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The Outrunners have revealed that The Undertaker looked up to them during their time together in WCCW.
>"Matter of fact, [The Undertaker] wanted us to watch one of his matches against Tom Renesto Jr. Son of Tom Renesto Sr. He came back and I was absolutely livid. I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name... I said, Mark, it's a good thing you're walking around like a zombie because this town is officially dead. Then Turbo flung a cucumber at his head and the rest is history."
Mogs the Outrunners in your path
>Turbo flung
How does one turbo fling something?
Unfunny twitter gimmick.
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name
Got me too
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name...

Kek this will 100% work Carder into a seethe if he hears it
based Outrunners laying the groundwork for a truly legendary run that is about to begin.
with all the reddit post-ironic gimmicks we had to endure from these indie shitty mudshow feds, I'd like this gimmick of 1970-1980s (assumed time-travelling but they never claim so) wrestlers who talk about territory stuff as if they were there
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name
Huge pop!
Ha ha ha ha so very funny we are laughing
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>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name...
OK now I'm convinced. Just listening to them on Jericho's show and they're funny. They might have something here.
love these dudes (no homo)
Mhmm now that's a badass team
>haha dude remember the 80s???

Is this all you need to shake down Tony Kwab for a contract?
what are the chances of this actually working one of the boomers?
Already jumping the shark with unfunny jokes
Calm down Mark
>Nooo don't say the joke is unfunny aaaaa
Gain intelligence, snowflake
Just finished it and it was worth a listen. Jericho is funny too. Spinal Tap vibes
how did you know my name is Mark?
The Mark line is pretty good
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name
Fucking kek
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>Mark, which I found out later was his name...
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name

Taker bros...
Why are numale onions faggots unable to be sincere? Why is everything under 5 layers of irony?
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name..
>another young bucks meta ironic tag team
Give it a rest
>e-drones going from fantasy booking the Outrunners to the top of the tag division to hating their gimmick in under a week
You love to see it
The whole thing is worth a listen and this is coming from someone who hates Jericho and wrestling podcasts in general. These guys actually know their wrestling history and are good at improving which makes the whole thing work. Credit to Jericho for playing it straight and somehow not cracking up the whole time.
I'm glad they took time to help him.
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>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name...
>I said, Mark, which I found out later was his name
This is moderately humorous but the gimmick in general is cringe
>e-drones fantasy book aew tag teams
how gotten to is this level of schizobabble
>Then Turbo flung a cucumber at his head and the rest is history."
Was funny until this
I like their aesthetic and they're getting traction but don't let any of this unfunny shit bleed onto TV please
Just keep it straight and don't do the bro we were actually in WCW shit and we talked to old boomers shit that's just painful
you tell me downiE
AEW fans think every mild criticism is perpetuated by WWE fans and not just people who are mildly criticizing
Sign of a cult, common enemy strategy
project harder, slopdowns canceled
>took 32 seconds to prove me right
Outrunners are based btw ;)
I'm so torn because this could be such a dimes act with Jericho and I feel like he'd nail it, but then also it'd be pairing them with Jericho
>you replied to my reply
Please stop acting so gotten to
kek you write that post on this board where the gravest crime on can commit is posting a genuinely sincere thought or opinion.
>already jumped the shark
So these career jobbers suddenly got over organically, how is Tony gonna ruin them?
At least 1 boomer podcaster will fall for it, I suspect either bubba ray or disco inferno
So this PWG gimmick is that they are time travelers?
This is like if WWE really got behind the KFC Southpaw Reginal Wrestling commercials and turned it into a real gimmick and pushed it on TV.

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