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>Last week: 1.430 million
>This week: 1.509 million
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Too bad no one was there to see it
how many weeks has it been since raw got two milly? you didn't post the count.
oh by the way, no two milly?
>Last year: 1.371 million
woof, raw gonna be in the toilet by december
How is that possible if football is on?
PEDOwheels about to kill himself. He isn't used to GIGAskyrockets LMFAOOO
PigVert and his pitiful party of pathetic pedophiles won’t possibly be pleased!
No third hour means no gigaplummet associated with it
I watched it and don’t have cable so it didn’t count so it is probably like 4 milly
no one has cable anymore
i want wrestling though streams
Fraid so
Yikes. Is Raw only doing 1.5 Milly these days??? Boom period is over
I guess slopdown really did do raw numbers
>Iyo shows up
>ratings skyrocket
Iyo on the show, Beats Ghetto Child, Ratings go Up. Simp As.
it is what it is
watch the black line
kills yer ratings
>less dimeless dom
>rating go up

it's over for dimeless dom
Another win for the good guys!
I love being an e-god!!!
>WoW skyrocket
>YoY skyrocket
Uhhh tranny bros? I thought the momentum had shifted back?
KWAWHF (kek what a white hot fed)
Lmao dynaslop got canceled
Smackgods we just keep winning
>Raw Last Year (9/18/23): 1,331,000 viewers - 0.44 P18-49
>Up 13% in Total Viewers - Up 11% in Key Demo YoY.
I hope PEDOwheels doesn't kill himself. I need him here for the Dynamite ratings thread
What are you celebrating? They've lost over 300k viewers in less than a month
>Answers to PEDOwheels
Sorry GROOMERwheels you're thinking of AEW. How's that new deal btw? They announce it yet? LMAO
smackdown got cancelled because you cant do 2+2
Good morning sir. Actually it's night for you isn't it Trevor
Hey trannies…it’s over when WE say it’s over. See you Thursday.
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slopdown is still cancelled sadly
>Once again answers to PEDOwheels
You're repeating yourself GROOMERwhes it didn't work either time (like your legs lmfao) so swallow your dad's cum and try to think of a better comeback. Until then don't forget Raw raped all 3 AEW shows combined LMFAO
God damn it feels good to be an E-God
The only thing on Thursday is TNA and NJPW, and theres nothing on Wednesday at all
W after W for the E, baby!
it's up from last year
PigCripple doesn’t like that and is coping as usual lol.
Rovert stop replying to yourself
So true. Great numbers, despite the Crippled Pigs lies.
this thread is too schizo for me
>I can't mentally handle a skyrocket and the jannies aren't banning anyone
Yeah PEDOwheels is bubblin lmfao
Based Terror Twins drawing
the 'cord didn't take it very well
Raw is going two hours soon meaning the ratings will be even better. How is pigvert coping?
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>getting an entire hour of the show cut is actually good
It's only 2 hours until they move to Netflix to honor their $5 billion dollar deal. It wasn't straight up cancelled like rampage. Squeal for me pigvert
so raw 3rd hour got rampage'd?
TNT cancelled dynamite
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Thank you for drawing the house big dimes Dom
Still a better deal than AEW got for all their content
You finna seethe crippled bitch?
great news for the jewish banks that own wwe
Is PEDOwheels trying to slide this GIGASKYROCKET because Tranpage was cancelled?
Rovert having a rough week
Another win for the good guys.
Why is PEDOwheels trying to slide this? Was Rampage cancelled or something?
'fraid so
Very nice
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>Too bad no one can afford tickets
That game was garbage.
Good news for the PRIMARY wrestling company.
No 2 milly?

pretty grim
now you know why wwe fans laugh so hard at aew
Oh look a pic of rehearsal man you AEW fans are fags.
Don't mind me. Just bumping the thread because I know PEDOwheels is trying really hard to slide
what are the qtrs tho
Nice skyrocket against the nfl
‘fraid so
>btfo so hard he resorts to screaming about jews
Squeal more, tranny
What does a million mean? Why did you include that word when talking about the ratings? If it helps I'm an AEW fan
many are saying this
Any reason why the 'cord is sliding this?
this got rovert BOILIN'
wwe is up
aew is down
ya love to see it

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