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>SBJ backs up the Ourand story about the AEW/WBD deal
What now?
Bitchtits assured me this couldn't happen
>4 years
>$170 million/yr
>$680 million
Aww that’s adorable. Good for them.
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good for them honestly. hope they can recoup the fan good will they lost too
Nice fake tweet
ya seethe?
per puck news who's "insider sources" are meltzer and srs, wtf are "news" outlets doing on twitter
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lol sure
>close to
I thought they already crossed the endzone and made a deal.
Dave, Tony. Bryan, Drainmaker.....4chan /pw/
>$170 million
URL not found
kek based
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Who the fuck is ourand?
so you dont watch sports huh
bitchtits is actually going to benoit himself. someone should call the cops on him pre-emptively
No we watch wrestling hence the board name ya raped daughter having bitch.
>Ourand backs up himself
Wwe, ufc and football (real football not armored rugby) Never heard of this guy
Sack Baber Jr?
>Ourand joins Puck after spending 18 years at Sports Business Journal where he has been widely viewed as one of the industry’s preeminent reporters covering the intersection of sports and business.
>not even enough to cover payroll for Tony's Toybox
KWAB another 4 years of not being profitable
>no billy
>no MAX
>trapped on a dying medium for another five years
>still loss making
Fucking hell Tony, you blew it
Called it. Put the dying promotion on the dying network with no original programming of its own.
So is every wrestler is getting 1 million dollars?
They're also on TBS and TNT
fraid so
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serious question, how does 170million per year compare to their previous deal?
$45 million per year
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wait its $175 total?
fucking lmao I thought it was that per year
original deal was $45m/year, was suspected that it elevated to $70 between increase/options from WBD and additional programming (rampage / collision) that were not a part of the original deal. so quite a bit larger.
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the forces of good triumph again
>Rovert doing schizophrenia again over his gay lovers
It’s amazing how mindbroken he is.
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>bitchtits calling someone else mindbroken
Bitchtits only exists when you look in the mirror
>Guy talks to Meltzer and SRS
>They tell him the same bullshit they have been selling for 2 years
>Puck reports this as fact based on "Insiders"
>Other lazy journalists report what Puck reported via Meltzer and SRS
>AEWTISTS think this somehow makes it all true

Where is the press release OP?
Sports journos are useless nobodies. I only know who Meltzer and SRS are thanks to this shithole.
When you average out the salary for all 250 wrestlers he has under contract, then yes it is probably pretty close to $1 million per.
AEW gets paid WAY less for all their shows than WWE does for 2 hours of Smackdown lol
math isn't your strong suit huh
no billy?
Show your math then son. Come on big boy, show us how smart Tony is
That barely covers what they lost in the past 5 years lmao
kek remember all the "1 billy" head canon from deranged AEWtists
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NXT salaries are in the 45k-70k range. Of course your Okadas are getting way more but it stands to reason the mid-low to lower card are in that strata.
1 billy talks was based on an assumption of 200M a year, which is sill easily in the ballpark
Tony's whole gimmick is overpaying shitters, I bet the AEW floor is 100k
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Huh? I thought they were getting a billion dollar deal? Would Rovert really lie to us like that?
>Tony's whole gimmick is overpaying shitters
Maybe on planet headcannon
Much of the lower card is just making a baseline and then a per appearance deal
Don't worry about Tony's money, Piggie. He ain't worrying about his infinite money, neither should you. Fraid so.
That’s from 2020
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>close to finalizing
So the deal isn't done.
>could be worth
So they don't know.
>SBJ backs up the Ourand story
lol. They aren't backing it up. They're literally just saying "here's what Ourand said".
>170m a year
KEK, no billy?
we don't sign our posts here
Looking at enough wrestling news like this and seeing them report this deal being done for over 2 years now, really just shows how utterly worthless journalists really are.
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But I was repeatedly told AEW is worth 2 billion dollars. How could they possibly be renewed for less than 1 billion?
What about events on max thats one of the fucking things I was looking forward to
I've said this before but Tony could have 10 fans show up to Dynamite every week and it wouldn't change the fact that he won the game. He fleeced a network and drew profits. Bitchtits can cope all he wants.
>He fleeced a network and drew profits
But anon, you're making that up
>I've said this before but Tony could have 10 fans show up to Dynamite every week and it wouldn't change the fact that he won the game.
This is one of the more extravagant copes I've ever seen on this board
Lachlan's broke ass couldn't afford Smackdown, actually. It's not cancelled and currently airing on the USA Network every Friday where it continues to rape AEW.
Raw about to be getting $500 million a year. So just about 3 times more than ALL of GAYEW. This is the ownage AEWTISTS have been hyping for 2 years?
Correct. Broke Lachlan wanted to keep Smackdown but he couldn't afford to. Very sad I'm afraid.

>You said AEW wouldn't get renewed and would die :)
And it's looking like that's the case.
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>Lachlan's broke ass couldn't afford Smackdown, actually. It's not cancelled and currently airing on the USA Network every Friday where it continues to rape AEW.
Why is it so hard for you faggots to understand that ONE RANDOM PERSON makes shit up or sees it here and 'reports it,' and then all the other fake insiders report that made up report?

Theyre not backing up anything. Theyre literally repeating bullsgit they heard, and have been hearing for 3 years now.

There is no deal.
>could be worth $170m a year
How much will it be when you take out the worthless value inflaters like "contra advertising" (where a company values worthless self-advertising for the show as if it were a superbowl ad spot) and AEW having to pay for production.
this fat fuck is having one hell of a melty, it’s always funny to remember he’s in his late 40s and is a virgin, imagine being an e-tard, fate worse than death
That doesn't add up to the 1.6 billion they were claiming a year ago
Don't forget - WBD owns part of AEW so some of that money goes to themselves.
So AEW gets less money for Dynamite, Rampage, Collision and their PPVs than WWE gets for SmackDown alone? This can't be right.
the fed sale had offers for around 9 billion, what were their deals?
It can be right. The quoted report clearly explains that AEW is second tier wrestling and is therefore worth exponentially less than the big leagues.
vince wont shit on you tranny
We don't sign our posts here
ok, how you know?
Im up too early and thought the same thing
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based big tone making room for shockwave on fox
Nice headcanon
aint no one gonna miss rampage nigga
it drags the brand down if anything
You could say the same about Collision. Not to mention Dynamite and all the PPVs.
I could but I wouldn't. Rampage only exists because WBD begged for it. Almost every episode was a punt. I'd rather have Dark back.
>raw 500 million a year
>five aew shows combined = 170 million
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you are either making another assumption we now know is not true, or too retarded to do a simple division
We know for a fact that the 170M isn't the end all be all of the rights deals
maybe, but i don't see them getting an extra 80 milly per year
They will be getting much more than they need, that's what matters
The legendary Sports Business Journal
170M is complete fantasy and AEW won't be getting anywhere near it if WBD renews them. And that's currently a big IF.
ok, how u know?
must be hard being this fragile and delusional
no wonder you never leave your house and need wwe as a safety blanket to stay sane
Rampage status?
Anus status?
>Raw: The big leagues. A show that people are actually interested in.
>All AEW shows: Second tier wrestling. No milly in 82 weeks.
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>Rampage status?
slopdowned im afraid
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Bucks confirm
>tnt and tbs
they got big leagued by fox
Ourand don't miss
Big if true
keeeeek total e-cuck death
Rampage got Slopdowned
coming soon to FOX
FOX (which FOX channel by the way?) isn't in OP's pic
are you blind too?
Fox as in "FOX" ya dimwit
Two weeks
should be the timeframe, yep
>achshually, getting a 70% raise is a bad thing
It's a 2.4X increase
FOX is not TNT, TBS, or TruTV
Got a source on FOX?
Is bitchtits in the room with us right now?
nah if he was i'd be vomiting from the stench
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>What now?
An official announcement from AEW, maybe?
Is one billy if they buy them for 10 years. That'll be the mental gymnastics.
Get your GED
Isn't WWE getting a milly a year just for Raw? Kek I guess this cements AEW as a distant 2nd just barely above TNA level once and for all.
get your ged
>should be the timeframe, yep
Lol. You fucking retards really believe that a deal is coming this time? OK tranny. A new $170 million a year deal is coming for a product that can only pull 500k on a fucking Wednesday with no competition without a Sheldon lead in.
Can't wait for you to stroke out and be found months later bloated in your apartment when it happens btw
Nobody gives a shit about almost. In business it's an ETA or "done". Anything elss is only reminding customers that you're late.
You mean the big bang theory network?
im sure you must know someone into sports
ask them about john ourand
You fags kept saying it was gonna be on max
nothing here says it wont be
Two more weeks right?
Is that the guy that Tony paid to pretend his company is worth $2 Billion or the guy from Wrestling Observer that Tony pays to write puff pieces about AEW? Or is this some new guy that Tony is paying to write fake stories about AEW? It's hard to keep all this bullshit straight
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A Max streaming deal just flew over my house. I was tracking it on FlightAware. It's worth at least $170 million.
Can’t wait to hear the numbers were off and it’s actually $170 million for all four years…. and that’s what the dog wanker has to pay WBD to keep the shows on the air.
yeah this will definitely happen
then vince will fly down in his flying saucer and take us to the promised land of narnia
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The lolcow that will not stop giving
e drones cant meme
this is, at a minimum, a 55 year old dude saying "lolcow"
This got em squealing lmfao
He doesn't even seem to understand what it means
>Can’t wait to hear the numbers were off and it’s actually $170 million for all four years
At this point, Tony's bullshit isn't even based that much in reality. They are probably hoping Fox will pick up one of their shows and probably have an actual deal with WBD to stream Max, but $170 million makes no sense given the actual market for AEW and given the fact it has no international draw. It's a completely made up number. The fact that we are 3 months from expiration and no deal is in place is a big giveaway. WBD will probably stream this crap for a few million, but they probably moved on. Fox is a pipe dream and no way would they pay $170 million a year to draw 500k on FS1. This is hilarious. Tony is so fucking stupid that he thinks he can con TV executives three months away from deal expiration date with planted stories.
Do you honestly think John Ourand is sourcing his stories from Tony Khan?
Wake up everyone, Porkwheels found a new “journalist” he just discovered to parrot!
>muh boogeyman
Ok, fine, I get that you have to keep that facade up, now answer my question. Do you think John Ourand is sourcing his story from Tony Khan?
their lives revolve around wwe
they cant understand a real journalist in a real field existing
every journalist to them is some kind of evil force that's out to stop the heroic and god figure wwe
it's like a little religion
Answer my question, had you heard of John Ourand before this week? What happened to Ozannin? You were really obsessed with him for a bit lol
>you should believe complete bullshit because of appeal to authority
Nigger, I don't even know who this guy is. But I see AEW pulling NXT numbers and know NXT got $15 million a year. AEW isn't getting 12 times the money as NXT for the same numbers. Keep saying a new deal is coming. Trannies have been saying this for two years now and still no new deal.
I had actually, because he is a pretty big name in sports media journalism outside of wrestling and I don't just pay attention to wrestling bullshit. Your turn.
Ourand and Ozanian are both two of the most respected people in all of sports journalism.
They don’t know who he is either. They read his name for the first time this week and are now going to tout it as the gospel like they do any journalist that slightly praises aew. Remember when they were obsessed with rolling out Forbes or Mike Ozanin? This is all they have. They don’t know how to offer an actual counter argument to anything you’ve said so they’ll appeal to authority and call you stupid. Repeat that cycle ad infinitum until AEW’s cancellation is announced because they are in a cult
>improper use of logical fallacy
is there any surer sign a poster doesn't have a GED?
these fucking pigs can't even spell their journalism boogeymen's names right while making their point LMFAO
Where is the failed logic tranny? Is AEW not pulling similar numbers to NXT? Why wouldnt NXT's deal be similar to AEW's? They are both broadcast on cable on weeknights with little to no actual competition from programming like Monday Night Football or College Football. What exactly makes AEW a different and more valuable property than NXT? Why would anyone pay $170 million a year for Daniel Garcia dick dances?
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Mike is practically synonymous with sports valuations and is the voice of record on them. The industry standard and last word on them are basically his and his team's.
You don't understand. Ratings aren't apples to apples. CFB gets Slopdown ratings on Fox but earns far more money because their viewers aren't poor and stupid on average.
I mean I was referencing your dumbass reference to 'appeal to authority' which is basically just a tell that you don't actually know what logical fallacies are. John Ourand is a serious sports media journalist, and his reports hold a lot more weight than say, Dave Meltzer or whatever other dirtsheets you crank off to every week.

If you want to get into the rest of your schizo bullshit argument we can but I don't know that it will go well for you.
>Repeat that cycle ad infinitum until AEW’s cancellation is announced because they are in a cult
Yeah, it's fascinating and entertaining. I find the unwavering support for AEW's retardation a little unnerving actually. Normally, I'd just dismiss it as paid astroturfing, but I do get a sense that some of these trannies are real people and their inability to remain connected to reality is morbidly fascinating. If it is paid shilling, it's really really bad shilling. To make wrestling part of your personal identity is dumb to begin with, but it's almost incomprehensible to choose Tony Khan and AEW as the basis for your personal sense of being. I get the sane feeling from AEW fans as I do from watching "Hoarders: Buried Alive" or "My 600lb Life." It's equal parts disturbing and fascinating.
>Ask for you to provide reasoning why something is a logical fallacy
>spew out more appeal to authority
Never change trannies
this is some serious pseudo int shit which would be easier to take seriously if you didn't watch the fucking blues clues wrestling program
I'm not sure if the seethe is going to outpace the goalpost moving when the deal is announced (I'm guessing you'll just have disappeared completely) but I am going to enjoy it.
Ahhh ... so it's your personal believe that AEW fans have more disposable income and this is what apparently makes AEW more valuable than NXT. Even if this were the case, are you saying that each AEW fan has a 12 times greater impact on advertising than NXT? Talk about your logical fallacies. You can't even convince AEW fans to attend AEW shows, much less convince them to spend 12 times the amount of money on advertised products when compared to WWE. And to draw out your failed logic a bit, you are claiming that AEW fans are smarter than WWE fans yet all it takes to induce them to spend ridiculous sums of money is advertising. It sounds to me like AEW fans are pretty dumb if that's the case.
You literally call everyone a pseudo int you fucking faggot, find a new insult
if the shoe fits lilbro
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>so it's your personal believe
nah it's based on real data from Nielson
trevor leave >>15853158
Never change tranny. I'm sure that in your personal reality there is only a dichotomy and one must align with one of the ends of the binary. As if it weren't possible to view AEW outside of the lense of the WWE and appreciate it for being it's own morbid curiosity outside of the context of it's competition.
stop smoking meth
>I'm sure that in your personal reality there is only a dichotomy and one must align with one of the ends of the binary
this might be the most pseudo int shit i've ever read on this board, bravo retard
>nah it's based on real data from Nielson
Please post the data you have that indicates AEW fans generate 12 times the amount of advertising revenue when compared to NXT fans. If this is true, do you know what a bunch of blathering, mindless consoomer idiots that AEW fans actually are? Even if this is true (it's not), this is one of the biggest self-owns I can think of.
>muh, AEW fans buy any product that's advertised on their show
my proof is that your a psychotic incel and advertisers would hate you
he's 12 times more likely to kidnap rape and kill someone, probably needs to be locked up 2bh
>this might be the most pseudo int shit i've ever read
Just because I used words that you don't maintain in your vocabulary doesn't make something "pseudo." And I'm pretty sure the combined pun/insult of pairing tranny with the binary opposites of a dichotomy was lost on you as well. As in, I called you both a tranny and binary at the same time. You are so dull that flew over your head. Pearls before swine, truly.
>Just because I used words that you don't maintain in your vocabulary
>As in, I called you both a tranny and binary at the same time
fucking cringe lmao
>I'm not sure if the seethe is going to outpace the goalpost moving
The seethe is to be expected. That's really all they have at this point. But can you even move the goalposts that far? How do you go from believing your company is worth $2 Billion and that it can compete with WWE to being streamed on Max, broadcast on FS1, and with a cash deal similar to NXT ($15 million a year). How do you even begin to polish this steaming pile of shit Tony is trying to feed people.
first of all, i dont see many aew fans that are insane schizos like you
appears the pseudo ints have tagged out to the schizos
>continue to believe, despite all indications to the contrary, that your preferred fake fighting company will be getting a new TV deal upwards of $150 million
>continue to believe a deal is imminent for the better part of two years despite this deal never actually being announced.
>calls someone else schizo
Truly, two more weeks ...
this pig is truly fucking lost
too much meth
fraid so
you don't own a mirror?
>Do you honestly think John Ourand is sourcing his stories from Tony Khan?
Yeah, either directly or indirectly. Somebody told Ourand some nonsense and he echoed it. Since this nonsense makes AEW look good I assume it came from Tony or somebody working at the behest of Tony.
If only AEW fans could be on a reality show. That would be gold to watch. Watching a bunch of obese trannies that haven't showered in weeks talk to each other about the impending AEW TV deal would be endlessly entertaining.

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