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What's the ACTUAL reason he makes you seethe? Come on anon, be honest with us now.
his fans are annoying pedophiles
He's a libcuck, child murdering paedophile
Shit ton of CM punk threads today, what happened?
you only like him just to spite aew
Because he's a sociopathic narcissist with obviously manipulative tendencies, every promo he does is intended to get his audience to "identify" with him on some personal level that creepily goes beyond what is normal.
"Cult of Personality" isn't just a cool song, it's actually mocking those of you who have been sucked in by the guy.
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I'm sort of in the drew mcintyre camp where I see through punk's bullshit and see what a real piece of shit he is. also the fact he left back in the day and WWE went to shit, then he comes back and people act like he never turned his back on them kid of pisses me off
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>Because he's a sociopathic narcissist
like you're one to talk bum tickley
Too lobtardy but other than that I like him
Because he’s more handsome and charismatic than I’ll ever be
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He's trying to have sex with Giulia but his little whiteboi beta clitty is too small to satisfy her and she will inevitably turn to melanated gentlemen because of this. If that happens, this board will die.
Agreed. Also I'm scottish so I gotta side with my roddy Drew. I think Drew is the better wrestler overall and I hope he only benefits from this feud with CM unc
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Because he's a real chad and I'm just a homely incel.
he beat up all my friends from being the elite and made them look like massive pussy faggots.
For me, it's because he used to be so cool but he turned out to be a total faggot. Started out likeable enough at the time as the counter culture indy darling underdog, then made himself DIMES with MITB 2011,the buildup and aftermath. But since then what did he do?
>whines whines and whines some more
>takes his ball and goes home
>embarrasses himself in UFC
>embarrasses himself against literal amateur boomers in a local BJJ tournament
>posts atheist feminist jewish talking points

How he was welcomed back to wrestling with open arms after he completely buried himself (and by extension, somewhat) the wrestling business is beyond me. How can anyone get excited to see CM Punk challenge for a world championship or even hear him trash talk after he was toyed with by a pot smoking journalist?
sad but true. used to love punk before 2015
He doesn't. He's my GOAT
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He's an annoying faggot
who cant stfu about how much of an annoying faggot he is
He whines too much. The pipebomb was good, but you have to be stupid to believe that Vince didn't sign off on it beforehand. He made that his whole personality afterwards, and people still think he's the most honest carny in the business. Instead of joining the biggest rival to his hated former place of employment in the beginning, he waited until the company was established and pretended to be one of the leaders for change. Left once one too many people didn't show him the respect he felt he deserved (funny coming from a punk). Proved he was a hypocrite by coming back to wwe, which was now run by one of the guys he despised the most during his first run. Proclaimed that he's home now, when he couldn't stop himself from talking shit about wwe while in aew. Could've been Tony's call, who knows. Insists on wrestling in his late 40's, when his body has shown it is not capable of doing much anymore.
But mostly his fans. He can do no wrong by them, and they still insist he EARNED his way into fighting in the ufc.
Because I used to be a huge fan of the guy and he just turned out to be everything everyone who seemed out to get him claimed he was and worse because now on top of that he's sold himself out on every last conviction he's had for the past decade and just seems like a shell of himself. 2024 CM Punk is CM Punk in name alone
Holy fuck the seethe in this thread
>he just so...annoying and I HATE HIM
you sound like women. keep the responses coming please
>Insists on wrestling in his late 40's
that age has nothing to do with it when you have billy gunn active in gayew
not to mention lance archer
you had matt hardy, who is still going in tna btw
christian cage
chris jericho
dustin rhodes
you can talk all you want about his body not being able to take it but that's his diet and workout routine, not his age
>you sound like women.
they identify as women and shall be addressed as such, bigot!
Too many women are attracted to him and I can't get any to talk to me.
His fans are embarrassing pop punk disney adults but I love the Philster
because he won and we lost
He makes the zoomers seethe cos when he was on top previously in WWF was cos they were all 5-15 when he shat all over their Hulk Hogan, Cena (imagine Hogan letting Jake cut promos on him & make him look like a brainless fraud; no wonder the Snake/Hogan angle never happened, the START didn't work for Hulk, brother) then making fun of the drunks and pillheads (drunks being the zoomers' parents (mommy juice, anyone?), dopers being the other guys in the locker room). THEN finding out he fucked almost every hot ass chick in the place, to the point where Alvarez carries a lifelong seethe. Now he comes back and fucks all the hot nXt girls (cept Tiffy; he doesn't mess with bogged gymnasts who sleep with nazis that smell like Joop! 24/7). And that's just the edrones. AEWtists is another story all together. ok zoomer?
I'm a fan of Punk (he sucks in WWE now though) and he doesn't make me seethe but sometimes it does blow my noggin how he comes out of everything smelling like roses everytime. I would hate dealing with someone like him in my life but I'm a big fan of pretty much everything he's done since ROH.
They got worked into thinking a millionaire athlete was one of them. But smarks aren't supposed to get worked (which they do 100% of the time), so it has to be Punk's fault.

If Austin's run on top wasn't so short, it'd be the same scenario. He was on top because he was a shrewd business man. Same with Punk.
Honestly? I don't like him as a person, he's a greedy, whiny, self entitled bitchbaby who thinks everyone is to blame but himself. The character is fine as a personality, but on the negative he gets gassed to easy and GTS is retarded.
>hurr AEW E-Drone etc!
Couldn't give a shit about either.

He'd probably do great as a manager/paul heyman type thing though, his ring work is mid as fuck.
There is no reason to think of him as anything beyond a mediocre jobber, yet retards keep screeching he's the best in the world because he called himself the best in the world. Retardation on that scale is something I find offensive. Everything he's done has harmed the cultural relevance of wrestling in one way or another, especially the fact he's the poster child of the smark era. You can trust every match he's in to be the least impressive match of the night, his promos have never been anything other than clear arrested development and entitlement being spewed into a microphone and he's a proven sexpest and abuser. As a character, wrestler and human being, Phil Brooks is a piece of shit. Yet retards idolize him.
He was always cringe, he just hid it well
>whole thread shitting on Phil with reasonable arguments
>gets slid
Philly shilly, no slidy slidy!
This fragile faggot was supposed to take AEW to the next level but only left it in a bad state
He's a cunt. He has been a "no autographs, pal" kind of person since 1998. He wasn't even on NWA-TNA until 2003. His narcissistic delusions of grandeur are tiring.

That and he thinks straightedge is not drinking. This dude has been a huge pothead since high school. Don't believe his lies.
He's peak carny and ultimately that's why I like wrestling. Bro would be fun to hang around once or twice and complete cancer after that
I don't give a shit about him one way or the other. He does take up a lot of time with his rambling cringe promos though. I'm not entirely sure why so many fans and wrestlers love this dork.
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>pepsimark phil
He is an annoying whiny male feminist creep,i dont like his political views i dont like people like him who is a cunt that dont have male friends and is a manipulator
He left the tranny cult
Punketty sound like a woman too thats why he likes to hangout with Bitches they identify with his manipulador Inflated ego ass
Lots of retarded fans, and there's a lot more wrestlers who can't stand him and/or have heat with him going way back. Phil's appeal is watching how he's going to try to look tough next and coming across as a cringe teenager in the body of an aged meth head. I genuinely believe his position is a giant rib on him and wrestling fans.
Because he's the reason modern wrestling is nothing but indie geeks and womeme shit. Also this >>15851069
I find his promos repetitive and he can't back it up in ring anymore
He talked shit about our Ryback
He should've been an actor instead. Kinda how Bowie should've been.

Both have fans, for wrestling and for music, but both were/are better at acting, imo.
I wasn't watching much wrestling when he was apparently super popular so just seeing him and seeing all of these posts about younger wrestlers idolizing him is amazing to me. I just don't get it. Knowing he's gonna cut a promo is dread inducing.
The most annoying think about Punk in 2024 are his psychopath fans.
>Scrawny skinny fat physique
>Cringey smarky 4th wall breaking promos
>Such a self mark he actually believed he could fight in MMA
>The exact stereotype of an annoying straight edge faggot(I say that as someone who probably lives cleaner than him)
>Not a single good match. Every supposed classic punk match I've watched he's carried by who he's working with(his matches with Samoa Joe especially)
Him, along with those selfmark retards in AEW are the reason I've quit modern wrestling. If these are the two "sides" of wrestling, I'll stick to watching anything pre 2005
He tried acting. No one remembers his acting because it was so shit.
He reminds you of that person you knew from work that didn't know shit, wasn't any good but managed to talk their way up to a position if power. This guy doesn't have an athletic bone in his body. He never should have been a wrestler. He'd be a great manager and heat magnet for someone who actually looks and moves like an athlete. People talk shit about modern wrestlers not looking the part when this clown was the prototype for it.
He doesn't make me seethe, I still enjoy his promos, but sometimes they feel kinda phoned in
I am of the oppinion that any kind of hate any human has is a projection of his inner world.

I think that Punk brings out that manchild energy which bitches about everything, so people who dislike him probably have unresolved issues related to this.
he's an obnoxious self-mark shitter. basically his hero Bret, but without any of the wrestling ability.
the only shoot reason he has any fans whatsoever is because he can talk. and because of that we have had to suffer this fag verbally-fellating himself for years on end.
He's fucked all the wrestle wheyfu, wrestled there done that, doesnt need drugs and alcohol to be happy. Living the life the smarks and neckbeards dream of
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Based Drewbro

The best thing Punk has done in his entire career was elevate Drew.

I dont like Punk because he left WWE thinking the grass was greener on the other side. Once he realized AEW was absolute garbage tier he wanted his status back. He's in the same bucket as Cody for me.
Will he have a meltdown when Trump wins?
i hated him when he debuted because i was a bluepilled degenerate at the time and hated his cocky "straight edge" persona
i hate him now because he's a washed up hack that preys on children
Lost all interest in him after he embarrassed himself in UFC. He is a joke to me.
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What's with the /pol/tards in here calling him a pedophile?
Do they do that just because he dares have viewpoints they disagree with?
That's unforgivable desu, he should really agree 100% with the board full of sad incels and shutins.
>implying he left straight for gayew
disingenuous framing
Hes a passed his prime hypocritical shithead who's simply fucking embarising to watch and see his nonsense unfold. He hasn't had a good match or anything of a fight that wasnt cringeworthy or lame in a decade. He's a sensitive little bitch who's willing to disown or turn on his friends for the most frivilous shit for him. He think's he's the equivallent of fucking Taker for the lockeroom, not realizing why Taker was so respected. He's also another obnoxious libtard, as if wrestling isnt already infested with political horseshit from both sides. He's basically ruined wrestling discourse for the forseeable future.

His fanbase, to put it best , the vidya equivalent of his fanbase would be Personafags. Obnoxious cunts who think their shit is the best and should cater to them and only them, ususally shitting on things that do exactly what their precious shit does, and ruining anything they touch to make it to their liking in a vain attempt to think its what everyone wants. Also have no real idea or care for the product they watch/play, just do it for some dumb reason the fanbase itself will disavow (Waifufaggotry with Personafags, wrestling storytelling with Punk).
embarrassing misspelling
Probably started when he fucked Kelly Kelly
I look like this and think like this
He fucked more women than me
He didn’t really elevate him though, their feud is a laughing stock held together by Drew’s heavy lifting.
he's got a twp I have a twp too but why can he get pussy so easily but I can't even scrape any?
Rules for thee not for me
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It's not his fault. I just like Drew.

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