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Kevin Nash admits to phoning it in because he was guaranteed big money
Kevin Nash is a washed up alcoholic drug addict who no one really cares about any more outside of making rape jokes about
Nash was objectively shit
Kevin Nash has literally never had a good match despite wrestling full time for like 20 years. Logan's worst match is better than Nash's best.
Unironically Paul and it's sad to say
R victim on the left
Logan didn't get you know whated so him.
Logan is a spot monkey, a part timer. Never paid his dues. Never put in the work. Nash did bullshit for years and then became a massive draw in WCW with the nWo. Logan will never have that popularity. All his stuff comes from YouTube crap.
I've only seen Nash wrestle because I don't watch WWE but Nash wasn't very good.

Is the guy in the middle, Stevie Richards? I pick him as the best wrestler out of the three.
Logan was never raped so I choose him
Logan has the ability but Nash has the business sense. At the end of the day I enjoy watching LP more so I'm going with him.
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>Kevin Nash has literally never had a good match despite wrestling full time for like 20 years
I think, barring maybe one match with Bret or some multi-man spotfest where he didn't have to work, this statement is completely true and not hyperbolic in the least--and that's really sad.
He rightfully saw this as a money and miles business and I respect that, but you think he would've had something under his belt, if even accidentally. Fuck, people like to shit on Goldberg, for example, but he had many entertaining matches.
Is Nash the WOAT relative to his success?
no that would be Orton, I can at least remember good Nash matches with Bret and Michaels
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>tfw I made a comment begging Stevie to stop with the weird AI upscaled :O face thumbnails
>it got a hundred upvotes
>they stopped doing it the very next video
I saved this mother fucker's Youtube channel
Orton literally just had a good match with Gunther two weeks ago. He's had various good matches, and his program with Christian was also really great. I think Nash quite literally only had one good match with Bret. And he worked harder with Shawn, but I remember Shawn also sandbagging the finish to their Mania match. Not Nash's fault, but that still put a damper on the match.
>Orton literally just had a good match with Gunther two weeks ago
bs that match stunk
Is Stevie really doing videos on /pw/ threads. kek
logan hasn't been raped.[spoiler] yet.[/spoiler][spoiler] i can see him getting gaped if he actually goes to prison for some of his bullshit.[/spoiler]
Interesting comparison
Logan Paul is Better
Logan Paul is way better, but I don't know if Stevie Richards is better than Nash.
I'm with Nash on this the mans a survivor he doesn't need this right now, its right after the summer which is always a tough time for him.
That's fair
>entertaining an audience
nash, and it's not even close. paul is one-dimensional with his promos which would become more obvious if he was a weekly guy. being good on the mic means being able to mix it up and not use the same promo style you used on your last opponent.
R'fraid Hogan was behind nwo's success, Nash shit the money bed
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Doing Gods work anon. On behalf of all of us, I would like to offer the most sincere thank you. I say that without even a little sarcasm.
Nash was over, but it was all based on his look. Nash was carried by Scott Hall in WCW and Shawn Michaels in WWF. Both made Nash seem like a bigger deal, coupled with his size. And both were far better talkers and far more charismatic too.

Logan Paul is overrated on /pw/ though. I agree with what you're saying about Paul being one dimensional. Even as a worker, Paul is exciting to watch because he works with a carefree, arguably wreckless style. He's the Darby Allin of WWE. I bet Paul would want to do those same crazy stunts if WWE would let him too. Some of Paul's stunts are just as dangerous even when not looking so.
But only one is a raped bitch
Logan Paul deserves a spot on Wrestling Mount Rushmore at this point.
Kek. Only 4 wrestlers fit on Mount Rushmore. And nobody from the modern era has earned a spot.
If he starts making 92 jokes about Nash I will agree to this
>Is Nash the WOAT relative to his success?
That would be Kane who was never even carried to a watchable singles match.
Kane was better at tag team matches. Nothing wrong with that. His tag team matches were better than the ones Nash had too, and Kane contributed more in those tag matches, whereas Nash mostly relied on his partner to carry him. Kane had several different partners over his career, but his teams oftentimes were memorable and worked good matches.

Kane WAS carried to good singles matches too, notably against Chris Benoit and Daniel Bryan, and he had many more watchable singles matches against guys like HBK, Austin, HHH, Rey, X-Pac, Angle, and even Shane McMahon.

Kane was much better than Nash, but he wasn't as big of a success in his career. So I don't see how you can make the claim that you did.
Ryback is up there.
what about the Cactus Jack match?
Yes the one match people can name, anyone can have a good hardcore match with Mick
A Logan Paul match is someone training him through the match for a month and he still forgets his spots

He's not a real wrestler, he would need years of training just to be able to go out and work a match on his own
>Less than 1k views
who cares? why would anyone care about what a "real" wrestler is? do i care if a movie has a "real" actor if the performance is great or if it makes for a great film? its all just completely arbitrary headcannon with no real answer because its a foolish consideration in the first place
You can't even compare the two. Logan Paul never would've survived as a wrestler during the 80s and 90s, meanwhile Nash successfully worked the big two promotions into world title runs and the fucking book. At the same time Big Diesel never could have made amusing YouTube videos 15 years ago or wherever the fuck the Pauls came from just like he can't make one today. Two different creatures in two different fields. Nash was a wrestler, Logan is a celebrity part-time sideshow attraction who clearly could never hack it as a FOTC.
paul draws more in 1 night than R Nash did in his entire career lundy
>who cares?
The people who think he's one of the best wrestlers ever because he can do a flip sure seem to care
He doesn't draw anything. WWE hasn't done payperviews in a decade. He's just a guy on the *television show* that draws millions of viewers a week. You can't compare a celebrity cameo character on modern WWE TV like Logan Paul who does a few matches a year to a mainevent wrestler from 30 years ago who did most of their work in front of live crowds, unrecorded. Two completely different roles, skill sets, everything.
This is a good point. WWE draws on brand name at this point. They don't need to sell PPVs at all either. Ratings wouldn't change much if wrestlers were exchanged for others. The only draw I can think of is Brock Lesnar, and he's been banned for telling a whore to piss herself, which apparently is verboten in 2024 because TKO are fags.
>Is Nash the WOAT relative to his success?
Hall was so good that made 2 careers
It has much more now actually
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>A Logan Paul match is someone training him through the match for a month and he still forgets his spots
That's a gross over-exaggeration. Well, the former statement is. I don't know if he's forgotten any spots, it hasn't appeared like he's blown any, but his matches are heavily produced ahead of time. So it's not like the other guy in the match is training him through it the whole time. Both guys likely went through it a bunch with an agent or two ahead of time.
Moreover, that's not even why he gets put over so big anyway. Everyone knows his matches are planned well in advance (which isn't even that uncommon depending on your era and promotion). He gets over so well because he's really good at the in-between shit too. His timing, his expressions, his ability to work a crowd. He gets a lot of help putting it all together, but he's still doing it better than most would with his level of experience.
It's why Ronda Rousey was laughed at for trying to dig at Paul. She got the exact same level of catering, and still couldn't do it half as well as him.
nash was the lowest drawing WWE champion of the 90s
i don't think i've ever seen a genuine kevin nash fan (besides the original wolfy? i guess?)
he was just 7 feet tall and willing to take bumps
meanwhile loGOD, a proven big dimes draw and natural freak athlete, could be a future face of the franchise if he plays his cards right, he's already had some of the best matches of the fed in the 2020s
>t. Ricochet fan
>"We're talking about 1995 and how bad the business aspect of this was, especially Kevin Nash's title reign...1 month after he lost the belt at Survivor Series , Bret Hart takes to the main event with Davey Boy Smith and does worst buyrate in company history - worse than anything Kevin Nash did. And btw if you want to talk about Kevin Nash's buyrates, you turn Nash heel, and he does the best buyrate for an In Your House in a 2 year period, one month later HBK wrestles Dave Boy Smith and the buyrate gets cut in half to a 0.4. The common denominator in what doesn't draw here is Davey Boy Smith. Lets just talk for a second about these buyrates. People mention Rumble, Mania, KOTR, SummerSlam not doing well, they were the worst years up to this point (Diesel's title reign), what they fail mention is 1996 the year afterwards did worse,1997 did worse. Here's a fact for you; the best two buyrates for an IYH were number 1 and 6 both of which were headlined by Kevin Nash and were the best B PPV buyrates until July of 1998 meaning they beat three B PPV's headlined by Steve Austin after the Mike Tyson angle. So to insinuate Nash's numbers are all time catastrophic is somewhat misleading considering the numbers got worse under Bret, Shawn, Sid and Undertaker not to mention Nash holds the high water mark for B PPV's (he headlined the top five most bought B PPV's between July 1995 - July 1998). Was Kevin Nash a bad champion in 1995 or did the company just suck balls? it was babyface heavy, they had shit heels across the board all year. You got Undertaker wrestling Kama, Bret Hart wrestling a Pirate and a Denist, Razor Ramon wrestling a Teacher...they had no heels all year without any heat so of course the house shows didn't do very well. The fact Kevin Nash went heel and did a very respectable buyrate with HBK then went to WCW and lit the world on fire, says there was money in Kevin Nash, if it was tapped into correctly."

no a Gunther fan, but that wasn't a Gunther match

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