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Damn, how much they gonna end up with? Well over 200M a year looks like
About tree fidy.
Tony won
dronies lost?
>Getting out of the exclusivity clause
That's one way to say that WBD not don't care about having exclusive rights to AEW
there is no deal until it is announced by WBD - as required by federal regulations
e-lords we have at least 5 more years of tarp pics and wrestletix posts
damn, thats gonna pay for half of monke's salary
>no exclusivity cause for aew bad
>no exclusivity cause for wwe good
Ourand is as legit as it gets. Even his predictions are treated as gospel on his beat.
At 6 shows per year for WB, that would be $28 Milly per show a year, compared to Smackdown's $480 Milly per year for 1 show
it doesn't matter how "legit" someone is, i apologize, there is no deal until WBD announces it to their investors. this is federal law
Imagine failing this hard at grade 2 math
Looking forward to the new cope you pull out of your ass when that happens
i'll be perfectly fine if there's a new deal that's announced, i don't care. there isn't a new deal yet though as it hasn't been announced and legally has to be if there is one
2 more weeks PEDOwheels
alright bro
im sure if you break into wbd hq and hold zaslav hostage maybe you can stop it
>a trillion a year
>ppvs streaming simultaneously on Netflix/max/hulu/tubi/freebee
>harry potter integration into dynamite
>wrestlers will be assigned to specific shows via sorting hat
>daniel Garcia will be repackaged as Harry Potter
>tony khan will have a new hair stylist
>more trannies will be hired
>a part of the budget will go towards Egyptian cotton tarps
>jacksonville jaguars will be required to wrestle at least 6 times a year
Absolutely based AEWchads
Tina is going to pay WBD 170 milly? That's what the tweet implies.
The report was $170 Milly per year, for 2 shows each on 3 channels = 6 shows, 170 ÷ 6 = 28.3
wrong number retard
Now subtract Ospreay, Mercedes, and Okadas contract money
>AEW on TNT, TBS, and TruTV twice a week
>2 + 2 + 2 =6
Right number
Okada is on $10 Milly per year
1.4b / 5 is not 480m

>Okada is on $10 Milly per year
They are getting 5 times that, but WBD will push signing that contract well into 40 years from now because it's too fun to tease his stupid, gullible ass
280, pressed the wrong button, still 10x more than 28
how fat are your fingers if you pressed a button two keys away?
I just walked passed a gibbering dirty homeless drug addict (trevor's dad) earlier today and he said AEW is getting 10 billion a year for a 100 years and will be on every channel in the world 24/7, he is the real deal by the way.
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>I just walked passed
AEW grammar police have arrived. Still no deal for gAyEW, just head canon.
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>head canon
This is all you pathetic deranged fanatics have left.
Not at all, just typing fast
>SRS is suddenly credible now
SRS didn't mention the international rights that are up next year. The poos are going to pay up big now that the JeWWE moved to netflix in pooland.
Why are they so obsessed with the money side of everything?
Those can really add up. That huge Netflix deal is comparable to what WWE used to make for Raw + international previously.
They don't have the decades of exposure, but I can see many of WWE's old partners pick them up for the right price since they have a wrestling market already.
WWE has demand from multiple suitors
He always was.
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>He always was
Over five years that's well over a billy.
so good thing they didnt sign any exclusivity deal
Nash was raped
The TV market is so weird these days. Lose half your viewers and they give you more money.
i hope every home game they wrestle before
Kek no way
Nah they’re ending up with $0
they're taking your bank account?
Eh idk anon. Guys like Cody, Reigns, Orton, and Lesnar are up around $10 mil/year these days. Tony thinks (at least thought) that Okada is a top-tier superstar of that caliber. It wouldn’t shock me if he paid him accordingly.
No MAX? Woof. Dogshit deal.
No they're not
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Tony won
Thank You Cool Tony
Thank You Based Lachlan
KWABOTY for the threepeat? 'fraid so
I can assure you they are anon. Cody makes $9 million a year. Reigns is $12 million. Brock is somewhere in there depending on how often he works. Orton just signed a new contract that supposedly makes him the highest paid in the company but idk any deets cuz I got laid off after the TKO transition.
A WBD TV deal just flew over my house. I was tracking it with FlightAware. The Billion dollar deal with WBD will be announced soon. The trannies are in control. Keep the faith my fellow flippy shit warriors. Just two more weeks and we'll have a new deal.
>AEW is getting 10 billion a year for a 100 years and will be on every channel in the world 24/7
Those are low-ball numbers. AEW will be the first trillion-dollar TV deal and Max is going to take AEW intergalactic. The SETI transmitter will stop broadcasting messages about humanity and will only broadcast episodes of Collision and Rampage. Any day now this deal will be announced. I have this on good faith from information posted on the Wrestling Observer message board.
no they dont
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>somebody makes up a rumor that AEW will be Imminently(TM) renewed for "possibly" 170 milly per year
>dirtsheet bottom feeders like SRS start repeating it without question
>trannies get their hopes up
>trannies are inevitably btfo because it's all made up
KEK. This is exactly like the fake 1.5 billy renewal rumor from two years ago. It's September 18th, 2024 and AEW still hasn't been renewed.
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bitchtits just woke up and is here to ruin the board
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So when is AEW getting renewed, lil fat tranny bro? Two more weeks, right?
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ask john ourand
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you suck his dick every time he posts any good news about the fed
stupid mark
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Ourand doesn't know either. So... Two more weeks?
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holy fuck it must be hard being this fragile and delusional
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Ourand said AEW is getting renewed by what date? Remind me again
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>Getting out of the exclusivity clause
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>could be announced as soon as next week
So Ourand doesn't know when AEW is getting renewed. He's just guessing "uhhh maybe one more week". Well at least that's an improvement over two more weeks kek
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wrestling is saved
AEW's imminent renewal seems to be giving you extreme anxiety. I recommend you get a fucking life before being this much of a fucking nerd faggot kills you.
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Actually, AEW's renewal is giving me extreme keks because it's always "COMING SOON!" but never "actually here". I keep asking when it's getting renewed because I genuinely want to know but for some reason nobody can ever tell me an exact date. It's always happening at some vague point in the future and no matter how much time elapses it's still vaguely on the horizon. Why is that?
you're having a panic attack
get some pepto
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>you're having a panic attack
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yeah i'm so mad about aew's huge renewal. absolutely.
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AEW wins again
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wurl weinstein epstein
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>Sex Reassignment Surgery's reporting
why would anyone pay that much realistically speaking?
AEW fans aren't poor and stupid so it makes sense
Yeah that should pay his wrestlers for 3 months without having to ask his daddy
the single mom guy is back and coping about his father issues
vince wont shit on you
thats 3 times what they make
the drones that say "daddy" on here are all shoot gay and got molested as children
I say they get 220 altogether
fraid so

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