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File: water puzzle.png (399 KB, 711x437)
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Poor Atom, that severe concussion he got the other year probably gave him some brain damage
No fucking way is he playing the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
I've never been interested in an AEW wrestler till now, fucking kek
That puzzle is shoot fucking difficult too tbf, I can work it out pretty quickly nowadays but I can see someone taking an hour on it
Britt pls
Is that crazy bitch still buying hundreds of subs for him at a time?
Cant see why Brit would want to leave Atom
Also where's the full playthrough? I will shoot watch - also happens to be the first time I will ever watch an AEW wrestler.
Now all I hear is how difficult this puzzle is, but I never had any issues with any puzzle in Resi and I played the classics when I was like 11-13 years old.
Puzzles after Resi1 bascially became 'I guess we should put some puzzles in *sigh*' level of difficulty as the games became more action based.
If you couldn't do a puzzle, you called up one of your friends to see if they'd managed it. How comes us 12 years olds were better at games than people nowadays?

Maybe if I go back and play them after 20 years of drug and alcohol abuse things might be different, albeit.
He should marry that middle eastern princess
Agrees about RE puzzles, but this one was genuinely hard. Also the best puzzle in the franchise.
Silent Hill on the other hand, that was puzzle kino.
Adam is NXT/ROH.
He only went to AEW because he felt he had no option, if Hunter had taken over just a little sooner there's a 0% chance he would have chosen AEW.
Nah he's smart. women only want what they cant have
I shoot remember nothing about the puzzles in Silent Hill except for maybe finding a key in a doghouse by following a crudely drawn map?
Man I need to replay all these classic Survival Horrors. No games come close to them imo.
It's a blonde white woman
Is that why smarks like this shitter? Because he's a bum vidya streamer and they can relate to him?
he fucking sucks dick and needs to hit the god damn gym. How’s a woman gonna get manhandled and soaking wet from that guy?
She can’t.
He probably eats pussy like the fucking faggot he is.
You know, being good at eating pussy gets you a lot more sex
The water puzzle SUCKED when I played it as a kid. Years later I got to that part again and it wasn’t so bad.
What the fuck? Its not hard, you have to solution infront of you, all you have to do is just match it. I managed to do that when i was fucking 9 and that almost 40 man child cant do it, holy fucking shit amerilards are retarded
Cannot fathom why Britt dumped him.
He's busy hitting that rebound pussy... Not.
>Oh wow he actually beat elden ring maybe he isn't that bad
>He used summons and mimic tear

>Still has DMD on his intro card

Its a useful skill that helps with fucking. If you can figure out what makes her move with your mouth then you should be able to translate this with your groin. Whether or not one pay attention or just rushes through it is kinda important. Ill gladly eat out a girl if it means i get head.
based Stone Toad is a draw
Thats the kind of woman you want not some uppity whore like Britt
I tried to send him a trihard shocker video but the link got deleted almost instantly
Grim apartment
>Hey Chugs Army! A donation from HobbsPower: Thanks for all the time you spend streaming, truly makes my day
>Can we get some hype in the chat, the Hobbs man is going round to his girl's house! That's incredible!
That puzzles wasnt that hard
Jesus this faggot rage quit over it?

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