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AEWtrannyxirs... are you telling me that our dimeless meme that we forced for a year actually backfired on us???
Rampage is a nothing show. this is like celebrating that WWE Velocity was canceled. But back in reality. Slopdown, WWE's A Show, was legitimately thrown off Fox because WWE fans are poor and stupid. Afraid so.
oh so it's "thrown off" and not "cancelled" now? KWAB
they mean the same thing. Fox canceled the show because edrones are retards LMAOO
Rampage got upgraded to Shockwave on network TV
I think the real retards are the ones a week ago who said rampage was getting 100 million to be renewed and are now backpedaling and seething
All of this seething because Slopdown did in fact get canceled. Sad.
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>be Shitwheels
>spend months posting the same made up shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, about a WWE show being cancelled
>then an AEW show actually gets cancelled
an AEW show that got a new name and is taking WWE's spot on Fox (Fox thought WWE fans were poor and stupid so they canceled their show)
It’s still on tv, while rampage is not
Rampage was cancelled.
Fox and FS1 are two different channels
>aew shockwave will be on 2hrs on fox on fridays
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>Lies about Smackdown being cancelled
>Now has to make up even more lies to cope with Rampage legitimately being cancelled
What a sad life
>Lachlan cancelled Rampage
No, WBD cancelled Rampage, because its ratings were an embarrassment to the medium of cable television.
lachlan cancelled rampage?
you've gone off the deep end
You have lost your mind good lord
Three shows is too much too. The only reason Tony wants that much tv time is so he can do his gay little continental classic
source on a fox executive cancelling a wb show?
Not for Rampage, which has been cancelled.
Both are still Fox
Hey Raw and Smackdown are on an NBC/Universal channel
Does that mean they're on the channel NBC?
A show being on FS1 doesn't mean they're on the channel FOX
It's like saying being demoted to TBS means you're still on TNT
Rampage -> Shockwave
talk about an UPGRADE!
more like
TNT -> FS1
RAW -> RAW (not a brand in the trash)
USA -> Netflix
This is verified as happening
Do you have verification for your claims?
Also the channel FOX =/= the channel FS1
Renamed what?

>PDW's latest failed rumor
Show me raw on slopflix or that means it isn't happening
Where did WBD announce this ?
Link to the press release ?
There's nothing on their website about it
If and when it happens, it will be a rebrand. Since it will be airing on another network.
You gotta love the Lachster, you just gotta!
No. Actually they couldn't afford Tony's asking price, so they settled on keeping 2 shows and Fox getting (Rampage) Shockwave. Fraid so.
Many are saying this
Many such cases. Trumpy!
afraid so
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We don't care about Rampage, being cancelled is a good thing...
And even if Smackdown is moved to another channel for more money that is a bad thing, because... Just because, ok?
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Damn! bitchtits is All Elite?
so is fox getting rampage or shockwave
if it's shockwave, why not keep it rampage
if it's rampage, what's this shit about shockwave
also i see shit about wb channels but fox seems like an outside chance considering they let smackdown go to another channel, doesn't seem like they'd take another wrestling show with less of an audience
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>WWE's A Show, was legitimately thrown off Fox

nice lie you unwashed pig faggot. read it and weep: fox tried but couldn't hang. tough shit, porktits. smackdown got a newer, better deal, just like RAW, and hampage is CONFIRMED for cancellation. swineamite hasn't been renewed, either. same with piglision.

you gonna screech and squeal some more, pigtits?
No sliding!
Nick khan should have said something publicly to defend wwe fans when fox trashed us. Nick not defending us is almost as bad as what fox said.
Yep. USA didn’t want to lose WWE once raw goes to Netflix
Who knows tinys connections with executives bc of his dad's wealth & the nfl. Aew could go to another premium channel easy.
AEWtists can't stop taking Ls, must be a day ending in -y
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Wait, Rampage was cancelled?! AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Tonikan has this belief if he repeats something really stupid and pays journalist to do the same it will someday happen for real, he saw that on peter pan and is adamant that it's how business works
Rampage was canceled in the scorching hot Summer of '24
I've never seen a board wide meltdown so annoying before. I wish the janitors would do their job.
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>slopdown was canceled even though it’s still running under the same brand name!
>uhhhhhhh akshually rampage wasn’t canceled, chuddie, it was just renamed
I guess watching all those cute gymnastic shows made the AEWtrannies good at mental gymnastics
Rovert samefagging again while ridin solo on his wrestling figs.
Happens in most threads
Can anyone confirm if PEDOwheels is still alive? He didn't blow his brains out with a shotgun right? I need him here for the Dynamite ratings.
‘fraid so
>if a report says rampage could maybe allegedly be cancelled then it's true
>if serious reporters from different mediums ll confirm that the new deal is done it's still not true
shameless double standards
Those reporters from multiple mediums also said Rampage was cancelled tranny, that’s what makes this so funny is you have zero argument against it
I think anyone with any critical thinking knew FOX was lying.

WWE doesn't become the juggernaut that it with fans that don't spend money. WWE doesn't get the MASSIVE sponsors they get such as SlimJim, Snickers, Skittles, Mountain Dew, Cricket Wireless... If those companies aren't seeing a good ROI from their deals. You don't have the biggest streaming company in the world knocking on your door if you don't have a valuable fanbase.

FOX was fuming about being outbid by USA.
wow slimjim and cricket wireless, WWE really attracts the blue chip partnerships
That would be the funniest outcome of all. Tony’s dad paying a network to air his son's toy box play sessions.
Why doesn't WBD want AEW?
If everyone claps and says they believe in tonikan, it will happen
Because they lost their two biggest draws Cody and Phil. WBD pays very close attention to their competitors in terms of ad revenue/ratings/etc. They are genuinely upset with Tony for losing these two, and for the abysmal falling out with both of them. It was bad PR for the company and made TNT/TBS look bad. The Punk footage fiasco was even worse, as it was Tony’s idea to prove Punk leaving wasn’t his fault (and to pop a rating). Which it did…but that backfired as the executives felt it did more to advertise for USA and Raw than it did to build a credible cable program. They can’t be in agreement because they think Tony hasn’t held up to his promises the past 3 years, and Tony absolutely needs a big TV to offset their huge financial losses.
Sure seems like it
is this what has them melting down right now?
Yup and Dynamite GIGAPLUMMETED again. Not a good week for the 'cord!
Many people are saying this.
kek what a dying fed
Porkroller and the Dynamice be squeaking and squealing.
everyone is saying this
Afraid mother fuckin' so!
No wonder they've been extra uppity this week
There are now rumors WBD pulled out of the deal kek
ooof at least rovert's dad ain't pullin' outta him!
They didn't take this very well
This was Rampage baby the show that no one's been waiting on
kek it do be like that
fraid not
kek based
very true
R-fraid so
Rampage isn't a secondary show according to tiny. It got cancelled and will never air a new episode again soon. Kwab you lost once more
this got the cord squealing lmao
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What happened here?
Good question.
is this why they're sliding?
sloptits boilin' lmao
Appears so.
This is very correct. Us Eite-Chads don't care for it, but it's nice it got rebranded to Fox. Seems like a win. Fraid so
Why would you outbid for something that is not bringing in enough viewers or value.. Lachlan didn't find it necessary. USA very little original content for watching. So they were desperate to keep WWE content.
Fox is getting Shockwave. They want their own branded show. The show will more than likely air on FS1. As for money, it's probably not a crazy figure or anywhere approaching what they paid Smackdown. Just enough to make it worthwhile for Tony to go along with it. WBD is where Tony will make most of his TV/streaming money from.
all junk food and candy sponsors
rampage got cancelled
Very well said. This inarguable fact seems to explain why the 2 aew fans still here are losing their minds
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Rampig got CANCELLED? Wolfie won in the end...
many are saying this
sad but true
so it got a much better deal to move to a different network?
E-Tardies sure are losing their shit about smackdown getting tossed out like the old trashbag it is.
>two more weeks until AEW gets renewed!
>slopdown got canceled!
>it’s actually Rampage that gets canceled
>it’s actually Smackdown that gets renewed
Holy KWABOTYola!
Kek this cultist is still in delirious shock over Hampage being canceled and Smackdown getting a better deal. Sad!
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Dumbass KWAB’d himself Kek what a retard
damn slowdown getting cancelled has really gotten to you hasn't it? lol
this got 'em seething
afraid so

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