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is the "boom period" cooling off?
i'm afraid so
End of the year is always the worst time for WWE

Survivor series has always been trash and nothing important happens until the rumble. Especially with HHH booking
>End of the year
It's September. Any other year we'd be a few weeks removed from Summerslam which used to be WWE's second biggest show of the year. If this is what you're trying to normalize now then what the fuck are things going to look like by December
Slopdown is cancelled.
what the fuck is wrong with that cat!!!!!!
you tell me
WWE are entering into a trio of fully-guaranteed 5-year contracts, they have zero reason or incentive to spaz out and bring in Kurt Angle and Taylor Swift and throw millions around to pop a rating or sell out a show. They didn't have a flop of a video game and now they need 50+ new legends or the next game will flop again. It's all business as usual.

You'll have to ask AEW and other promotions why they are flailing so badly, why they aren't shaking things up, why they're so boring all the time and attendance is cratering - they're the ones without TV deals.
Holy fucking seethe
>they're the ones without TV deals.
What's Raw's tv deal looking like by the way?
The boom period never existed, it was astroturfed harder than Kamala Harris' campaign.
Raw is not a company, WWE is a company. Would you like to ask me about WWE's TV deals? Or would you like to be a little faggot and play word games instead?
WWE signed a huge deal with Netflix because they saw that streaming is the future. Same reason NBA dropped WBD by the way.
>Or would you like to be a little faggot and play word games instead?
That's literally what you just did though.
He just saw a BBC
no not really, this part of the year is always the low point. but the shows are still good and they are still selling 10k tickets for every episode of raw and smackdown which is insane. i don't think much can really fuck over this momentum unless something catastrophically bad happens in wwe like cody being killed
E-drones coping hard this morning.
they are not even doing anything after Summerslam. Same thing happened last year.
>Raw is not a company, WWE is a company
And companies don't get tv deals. Individual shows do you dipshit
So Raw has no tv deal then? Got it
>Same thing happened last year.
They did and it was the worst stretch of WWE tv in a good handful of years
Easy to tell that WWE is succeeding when the detractors have to resort to bad faith arguments.
WWE had over 24,000 fans attend their last two TV shows, which is massive

Unfortunately, fans of other promotions are either too poor afford tickets to shows or too stupid to figure out how to get days off work attend them, so that's dragging the entire industry down

WWE is doing their part, everyone else just sucks too much to pull their own weight.
Nobody is authorized to sign a TV deal on behalf of "Smackdown" - the signature on the contract is from a WWE employee or authorized agent

It really is sad, this is all they have. Sitting around for literally hours on end, every single day, playing these gay ass word games and wasting everyone's time. They have zero curiosity whatsoever, nothing going on upstairs. They hate fantasy booking, they hate discussing storylines, they hate discussing finances, they hate literally everything that involves thinking and analysis. Profoundly stupid people.
>when the detractors have to resort to bad faith arguments.
As opposed to spending all year saying AEW has been canceled and WBD isn't renewing? Or is it just not fun when it's aimed back your way
>Nobody is authorized to sign a TV deal on behalf of "Smackdown" - the signature on the contract is from a WWE employee or authorized agent
The WWE show Smackdown is what USA signed on for. USA doesn't just give WWE a network deal and timeslot and say hey put whatever the hell you want in this. The deal is made for specific shows. For how much you retards talk about ratings and network deals you'd think you would at least know that much
I wouldn’t know.
i legitimately stopped watching when Cody Rhodes beat Roman for the title.
If they changed the name from Smackdown to something else, the deal would remain in place. Once again, you're being a retarded asshole just to be one, not to prove a certain point. Once again:

>You'll have to ask AEW and other promotions why they are flailing so badly, why they aren't shaking things up, why they're so boring all the time and attendance is cratering - they're the ones without TV deals.

WWE already has 3 new media rights deals done. AEW is still negotiating, TNA is stuck with their parent company's much smaller AXS channel, and most other wrestling promotions have no TV deal whatsoever - they have some garbage collection of YouTube, Triller or other crap streaming websites.

Continuing to make stupid fuck comments about Raw and Smackdown does nothing whatsoever to dispel the notion that WWE is not still in a boom period. It clearly is, and the numbers that you refuse to discuss - because you want to play games - bear that out.
The difference is that you sound like someone who is being retaliatory, and someone who refuses to take any amount of criticism without lashing out. Raw+Smackdown signed new agreements 11+ months before they were set to begin; we are about 3 1/2 months from AEW's deal ending, and we have heard nothing - and that's on top of the fact they had the entire first 8 months or so of 2023 to negotiate before WBD decided to unilaterally exercise their option year instead.

It is clear that for the last 18+ months, WBD and AEW have been far apart on their idea of what AEW deserves, and yet when confronted with this, AEW fan constantly goes into some faggoty mix of "Yeah well what do you know" "You're not in TV" "You don't work in finance" "Get a GED" and all this other derailing garbage instead of just discussing the topic. They do it as if they're specifically being paid to stop fans from discussing certain topics and it's really fucking weird, it honestly is.

None of us here are professional wrestling historians, we still talk about what we liked about past matches and feuds. None of us here are talent scouts and modeling agents, we still have our preferences on which girls are hot and which don't do it for us. If you don't want to take part in any specific conversations, it costs you nothing to shut the fuck up and let other people have their fun. I don't go shitting up NJPW generals or Marigold generals and even when the TEW/E-Fed stuff pops up, guess what, I don't go shitting those up either.

If the conversation makes you uncomfortable because you aren't qualified, or aren't smart enough to figure things out on the fly, then stop talking and go somewhere else.


Don't be this guy who copy/pastes the same thing dozens of times just to be a prick and waste everyone's time.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, the WWE is on fire.
The boom period was always a propaganda piece founded on how much money the WWE was carnying out of ticket-buying retards.
It’s just football season. Dwayne will come back in January and it will be red hot again
Think it was 5 BILLION dollars but sure being on TV is more important than money, boomer
It's so obvious the WWE fans just needle AEW fans because they're easy targets. A little avoidance by the AEW fans on this board would go a long way. They always take the bait, always flip out like petulant children, and are always the butt of the joke.
Then they complain when threads about declining WWE attendance or ratings are ignored by WWE fans.
Take a fuckin hint.
>It's OK when NFL does it
>It's OK when MLB does it
>It's OK when NHL does it
>It's OK when MLS does it
>It's OK when NBA does it
>It's OK when UFC does it
>It's OK when Boxing does it
>It's OK when Taylor Swift do it
>It's OK when Springstein does it
>It's OK when U2 does it
>It's not OK when WWE does it
>greentexts a bunch of things I didn't say in lieu of a counter-argument
Thanks for proving me right, I guess.
The lesser known Bruce who plays the Catskills
>If they changed the name from Smackdown to something else, the deal would remain in place. Once again, you're being a retarded asshole just to be one, not to prove a certain point. Once again:
If this Friday they aired two hours of Total Divas episodes instead of Smackdown but the tv listing stayed the same they would be in a severe breach of contract. It's not just the name of the show
I honestly don't get it, on here and on other places as well. If it the post/tweet/tiktok makes you that mad, that upset that all you have to offer is a string of insults and nothing to refute/counter what was said, then just don't say anything. If you really want to insult the person, then do it...but at least have the decency to address the topic while insulting them

Most of the loudest shit talkers on here despise AEW fans 10x more than AEW itself - and that's if they/we even despise AEW at all, and aren't just working a /pw/ gimmick. I think AEW has an incredible amount of potential, but AEW's biggest fans have become zombified and obstinate.

"I don't care how much it makes or the ratings"
"I just want good wrestling matches"
"They don't want to make wrestling for children, they want to be different"

That's nice, but those of us who want AEW to stick around understand that revenue, TV ratings, social media views, custom entrance music, families going to the shows, higher ticket prices, quality/quantity of merchandise, mobile/console games, are all incredibly important to AEW's long-term future. Talk shit about "bitchtits" all you want, but leave the rest of us out of it when we clearly aren't on that bullshit.
Brother if you think I'm wasting more than 10 seconds reading your wall of double standards and seethe then you should start drafting up another page of cope
The contract would state the general description of the show, 2 hours of live content including interviews and in-ring wrestling action. There is about a 0.00001% likelihood that changing the name of the show from Smackdown to something else - while presenting the exact same kind of show that Smackdown was previously - would be a breach of any contract. And you know all of this but you're being pedantic for some reason, and it's a waste of my time and yours.

It's not carnying and it's not ripping anyone off to charge the ticket prices that customers are willing to pay. It makes zero sense to put tickets for sale for $50 knowing scalpers will immediately buy them all up and mark them up to $400. As a company or performer or sports team, you should imply sell the tickets for $400.

Nobody owes it to families to make things affordable. McDonalds is not going to lower the price of a Big Mac to $1.25 because that's the average of what a homeless person makes an hour from scrapping bottles and cans. If families don't want to spend $250 for WWE tickets, they can go spend $250 for Disney on Ice or whatever other crap is in town.
The difference between me and you is, when you call other people low IQ, you're just being a faggot and a lazy retard. When I call people low IQ, they're actually retarded and unable to do things like read at the speed a normal, educated human can read.

If you don't have a response, just say that. I don't care. I'm not here for you personally, I don't know or give a fuck who you are. Other people exist in this world and on this board, you know. And if they'd like to talk professional wrestling, I'm right here to discuss it.
>The difference between me and you is
That I actually understand this is an anonymous image board not to be taken even sort of remotely seriously while you're writing entire dissertations because you have nothing else going on in your life?
e-drones having to slow down their spending so they can use the rest of their welfare bucks in 2024 on the annual Funko Pops buying spree
frayed sew
the resident dronie pseudo int is weighing in i see
lol are there actual humans that need professional wrestling to be hot in order to enjoy it?
Go do something meaningful in your life and feel validated from that
>Why does it take you 45 minutes to do your jogging for the day?
>I can get mine done in only 15
I don't think you're ever going to get it
Smarter than you'll ever be, which is why you run every time professional wrestling is being discussed.

And you know why I have to constantly type out the phrase professional wrestling too, because you're that cowardly and weak and afraid of confrontation.

I'm glad I'm not like you and never will be, would be a miserable existence.
get yelled at by the manager again today? customer take out the fry cooks failures on you? you know, a GED would do someone like you wonders, open up a lot of opportunities in life.
Still no wrestling discussion? There's plenty to choose from, just scroll up.

Though I can imagine why you have to keep coming back to the same 2 insults you use 740 times a year, it's what you're comfortable with. And autists like you don't like going outside of your comfort zone.
not interested in watching you spaz out after you get BTFO and claim that people are too scared to go talk about wrestling with you on instagram or whatever you cry about for the thousandth time. just get a small kick out of the seethe when you get told you're a fuckin pseudo int loser lol.
Here, do this one.

"I don't care how much it makes or the ratings"
"I just want good wrestling matches"
"They don't want to make wrestling for children, they want to be different"

That's nice, but those of us who want AEW to stick around understand that revenue, TV ratings, social media views, custom entrance music, families going to the shows, higher ticket prices, quality/quantity of merchandise, mobile/console games, are all incredibly important to AEW's long-term future

Don't act like a fag like you usually would 98% of the time - instead, for once in your miserable life, be productive. Explain why AEW fans shouldn't worry about ratings or attendance or AEW having mainstream appeal.
explain why despite all your crying and squealing about ratings and revenue it appears AEW is about to lock in an amazing deal that will keep it around for years to come and not die like you've been predicting in your boring, god awful essays here for months

everyone else was right and you were wrong, move on
plenty of wrestling conversations on other platforms, btw. Just not on /pw/ because it's designed for little faggots like you to hide out and refuse to discuss anything - and then when you get called out, you just pretend to be someone else.

Any website or app with a message history, anyone and everyone can see your faggy behavior and call it out. Which explains why you hide on here, acting like a cowardly little pussy instead.
>it appears
>about to
Lots of couching there, my fatass faggot projecting friend. And you can't link to my "essays" predicting death or failure because they don't exist. You dislike that my ideas for AEW are much more developed and nuanced than anything you're able to come up with, and that's despite you being a rabid fanboy while I'm just a casual enjoyer. I guess I'd be personally offended too if I made defending AEW my entire identity like you.
not sure how it's possible but you are somehow more pathetic than bitchtits lmao
Yes but thats cause the world is heading into a great depression/World War next year
yeah i'd be deflecting too if i were you. turns out no one cares about your ideas for AEW and they would prefer if you didn't watch it and proceed to shit up discussion about it online by being a retard. deal was done without you and the product is better off without you watching or commenting on it. spend that time getting your GED instead.
oregonites are legit methheads/fentheads so the chances of them buying a ticket to a live event are slim
WWE has sucked shit since post-Wrestlemania. Bloodline stories for another year ain't gonna fix it either
The boom period ended in 2002
You reply to yourself upwards to 40 times in threads, you are now lashing out because he nailed you down perfectly. I think not spending literal hours talking to yourself in a thread is a great place to start in how now to be seen as a massive faggot retard.
touched a nerve did we
I'm not sure, maybe try replying to me 10 more times.
Weird, cuz I somehow was bitchtits like an hour ago >>15842936
I'm someone else now?

I refer you to: >>15844001
I discuss professional wrestling on several other websites, and you being a faggot on here isn't going to stop me. If you saw some of the names that follow/like my comments, you shoot might kill yourself. Or more likely, you'd just be a giant faggot about it and throw a hissy fit.

You know who I am and what I'm about. You know I don't respond with 4 word comments. Every time you lump me in with someone else when you know it's not me, you know exactly what you're doing. And more importantly, every time you run from wrestling discussion because you know you won't be able to have things your way, you won't be able to box me in, you won't be able to be the smartest man in the room......you know exactly what you're doing.

If you would simply humble yourself things could be a lot different. There's a lot of things I don't know, but you've given me no incentive to reveal those blind spots to you. Pity. If only you could mature for, what, 30 minutes tops, I would literally give up the goods for you to use against me for days, weeks, months, who knows.

But you can't even be mature for 30 minutes. It's that sad.
get your GED pal
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Feels good to know I can work you into a seething IRL hissy fit

My truthful story will continue to be told. WWE is hotter than ever. If only AEW could join the ranks, stop shitting it up and land a record TV deal, they could pave the way for TNA to move off AXS and potentially someone like MLW to get a deal.
>I don't think you're ever going to get it
You're right. I have zero clue what the hell you're rambling on about still
I agree with you
it's over
Football season.

Wait till Rock comes back.
I have watched WWE since 1996 so I wouldn't know.
It never boomed.
One fucking story into WM40, and it took until Summerslam for the dimes story with Drew and Punk to materialise.
fading not fully over
I predict a 30% cool off, they'll still maintain a strong presence barring any fuck ups
cody is a failed champ
I'm honestly okay with WWE cooling off in the latter part of the year because it lets me focus more on the holidays that I really love (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Also it cools off just in time for the NFL season to start up again so that's nice. I can understand why this sucks for people who aren't into holidays like I am, or ones who don't care about football.
There was no boom period. Not even for a moment this millennium.

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