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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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Why is there no longer any star power left in wrestling? Where is the Rock, Austin, Hogan, Undertaker, Cena of today that makes people want to actually tune in weekly? No wonder wrestling is dying and nobody watches this shit anymore
>Rock, Austin, Hogan, Undertaker, Cena
Roman and Cody are bigger stars than all of them. They've drawn more money
Refusing to acknowledge the overness and drawing power of current wrestlers just makes you sound like a boomer
>drawing power
Hearty kek
MJF v Cole drew more paying fans than any match during the Monday Night Wars
It's because (((they))) are cucking our fine spot.
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Holy fuck he actually said the line LMAOOOOO
Vince and his golden boy Cena did a lot of damage.
>Jew manlet vs white skinnyfat midget
Times change, anon.
Too many people on this site have some naieve belief that everything is or should be in perpetuity & culturrs & interests don't shift as history moves on
WWE went to great expense to make sure wrestling is about the brand instead of the individuals after a bunch of individuals jumped ship and tried to be famous outside of and at the expense of WWE.
there is no longer star power anywhere brother, think of the action stars from the 80s, there are no Arnolds or Stallones now either, the last man that you can think of as a star is probably Tom Cruise and he's what? 60? This is mostly because there's nothing hidden now, back then people used to wonder how these people were like in real life, how they lived, what they ate etc. Now since everybody is an influencer there's no more stars, the only movies that even get close to being considered a hit are all nostalgiabaits.
And it outdrew every single wrestling event that happened in the lifespan of Nitro.
Rock, Gosling, Hemsworth, Gyllenhaal, Marky Mark, etc
a jew tool, a jew, and literally who? try again faggot
Yea so literally just like Arnold and Stallone and Cruise which is exactly what you asked despite the fact that you clearly can't even count past 3.
In Movies too.
Where is the Aura? Only roman has it.
And all he needed for that aura was for the company to blow him for a decade.
Joshipedos have been unhinged for the last two weeks is there a suicide in the Joshi world they are trying to hide?
paul and tony are shit bookers so there will never be another star

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