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With Kenny and Okada, I 100% saw the hype.
This guy is actual dog shit though.
When is it Buddy's turn
Still Roman. Guy was given the world for 10 years and only made two of them interesting. Now everyone's jacking him off as the best ever just because he finally learned how to do his job after how many Mania main events and world titles?
Contrarianism doesn't make you cool, it just makes you look like a joyless moron.
Cena, Batista, Roddy Piper, Lex Luger,
People tend to distinguish Roman from his earlier era, though, so I can see that more readily, but as a whole I'd agree that Roman as a full package is very overrated.

I said I saw the hype in Kenny and Okada, you seething pleb, so it's not simple contrarianism.
>Contrarianism doesn't make you cooL
Neither does liking shitters lol
Cody is kinda vanilla.
Omega found the glitch to abuse the stars of david
Ospreay perfected that glitch
the glitch is just silly pwg spotfests but doubled in length
Kind of, not completely. He does love spotfests and dumb wrestling,
Dave is essentially the wrestling version of an ADHD gooner that needs high spots to stimulate his brain because he can't as easily process well-worked matches and doesn't care for the execution of moves, just that they're done in quantity.
Ospreay's execution has fucking nosedived after NJPW, half the shit he does doesn't even look good any more. The Young Bucks, too, very unathletic, they've for a while now moved slow as molasses, but Dave still values them highly. Dave ultimately has no mind for the proper execution of spots and that bleeds into him liking silly hokey shit which is what Ospreay has become.
Omega was/is actually as good as advertised though. Not gonna deny he benefited from being the first to get that giga push from Meltzer the way the did but he’s respected among his peers and plenty of legends in the business that aren’t AEW shills. Omega imo gets it. Okada…I have no excuse for. He worked amazingly in within the New Japan biome but has been hard to watch since leaving. Ospreay isn’t a story teller. He’s a circus performer. I think his matches with Omega showed me that given the right dance partner you can steer him and get some good out of him but left to his own devices he’s a bigger, white Ricochet that has like a minimal grasp on story telling that’s not reliant on his gifted athleticism.
>I think his matches with Omega showed me that given the right dance partner you can steer him and get some good out of him but left to his own devices he’s a bigger, white Ricochet that has like a minimal grasp on story telling that’s not reliant on his gifted athleticism.
Only the NJPW one, the AEW one was just a spot trade with a single good spot.
The NJPW match was fucking incredible because Omega did the impossible and got Will to sell heavy for an entire match.
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>Omega was/is actually as good as advertised though. Not gonna deny he benefited from being the first to get that giga push from Meltzer the way the did but he’s respected among his peers and plenty of legends in the business that aren’t AEW shills.
it's really telling to me that during omega's peak he had fucking stone cold and hogan talking him up because they were in awe of him
now in ospreay's peak he's getting even greater levels of glazing from meltzer and nobody seems to care, an absolute indictment of this astroturfed shitter that with all the industry props in the world he can't leave the bubble while omega got the WWE hall of fame marking out
>People tend to distinguish Roman from his earlier era, though
I can get that on one hand but pretending there wasn't more than half a decade of him being the worst thing in wrestling while being shoved in your face as much as possible all while failing upwards into Mania main event after Mania main event is wild to me. Is that not just sweeping his years and years of being shit under the rug because he's good now? Which don't get me wrong he is. I like Roman kek. You could go a lot further with it if you wanted because the truth of it is he's a nepobaby industry plant as well
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Ospreay is too low-IQ to put together a good match. His childlike mind thinks flips and convoluted spots are cool so that's what he does.
He's a wrestler for low-IQ to midwit Marvel and videogame fans - and like those kind of things it's a good barometer to work out whether a person is worth talking to or not.

As an aside Antonio Honda vs. Dick Togo is a perfect counterpoint to Meltzercore.
that was obviously just stone cold wanting sound like he had an inkling of an idea of the modern wrestling scene, trying to maintain his relevance. hogan I don't remember saying anything.
Austin isn't beholden to anyone, he's a rich as fuck retiree who still likes wrestling enough to engage with it and he was blown away by Omega/Okada
Hogan is the one you can apply that to, the guy who just wanted to cash in some good boy points by saying current popular non-WWE wrestler good. He said he believed Omega was the one guy who could become a legend in NA without WWE's backing.
no billy?
Overrated, but the king of the 2014 meme match still has some talent. When he finally figures out sawdusting himself for Tony Khan is pointless, WWE will scrub that outlaw mud show shitter into a diamond that makes some $$$.
I think Meltzer is just trolling his fanbase at this point, to see just how much pull he has over them. I bet even Dave didn't think he would be this successful. How many 5 star matches did Dave give this bum by now? 20? 30? LMAO.

Roman is overrated but he's rarely considered a great worker, and I've only ever seen SAARS pretending Roman is anywhere near the GOAT discussion.

You haven't seen enough of prime Piper. He stuck around wrestling for far too long, but he was possibly the most natural and convincing promo all time.
Zoomer hands typed this
Middle aged I'm afraid.
>You haven't seen enough of prime Piper
The only good WWF match I ever watched with Piper was against Bret Hart, the only other good matches I've seen him in were with Flair. They were obviously carrying him.
>the most natural and convincing promo all time.
Intense and energetic I'll give you but it was after all a Canadian pretending to be Scottish talking twaddle.
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i've never watched a second of AEW programming in my life and have only seen a couple of ospreay matches in japan
having said that, when HHH inevitably buys him out, you won't see threads like this anymore, just saying
OP here He's never going to WWE and I don't give a shit if he does or doesn't, he'd probably suck there too, but the complaint would be less so about his deteriorating ringwork and more about his deteriorating promos because WWE matches are soft anyway so I'd have no expectation of anything but Rollins-tier matches.
Hard agree. He fucking sucks, genuinely. I liked Okada and Kenny. Ospreay is a complete meme, dude reminds me of Richochet to a tee and I can't stand him either.
Personally it has nothing to do with WWE/AEW console warring. He is just terrible. His offense all looks fake as fuck, his selling is cringe indie garbage, he's cringeworthy on the mic, he's just bad.

For the record, I wish WWE would have gotten Okada. I don't instantly hate someone who goes to AEW. Christian is literally better in AEW than he ever was in WWE.

If WWE found some way to turn Ospreay into someone who wasn't a meme shitter, maybe I'd like him. But when left to his own devices in AEW he's absolutely terrible. Danielson is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time and Danielson/Ospreay was not good at all.
Piper is an all time great because of his promo ability. To deny that is to not understand promos at all. That said, Piper was also a competent worker and certainly much better than Ospreay. That match you reference against Bret at WrestleMania is better than any Will Ospreay match in his entire career. But yes, Bret called it and was at that time the best worker in the world, so of course Piper got "carried." It's worth noting that Piper debuted in 1969 and had been a big territory star prior to going to the WWF, where he had historic feuds with Jimmy Snuka and Hulk Hogan.

If anything, Piper is underrated. He rarely gets mentioned when people bring up legends, at least not in the same breath as Hogan, Savage, Flair, Austin, Rock, Bret, but Piper deserves that level of credit. The Rock n Wrestling Connection hinged on Piper and his assault on Lauper and his feud with Hogan prolonged the MTV partnership with WWF and led into the first WrestleMania, helping to make it a success. And his boxing match with Mr. T the following year, while not good from a wrestling standpoint, drew a lot of money.

Piper is an all time great, and frankly I don't value the opinion of anyone that thinks otherwise. Just proves your ignorance.
It depends on who is doing the overrating, but Roman is certainly the most over-exposed of the last 20 years. His 2nd/3rd/4th/5th chances are unprecedented. That said, he had several great matches as part of The Shield before he became Vince's favorite dildo.
if indians didn't have access to western discussion spaces you wouldn't see so much of that
In 20 years only the smarkiest of smarks would remember him
>posts proof of op's claim
kek based retard
I like video games but I don’t talk to gamers. Or wrestling fans.
>"I just don't see it," he says about the most athletic man to ever wrestle inside of a wrestling ring, a man whose athleticism is immediately visible and comes across in even the smallest of movements in the ring
I can't take threads like this seriously.

Ospreay's talent passes the "eye test" like nobody else's. Even a child can see why he's special within 5 minutes of any match he's in, even if they have no idea who he is.
It's such an obvious console war opinion because even if you're a psychology guy, a guy who likes technical wrestling above anything else, you can still SEE why everyone thinks Ospreay's so great. Sure, he might not be your cup of tea but to pretend he's not special just makes you look like you're lying through your teeth.
Yep, we all know Meltzer overrates him.
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>being the first to get that giga push from Meltzer the way the did
Chris Jericho has been sucking Meltzer's dick since like the early 90s
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Kenny, Okada and Ospreay are 3 of the finest athletes to ever grace this great sport, and that's a shoot brother.
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He's had this exact same match well over 100 times
>all moves spam flippy shitters
>very different wrestlers
>I don't know what I'm talking about: the post
cool story fag
i was messing with his kingpin stuff till he reverted back into being a flippy shitter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS1XIT85IpQ&pp=ygURb3NwcmVheSBuanB3IGhlbWU%3D
they're squealing already kek
he was moving away from the cruiserweight side retard
Yeah Okada has that sort of Randy Orton appeal where he holds back but everything he does in the ring looks perfect and Omega's peak years are undeniable, but Ospreay is just one of dozens of British spot monkeys from the 2010s that got on just enough steroids to not look like a twig and he thinks "not wanting to hurt the other guy" is a compelling story for every match
are you ok?
>Randy Orton appeal
you mean laziness? like I get not going all out for tv matches and the like but Okada at least can go out and deliver an exciting match. Orton has never done that.
indy wrestlers would be more watchable if they were presented like this
Athleticism doesn't mean anything if your offense looks telegraphed and fake as fuck dude. Athleticism doesn't mean anything if you can't put together an enticing match.

He's athletic as fuck, maybe the greatest pure gymnast in wrestling, that doesn't matter. Ricochet is athletic, he sucks, too.

RVD was incredibly athletic but could also put together a great match. His offense looked legit, like that shit hurt. He could pace a match properly instead of just going from spot to spot. Ospreay is literally just a spot monkey with bad fundamentals. I've never liked him, way before AEW was even a thing. And I still love Okada and Omega is good, too. It has nothing to do with him going to AEW.
why are you obsessed with opsreay?
Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, etc. A lot of former stars in wrestling that’ve seen the top of the mountain sing Omega’s praises and/or acknowledge him as cut from that kind of cloth desu. If the star rating system didn’t exist I don’t know that Omega would’ve been on too much different a trajectory coming into his peak. The Meltzer hype helped for sure and gave rise to the Best Bout Machine persona but Omega was actually doing magic in Japan as The Cleaner with the Bullet Club and I think that dude was going to explode and put the world on notice regardless.
I remember when he was just a fun flippy shitter
it's wild how much actual harm he's caused to the business without even realizing it lmfao
>Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, etc. A lot of former stars in wrestling that’ve seen the top of the mountain sing Omega’s praises and/or acknowledge him as cut from that kind of cloth desu.
And they're all wrong because Kenny is fucking awful. They're just out of touch old men trying to be hip and with it by praising something they no longer understand. If Kenny was wrestling in the 70's, 80's, or 90's the boys would've beaten the utter shit out of him for his retarded ballet routines and insistence that wrestling is "art".
does anyone else feel like some of the 5* ratings dave gave to WWE are seemingly random
i refuse to believe anybody is actually a johnny gargano mark, and the usos have no business being anywhere near 5 stars
>All these legends and professionals and legends are wrong because I’m right

Sure let’s go with that
>All these legends and professionals and legends are wrong because I’m right
Yes. All those legends and professionals and legends(kek) can say the sky is green and that doesn't make it so. It just makes them wrong. This is why appeal to authority is a type of fallacy.
That’s fine. But you’re saying the sky is green because you’re saying it instead?
if Kenny was around in the 90s he'd probably be fucking around with Don Callis in some weird midcard stable
Nah, I'm saying Kenny sucks because it's objectively true. I'm glad he made your nuts tingle when he wrestled Honda Suzuki in the Nintendo Dome in the sweltering hot summer of 2017, but when he came to America and wrestled a series of increasingly mediocre matches and had a shitty AEW title reign it exposed him as a goof who only got over in Japan because he was le funny gaijin desu - an act that did not, and will not ever, work in the West.
who the fuck other than pajeets and autists and 12 year olds call Roman the GOAT? I've never seen anyone argue that here once
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>mfw watching a Boreton match
Also, idc if you like Ospreay or not, I just find Orton boring.

>troons think Will "My Wife's Black Son" Assplay is the most "athletic man to ever wrestle"
grim shit, even a WWE midcarder like Chad Gable clears him on pure athleticism
The only measurement of a pro wrestler is in how many dimes he has drawn, and Osmegma has drawn exactly 0. Thus he cannot be great at all.
He could be a great athlete and not a great wrestler.Wrestling is not only about the athleticism.

Also this>>15848773
His matches are repetitive.
kenny is better than anyone in wwe right now
Not a good in ring storyteller. Especially when he tries "acting" which amounts to over the top goofy faces
>over the top goofy faces
You mean like Hulk Hogan, and the Rock, and Vince McMahon, and Kury Angle, and...
flippy shitter
nah heres most overrrated

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