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the smear campaign against the Lucha Bros has begun. Paid for by the Khan family.
evil fucking company
I've never seen any of these rumors, what the fuck is he talking about?
>t. Tony shill
AEWxirs I thought we were above this behaviour?
show me the rumors
actually it's all me
you just read them in the OP picrel
I accept your concession
inb4 the AEW defence force arrives
they came out a few weeks ago
Kek Tony Kwab really doesn't like when the toys stop acting like his fake friends
>can’t counter argue any claims
Typical cultist behaviour
billionaires would NEVER smear former employees. They’re wholesome and chungus
Lucha Bros were there more then any of the former WWE guys who were soaking the money mark and sitting at home collecting a paycheck. It’s Lucha Bros turn to do the same.
Surely not because konnan would never lie? Right e-sister?
ok, so they want to do business? where are they?
>did I do good, Tony?
Not being used by Tony Khan because he's trying to devalue them on the way out by tarnishing their reputation
Konnan is a serial liar. The worst of the worst. Let me know when someone with credibility says that.
the same thing that happened to giulia.
Tony khan is a worse liar
What did he lie about?
he just told another lie this weekend about Jericho losing to Mistico
some dork on the social media team fucked up and immediately fixed it, thats the best you got? lmao
you people are legit insane
That PAKI fuck is shoot evil.
>m-m-m-must defend billionaire with my life
you sound poor
it was on collision
Where does it say they're evil lmao Konnan really reaching here
was it?
Schiavone announced it
ok, so Schiavone fucked up
or do you think TK put a gun to his head and forced him to say that?
its probably some fag making stuff up on twitter or reddit and this place is full of the biggest retards imaginable
hes on go position in his ear so yeah
This retarded nigga don't even know how wrestling works KEK
this isn't a cole and vince situation
schiavone is just a retard
>schiavone, the video guy and the social media guy all accidentally announced the wrong result of a match
Damn that's a crazy coincidence
yeah when one person fucks up it can cause a cascade of bullshit
go get some real life experience and get back to me
lmfao what a faggot ass pathetic company
wtf i hate him now
You really are a retarded son of a bitch aren't you?
>konnan schizo babble
says the guy who thinks tony khan enacted some vast conspiracy to lie about jericho beating mistico for no reason
Tony does this shit constantly when it's obvious that someone is leaving or doesn't want to sign him. Remember the "we didn't want Giulia anyway because she's dangerously stiff and nobody likes working with her" story? Or the bullshit one about how Ricky Starks got drunk and tried to fight cops or something like that? All the Punk shit? A lot of others I'm forgetting too. Probably some that tried to smear Cody when he left as well.
I stated the facts on how a wrestling show is run. Khan is responsible, he's the director and owner of the show.
That simple enough to understand or do I have to play special ed teacher some more for you?
Jesus this shit is embarrassing now. Just spout any old shit and if it's negative about AEW the drones will lap it up like good little piggies and pretend it's fact

The only negative story out there about the Lucha Bros is that Penta was telling people backstage he's going up make the jump. Nothing about his effort or refusing credit. Same with the Ricky Starks story. It was on reddit and had about 40 posts before it got deleted. Considering how much of a whiney faggot that twink is I wouldn't be surprised if it was him posting the story so he can say 'Look how mean they are about me! They're totally holding me prisoner!'

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