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Per Ibou of Wrestlepurists:
>AJ Styles
>Good Brothers
>Kevin Steen
>Shinsuke Nakamura
>Kofi Kingston
>All are looking to get out of the WWE, as they view it as a dead end for their careers at this point. Kofi has previously said he would retire when New Day broke up, but he’s been in discussion about potentially joining a revamped Hurt Business in AEW.
>AJ Styles is “pissed” that he got into incredible shape and then has mostly sat on the shelf. The Good Brothers basically go where he goes at this point.
>Michin and Bayley have been vocal about believing the women’s division is on the decline.
>Steen and Nakamura have major supporters at AEW including the Elite and Okada, with Nakamura telling friends that he wants to do at least one more match with Tanahashi before he retires, which could happen at a future Forbidden Door show.
We only want AJ
Per "hidden account so can't post verification pics"
AJ would be great, even if he is a little broken down at this point.
Steen would be the only other major asset, he’s also a bit washed but he can go in gimmick matches for sure.
It’s not a hidden account if you’re already following him, like I am. OP removed some commentary from Ibou yappin about Bayley being a huge asset to the company.
only Aj is relevant on that list that rest can fuck off
Take them all please
As a certified E-chad, I would be happy to see every single one of those names leave immediately. Except AJ Styles. He’s based. If To y promises to have Bayley start dressing sluttier in AEW, then they can have AJ too,
>aew fans want more wwe guys
not wwe lite and you dont watch every show btw
Bro writing fanfic about getting mechin lmao. Was maximum male models not enough or something?
It’s pretty wild how some grifter can make clickbait lies and his army of simps believe it no matter what like typical brainwashed cultists.
I might believe it if there was a good alternative and not just the dead end that is AEW
>Per Ibou
Based kek
It’s crazy that the idea of “return on investment” is completely out the fucking window at this point. Tony would sign all of these people, and it would probably cost him around $20 million a year. And AEW would gain ZERO new viewers, and sell ZERO additional tickets as a result. Doesn’t matter though. It’s all exclusively about TV money now. Some Jews just look at the product and say “you have wrestlers that work for you, right? Ok we’ll take your word on it. I guess advertisers will pay to put their commercials on your show, here’s a billion dollars.”
Tony is a nepotism baby. He hasn’t made a single dollar in his ever life. His internet existence in life is to burn through his daddy’s money buying up new toys he gets bored with in a week.
They’re getting paid at least 170 million a year. Tony could hire any wrestler he wants at this point. He could pay you to eat your own shit out of a toilet bowl. You’d do it, too.
You missed the entire point, retard. WWE is the same way.
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Uh huh.... Bayley signed a new 5 year deal with WWE in December
>heh turner has infinite money
bayley matches in other companies will be even worse KEK
>AJ Styles
He wants to spend time with his family, not destroy his body by headbutting concrete on AEW. He will quit and only travel around for meet and greets.
>Good Brothers
charismalets, who cares
literally who?
womeme, who cares
>Kevin Steen
WWE guy
>Shinsuke Nakamura
wants to take the WWE check doing safe bumps and retiring with loads of money.
>Kofi Kingston
Still begging for table scraps. AEW fans are pathetic.
>big names
>Good Brothers
>Meat Chin
>big names
Imagine wasting your time writing fake wrestling news reports on here on a nearly daily basis
why pay an e-drone for what he already does for free
Aj literally said he's retiring with WWE and working in training and scouting afterwards
>>AJ Styles
I thought AJ wasn't on tv because he was at his kids' sports. he is the only one on the list anyone cares about
>>Good Brothers
literally who?
she is decent but I don't care either way
please take her and becko and chuck
>>Kevin Steen
literally who?
>>Shinsuke Nakamura
he is mega washed
>>Kofi Kingston
stupid stupid

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