less than 170 per year. But maybe thats the point. Break even so you can play toys on turner tv
common sense, 2nd hand reports, addition and multiplication. 3 digit iq may also be required
Someone got hold of some tax filings for a PPV where it was stated that they were paying 2 million a week to the wrestlers. Meltzer extrapolated the number to that yearly figure even though many on the roster are on per appearance payments and some of them also appeared on tv, increasing their payment for that week. Meltzer is off and the yearly figure has to be considerably lower.
take the top 10 contracts and add em up. evps, Jericho, moxley, ospreay, mone, swerve, mjf etc.. is that 25 million or closer to 40? then take the next 40 contracts and assume they are in the 150-500k range. you are already at 50 million easily on 1/3 of the roster. and we haven't even got to the undercard/jobbers/in the toy box/roh/contractors.
you have no idea how much any of them are making and having been proven to be a complete loon and WRONG about everything, bitchtits, walk away quietly into well-earned insignificance and it will be better for us all
Stop samfaggoting
stop breathing
you think the top 10 guys are making less than 2.5 million a year average? we know some are making 4-5. lol lmao even. industry standard shit, pea brain. I bet jobbers like rush and buddy matthews are making 450k/year easily. kek what a non business shittily run toy box fed. 100 mil is a conservative estimate per year
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>contracts range from 150k to 500k
NO ONE and i mean no one in AEW has a contract at 150k. Youre fucking delusional. Bare minimum for contracted AEW shitters is 300k.

You’re not even accounting for production costs and producers.

Mark Henry was making 300k a year for doing nothing .
sorry for having restraint in my shitposting guy but the point stands. Even at conservative estimates it can't be less than 100 million. 150k is probably the top flight/private party level contracts
Take into account that TK proudly also pays for everyone's travel, lodgings, etc.
Unless TK's plan is to just piss away all his inheritance with no goal of return, there's no way the fed is coming out of the red without some major cuts.
>pays for everyone's travel
he literally just got sued for not paying for some shitters' plane tickets then firing them kwab
piggiE cope is reaching levels of pathetic previously thought impossible
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See you’re using reason which Tony has none. He’s overpaid everyone on AEW contracts because the WWE contracts have the benefit of merchandise for their downside guarantee contracts.

In WWE no one looks at their yearly estimate because your merch will go over your downside. The merch machine in WWE is on another level with toys, video games and clothing. The global reach they have is ridiculous. AEW doesn’t have that. So Tony has to pay the talent higher.

Top flight without that merch incentive are
Making 300k each. I have to remind that Tony is retarded.
>source: my broken brain
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I’ve listened to plenty of talent over the years explain how they made money on their WWE contracts and AEW talent talk about their contracts . It’s called research fatso .

Sasha will sell more merch on the WWE platform than she ever did on the AEW platform as Mone. Her AEW contract is fatter on the downside versus WWE. Simple as

Lose weight
does Tony pay these faggots to care for his shitty fed?
>I listened to some carnies totally tell the truth on a podcast about how much money they make cause I'm a slop addicted queer
wow good job great research. let's see ya show your work to the claim that top flight are "Making 300k each"
No, actually, FRB was just shitting on them last week, but he's not a complete retard that's impervious to reality unlike you
>gets paywall content for free
>still bitches about it
>Zaz moves: These days, David Zaslav is putting some of that $1.5 billion that he saved on the NBA to use. First there was the French Open deal, then the Savannah Bananas broadcast agreement, plus the CFP, Mountain West football and Big East basketball pacts. Now I’m told that Warner Bros. Discovery is close to finalizing a package to renew Shahid and Tony Khan’s All Elite Wrestling. (The Khans, of course, also own the Jacksonville Jaguars.) Insiders are telling me that a formal announcement could come as soon as next week, barring any last-minute challenges. It looks like it will be a four-year deal (three years guaranteed, plus an option), and the $170 million per year number floating around wrestling message boards is apparently in the ballpark.

>According to the parameters of the agreements, AEW matches will air on TNT, TBS, and TruTV twice a week—further evidencing Zaz’s strategy of making the latter two networks more valuable and sports-oriented in the cable bundle as the potency of TNT declines sans professional basketball rights. Can WBD survive the renewal wars with a year-round sports lineup that includes October baseball, March Madness, the Stanley Cup, NASCAR, some college football and basketball, a little tennis, made-for-TV golf matches, fake baseball, and now second-tier wrestling? We’re about to find out!

>Meanwhile, this deal marks a clear success for AEW, which launched five years ago with a threshold WBD deal. AEW is also pitching another package, primarily to broadcast channels. There’s no timetable for when AEW will start to push that deal.
No mention of MAX regarding library or PPVs
If its involved, but not mentioned in these figures, thats good
If its involved and these figures include it, thats bad
If its not involved, thats bad.

The "broadcast channel" thing is most likely Shockwave/Fox which is most likely a 1 hr show on FS1. No clue if its live or pre-taped, day or timeslot, or potential Tubi component.
Basically sounds like the replacement for Rampage

Is Dynamite expanding to 3 hours? Thats another hour of live tv broadcast production costs
Is Collision still going to be live? Now they're booking two arenas per week and running 5 hours of live tv production a week.
is something getting bumped to TruTV? even if it looks bad for optics, AEW diehards will watch it wherever and WBD knows this. They can use the loyalty to prop up TruTV's overall viewership
3 networks for AEW "twice a week" - sounds like one of those channels is going to be for off-peak replays
Are we getting more reality tv slop? probably

WBD is taking a shorter commitment than the first deal AND letting exclusivity lapse.
AEW has 3 years to turn ratings and attendance around in order to make themselves "can't miss out on"
Its possible but how would Tiny Khan pull it off? with what tricks in his bag?

AEW spends *a lot* on twice-weekly arena bookings, twice-weekly production costs (including all the music licensing), and talent contracts, which includes salaried office benefits for a handful. Is this deal offsetting all those expenses AND bigging in profits?
The 3/4 years is a mixed blessing. Imagine the state of cable in 2029.
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Imagine paying that much for programming that is losing 80-100k viewers per year, no wonder the network is dying
slopdown got more and they just lost a full milly kek
>second-tier wrestling
second tier cope
>If its involved, but not mentioned in these figures, thats good
Fightful published a report this morning that leans in this direction.

>Sources we've spoken to at AEW say that things have been tight lipped about the future of the deal, and that talent has not been privy to the details of AEW's TV future, or the future of PPVs. However, several on both sides that we've spoken to believe that the MAX/PPV and streaming deals very well could be separate from the amount outlined by Ourand, and a part of a different deal the two sides are working on.
by comparison, wwe is much better equipped for the landscape and already has a foot out on the door on cable

Raw is moving to the biggest paywalled streamer
NXT is on broadcast which is not going away. CW will circle the drain and if it's owners are willing to keep the channel going then NXT will stick around and deliver steady viewership

Smackdown is the B show and maintaining the loyalty to USA/NBC.
It's most likely leaving Fridays once Raw is gone and it might go to 3 hours.
Plus WWE has a good peacock deal for another two years and season primetime SNMEs coming on NBC. USA/NBC will hold onto WWE however they can even if it means SD eventually moves to Peacock
>"Watch AEW, we're the Cleveland of wrestling!"
You moved away from Copenhagen, skipped Seethenhagen, and went right to Dilatenhagen
>could be
>still working on a deal
If WBD is ready to put pen to paper without it, it doesn't feel like a good thing.

Feels like they know Max is losing money and AEW isn't the gamechanger it needs to turn it around. With Zaslav still wanting to bundle with ParamountPlus, Venu getting tangled in a lawsuit and the money they're making licensing stuff back out to Netflix and Tubi, Max isnt a priority for anything they dont own 100% (harry potter GoT, DC etc)

Live sports streaming is expensive as hell and might cost a lot more money for Max
And cable is more of a high priority dumpster fire for WBD after losing NBA

Also Sapp doesn't know shit and just parrots whatever spin he's given by his AEW buddies
Max is doing great
I heard that PEDOwheels tried killing himself after finding out that Smackdown (the show he was saying was cancelled) is making more money than every AEW show combined. Can anyone confirm?
Great news for the Jew banks that own TKO
Because he's an E-drone who banked on AEW's failure and is now coping with the reality that he was wrong
you can sense the pulsating purple vein throbbing on these e-drones obese foreheads as they typed this
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No I just made it up because I hate AEW
>source: TK mindbroke me

Do you think TV is their only source of income?
kek more of these please
Max is doing great without live sports. It only just recently started turning a profit. Trying to live stream sports -- which cost a lot more in production expenses and bandwidth management is expensive -- and MAx's recent profit turnaround might not be enough to offset it. Not to mention, every sports league would want to negotiate Max streaming profits into their deals which would drastically increase the cost of all these replacement-NBA deals that Zaslav is spending.

And again, Max is doing well with content that WBD owns 100% of. Unless they buy AEW, they would have to split profits and it might not be enough
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>Max is doing great
>Do you think TV is their only source of income?

how much money do you think live ticket sales, PPV buyrates on Triller and merch (lol) are generating?
Enough (to make you seethe)
That's nothing big picture. They'll profitable and about to go global.
you're too afraid to give a real number lmao
multiple millions easily
merch and ppv print money
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>They'll profitable and about to go global.
Good morning sirs
>asking google
holy fuck get your ged
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What you're saying is all common sense to anyone who isn't a crippled retard

AEW's payroll costs are out of control and Tony doesn't care. The idea that guys like Adam Cole, Samoa Joe, Darby Allin, etc, are all making 300k a year while Santos Escobar is making 350k is nonsense. The vast majority of those guys are much closer to (or over) 1 million than they are to $500k. Add in raises for Toni Storm, Swerve, Jungle Jackoff, Pockets, etc, and he's already spent the new TV/Streaming/PPV money. It's already gone.
more dronie seethe-motivated wishcasting, you absolutely LOVE to see it!!!
This is an extremely low quality post. Is there a reason you aren't discussing professional wrestling right now?

If you disagree with my professional wrestling analysis, feel free to chime in. Thanks.
You have no idea what their finances are. You don't even budget your own household.
Squealing over a bunch of random numbers that were dreamt up in your latest schizophrenic delusion brought on by the mental anguish of AEW simply existing is not "analysis"

Seek meds then acquire a GED
You know the fired grocery store bagger is really mad when he starts talking about GEDs. On the plus side it's better than him talking about eating his father's cum LMFAO
Sounds like you're taking my comments incredibly personally instead of breaking them down like a thinking man would. Do you have some kind of brain disorder stopping you from discussing professional wrestling finances? Or are you just that lazy and overly emotional?

See above. It's not my fault you're a brain-damaged and profoundly stupid individual who can't win arguments - even hypothetical ones - and has to resort to a whole litany of faggy comments and logical fallacies.

If you aren't here to discuss wrestling, get the fuck out.
bro waffles from acting like a hedge fund manager and then spamming gay rape fantasies
Yep, that's a no billy from me
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That plus the ppv streaming deal and fox show means it will just kick over to a billy for 4 years. Tony now has to make this shit popular within 4 years or he's screwed
Look how retarded their fans are. They're so intellectually lazy, they have to combine every single person who disagrees with them under the same umbrella - sometimes, the same individual identity - because they're too stupid to address individual ideas and trains of thought.

Who in their right mind would give AEW a billion dollars when their fans are this dull? It's not a thinking man's wrestling promotion - it's a promotion for losers who just want to see women slap each others' tits and men cut their faces open with razors.
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dry your eyes mate
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Never beating the low IQ allegations

Feels good to be an E-King and get to watch my favorite promotion on Network, Cable and Streaming.
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womp womp
Huge if big
If only edrones took Mike Skinner's advice. But none of them are fit and they know it
many pedophiles are saying this
No dealy?
this. also means aew will be around til 2030. no idea how they can cope with that.
Sounds like plenty of opportunities to bait AEW fans. The best is I just x out the thread and don't come back to it. Love doing that.
sounds like a miserable existence, you must not have a lot going on
the diabetes will take many of them before that
>Sounds like a good excuse to never meet friends or have sex!
170 million a year won’t even cover payroll. AEW is fucked if they don’t get the billy
Are you retarded?
>People who disagree with me? No sex, I'm afraid
>People who agree with me? Shitpost while getting head from models
I'm not a mentally-stunted child btw I am a grown man
The estimated worth of 5 billion in 2044 is 3.5 billion in 2024. WWE is going to get raped.
>170m a year for four years
Lol AEW can't reach 700 in the millions either
>People who brag about "opportunities to bait AEW fans"
>No sex, I'm afraid
If the opportunities were plentiful, you wouldn't have to spend very much time doing it, now would you?
Such a childish game to play, that everyone who disagrees with you is all the worst things you can imagine.
It's quite literally the way a 12 year old child views the world.
you sound gay fr
>can't stop talking about children
gross man
No deal I’m afraid. Can’t find it anywhere. If someone does find it, please post it so the carnage can’t stop.
What other segments of the population are "gross" to talk about? Who else do you spend all day thinking about in a "gross" manner when they're brought up? I think you may need an intervention.
>What other segments of the population are "gross" to talk about?
edrones, naturally
Are e-drones in the room with you right now?
nah he'd smell em a mile away
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not really. it's barely an increase from their last deal.
This trannoid already shaking about what Bischoff will say
>2.4X is barely an increase
It's not much especially considering how much the value of the dollar has decreased since 2019. It was supposed to be a billion dollar deal, remember?
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>second-tier wrestling company
OP clearly says $170 million per year.
you are here
170M just for WBD TV is huge
$70m was the initial deal, they’ve since added new shows and got an escalator for the option year. They’re probably getting $110m this year at the bare minimum. So yeah this is barely an increase.
>getting an increase
>with ratings cut in half
Is Tony carnying WBD?
I feel like you're the type of person that unaccompanied women wouldn't be safe around.

We won't be able to find it, nobody wants to cave to Tony's demands and all his leaking to the dirtsheets and to Puck isn't helping.

You don't become a $60,000,000,000 corporation (well, 20 now kek) by not doing your due diligence. You don't even need to hire high-priced consultants - just to go to any wrestling forum on the internet, AEW fans themselves say Rampage/Collision are dogshit. So if you're WBD, do you even want those shows any more? Probably not. Was there any sustained effort over the last 2, 4, 6 months to make both shows must-watch? Not at all. What are they bidding on then, exactly? One good show and two piles of shit?
70M is the estimated current deal from Wrestlenomics
What happens if/when Zaslave gets fired?
Insider talk is that he's not going anywhere.
I dunno, I remember people saying that Zaslav getting hired meant the end of AEW though
The aewtist logic is they are going to pay Tony double for half the results. It doesn’t make any sense at all, considering WBD is fighting for survival. Can you imagine if Paul was wearing a Netflix hat before any deal was officially announced? TKO would throw a fit. Tony is a fucking idiot for all of the stunts he is pulling right now.
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kek it DO be like that. I LOVE laughing at AEW lmao
Tony isn't part of a publicly traded company so he can be a troll asshole all he wants
Vince did shit like that all the time before he had shareholders
But WBD is and he is in failed negotiations with them. Just because he can be a cunt and piss in his little sandbox does not mean he has the same power elsewhere>>15844308
Pretty sure he's just being a smug prick
Imagine thinking Tiny Con has one-tenth the charisma of pre-dementia Vince
he does have a lot more natural charisma, but that never really showed until he was an older man
when he was 40 like tony is he was kind of a dork too

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