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This unironically was the low IQ show from 94 onwards. Lazy people trying to finesse as much money out of poor rednecks by doing as little as possible and appealing to the lowest common denominator. Vince, for all his faults, at least had the benefit of being a super weird motherfucker running a variety show.
holy fuckin workola, beggin ya to shower and have sex
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WCW catered to boomer retards and that was their downfall. The fact that they tried it again and failed again and again with TNA just backs this up.
Vince also appealed to LCD, in fact he reveled in it too much, but he appealed to LCD that was hip and in and with people who loved Jerry Springer and Howard Stern.
It was legendary for it's time, but I still think if Vince went full bore what with the Ruthless Aggression era fans wanted we'd have millions and millions of legit wrestling fans and would have had a Golden Era of Graps like AJPW's Four Pillars of Heaven era and the graps would be so good today that our mortal minds would be blown with what they would do now.
Why are you talking to yourself?
TNA catered to old people once they started bringing in Hogan and Bischoff and all that merry band of geriatrics. It was pretty fresh during the initial Spike TV run I reckon, especially in terms of their presentation. They killed any chances of getting over once they went Blue.
Vince booking back then was more retarded, as in on the spectrum, than it was braindead and moronic. At least until 2008, when Raw became absolutely unwatchable.
They had almost zero young fans. All grumpy gus fellas that missed WCW.
They could have had something if they leaned into AJ Styles instead of Kevin Nash.
literally not true at all. zoomers need to stop pretending to know what they're talking about.
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ah i see you're a dork who liked tna in highschool
i assure you that didnt translate and tna never did anything impressive in the total cable rankings in their history.
retype this in coherent english please
get your ged
They most certainly had a decent amount of energy drinking reverse cap wearing young fans from 2005 to 2009. It didn't have a lot of significant growth, mostly because the weekly show wasn't consistent at all and UFC happened, but they were there marking out over all the flippy shit. And they were Spike TV's initial target audience by default.
not him, but mostly what I remembered from TNA was "Kevin Nash inserts himself into the X Division" and endless "Mick Foley vs the Board of Directors" type shit. Also I legit thought Jeff Jarrett's theme was the TNA close-out song because he was putting himself over so much

AEW is proof that if TNA wasnt retarded theyd win
Wtf are you talking about? What did wcw do that was lcd on a regular basis? Also, Wcw was the first to go after younger viewers with the nwo & Nitro. They moved past being southern wrasslin.
Tna had the momentum with bobby roode vs James storm fued & the knockouts. & they blew it.
the grey bearded people loved it but they live poorly and have zero advertiser value
and these are wwe refugees. i love them for being wrestle bros but they're fucking stupid.
have you ever watched an episode of thunder?
WWF in 1995/1996 was utter balls. Unwatchable shit.
WCW was where it was at once the NWO started. WWF played heavy catchup to get over.
Without WCW you would have never had the boom period. Fact. A lot of your "former wrestling fans" who no longer watch were WCW fans who just stopped watching shortly after WWF bought them out because WWF just never scratched that itch.
I know because I was one of them.
kek get a load of this stupid hillbilly
Yeah, and?
Is that supposed to be some sort of insult city boy?
"Ooh, look at me. I live in a big city. I don't know how to hunt and fish! I can take the train wherever I want to go."
Look at yourself.
Hey Mr Big City Man. At least I don't have to worry about spooks breaking into my outhouse to steal my toilet paper. Can you say the same?
I genuinely enjoy the insanity of late 90s WCW, like Scott Steiner unleashing a couple of rottweilers on Sting.
makes sense that a gay rape fanfic obsessed board would mostly be populated by dirty hicks and pajeets
No shit it’s southern.
Only held up by northerners
She's never going to sleep with you.
Your sister I mean.
You're a retard
Boomers were in their 40s in the 90s you fucking idiot, they weren't even that old.

I can tell you didn't live through the era and have no idea what you're talking about.
sting stuff was always pretty good. the vampiro feud stands out in spite of the actual matches themselves being shitty.
Bischoff hotshotted with Ted’s money
Did you miss the literal most based midcard ever working their ass off on a weekly basis or are you basing this opinion solely on the work of Kevin R. Nash
I don’t have an outhouse because I live in the city aka the 1st world
>Without WCW you would have never had the boom period
same can be said to a lesser extent regarding AEW and WWE’s current success

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