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Him appearing at Wrestlemania mindbroke you forever
yeah, so what?
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> Never the guy
> Never drew a dime
> Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
> Never cut a memorable promo
> Never put anyone over
> Never had the balls to step out his WWF comfort even when Ted Turner threw millions at him
> Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '90s
> Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '10s
> Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
> Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
> Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
> Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
> Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
> His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" was utterly BTFO by The Kliq and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Savio Vega on us
> His biker cosplay was cringeworthy
> His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
> Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURE STRIKER IN DA WWE""""""""
> Shit taste in whiskey
> Shit hairline
> Has his ex wife's tattooed on his neck
> Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo
> Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Wrestlemania streak
> Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years > Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Bret Hart of all people had to take the belt off him
> Spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
> The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dime.
>Never the guy
Always the guy
>Never drew a dime
Part of the most viewed segment ever
>Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
wrong, had great matches with Orton
>Never cut a memorable promo
When he told Triple H that Shawn was always better than him
>Never had the balls to step out his WWF comfort even when Ted Turner threw millions at him
Didn't need, WWE is the only wrestling company that matters
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '90s
Sid's fault
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '10s
Only because they stopped doing normal PPVs after 2013
>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
Triple H's fault
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
He didn't need the title, he was the Final Boss
>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
>Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
>Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
>His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" was utterly BTFO by The Kliq and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Savio Vega on us
Wasn't a clique, he just had friends unlike (you)
>His biker cosplay was cringeworthy
Nah you are
>His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
But enough about you
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURE STRIKER IN DA WWE""""""""
Because he was
>Shit taste in whiskey
Fraid not
>Shit hairline
We don't sign our posts here
>Has his ex wife's tattooed on his neck
Not anymore
>Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo
Looks better than your mom
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Wrestlemania streak
Most important thing to ever happen in wrestling
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Bret Hart of all people had to take the belt off him spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
Seethecanon, he put over a lot of people
>The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dime.

Utterly mindbroken by GOATaker
Based Big Evil Working The Obese Smarks
>Never did the spinarooney
I see no lies
Based post
I actually like Undertaker but Carderposting is over with me too. How can you not laugh at pure strikes and Wrestler Court?
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MMMMMMMMMMM this ain't a good look for you, kid. Wrestler's court, 11 PM sharp, bring some Jacky D and 'za for the boys mmmmmmm if you know what's good for ya
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> the guy
> drew a dime
> had a good match before 2006 and carried workers
> cut a memorable promo
> put anyone over
> had the balls
> Main evented the Wrestlemania of the '90s
> Main evented the Wrestlemania of the '10s
> King Of The Ring in 2002
> Was in the main title picture because he was a big deal
> the best member of The Brothers of Destruction
> the best member of The Ministry
> the best member of The Corporate Ministry
> His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" utterly BTFO The Kliq
> His biker cosplay
> His MMA cosplay
> whiskey
> hairline
> tattoo on his neck
> marrying an anorexic bimbo
> Wrestlemania streak
> Is the wrestling equivalent of that one professional
> Drew in his 1997 title run
> superior young talent
> could actually draw dime
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It makes me
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>Always the guy
>Drew millions of dimes
>Had great matches throughout his career even with inferior workers
>Cut a memorable promo about taking the Big Show to the desert
>Not a self-mark, put numerous guys over even shitters like Vladimir Kozlov
>Never stepped out of the WWE because he knew they needed him despite Ted Turner offering him more money
>Main evented the highest drawing PPV of the 90s
>Main evented the highest drawing PPV of the 10s
>Drew the highest ever buyrate of King of the Ring in 2002 they cancelled it because they knew it could never be beaten
>Was always in the main title picture
>The best member of The Brothers of Destruction
>The best member of The Ministry
>The best member of The Corporate Ministry
>His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" is so badass nobody talks about them for fear of getting BTFO
>His biker cosplay was based and made biker culture so cool Sons of Anarchy and countless other TV shows ripped it off years later
>His MMA gimmick was based and inspired millions of people to start their own training
>Recognized by his peers as the best pure striker in the WWE
>Great taste in whiskey
>In his 50s and still has a luxurious head of hair
>Had his ex-wife's name tattoo removed through using his own supernatural powers
>Traded in his ex-wife for a much hotter blonde bimbo who knows her place
>Has so many achievements and was booked to go undefeated at Wrestlemania the day he signed his first contract
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one selflessly charismatic CEO whose professional achievement is making a billion dollars in just 2 years
>Drew so well in his 1997 title run that they gave it to Bret Hart since everyone knew no-one could possibly rival Taker's run so they didn't even try with the next guy
>Spent the latter part of his career protecting his legacy by gatekeeping inferior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was mentoring his buddies so they could go over and draw as many dimes as he has
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nah i just think he's a boring shitter with an uber cringe gimmick
But enough about you
But did he ever get a clue?
Nah I'm a Taker fan
Same. Taker seems alright but this shit is too funny.
Might ruin ya Mania main event right quick jack mmmmmhmmm

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