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ITT times when they Janettey'd the wrong guy
AMW in TNA. Chris Harris got the singles push first.
Edge & Christian in the 2000s
I don't blame you. Any geek in a fedora was never destined to draw but miz broke through
Naw. Miz took what he had and made the absolute best out of it. Morrison on the other hand had a winning lottery ticket in his looks and athleticism and fucked it up by himself.
The Miz and Morrison music video was peak Vince Kino McMahon
The miz is Better
Rovert was clearly the jannetty of Rojama.
Cucks weren't respected back then, unlike today. If only he was 15-20 years younger
Hogan liked Edge and thought he was dimes

Hogan is always right
Sorry Peepfag
Morrison had everything besides promo skills. I rewatched his run in wwecw and it’s depressingly bad. He did improve but by that time it was already too late.
What would've been the best course of action if Batista fucked your girl?
It's also not like she was ever a girl you planned to lock down
Morrison was straight-up trash on the mic
Nah. Christian is the michaels, but in 2000 he was lacking. In-ring he was still the better worker, but he was afraid of the heat was getting with Un-Americans, refused to cut his hair, and couldn't find his voice. 2003 is when he finally got a clue, and then leveled up even more when going to TNA.
Christian was ready in 2004. Should have gotten JBL's run, but of course they squandered the Wrestlemania/Trish momentum. Christian antagonizing Eddie, and Bradshaw turning into JBL against U.S. Champion John Cena (with Cena-Christian as the endgame in 2005, an alternate version of what actually happened), would have been kino and saved Smackdown for the next year.
No. Prime heel JBL >heel Christian
Christian unfortunately was born with very annoying facial features and a matching personality (or lack of personality). Peepfags are delusional and Vince as always is correct. X-Pac got a raw deal and it’s well known that go away heat would have been referred to as Christian heat if any of the people working backstage would have considered it.
Morrison was on Survivor and was a loser. I bet if Miz went on he would win
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Sure thing, Vincel.
If I looked like Morrison I'd have fucked every women on the roster my first week there. Can't understand how he had oneitis when he looked like an actual god.
Vince has never been wrong.
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You worship a borderline-retarded cuck.

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