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Kek, fucking boomers
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Ugly ass cake for an ugly ass mother fucker
i know old homeless alcs that dont look this bad
wtf lmao
Dude looks like shit
he looks fucking horrifying
people seem to be aging a lot faster these days
wasnt expecting an old man finner. Based
Thank you GOAT
I love you GOAT
nigga got a seven head
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That's how his wife's asshole looks like after the boys come over
I look forward to his death
old ass nigga
Why is it glowing in the middle?
You tell me
Why does it have cum all over it?
There's a candle in there
He took like 8 COVID boosters
Bundt cakes are the dumbest cakes ever conceived by mankind
Boomers are going to die in their homes that they’ve been hoarding that have ugly interiors complete with shitty kitchen cabinets, budget appliances, and wood paneling. Then the few millenials lucky enough to afford a home have to renovate them. Too bad COVID was a bust and didn’t kill them all off. Day of the Pillow NOW.
>screencap of the photos app
why do people do this? is it some iphone thing?
I was reading an article today that was basically boomers bitching about having to live off of social security and how they deserve more and blah blah blah. Imagine living through the greatest economy ever, saving nothing for retirement, and demanding that the cost be past on to your children and grandchildren who are trying to get by in a terrible economy.
promo's good
Okay renter
You faggots are just like blacks who blame whitey for all your problems, kek
Look up the "can't take it with you" movement of Baby Boomers blowing every last penny they have on expensive vacations and luxurious retirement homes and intentionally not leaving any inheritance for their kids. Most selfish generation ever. The world should throw a giant party the day the last of them dies off.
I’m one of the millennials going through this now. Boomers bought their McMansions in the 90s and then never updated them. The suburban real estate market is full of 4 bedroom houses with burgundy sponge-painted walls and a bunch of forest green bullshit. So you’re expected to pay a million bucks for that shit, and then spend another $100k undoing the ugliness
Okay renter
thought he was supposed to be a millionaire?
his kitchen looks like shit and that dirty ass stove is what slum lords install in their shit hole duplexes. his cabinets looks like ass
Anon you would immediately have the cops called on you if you stepped foot in my neighborhood
You'll be renting a room in a nursing home where you'll die alone be sure your kids hate you.
Ok, kitchenfag.
Sure thing renter
Cope harder renter, I'm in my 30s
Nah I’m going through it now owning/restoring home after decades of Boomer neglect. I’m just cutting a face promo for my Millennial faction. I legitimately hate Boomers like Cornette to the core from his choice of cabinets to his politics to his degenerate sex life.

Okay renter
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thats just the garage kitchen u stupid idiot
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Huge pop Anon. The Boomers that owned my home put layers of wallpaper over beautiful plaster walls. Sick fucks.

turns out seething 24/7 isn't good for health
What Sprite does to a mf
Why does someone this rich live in such a shitty house?
talk shit about sprite again see what happens
He looks good for a 73 year old, the problem is he's 63.
Castle, you dumb motherfucker!!!!!!!
Kek I popped like the millennial mark that I am
Yes yes paint everything gray and get stainless steel wifi ready appliances for your kitchen, bravo.
>it costs 100k to paint some walls
OP why did you steal Jim's phone?
This. Thanks for writing it word for word.
you're the faggot grandpa for ruining every white country on the planet, i can't wait to cattleprod you in my heaven which will be your hell for eternity fat titted boomer faggot
The pics with him and his faggot dog are just embarrassing
if you have a dog that looks like that you are a fuckin raging homo
Yo who is this conehead looking mother fucker
is that supposed to be his wife’s asshole dripping cum after the cuckold gang bang?
Why does Trump look younger
>ITT: Forever renters seething
He hasn't left the house in 4 years.
>coping agelet
>people seem to be aging a lot faster these days
if your gen x or older sure
>muh nepotism
Redditors need to die
Only a faggot redditor would think nepotism is bad because they have no family
You are legit deranged, it's why you will be a permanent renter. : )
>believes peoples wealth status on the internet
NGMI brown boy
his cabinets look like sovl
not faggot white kitchen bullshite
is the cake meant to look like his wife's asshole after the trainees have run a train on her?
Because only redditors use that faggot term
Why do you fags always project your faggotry?
>die in their own homes
>their homes
Must be nice honestly.
You're so fucking useless and a leech to society.
They do social security is a major inflation scam. Most of what you pay into it is gone because they run inflation at 8% then say it's 2% so it only goes up 2%. Over a lifetime the compounding difference means most of what you pay into itnisngone. then it's double taxed on your employer too, which just ends up being an indirect tax on you and 0 of that is counted to your ss
What's wrong with boomer homes? They are pretty soulful. Not like the beige and grey everything you see in more modern spaces nowadays.
He is 63 years old
is his forehead edited?
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10/10 natural finner
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It is now
Redditors are all renters, because they spend their entire income on funko pops and other plastic shit that no one needs. When you boil it down, every redditor's hobby is shopping for junk that reminds them of their childhood.
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Trump is 20 years older than him and looks younger
Yeah it's definitely someone else's fault that you have no impulse control. Go buy some more Lego.
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post more unedited finners bros
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True, they also waste their money on streaming services and take out every day because they are too lazy to make their own food.
So? He's a fucking retard that is funded by other retards supporting him.
no cakey?
I understand boomers completely
Dudes only 63. Why does he look like he's in his 70s
If that were true, how did they get the wealth you are desperate to have?
Is it me or is cornette looking like viggo from ghostbusters 2
So they got rich watching TV all day? You losers are so retarded
Your post says otherwise
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wtf sort of a cake is this
Cake looks like Nash's ass post '92
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post pics of the inside of your domicile
Bundt cake. Theyre popular in the Midwest for some reason. They taste fine theyre just a pointless gimmick that can be marketed to women who take pictures of all their food for Instagram
/thread afraid so
>Jimmy: living his best life
>(You): seething endlessly

Afraid so
Old people are stupid
>Popular with Midwest women who upload the pics
Visual pleas
You don't become a millionaire worrying about keeping up appearences. A Kitchen is for cooking
Are they representing all the cocks of wrestlers she's taken?
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wtf do americans really?
Thanks man! It looks like it's missing more than 50% of the icing but I guess that's the gimmick

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